Restaurateur Defied Maine Gov To Open His Business, State Agents Are Moving To Shut Him Down

There is nothing unconstitutional about it. There are no separation of powers issues. The Governor has the power to do this in a emergency.

I'm not familiar with the Maine state constitution and I doubt you are either, hence the reason I specifically said "power they arguably don't have." Nonetheless, an emergency does not give them unlimited power to do what ever it is they want. There are limits.
Not according to that Michigan Court. That judge seems to think any "emergency" give government unlimited power with no level of scrutiny whatsoever.

The Michigan court ruled that the Governor was working within the law. How To Think About Government Emergency Powers

A Michigan gov't employee rules that a Michigan gov't employee is within the law. Color me shocked.
The Judge followed the law. Color me shocked.
A state of emergency isn't declared when south Texas floods?

Completely opposite situation. The Texas governor made declarations because of the damage caused by a natural disaster so that FEMA would help with money for repairs so people could get back to living a normal life.
Money to buy food? Money to sustain businesses? Money to pay rent?

There is nothing wrong with asking for or getting temporary emergency money for food, businesses, rent, etc.
But it is illegal to declare martial law that prevents people from earning money for food, wages, rent, etc., when there are not lives at stake.
And all the models say the Lock Down does not save a single life.
They all say the Lock Down only slows the infection rate down, preventing herd immunity, thus increasing the total number of deaths.

What "models" are you looking at? I'm looking at every COUNTRY which actually instituted real lockdowns. We're reopening. We locked down in early March and we're still locked down. We have 14,000 "closed cases", and 4,000 "active cases". We're not re-opening schools until June. Construction is the first thing re-opening and that's tomorrow. All workers must be protected.

The USA has 925,000 active cases, and only 240,000 "closed" cases. Until you have more closed cases than active cases. You can't re-open without dire consequences.

And without adequate testing, you'll never re-open successfully.

He is a traitor to his community, country and human civilisation itself.

Throw him in prison.
Pretty much every bad thing that happens in life is made worse by people who think like you.

COVID 19 ain't the disease that should keep folks up nights, people like you are.

Go take a nap on some train tracks why don't you?
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and pay a visit to relative of someone that has died due to COVID-19.
Every time you Karens start invoking the families of the dead it sounds like the whining and sniveling of petulant children, pissed at not getting their way, lol.

What is a "Karen?"
The Maine Governor took away his business and liquor license and is smashing him like a bug.
Only a Dimm could cheer for this shit!
“We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff.
Shut them down already. I don't want food poisoning and I do want to stay clean and sober. If you can't put the food in your shopping cart, pay for it, have it bagged and take it home, you don't need to be eating out at a restaurant.

If you've got to be in business and charge people money, please do something more useful and essential than flipping burgers and sizzling steaks. Most of us are capable of doing that ourselves at a time of "social distancing" and independent living.
He is a traitor to his community, country and human civilisation itself.

Throw him in prison.
Pretty much every bad thing that happens in life is made worse by people who think like you.

COVID 19 ain't the disease that should keep folks up nights, people like you are.

Go take a nap on some train tracks why don't you?
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and pay a visit to relative of someone that has died due to COVID-19.
Every time you Karens start invoking the families of the dead it sounds like the whining and sniveling of petulant children, pissed at not getting their way, lol.

What is a "Karen?"
Shut them down already. I don't want food poisoning and I do want to stay clean and sober. If you can't put the food in your shopping cart, pay for it, have it bagged and take it home, you don't need to be eating out at a restaurant.

If you've got to be in business and charge people money, please do something more useful and essential than flipping burgers and sizzling steaks. Most of us are capable of doing that ourselves at a time of "social distancing" and independent living.

A similar story to that one in Maine occurred last week here in Arizona when our governor extended the stay-at-home order from Friday (May 1st) to May 15th.

she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community.
The state assembly had to approve extending the State of Emergency by day 80, and they did. The Maine Chamber of Commerce backed her decision to Order non essential businesses closed (including eat-in restaurants) on March 24.
But that was March and April. The business community went along but now tourist season is approaching.

Tourism is a big industry in Maine and in some areas (like where I live) the population doubles in the summer, doubling sales in every business we've got. Some small motels and take out stands, plus all the summer cottage rentals, are summer only. In places like Bar Harbor, which is much more famous, I'm sure it is much more drastic than that.

