Restaurant posts "GUNS ARE WELCOME" is BOOMING!!!

And what better way to top off a fine meal than with a nice little shootout?

Yeah, those only happen in your "gun free" zones. Must suck to be so catastrophically wrong as you ALL of the time...
Liberals want the right to bare arms to mean that people are allowed to wear sleeveless shirts.

They may even want to ban THAT one of these days for some frivolous reason. They like to fill their empty heads with thoughts of control (when they aren't filling their heads with thoughts of abject idiocy).
How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?

Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.

You must spend a lot of time hiding behind dumpsters and such, living in Arizona.

I thought you owned guns, why are you so scared of them.

I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.
Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.

You must spend a lot of time hiding behind dumpsters and such, living in Arizona.

I thought you owned guns, why are you so scared of them.

I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.

Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.
You must spend a lot of time hiding behind dumpsters and such, living in Arizona.

I thought you owned guns, why are you so scared of them.

I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.

Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

In the world of the gun grabber assholes, there are no bad guys.......this is the makey-uppey reality they live in. They want everybody to talk their way out of a home invasion, "Just let the people have your belongings!!". Really.

More than anything......the gun grabber assholes just cant get past this obsession of trying to control anything and everything in their environment. For these people, they wake up every morning of their lives seeking solutions to every single problem in life......they are obsessed with it. Its the way their minds work. For example, somebody in the ENVIRONMENT forum posted a thread seriously advocating for us building 1,000 foot high walls over the country to stop tornado's.:eek:. Its a thought processing fuck up thing with these people......cannot weigh necessary tradeoff stuff in their minds ( see Gun Free Zones). Indeed.......when one cant think on the margin ( most people can and do ) THIS is the shit you end up with >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Not an intelligence thing ^^^ but the thought processing of these gun grabbers is not fluid.
I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.

Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

In the world of the gun grabber assholes, there are no bad guys.......this is the makey-uppey reality they live in. They want everybody to talk their way out of a home invasion, "Just let the people have your belongings!!". Really.

More than anything......the gun grabber assholes just cant get past this obsession of trying to control anything and everything in their environment. For these people, they wake up every morning of their lives seeking solutions to every single problem in life......they are obsessed with it. Its the way their minds work. For example, somebody in the ENVIRONMENT forum posted a thread seriously advocating for us building 1,000 foot high walls over the country to stop tornado's.:eek:. Its a thought processing fuck up thing with these people......cannot weigh necessary tradeoff stuff in their minds ( see Gun Free Zones). Indeed.......when one cant think on the margin ( most people can and do ) THIS is the shit you end up with >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Not an intelligence thing ^^^ but the thought processing of these gun grabbers is not fluid.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates. We just don't see the cost benefit relationship of putting more guns on the streets while gun violence is the problem. We understand that the gun lovers have had marvelous experiences with guns. All those targets shot, all that testosterone used, all those fantasies of being Dirty Harry in some faux cinematic scene where you and you alone can not only shoot, but kill and then be lauded as the great hero. Heady stuff for someone with no regard to public safety other than those fantasies played out on a small patch of real estate.

But some of us have had tragic experiences with guns. As it turns out, guns CAN and DO kill people and quite often in this crazy gun culture of contemporary America. You can dismiss us as fear laden, squirmy chicken little types. But that only serves to give you cover as you ignore the plague of gun violence.

It's not an "intelligence thing"., It's an experience thing.
Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

In the world of the gun grabber assholes, there are no bad guys.......this is the makey-uppey reality they live in. They want everybody to talk their way out of a home invasion, "Just let the people have your belongings!!". Really.

