Restaurant refuses Iraq War Veteran and service dog!

Some people use the excuse of service animals to take their pets on planes and to avoid shipping them as cargo.

Some people walk into classrooms with semi-automatics weapons and start murdering children and teachers - should we ban guns?

If you are trying to make some sort of comparison to fraudulently claiming housepets as service animals and guns, you failed.

Try this.

Some people eat to much, get diabetes and die, which is the same as some people walk into classrooms and murder children and teachers.

See how it works?

If people are going to text and drive resulting in the deaths of innocent people, it's the same as guns killing innocent people.

We can do this all day.
The Civil Rights Act requires restaurants open to interstate commerce make reasonable accommodations for the handicapped and disabled.

And in this case the dog is licensed certified and trained to be a service dog. The guy even presented the certification to the owner before he called the cops.

Yeah, he just got that certification in the mail. It's legit. He paid for it.

Good thing someone is doing something about this fraud.

ADA to Crack Down on Bogus Service Animals | NCHPAD Blog - Endless CapABILITIES

However, starting on March 15th, only service dogs and trained miniature horses will be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, reports The Wall Street Journal. Why this drastic change? Because some people believe there are too many bogus service animals – people who are taking advantage of the system in order to keep their beloved pets handy at all times

You learn something every day. The guy shoulda got a HORSE!

Rhonda Kimmel who has no disability and bought her terrier, Maxx, a therapy dog vest online. She takes Maxx everywhere she goes; Rhonda gets by with it because businesses don’t risk the $50k penality by suggesting Rhonda is neither disabled, nor is her dog a service animal. She told WSJ that she “hates to ‘take advantage.’ But she lives in such a hot climate, she argues that the only place Maxx can get some decent summer exercise is in the air-conditioned mall.”

People such as she, pretending to have a disability and passing off bogus pets as service animals, are the ones who may ruin therapy and service animals for everyone. In Rhonda’s case, it’s a dog which will for sure still be an ADA safely declared service animal in which businesses still will take great risks to asks about disability or reason for the service animal.

Some people use the excuse of service animals to take their pets on planes and to avoid shipping them as cargo. Airlines are only allowed to ask passengers with physical disabilities how the animal assists them, but people with psychiatric or emotional-support animals are required to “submit a letter from a licensed mental-health professional that documents their mental or emotional illness.”

The restaurant owner and the police did it wrong. They weren't supposed to ask about the animal's credentials but a psychiatric report from the man's doctor which documents the need for a service animal. Per the ADA.

Once again READ the article, the person that TRAINED the dog is in there explaining how she got the dog and trained it. You really should read shit before making crap up.
The animals qualifications were not at issue. The man needed to carry his own psychiatric report necessitating the need for an emotional support dog. Per the ADA.
Some people use the excuse of service animals to take their pets on planes and to avoid shipping them as cargo.

Some people walk into classrooms with semi-automatics weapons and start murdering children and teachers - should we ban guns?

If you are trying to make some sort of comparison to fraudulently claiming housepets as service animals and guns, you failed.
If you are trying to make some sort of comparison between people lying to get their dogs onto air planes and disabled people that require them as service animals in restaurants - you have failed.

If you saw someone roll into a restaurant in a wheel chair, would you think they are faking it and don't really need it?
Some people walk into classrooms with semi-automatics weapons and start murdering children and teachers - should we ban guns?

If you are trying to make some sort of comparison to fraudulently claiming housepets as service animals and guns, you failed.
If you are trying to make some sort of comparison between people lying to get their dogs onto air planes and disabled people that require them as service animals in restaurants - you have failed.

If you saw someone roll into a restaurant in a wheel chair, would you think they are faking it and don't really need it?

I routinely use the go carts at Walmart. I have a handicapped sticker on my car, cant walk a long ways or stand for an overlong period. Should I have documentation on me to prove that? The people whining about this did not read the article. The dog was trained and the trainer explained where the dog came from and why it looks different then some breeds used as service dogs.
Some people walk into classrooms with semi-automatics weapons and start murdering children and teachers - should we ban guns?

If you are trying to make some sort of comparison to fraudulently claiming housepets as service animals and guns, you failed.
If you are trying to make some sort of comparison between people lying to get their dogs onto air planes and disabled people that require them as service animals in restaurants - you have failed.

If you saw someone roll into a restaurant in a wheel chair, would you think they are faking it and don't really need it?

Quite the opposite. I proved it. Service dog certification is the big new thing in on-line scams.

It has nothing to do with wheelchairs. Unless there is some health department prohibition against wheelchairs in restaurants I don't know about. Is there?
Unless there is some health department prohibition against wheelchairs in restaurants I don't know about. Is there?

So restauarnt owners are only allowed to deny service to people when big government tells them its OK? When did you become such a big government lover? Health department regulations aren't Constitutional, every good teabagger knows that - and you don't have to follow unconstitutional laws!
I don't see the problem.

If the owner doesn't want dogs in his restaurant so what?

There are plenty of other restaurant owners who would love the business.

The Civil Rights Act requires restaurants open to interstate commerce make reasonable accommodations for the handicapped and disabled.