The governor's plan says no visitors from out of state 'til August. That ain't gonna fly with the tourism industry or any business that gets a huge boost in revenue from tourists.

BUT speaking as someone in a very rural county that has only had two cases of Covid 19 total, and both have recovered, no active cases now, IF we do get hit with the Virus, it will be from tourists when they are allowed.

Republicans in the State Legislature are calling to convene to revoke the Governor's emergency powers. They are openly saying "Let the tourists come!!!" They are no doubt speaking for their constituents. This is killing them. But in Southern Maine, so is Covid. If we open up to tourists we will be flooded by folks from Massachusetts where the Virus is still highly active. We have visitors from every state in the country in summer, but Massachusetts the most. It's a short ride;

There were hundreds of protesters in Augusta yesterday showing their displeasure. I agree with you that Governor Mills has relied on the science/medical experts and discussions with the other governors in making her decisions, without a lot of input from the business community -- at least her pressers are always with the Maine CDC spokesman and not the Chamber of Commerce. But part of that is probably because she knows what they are going to say. Perhaps her reopening plan is too cautious, but I'm thinking she is not wanting the people "from away" here with the Germ and she is hoping by August the other states will have simmered down as well.

The Republicans are the minority in the State Legislature right now, but Democrats from areas relying on tourism may feel compelled to stop the Governor, as well.

She began with "recommendations." Maybe she'll need to go back to that. I don't know. I'd like my favorite diner reopened, not to have to wear a mask, but even more than that, I'd like to be able to go out without having to worry about the goddamned VIRUS. The Governor doesn't have that power. Only Mother Nature does.
Since when did governors become the final arbiter of who is allowed to open and who gets prosecuted for not obeying their god like orders?
Business licenses.
Since when is operating a business illegal?

When you don't pay off the right people to get the right certificates, permits, and licenses.

It's all a racket.
I've applied for and received approximately 60 business licenses in the past 42 years and I've never had to "pay-off" people.

Video games don't count.
One time can you retort in some semblance of intelligence?

Why bother, you are incapable of intelligent response.
“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.
Well, the guy LIED about the governor telling him 3 days before the shutdown was to end, that it was not going to end....

lied lied lied

Around April 15th, two weeks before May 1st, the governor extended the stay at home orders to May 15th.

56 deaths with only around 1100 confirmed cases.... SHOWS that Maine does not have the tests and reagents and swabs to run the testing in any meaningful manner....

the state shows running at a 5% death rate.....!!!!!!!!!! Which is way way way way way higher than the 1% death rate or 0.5% death rate that they estimate this virus to be running....

Our problem in Maine is we do not know how many COVID infections we have in the state.... they are running blind.... hard to make any decisions on reopening or staying shuttered, without knowing how the virus is spreading.

We also have a very unusual situation, with half the homes in the state are owned or occupied in the summer only, they are vacation homes of a gazillion people from out of State, like New Yorkers and Mass-holes..... both areas inundated with the virus.....

And people in those regions with their shutdowns, hightailed it out of Dodge and came here, to their summer homes in Maine..... likely bringing the virus with them... We had a 40% increase in April, of people from other states coming here to their vacation homes....

Until we get enough testing, the governor will have to make some hard decisions....

Here is a link of one of my posts mentioning the extension of stay at home on April 22

WOW! "56 deaths with only around 1100 confirmed cases?" Not enough dead Americans for ya? Commie!

How many suicides are acceptable to you to continue the lockdown?

How many people must die before you think it's okay to open up the economy?
she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community.
The state assembly had to approve extending the State of Emergency by day 80, and they did. The Maine Chamber of Commerce backed her decision to Order non essential businesses closed (including eat-in restaurants) on March 24.
But that was March and April. The business community went along but now tourist season is approaching.

Tourism is a big industry in Maine and in some areas (like where I live) the population doubles in the summer, doubling sales in every business we've got. Some small motels and take out stands, plus all the summer cottage rentals, are summer only. In places like Bar Harbor, which is much more famous, I'm sure it is much more drastic than that.

The governor's plan says no visitors from out of state 'til August. That ain't gonna fly with the tourism industry or any business that gets a huge boost in revenue from tourists.

