Restaurant posts "GUNS ARE WELCOME" is BOOMING!!!

I don't have a problem with open-carry.

If people don't like it, they can call the cops and then get the hell out of there.

That cop will have his weapon properly holstered, not tucked into his waistband. That cop will have completed thorough training in handling that weapon, not "Pa teached me to shoot". That cop is there to enforce the laws, not take the law into his own hands.

So, yes, I'd feel infinitely safer with a policeman carrying a weapon into a restaurant than any other gun toting hillbilly.

Concealed carry permits require proper holstering of weapons, as well as safety training. Often CCW holders practice FAR more often than police officers.

And your contempt of your fellow citizens is noted.

I guess the inner fascist in you is comforted by the uniform of state authority.
And folks are required to drive with seat belts attached. Folks are supposed to wash their hands after using a restroom. Folks aren't supposed to throw their litter from their car windows.

There are a lot of requirements to keep our society safe and clean and all too often, they are ignored. Do you actually believe that each and every weapon carried by citizens is properly holstered? Why are so many people shooting themselves with the guns they carry for...get ready for it...THEIR PERSONAL SAFETY?

If I brought a gun into my house, do the chances of me being harmed by a gun in my house go up or down? Of course the chances go up that I might be harmed by a gun in my house once I put a gun in my house! If there's no gun there, the only way I could be harmed by a gun in my house is if someone else brings one there. And if they bring one there, it's malicious intent. So, even if I did have a gun there, the chances of my gun or his gun harming me go way up.

Let's extrapolate that to schools and businesses. If I bring a gun to the restaurant, do the chances of me being harmed by that gun go up or down? If I did not bring a gun to the restaurant, the chances of me being harmed by a gun go way down because...get ready for it...I DON'T HAVE A GUN WHICH CAN HARM ME!

"Rights"? Who brought up "rights"?
I posted about paranoia and the irony of the paranoiac posting "grow a fucking pair".
I don't believe your right to irony is endangered either. I just point out your exercise thereof.

"Rights"?? :dunno:

It all boils down to rights, which is what you people don't get. It starts with progressives not liking something, and then since THEY don't like it, it must be banned or controlled by government. You use hyperbole about people who exercise their rights being gun toting rednecks, paranoid gun nutters, mass shooters waiting to happen, when in reality the risk of it happening is basically infinitesimal compared to real risks.

The fact remains I neither posted nor thought anything about any "rights" to anything. I made an observation about psychology and your own hypocrisy. Which I see makes you so nervous that you feel impelled to try to move the goalposts to "rights".

-- which again just reaffirms what I'm observing about cowardice.

I don't see people who choose to carry as cowards, what you are projecting is your own morbid fear of A) your fellow citizens unless they are part of the government, and B) tubes that go BANG.
It all boils down to rights, which is what you people don't get. It starts with progressives not liking something, and then since THEY don't like it, it must be banned or controlled by government. You use hyperbole about people who exercise their rights being gun toting rednecks, paranoid gun nutters, mass shooters waiting to happen, when in reality the risk of it happening is basically infinitesimal compared to real risks.

The fact remains I neither posted nor thought anything about any "rights" to anything. I made an observation about psychology and your own hypocrisy. Which I see makes you so nervous that you feel impelled to try to move the goalposts to "rights".

-- which again just reaffirms what I'm observing about cowardice.

I don't see people who choose to carry as cowards, what you are projecting is your own morbid fear of A) your fellow citizens unless they are part of the government, and B) tubes that go BANG.

Again, like "rights", I haven't said boo about the government about or my own fears; I made an observation about yours.

This I did by taking two sentiments you expressed and juxtaposing them with each other. It's something I do a lot for the blind who will not see. You own them both, and they conflict with each other. And that means revolving bases of reasoning that shift this way for this occasion and then snap back that way for that one.

That's got nothing to do with governments or things that go BANG or "rights" or "progressives" or whitewall tires or strawberry pop tarts.
It has to do with logic. Or lack thereof.

Not to be insulting but most people get this point the first time...
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Nice art. But are we sure these were pro-carry people and not anti-carry people? :)

Carrying a gun is stupid, that's for sure. And its certainly not a second amendment issue.

Read the posts here. Most who are scared to leave granny's basement without a gun shouldn't be trusted with a cap gun. One of them has a thread in the badlands where he swaggers and postures and says he leaves several loaded guns strewn around the house only to cave to the pressure of other posters and says he lied and that there are no loaded guns strewn around the house. Point being, they can't be trusted to make adult, mature decisions concerning my safety and the safety of my family.

Their rights do not usurp my right to be safe. We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.

I want it out in the open.

Nice art. But are we sure these were pro-carry people and not anti-carry people? :)
Carrying a gun is stupid, that's for sure.
In your mindless, bigoted, partisan opinion.

Their rights do not usurp my right to be safe.
Simple ownership/possession of a firearm does not infringe on your "right to be safe".

