Restaurant posts "GUNS ARE WELCOME" is BOOMING!!!

When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.
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When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.

Yup. The very day I moved out of Philadelphia there was a highway shooting -- car A cut off car B, and B responded with bullets, through the window, killing a mother of four. And she was a passenger, not even the driver. This is the price of gun culture.
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When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.

My step-Dad and I was travelling to Norman, Ok to see an OU football game. My step Dad was a hot head and always carried a .32 auto under his seat. He got into a road rage incident like yours and he slowed down on the double laned I-35, next thing I know he whips over to the left lane and pulls out his pistol, he had it pointed at the other driver with this gun in my face.
I never liked that guy and never will....I was 11 years old at the time...
Sure............unless three or four people start firing at the same time......................the uh, owner is a bit confused, no liquor but they do sell a "little bit of BEER"; may be one of those who denies humans can get drunk on beer. Oh, she also asks if someone is armed, if they say yes, no beer. Great security in this place:lol::lol::lol::lol: the other establishment, the patrons all have wiffle ball bats and the shooter......does not.:D:D

I'll take my chances in the bar with guns.

Drunk guy comes into a bar with a gun and nobody has any guns.......lotsa, lotsa dead people. Drunk guy in a bar where everybody has a gun is a stiff inside 3 seconds.......even drunk guys know that the beer tastes lousy when you have 25 holes in you!!!

Another thread where far lefties prove once again that they simply never ask the question in their thinking........"As compared to what?"

Its fascinating.

What you righties don't think about is that you ASSUME that you're the good guy with the gun but the people in the restaurant don't know that. So you make it uneasy for them and they lose more customers than they gain. So then they change their store policy because the free market spoke and didn't want civilians with machine guns walking into their restaurant. So some restaurants decided to ban them in their establishments.

Why shouldn't the free market decide what to do with guns in restaurants? I never once advocated for banning guns, neither has many democrats. We want a tightly controlled marketplace and harsher penalties for unregistered guns. Not banning them.

But every person with a gun in his hand is "the good guy"...

-- there's the rub.
Can't step out his bubble for a dozen eggs without a gun, and then crows "grow a fucking pair".

Irony alert.

preparation for contingency is not fear. It figures leftists confuse the two.

Preparation for contingency is not fear, but feeling personally incomplete unless one is lethally armed against the absurd paranoia that one lives in a world full of monsters ready to strike and go "BOOGA BOOGA" clearly is. :eusa_hand:

Doesn't work on me, skippy. I actually don't own a gun. However I REFUSE to give up the right to own one should I so choose, just like I refuse to give up my 4th amendment rights and my rights to a trial by my peers, even though i have never had the need for either.
preparation for contingency is not fear. It figures leftists confuse the two.

Preparation for contingency is not fear, but feeling personally incomplete unless one is lethally armed against the absurd paranoia that one lives in a world full of monsters ready to strike and go "BOOGA BOOGA" clearly is. :eusa_hand:

Doesn't work on me, skippy. I actually don't own a gun. However I REFUSE to give up the right to own one should I so choose, just like I refuse to give up my 4th amendment rights and my rights to a trial by my peers, even though i have never had the need for either.

"Rights"? Who brought up "rights"?
I posted about paranoia and the irony of the paranoiac posting "grow a fucking pair".
I don't believe your right to irony is endangered either. I just point out your exercise thereof.

"Rights"?? :dunno:
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Preparation for contingency is not fear, but feeling personally incomplete unless one is lethally armed against the absurd paranoia that one lives in a world full of monsters ready to strike and go "BOOGA BOOGA" clearly is. :eusa_hand:

Doesn't work on me, skippy. I actually don't own a gun. However I REFUSE to give up the right to own one should I so choose, just like I refuse to give up my 4th amendment rights and my rights to a trial by my peers, even though i have never had the need for either.

"Rights"? Who brought up "rights"?
I posted about paranoia and the irony of the paranoiac posting "grow a fucking pair".
I don't believe your right to irony is endangered either. I just point out your exercise thereof.