Just because there's a law does not mean I must agree with it.
If you are trying to make some sort of comparison to fraudulently claiming housepets as service animals and guns, you failed.

I routinely use the go carts at Walmart. I have a handicapped sticker on my car, cant walk a long ways or stand for an overlong period. Should I have documentation on me to prove that? The people whining about this did not read the article. The dog was trained and the trainer explained where the dog came from and why it looks different then some breeds used as service dogs.

Again PER THE ADA someone who has an emotional support dog needs to carry documentation that they need to have their support dog present at all times. PER THE ADA someone with a mobility disability doesn't need to have that documentation.

The trainer may have explained how he got the dog and how the dog was trained, but that trainer wasn't there.

This is like handicapped placards that people get and stick on their cars to get a better parking place. You better be able to back it up if you don't want to pay the ticket.
Oh WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! If he can't go one hour without his dog with him then stay the fuck home. Sorry, I'm not buying this shit. We're becoming a society of wimps.
incidentally this is less about this one case and more about the abuse of 'emotional support dogs' and those that claim them without real need.
I am with Big I on this one. Pets do not belong in restaurants, period. This dog is a pet, period. I can guarantee that it smells bad and other patrons do not care to have their dining enjoyment ruined by dog odor. It is gross.

I am sorry for this vets inability to cope. I do not wish any ill on him but, I would not want to share my dining experience with his mutt. I am glad he finds comfort from his pet, that does not mean everyone else does.

If Big I wanted to allow pets into his establishment, I would support his right to do so. However, I would not support his establishment with my patronage.

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If it were me I would allow all dogs into my business. Those who don't like it could go elsewhere. Except they would complain wouldn't they? There is no reason to discriminate and allow this man's "service" dog access when my dog, who might be better behaved than his dog is prohibited. That way no one need to spend money on fake credentials and it would put the entire industry out of business.
This vet was faking because he wants to take his dog everywhere he goes. I don't blame him for wanting his dog, I do blame him for being a fraud. Of course there are TONS of vets who claim emotional injury as an excuse for just bad behavior. If he cannot control himself, he can stay home or get a blankey. There are gang members that have seen more action than many of these vets.

Katz, yes, there are fakes who claim emotional injuries they don't have, and there are people who abuse the privileges granted to service/support dogs. There are also a lot more vets, old and young, who really do have PTSD. "Half a crock", you say? I wish that were true, but it's not. It's not trivial, it's not an excuse for anything; it's very real. PTSD is serious; it can destroy a veteran's life, and the lives of a vet's family; I've seen it kill some of my buddies, I've seen it kill some younger vets, and yes, a long time ago, it damn near killed me. How much "action" does it take for a vet (or anyone else) to get PTSD? I spent thirteen months and seventeen days as a combat infantryman in Vietnam, but it only takes ONE traumatic incident. You, as a civilian, are not immune, either; I hope to God it never happens to you, but you are one violent crime or other horrifying moment away, from finding out for yourself how it feels to have PTSD. I personally know civilians who have suffered from it every bit as much as some of us combat vets have. Fortunately there are more treatment options available today, and support dogs are one of those options; one that has benefitted several vets I know.

You should understand that none of us who have PTSD asked for it, or want to have it, but we do, and whether we got that way from serving our country, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong moment, I think we deserve to have a chance to live as normal a life as we can, and if a properly trained and certified dog helps some do that, they shouldn't be discriminated against, because a comparative few misuse or abuse the privilege.
I don't see the problem.

If the owner doesn't want dogs in his restaurant so what?

There are plenty of other restaurant owners who would love the business.
And once this is fleshed out, we find why separate but equal is a crock. But leave it to a
Conservative to use it as an excuse, any excuse.

Where did I say anything about separate but equal?

Private property is just that and the owner of said property should have the right to determine who does and who doesn't enter.

It's a simple concept that has nothing to do with race but a two dimensional sheep like you wouldn't be able to see that.

If a Black business owner politely told me to take my business elsewhere that is exactly what I would do and I wouldn't whine like a little bitch about it.
I don't see the problem.

If the owner doesn't want dogs in his restaurant so what?

There are plenty of other restaurant owners who would love the business.
And once this is fleshed out, we find why separate but equal is a crock. But leave it to a
Conservative to use it as an excuse, any excuse.

Where did I say anything about separate but equal?

Private property is just that and the owner of said property should have the right to determine who does and who doesn't enter.

It's a simple concept that has nothing to do with race but a two dimensional sheep like you wouldn't be able to see that.

The restuarant owner is in violation of the American with Disabilities Act. He will be lucky if he is not fined, or sued.
And once this is fleshed out, we find why separate but equal is a crock. But leave it to a
Conservative to use it as an excuse, any excuse.

Where did I say anything about separate but equal?

Private property is just that and the owner of said property should have the right to determine who does and who doesn't enter.

It's a simple concept that has nothing to do with race but a two dimensional sheep like you wouldn't be able to see that.

The restuarant owner is in violation of the American with Disabilities Act. He will be lucky if he is not fined, or sued.

And I can't disagree with a law?

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