We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
That's Perth. Feel free to book the next flight.
Nice art. But are we sure these were pro-carry people and not anti-carry people? :)
Carrying a gun is stupid, that's for sure.
In your mindless, bigoted, partisan opinion.

Their rights do not usurp my right to be safe.
Simple ownership/possession of a firearm does not infringe on your "right to be safe".

We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
That's Perth. Feel free to book the next flight.

And there you have it:

The nutters have rights but no one else does.

This the attitude that makes normal people believe:

Carrying a gun is stupid, that's for sure.
In your mindless, bigoted, partisan opinion.

Simple ownership/possession of a firearm does not infringe on your "right to be safe".

We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
That's Perth. Feel free to book the next flight.
And there you have it:
The nutters have rights but no one else does.
Did anyone say that?
You know have no effectine response to my post, so you resort to arguing from emotion, ignorance and dishonesty - just like all the other anti-gun loons.

We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
So, when do you leave for Perth?
In your mindless, bigoted, partisan opinion.

Simple ownership/possession of a firearm does not infringe on your "right to be safe".

That's Perth. Feel free to book the next flight.
And there you have it:
The nutters have rights but no one else does.
Did anyone say that?
You know have no effectine response to my post, so you resort to arguing from emotion, ignorance and dishonesty - just like all the other anti-gun loons.

We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
So, when do you leave for Perth?

Quit hiding behind the lame "emotion, ignorance, dishonesty" crap. You said that if I want to be safe from the nutters, I should move to Perth.

Are you now saying that I do have the right to be safe from the nutters who hafta tote their gun to the pizza joint?

Which is it?
And there you have it:
The nutters have rights but no one else does.
Did anyone say that?
You know have no effectine response to my post, so you resort to arguing from emotion, ignorance and dishonesty - just like all the other anti-gun loons.

We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
So, when do you leave for Perth?
Quit hiding behind the lame "emotion, ignorance, dishonesty" crap.
Awww... Do you think itis unfair when I correctly characterize your arguments in such a way?
Your issue, not mine.
Maybe if you present arguments -not- based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, you won't have that issue.

You said that if I want to be safe from the nutters, I should move to Perth.
-You- said:
We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
You -do- have that option -- you can move to Perth, whiich is as far away as you can be, whenever you like.
So, when do you plan to excercise this freedom?
Did anyone say that?
You know have no effectine response to my post, so you resort to arguing from emotion, ignorance and dishonesty - just like all the other anti-gun loons.

So, when do you leave for Perth?
Quit hiding behind the lame "emotion, ignorance, dishonesty" crap.
Awww... Do you think itis unfair when I correctly characterize your arguments in such a way?
Your issue, not mine.
Maybe if you present arguments -not- based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, you won't have that issue.

You said that if I want to be safe from the nutters, I should move to Perth.
-You- said:
We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
You -do- have that option -- you can move to Perth, whiich is as far away as you can be, whenever you like.
So, when do you plan to excercise this freedom?

Nope. My Constitution says 'equal rights for all'. You don't get to take that away from me or anyone else.

You're welcome to suck on whatever you need to but I have right to be safe from you when you lose control and start blasting away at your imagined enemies.

Have the balls to carry in the open or buy some for your pickemup. As long as me and/or mine aren't in the line of fire, I don't really care.

When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.
How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?

Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.
Gun nuts need to get a life

The perpetual victim hood is getting tiresome
Quit hiding behind the lame "emotion, ignorance, dishonesty" crap.
Awww... Do you think itis unfair when I correctly characterize your arguments in such a way?
Your issue, not mine.
Maybe if you present arguments -not- based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty, you won't have that issue.

-You- said:
We should have the option to get as far away from these little twerps as we can.
You -do- have that option -- you can move to Perth, whiich is as far away as you can be, whenever you like.
So, when do you plan to excercise this freedom?

Nope. My Constitution says 'equal rights for all'. You don't get to take that away from me or anyone else.
OOh look - a strawman argument! That is, more dishonesty!
Who suggested you do not have the same rights as anyone else? No one!

You -do- have the right to get as far away from these little twerps as you can, as you requested.
When do you leave?
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When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.
How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?
Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment
Ah. So, in your book, only agents of the state have a need to be armed, no one else need apply.
When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.
How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?

Based on my experience, if I see you walking around with a gun, and you are not wearing a badge, then you are a nut case who could snap at any moment---until, or unless you prove to me otherwise. I am sure that you will be pleased that I will give you a wide berth and get out of your sight as soon as possible. That should make you feel very macho. You are the King of the sidewalk.

s0n......move to Norway.

You might as well be standing stark naked in the middle of Siberia screaming "FIRE!!". In this country, nobody cares about your sentiment >>>

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Now.....IDK.....maybe you're one of those people who doesn't mind wasting time supporting fringe positions........but lets face it, its kinda gay!!:gay::gay::up:
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Im laughing.......meatheads like RIGHTWINGER speaks of gun owners as if they are fringe nuts!!

But 3 out of 4 Americans support gun ownership!!! who exactly is the mental case here??

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