More than anything......the gun grabber assholes just cant get past this obsession of trying to control anything and everything in their environment. For these people, they wake up every morning of their lives seeking solutions to every single problem in life......they are obsessed with it. Its the way their minds work. For example, somebody in the ENVIRONMENT forum posted a thread seriously advocating for us building 1,000 foot high walls over the country to stop tornado's.:eek:. Its a thought processing fuck up thing with these people......cannot weigh necessary tradeoff stuff in their minds ( see Gun Free Zones). Indeed.......when one cant think on the margin ( most people can and do ) THIS is the shit you end up with >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Not an intelligence thing ^^^ but the thought processing of these gun grabbers is not fluid.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates. We just don't see the cost benefit relationship of putting more guns on the streets while gun violence is the problem. We understand that the gun lovers have had marvelous experiences with guns. All those targets shot, all that testosterone used, all those fantasies of being Dirty Harry in some faux cinematic scene where you and you alone can not only shoot, but kill and then be lauded as the great hero. Heady stuff for someone with no regard to public safety other than those fantasies played out on a small patch of real estate.

But some of us have had tragic experiences with guns. As it turns out, guns CAN and DO kill people and quite often in this crazy gun culture of contemporary America. You can dismiss us as fear laden, squirmy chicken little types. But that only serves to give you cover as you ignore the plague of gun violence.

It's not an "intelligence thing"., It's an experience thing.

No, we have a pretty good perception of their motivation. The fact that you have to go into the standard hyperbole of "gun lovers" and all the other emotional bullshit shows your motivation AND its basis.

Considering all your new ideas and concepts only target law abiding people, and do NOTHING to stop criminals from getting guns shows your true motive. A disarmed citizenry, and control of all means of protection in the hands of the State and criminals only.
In the world of the gun grabber assholes, there are no bad guys.......this is the makey-uppey reality they live in. They want everybody to talk their way out of a home invasion, "Just let the people have your belongings!!". Really.

More than anything......the gun grabber assholes just cant get past this obsession of trying to control anything and everything in their environment. For these people, they wake up every morning of their lives seeking solutions to every single problem in life......they are obsessed with it. Its the way their minds work. For example, somebody in the ENVIRONMENT forum posted a thread seriously advocating for us building 1,000 foot high walls over the country to stop tornado's.:eek:. Its a thought processing fuck up thing with these people......cannot weigh necessary tradeoff stuff in their minds ( see Gun Free Zones). Indeed.......when one cant think on the margin ( most people can and do ) THIS is the shit you end up with >>>

Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube

Not an intelligence thing ^^^ but the thought processing of these gun grabbers is not fluid.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates. We just don't see the cost benefit relationship of putting more guns on the streets while gun violence is the problem. We understand that the gun lovers have had marvelous experiences with guns. All those targets shot, all that testosterone used, all those fantasies of being Dirty Harry in some faux cinematic scene where you and you alone can not only shoot, but kill and then be lauded as the great hero. Heady stuff for someone with no regard to public safety other than those fantasies played out on a small patch of real estate.

But some of us have had tragic experiences with guns. As it turns out, guns CAN and DO kill people and quite often in this crazy gun culture of contemporary America. You can dismiss us as fear laden, squirmy chicken little types. But that only serves to give you cover as you ignore the plague of gun violence.

It's not an "intelligence thing"., It's an experience thing.

No, we have a pretty good perception of their motivation. The fact that you have to go into the standard hyperbole of "gun lovers" and all the other emotional bullshit shows your motivation AND its basis.

Considering all your new ideas and concepts only target law abiding people, and do NOTHING to stop criminals from getting guns shows your true motive. A disarmed citizenry, and control of all means of protection in the hands of the State and criminals only.
How do you propose to keep criminals from getting guns? By making guns easier to buy? Or by presenting a gun on your hip for any criminal to take?
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates.
You aren't an advocate of gun safety - you're an advocate of further restricting the rights of the law abiding by increasing the limitations on the exercise of the right to arms that will do nothing to prevent further gun violence; to this end, you present arguments based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

That makes you an anti-gun loon.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates.
You aren't an advocate of gun safety - you're an advocate of further restricting the rights of the law abiding by increasing the limitations on the exercise of the right to arms that will do nothing to prevent further gun violence; to this end, you present arguments based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

That makes you an anti-gun loon.