BUT speaking as someone in a very rural county that has only had two cases of Covid 19 total, and both have recovered, no active cases now, IF we do get hit with the Virus, it will be from tourists when they are allowed.

Republicans in the State Legislature are calling to convene to revoke the Governor's emergency powers. They are openly saying "Let the tourists come!!!" They are no doubt speaking for their constituents. This is killing them. But in Southern Maine, so is Covid. If we open up to tourists we will be flooded by folks from Massachusetts where the Virus is still highly active. We have visitors from every state in the country in summer, but Massachusetts the most. It's a short ride;

There were hundreds of protesters in Augusta yesterday showing their displeasure. I agree with you that Governor Mills has relied on the science/medical experts and discussions with the other governors in making her decisions, without a lot of input from the business community -- at least her pressers are always with the Maine CDC spokesman and not the Chamber of Commerce. But part of that is probably because she knows what they are going to say. Perhaps her reopening plan is too cautious, but I'm thinking she is not wanting the people "from away" here with the Germ and she is hoping by August the other states will have simmered down as well.

The Republicans are the minority in the State Legislature right now, but Democrats from areas relying on tourism may feel compelled to stop the Governor, as well.

She began with "recommendations." Maybe she'll need to go back to that. I don't know. I'd like my favorite diner reopened, not to have to wear a mask, but even more than that, I'd like to be able to go out without having to worry about the goddamned VIRUS. The Governor doesn't have that power. Only Mother Nature does.

I agree only Mother Nature does. Since the Governor IS NOT Mother Nature, I say let the brewery/restaurant owner take the natural means to an end in order to find out if it's okay to open.

Do you like running cover for fascist Governors?
There is nothing unconstitutional about it. There are no separation of powers issues. The Governor has the power to do this in a emergency.

I'm not familiar with the Maine state constitution and I doubt you are either, hence the reason I specifically said "power they arguably don't have." Nonetheless, an emergency does not give them unlimited power to do what ever it is they want. There are limits.
There is a law granting her those powers in an emergency. This is 37-B §742, Emergency Proclamation

C. After the filing of the emergency proclamation and in addition to any other powers conferred by law, the Governor may:
(1) Suspend the enforcement of any statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business, or the orders or rules of any state agency, if strict compliance with the provisions of the statute, order or rule would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency;
(2) Utilize all available resources of the State Government and of each political subdivision of the State as reasonably necessary to cope with the disaster emergency;
(3) Transfer the direction, personnel or functions of state departments and agencies, or units thereof, for the purposes of performing or facilitating emergency services;
(4) Authorize the obtaining and acquisition of property, supplies and materials pursuant to section 821;
(5) Enlist the aid of any person to assist in the effort to control, put out or end the emergency or aid in the caring for the safety of persons;
(6) Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the State, if the Governor determines this action necessary for the preservation of life or other disaster mitigation, response or recovery;
(7) Prescribe routes, modes of transportation and destinations in connection with evacuations;
(8) Control ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein;
(9) Suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, explosives and combustibles;
(10) Make provision for the availability and use of temporary emergency housing;
(11) Order the termination, temporary or permanent, of any process, operation, machine or device which may be causing or is understood to be the cause of the state of emergency for which this proclamation was made; and
(12) Take whatever action is necessary to abate, clean up or mitigate whatever danger may exist within the affected area. [PL 2011, c. 626, §2 (AMD).]
There is nothing unconstitutional about it. There are no separation of powers issues. The Governor has the power to do this in a emergency.

I'm not familiar with the Maine state constitution and I doubt you are either, hence the reason I specifically said "power they arguably don't have." Nonetheless, an emergency does not give them unlimited power to do what ever it is they want. There are limits.
There is a law granting her those powers in an emergency. This is 37-B §742, Emergency Proclamation

