Restaurant posts "GUNS ARE WELCOME" is BOOMING!!!

Gun nuts are so gullible

They wll flock to a restaurant just because it says "Guns Welcome"

Don't you guys know when you are being played?
When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.
How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?

Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.

If one sees an armed person in an inappropriate place, the intelligent thing to do is call the police and get as far away from the gunman as possible.
Gun nuts are so gullible

They wll flock to a restaurant just because it says "Guns Welcome"

Don't you guys know when you are being played?

The whole point has been to increase gun sales. The NRA's function is to separate fools from their money and yep, hey have fallen for it completely.

I keep thinking that this is a good time to unload some guns I don't really want or need. I stand to make more money while the fools are taking the bait.
When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.
How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?

Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.

You must spend a lot of time hiding behind dumpsters and such, living in Arizona.

I thought you owned guns, why are you so scared of them.
Just an interesting bit of history -

How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?

Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.
If one sees an armed person in an inappropriate place, the intelligent thing to do is call the police and get as far away from the gunman as possible.
Only if you suffer from hoplophobia.

So... Havie you bought that ticket our of here yet?
Gun nuts are so gullible

They wll flock to a restaurant just because it says "Guns Welcome"

Don't you guys know when you are being played?

The whole point has been to increase gun sales. The NRA's function is to separate fools from their money and yep, hey have fallen for it completely.
Oh look -- another argument based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
What a surprise.

I keep thinking...
"Keep" thinking That imples you once started. Have yet to see any evidence of that.
Gun nuts are so gullible

They wll flock to a restaurant just because it says "Guns Welcome"

Don't you guys know when you are being played?

The whole point has been to increase gun sales. The NRA's function is to separate fools from their money and yep, hey have fallen for it completely.

I keep thinking that this is a good time to unload some guns I don't really want or need. I stand to make more money while the fools are taking the bait.

Not interested in your cap gun collection Luddly. Try the toy store. :D
Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.
If one sees an armed person in an inappropriate place, the intelligent thing to do is call the police and get as far away from the gunman as possible.
Only if you suffer from hoplophobia.

So... Havie you bought that ticket our of here yet?

You mean hooplephobia, right?
Gun nuts are so gullible

They wll flock to a restaurant just because it says "Guns Welcome"

Don't you guys know when you are being played?

The whole point has been to increase gun sales. The NRA's function is to separate fools from their money and yep, hey have fallen for it completely.
Oh look -- another argument based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
What a surprise.

I keep thinking...
"Keep" thinking That imples you once started. Have yet to see any evidence of that.

Oh look. His Smugness once again can't think of a counterargument and whips out his triple ad hom. Again.

Stop the frickin' presses.
Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.
If one sees an armed person in an inappropriate place, the intelligent thing to do is call the police and get as far away from the gunman as possible.
Only if you suffer from hoplophobia.

So... Havie you bought that ticket our of here yet?

Hoplophobia is a neologism, originally coined to describe an "irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them."

Big difference. And yes, I a afraid of what the rabid idiots are doing with their guns. Only another rabid idiot wouldn't be.

You nutters seem to think that a healthy respect for firearms makes one a coward. All you have to do is read the news to know how stupid that attitude is.

Don't sneak around. Have the courage and honesty to open carry so that sane people can get their kids far far away from you.

**Hoplophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cooper, Jeff (1990). To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth. Boulder, Colorado: Paladin Press. pp. 16–19.
Nice art. But are we sure these were pro-carry people and not anti-carry people? :)

Carrying a gun is stupid, that's for sure. And its certainly not a second amendment issue.

Read the posts here. Most who are scared to leave granny's basement without a gun shouldn't be trusted with a cap gun. One of them has a thread in the badlands where he swaggers and postures and says he leaves several loaded guns strewn around the house only to cave to the pressure of other posters and says he lied and that there are no loaded guns strewn around the house. Point being, they can't be trusted to make adult, mature decisions concerning my safety and the safety of my family.

Their rights do not usurp my right to be safe. We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.

I want it out in the open.

Want in one hand and shit in the other, tell us which fills up first.
If one sees an armed person in an inappropriate place, the intelligent thing to do is call the police and get as far away from the gunman as possible.
Only if you suffer from hoplophobia.

So... Havie you bought that ticket our of here yet?

Hoplophobia is a neologism, originally coined to describe an "irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them."

Big difference. And yes, I a afraid of what the rabid idiots are doing with their guns. Only another rabid idiot wouldn't be.

You nutters seem to think that a healthy respect for firearms makes one a coward. All you have to do is read the news to know how stupid that attitude is.

Don't sneak around. Have the courage and honesty to open carry so that sane people can get their kids far far away from you.

**Hoplophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cooper, Jeff (1990). To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth. Boulder, Colorado: Paladin Press. pp. 16–19.

Question for the gun lobbiers--
Exactly who --- anywhere, anytime, in any context ---- has ever proposed that firearms have minds of their own anyway?
Why do y'all keep dipping into that empty tank? I don't get it.
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If one sees an armed person in an inappropriate place, the intelligent thing to do is call the police and get as far away from the gunman as possible.
Only if you suffer from hoplophobia.

So... Havie you bought that ticket our of here yet?

Hoplophobia is a neologism, originally coined to describe an "irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them."
Big difference. And yes, I a afraid of what the rabid idiots are doing with their guns. Only another rabid idiot wouldn't be.
Why do you have an irrational fear of simple ownership/possess of firearms?
Gun nuts are so gullible

They wll flock to a restaurant just because it says "Guns Welcome"

Don't you guys know when you are being played?

The whole point has been to increase gun sales. The NRA's function is to separate fools from their money and yep, hey have fallen for it completely.
Oh look -- another argument based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
What a surprise.

I keep thinking...
"Keep" thinking That imples you once started. Have yet to see any evidence of that.

Oh look. He makes an accusation and then does what he makes fun of.


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