-- more proof that M14 can only argue from assumption, ignorance or ad hominem.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates.
You aren't an advocate of gun safety - you're an advocate of further restricting the rights of the law abiding by increasing the limitations on the exercise of the right to arms that will do nothing to prevent further gun violence; to this end, you present arguments based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

That makes you an anti-gun loon.
What would you do to keep criminals from getting guns? Or is the gun only a problem once it has been used to take a life or would someone during a crime? Should criminals be permitted to employ strawman buyers? Should anyone be able to buy as many guns as possible during a single transaction? What is the imposition, the inconvenience, the trouble with a five day waiting period?
And what better way to top off a fine meal than with a nice little shootout?

Yeah, those only happen in your "gun free" zones. Must suck to be so catastrophically wrong as you ALL of the time...

That would be utter bullshit.

>> With its overtones of fear and heroism, the argument makes for slick sound bites. But here's the problem: Both its underlying assumptions are contradicted by data. Not only is there zero evidence to support them, our in-depth investigation of America's mass shootings indicates they are just plain wrong.

Among the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location. <<​
And what better way to top off a fine meal than with a nice little shootout?

Yeah, those only happen in your "gun free" zones. Must suck to be so catastrophically wrong as you ALL of the time...

That would be utter bullshit.

>> With its overtones of fear and heroism, the argument makes for slick sound bites. But here's the problem: Both its underlying assumptions are contradicted by data. Not only is there zero evidence to support them, our in-depth investigation of America's mass shootings indicates they are just plain wrong.

Among the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location. <<​
Many of the mass shootings are essentially suicide missions. How many of these crazies packing heat take themselves out or are felled by a police bullet.

They go to kill without regard. They themselves are expendable in this pursuit. "gun Free" zone or not, the mass shooter keeps one in the magazine for himself.

What the gun free zone does is keep wannabe Dirty Harrys from swaggering in like a movie character to 'save the day'. And the day is saved by keeping unnecessary guns away.
You must spend a lot of time hiding behind dumpsters and such, living in Arizona.

I thought you owned guns, why are you so scared of them.

I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.

Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

I don't understand why you need this explained to you over and over again. Are you that obtuse? I repeat. If I see someone carrying a gun around who is not wearing a badge, I will assume that he is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment. I am not going to wait around to find out if he is just an out of work character actor in a B movie, or somebody who always wanted to be Clint Eastwood, but just didn't make the grade. I am going to avoid this person, rather than assume that he is a guardian angel looking to save me from John Dillinger.

Twice in my life, I have been a near witness to mass random shootings. Once, while in a traffic jam it Atlanta, I watched a scrummy looking guy run out of a bar, followed soon after bu cop cars responding to the scene. I saw on the news that night that he had been thrown out of the bar, and had returned and shot and killed 5 men. Then, a second time, when I was buying a house in Dallas, my realtor did not show up for our appointment on Saturday morning. I found out that she had been sitting at a bar at happy hour on Friday night and a Mideast foreign guy had been rebuffed by on of the ladies sitting with her. he went to his car, got his gun, and shot 6 women in the head, killing them all.

In my book, you are carrying a gun because you are a lawman, or a nut. if I am wrong about that, I will worry about that on another day. I'm not going to hang out with you and test that theory.
Restaurant Owner: ?Guns Are Welcome? Signs Have Helped Boost Business « CBS Charlotte

Hmmmm.....another kick to the nut sacks of the gun grabbers, and aren't we seeing it on almost a daily basis?

Im still laughing as I post this thread up!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

This comes on the heels of a recent Gallup poll showing that 3 out of every 4 Americans are AGAINST any kind of gun ban!!! Last time it was that high???

Ready for this............


Carrying firearms into places where they serve alcohol seems like a really smart idea.......what could go wrong?
Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

In the world of the gun grabber assholes, there are no bad guys.......this is the makey-uppey reality they live in. They want everybody to talk their way out of a home invasion, "Just let the people have your belongings!!". Really.