C. After the filing of the emergency proclamation and in addition to any other powers conferred by law, the Governor may:
(1) Suspend the enforcement of any statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business, or the orders or rules of any state agency, if strict compliance with the provisions of the statute, order or rule would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency;
(2) Utilize all available resources of the State Government and of each political subdivision of the State as reasonably necessary to cope with the disaster emergency;
(3) Transfer the direction, personnel or functions of state departments and agencies, or units thereof, for the purposes of performing or facilitating emergency services;
(4) Authorize the obtaining and acquisition of property, supplies and materials pursuant to section 821;
(5) Enlist the aid of any person to assist in the effort to control, put out or end the emergency or aid in the caring for the safety of persons;
(6) Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the State, if the Governor determines this action necessary for the preservation of life or other disaster mitigation, response or recovery;
(7) Prescribe routes, modes of transportation and destinations in connection with evacuations;
(8) Control ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein;
(9) Suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, explosives and combustibles;
(10) Make provision for the availability and use of temporary emergency housing;
(11) Order the termination, temporary or permanent, of any process, operation, machine or device which may be causing or is understood to be the cause of the state of emergency for which this proclamation was made; and
(12) Take whatever action is necessary to abate, clean up or mitigate whatever danger may exist within the affected area. [PL 2011, c. 626, §2 (AMD).]

Now you're citing laws.
I guess that your 'Mother Nature' point is just pablum puke bullshit! :puke:
she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community.
The state assembly had to approve extending the State of Emergency by day 80, and they did. The Maine Chamber of Commerce backed her decision to Order non essential businesses closed (including eat-in restaurants) on March 24.
But that was March and April. The business community went along but now tourist season is approaching.

Tourism is a big industry in Maine and in some areas (like where I live) the population doubles in the summer, doubling sales in every business we've got. Some small motels and take out stands, plus all the summer cottage rentals, are summer only. In places like Bar Harbor, which is much more famous, I'm sure it is much more drastic than that.

The governor's plan says no visitors from out of state 'til August. That ain't gonna fly with the tourism industry or any business that gets a huge boost in revenue from tourists.

BUT speaking as someone in a very rural county that has only had two cases of Covid 19 total, and both have recovered, no active cases now, IF we do get hit with the Virus, it will be from tourists when they are allowed.

Republicans in the State Legislature are calling to convene to revoke the Governor's emergency powers. They are openly saying "Let the tourists come!!!" They are no doubt speaking for their constituents. This is killing them. But in Southern Maine, so is Covid. If we open up to tourists we will be flooded by folks from Massachusetts where the Virus is still highly active. We have visitors from every state in the country in summer, but Massachusetts the most. It's a short ride;

There were hundreds of protesters in Augusta yesterday showing their displeasure. I agree with you that Governor Mills has relied on the science/medical experts and discussions with the other governors in making her decisions, without a lot of input from the business community -- at least her pressers are always with the Maine CDC spokesman and not the Chamber of Commerce. But part of that is probably because she knows what they are going to say. Perhaps her reopening plan is too cautious, but I'm thinking she is not wanting the people "from away" here with the Germ and she is hoping by August the other states will have simmered down as well.

The Republicans are the minority in the State Legislature right now, but Democrats from areas relying on tourism may feel compelled to stop the Governor, as well.

She began with "recommendations." Maybe she'll need to go back to that. I don't know. I'd like my favorite diner reopened, not to have to wear a mask, but even more than that, I'd like to be able to go out without having to worry about the goddamned VIRUS. The Governor doesn't have that power. Only Mother Nature does.

I agree only Mother Nature does. Since the Governor IS NOT Mother Nature, I say let the brewery/restaurant owner take the natural means to an end in order to find out if it's okay to open.

Do you like running cover for fascist Governors?
DTMB is not from Maine. I was just explaining what was behind this. I am not condoning or condemning Governor Mills. I am explaining what's what.
There is nothing unconstitutional about it. There are no separation of powers issues. The Governor has the power to do this in a emergency.