"Rights"?? :dunno:

It all boils down to rights, which is what you people don't get. It starts with progressives not liking something, and then since THEY don't like it, it must be banned or controlled by government. You use hyperbole about people who exercise their rights being gun toting rednecks, paranoid gun nutters, mass shooters waiting to happen, when in reality the risk of it happening is basically infinitesimal compared to real risks.
When I was a kid, I used to hitchhike a lot. Once, I was hitching a ride from Atlanta to Athens, GA where I went to UGA, and was picked up by a little guy in a Volkswagen. About half way there, some guy in a muscle car tried to pass him. The VW driver was obviously suffering from "little guy" complex, and pulled out a 1911 and waved it out the window. The muscle driver guy backed off, and my grip on the strap next to the door turned white knuckled. I was never so glad to see a ride come to an end. I have never felt safe around people who were unnecessarily armed since then. The guy was a nut case.
How do you know that someone is unnecessarily armed?
Can't step out his bubble for a dozen eggs without a gun, and then crows "grow a fucking pair".

Irony alert.

I carry a gun most times I leave the house. I have never had to use it for which I am thankful. I also have car insurance that likewise I have not had to use in several years. Should I get rid of that too?
Car insurance; gun.
There's a good comparison. :rolleyes:
As if you could show the comparison invalid.
What you righties don't think about is that you ASSUME that you're the good guy with the gun...
Therer's no assumption - I am the good guy with the gun.

but the people in the restaurant don't know that. So you make it uneasy for them and they lose more customers than they gain.
No one questions the right of anyone to post a "no guns" sign.

So then they change their store policy because the free market spoke and didn't want civilians with machine guns....
When did a civilian carry a machinegun into a restaraunt?
Can you cite one example?

We want a tightly controlled marketplace and harsher penalties for unregistered guns.
You do know that there is -no- penalty for an unregistered gun in most pleaces because most places do not require registration - right?

Not banning them.
Really? You don't want to ban 'assault weapons'?
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Doesn't work on me, skippy. I actually don't own a gun. However I REFUSE to give up the right to own one should I so choose, just like I refuse to give up my 4th amendment rights and my rights to a trial by my peers, even though i have never had the need for either.

"Rights"? Who brought up "rights"?
I posted about paranoia and the irony of the paranoiac posting "grow a fucking pair".
I don't believe your right to irony is endangered either. I just point out your exercise thereof.

"Rights"?? :dunno:

It all boils down to rights, which is what you people don't get. It starts with progressives not liking something, and then since THEY don't like it, it must be banned or controlled by government. You use hyperbole about people who exercise their rights being gun toting rednecks, paranoid gun nutters, mass shooters waiting to happen, when in reality the risk of it happening is basically infinitesimal compared to real risks.

The fact remains I neither posted nor thought anything about any "rights" to anything. I made an observation about psychology and your own hypocrisy. Which I see makes you so nervous that you feel impelled to try to move the goalposts to "rights".

-- which again just reaffirms what I'm observing about cowardice.
And a cowboy hat...and boots...I will be your first customer!

I also want to run an escort service out of the place also.....maybe strippers...

Can we get a happy ending after the haircut is finished?

Yeah, complain about the cut and she blows your brains out. Not only shuts you up but destroys the evidence.

I carry a gun most times I leave the house. I have never had to use it for which I am thankful. I also have car insurance that likewise I have not had to use in several years. Should I get rid of that too?
Car insurance; gun.
There's a good comparison. :rolleyes:
As if you could show the comparison invalid.

Oh it's a valid comparison. Just as say, ice cream cones versus a Portuguese Man-o-war; a dissertation on molecular physics versus a '62 Chevy; the state of Rhode Island compared with Urdu grammar... any of your posts with intelligent thought... you can compare them all you like, they just don't mean anything. That's what happens, or fails to, when two comparators have nothing in common to compare.
I don't have a problem with open-carry.


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preparation for contingency is not fear. It figures leftists confuse the two.

Preparation for contingency is not fear, but feeling personally incomplete unless one is lethally armed against the absurd paranoia that one lives in a world full of monsters ready to strike and go "BOOGA BOOGA" clearly is. :eusa_hand:

Doesn't work on me, skippy. I actually don't own a gun. However I REFUSE to give up the right to own one should I so choose, just like I refuse to give up my 4th amendment rights and my rights to a trial by my peers, even though i have never had the need for either.

I do own guns and I agree that you have and should have the right to choose whether or not to own a gun.

But, taking a gun to the pizza joint, church, grade school, WHUT-ever is not a 2nd amendment issue and your rights end where mine begin.

My thing's more about if the point of being armed is acting as a deterrent then open-carry is how to do that. Concealed carry isn't a psychological deterrent.

I don't own firearms any more though. That chapter of my life is over. But having carried for work I'm by no means uncomfortable around them.
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