More than anything......the gun grabber assholes just cant get past this obsession of trying to control anything and everything in their environment. For these people, they wake up every morning of their lives seeking solutions to every single problem in life......they are obsessed with it. Its the way their minds work. For example, somebody in the ENVIRONMENT forum posted a thread seriously advocating for us building 1,000 foot high walls over the country to stop tornado's.:eek:. Its a thought processing fuck up thing with these people......cannot weigh necessary tradeoff stuff in their minds ( see Gun Free Zones). Indeed.......when one cant think on the margin ( most people can and do ) THIS is the shit you end up with >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Not an intelligence thing ^^^ but the thought processing of these gun grabbers is not fluid.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates. We just don't see the cost benefit relationship of putting more guns on the streets while gun violence is the problem. We understand that the gun lovers have had marvelous experiences with guns. All those targets shot, all that testosterone used, all those fantasies of being Dirty Harry in some faux cinematic scene where you and you alone can not only shoot, but kill and then be lauded as the great hero. Heady stuff for someone with no regard to public safety other than those fantasies played out on a small patch of real estate.

But some of us have had tragic experiences with guns. As it turns out, guns CAN and DO kill people and quite often in this crazy gun culture of contemporary America. You can dismiss us as fear laden, squirmy chicken little types. But that only serves to give you cover as you ignore the plague of gun violence.

It's not an "intelligence thing"., It's an experience thing.

That same nonsense (in bold) yet again?

News Flash for you. I, and the gun owners I know, are not trying to play "Dirty Harry". I understand that you feel the need to belittle and insult those of us who enjoy shootuing, but at least TRY to stay in the ball park of reality.

I carry a gun most of the time. I have a permit, and I use it. But I am not trying to be a hero. I am taking responsibility for my own safety and for the safety of those unable to do it themselves. I am a fairly large male. Most of the time a criminal looks for victims that will be an easy mark. I don't typically look the part. But I am perfectly willing to use my firearm, my skill and my knowledge to protect someone else too.

As for all those targets shot, I have honed my shooting skills. Whether it be with a hunting rifle, a shotgun or a handgun, the more I practice the better shot I will be. That you ridicule that shows your own ignorance.

And any gun owner worth his salt will practice. Any gun owner worth his salt will store his firearms safely. And any gun owner worth his salt understands that they are not the only one armed and that there will likely be return fire (unless the gun owner is able to get the first shot off).
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates.
You aren't an advocate of gun safety - you're an advocate of further restricting the rights of the law abiding by increasing the limitations on the exercise of the right to arms that will do nothing to prevent further gun violence; to this end, you present arguments based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
That makes you an anti-gun loon.
-- more proof that M14 can only argue from assumption, ignorance or ad hominem.
Except, of course, that it isn't.
I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.

Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

I don't understand why you need this explained to you over and over again. Are you that obtuse? I repeat. If I see someone carrying a gun around who is not wearing a badge, I will assume that he is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment. I am not going to wait around to find out if he is just an out of work character actor in a B movie, or somebody who always wanted to be Clint Eastwood, but just didn't make the grade. I am going to avoid this person, rather than assume that he is a guardian angel looking to save me from John Dillinger.

Twice in my life, I have been a near witness to mass random shootings. Once, while in a traffic jam it Atlanta, I watched a scrummy looking guy run out of a bar, followed soon after bu cop cars responding to the scene. I saw on the news that night that he had been thrown out of the bar, and had returned and shot and killed 5 men. Then, a second time, when I was buying a house in Dallas, my realtor did not show up for our appointment on Saturday morning. I found out that she had been sitting at a bar at happy hour on Friday night and a Mideast foreign guy had been rebuffed by on of the ladies sitting with her. he went to his car, got his gun, and shot 6 women in the head, killing them all.

In my book, you are carrying a gun because you are a lawman, or a nut. if I am wrong about that, I will worry about that on another day. I'm not going to hang out with you and test that theory.

So you disagree that a patron in the bar in Atlanta, or in the bar in Houston, could have saved lives by being armed?

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