I'm not familiar with the Maine state constitution and I doubt you are either, hence the reason I specifically said "power they arguably don't have." Nonetheless, an emergency does not give them unlimited power to do what ever it is they want. There are limits.
There is a law granting her those powers in an emergency. This is 37-B §742, Emergency Proclamation

C. After the filing of the emergency proclamation and in addition to any other powers conferred by law, the Governor may:
(1) Suspend the enforcement of any statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business, or the orders or rules of any state agency, if strict compliance with the provisions of the statute, order or rule would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency;
(2) Utilize all available resources of the State Government and of each political subdivision of the State as reasonably necessary to cope with the disaster emergency;
(3) Transfer the direction, personnel or functions of state departments and agencies, or units thereof, for the purposes of performing or facilitating emergency services;
(4) Authorize the obtaining and acquisition of property, supplies and materials pursuant to section 821;
(5) Enlist the aid of any person to assist in the effort to control, put out or end the emergency or aid in the caring for the safety of persons;
(6) Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the State, if the Governor determines this action necessary for the preservation of life or other disaster mitigation, response or recovery;
(7) Prescribe routes, modes of transportation and destinations in connection with evacuations;
(8) Control ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein;
(9) Suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, explosives and combustibles;
(10) Make provision for the availability and use of temporary emergency housing;
(11) Order the termination, temporary or permanent, of any process, operation, machine or device which may be causing or is understood to be the cause of the state of emergency for which this proclamation was made; and
(12) Take whatever action is necessary to abate, clean up or mitigate whatever danger may exist within the affected area. [PL 2011, c. 626, §2 (AMD).]

Now you're citing laws.
I guess that your 'Mother Nature' point is just pablum puke bullshit! :puke:
That comment made no sense to me at all.
she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community.
The state assembly had to approve extending the State of Emergency by day 80, and they did. The Maine Chamber of Commerce backed her decision to Order non essential businesses closed (including eat-in restaurants) on March 24.
But that was March and April. The business community went along but now tourist season is approaching.

Tourism is a big industry in Maine and in some areas (like where I live) the population doubles in the summer, doubling sales in every business we've got. Some small motels and take out stands, plus all the summer cottage rentals, are summer only. In places like Bar Harbor, which is much more famous, I'm sure it is much more drastic than that.

The governor's plan says no visitors from out of state 'til August. That ain't gonna fly with the tourism industry or any business that gets a huge boost in revenue from tourists.

BUT speaking as someone in a very rural county that has only had two cases of Covid 19 total, and both have recovered, no active cases now, IF we do get hit with the Virus, it will be from tourists when they are allowed.

Republicans in the State Legislature are calling to convene to revoke the Governor's emergency powers. They are openly saying "Let the tourists come!!!" They are no doubt speaking for their constituents. This is killing them. But in Southern Maine, so is Covid. If we open up to tourists we will be flooded by folks from Massachusetts where the Virus is still highly active. We have visitors from every state in the country in summer, but Massachusetts the most. It's a short ride;

There were hundreds of protesters in Augusta yesterday showing their displeasure. I agree with you that Governor Mills has relied on the science/medical experts and discussions with the other governors in making her decisions, without a lot of input from the business community -- at least her pressers are always with the Maine CDC spokesman and not the Chamber of Commerce. But part of that is probably because she knows what they are going to say. Perhaps her reopening plan is too cautious, but I'm thinking she is not wanting the people "from away" here with the Germ and she is hoping by August the other states will have simmered down as well.

The Republicans are the minority in the State Legislature right now, but Democrats from areas relying on tourism may feel compelled to stop the Governor, as well.

She began with "recommendations." Maybe she'll need to go back to that. I don't know. I'd like my favorite diner reopened, not to have to wear a mask, but even more than that, I'd like to be able to go out without having to worry about the goddamned VIRUS. The Governor doesn't have that power. Only Mother Nature does.

I agree only Mother Nature does. Since the Governor IS NOT Mother Nature, I say let the brewery/restaurant owner take the natural means to an end in order to find out if it's okay to open.

Do you like running cover for fascist Governors?
DTMB is not from Maine. I was just explaining what was behind this. I am not condoning or condemning Governor Mills. I am explaining what's what.

It's cause you're talking outta yer' ass, as usual.
The Maine governor does not have scientific grounds to continue the lock down.
She is relying on evidence, recommendations and projections from the CDC. If you want to battle it out with the health experts and epidemiologists, I'd like to see your credentials, please.
The Maine governor does not have scientific grounds to continue the lock down.
She is relying on evidence, recommendations and projections from the CDC. If you want to battle it out with the health experts and epidemiologists, I'd like to see your credentials, please.

The W.H.O. accepts China's bullshit, hook, line, and sinker; and the CDC are the new version of the Keystone Cops.
You're so F'in gullible, your face is eternally numb!

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