Restaurateur Defied Maine Gov To Open His Business, State Agents Are Moving To Shut Him Down

Since when did governors become the final arbiter of who is allowed to open and who gets prosecuted for not obeying their god like orders?
Business licenses.
Since when is operating a business illegal?

When you don't pay off the right people to get the right certificates, permits, and licenses.

It's all a racket.
I've applied for and received approximately 60 business licenses in the past 42 years and I've never had to "pay-off" people.

Video games don't count.
“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.

Good for them

Today no one around here was social distancing at all lol
What a beautiful day
“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.

Good for them

Today no one around here was social distancing at all lol
What a beautiful day
I met some new folks at the gun range this morning, shook hands and everything, lol.
He is a traitor to his community, country and human civilisation itself.

Throw him in prison.
Pretty much every bad thing that happens in life is made worse by people who think like you.

COVID 19 ain't the disease that should keep folks up nights, people like you are.

Go take a nap on some train tracks why don't you?

Yes, this is not a serious virus.

It is all a conspiracy to take a freedom you are too much of a half wit to use in any constructive manner to help humanity in the first place.

The saving grace of all this is you are probably one of the Amuuuurican monkies who will probably get it and die.

If there is a God that is.

Do not be offended, there is no God so you are safe.

If not from the virus, blissful ignorance of fear of what it really is.
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“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.
/——-/ Libtards applaud their tyrant Governors while in the same breath call Trump a dictator and blame him for the crashed economy.
“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.
Well, the guy LIED about the governor telling him 3 days before the shutdown was to end, that it was not going to end....

lied lied lied

Around April 15th, two weeks before May 1st, the governor extended the stay at home orders to May 15th.

56 deaths with only around 1100 confirmed cases.... SHOWS that Maine does not have the tests and reagents and swabs to run the testing in any meaningful manner....

the state shows running at a 5% death rate.....!!!!!!!!!! Which is way way way way way higher than the 1% death rate or 0.5% death rate that they estimate this virus to be running....

Our problem in Maine is we do not know how many COVID infections we have in the state.... they are running blind.... hard to make any decisions on reopening or staying shuttered, without knowing how the virus is spreading.

We also have a very unusual situation, with half the homes in the state are owned or occupied in the summer only, they are vacation homes of a gazillion people from out of State, like New Yorkers and Mass-holes..... both areas inundated with the virus.....

And people in those regions with their shutdowns, hightailed it out of Dodge and came here, to their summer homes in Maine..... likely bringing the virus with them... We had a 40% increase in April, of people from other states coming here to their vacation homes....

Until we get enough testing, the governor will have to make some hard decisions....

Here is a link of one of my posts mentioning the extension of stay at home on April 22

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“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.

There is nothing unconstitutional about it. There are no separation of powers issues. The Governor has the power to do this in a emergency.
Except it isn't an emergency for Maine lol.

What a dumb statement
He is a barbarian, a savage who cares more about his own pocket book than public health.

He needs six months in prison.
They will just let him out as a " non violent" offender. You must really enjoy your new pair of Jack boots.
Ultimately, the people need to raise the stakes and stop this authoritarianism. The people have the power but they're gonna have to use it or these little tin pot authoritarian governors, mayors, local officials are gonna keep pushing that boot deeper into the neck.
When south Texas floods the government should're on your own?

Is that a threat, give up your rights or else the government services you paid for are withheld?

Nobody is being asked to give up their rights. People are being asked to behave responsibility during a pandemic.

My father and older brothers were asked to quit their jobs, join the military and fight World War II and they did it without hesitation. My oldest brother carried shrapnell in his body from his wounds on Juno Beach during D-day, until the day he died. You're being asked to sit on your ass at home and you're not prepared to do that.
“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.

There is nothing unconstitutional about it. There are no separation of powers issues. The Governor has the power to do this in a emergency.
Except it isn't an emergency for Maine lol.

What a dumb statement

A state of emergency isn't declared when south Texas floods?

Completely opposite situation. The Texas governor made declarations because of the damage caused by a natural disaster so that FEMA would help with money for repairs so people could get back to living a normal life.
Money to buy food? Money to sustain businesses? Money to pay rent?

There is nothing wrong with asking for or getting temporary emergency money for food, businesses, rent, etc.
But it is illegal to declare martial law that prevents people from earning money for food, wages, rent, etc., when there are not lives at stake.
And all the models say the Lock Down does not save a single life.
They all say the Lock Down only slows the infection rate down, preventing herd immunity, thus increasing the total number of deaths.
Since when did governors become the final arbiter of who is allowed to open and who gets prosecuted for not obeying their god like orders?
Business licenses.
Yep....... of course the response to them pulling the licenses is going back to the old speakeasy model.
The vast majority of States have drive-up beer and liquor at restaurants. But you're gong to have to wait for a rub-and-tug.

The majority of businesses are still closed by illegal governor decree.
Lawyers, real estate, hair dressers, clothing stores, etc., are all closed by edict.
That is way beyond the legal authority of any governor.
Governors only have the power to make law by executive order if the legislature can't convene.
Ultimately, the people need to raise the stakes and stop this authoritarianism. The people have the power but they're gonna have to use it or these little tin pot authoritarian governors, mayors, local officials are gonna keep pushing that boot deeper into the neck.
When south Texas floods the government should're on your own?

Is that a threat, give up your rights or else the government services you paid for are withheld?

Nobody is being asked to give up their rights. People are being asked to behave responsibility during a pandemic.

My father and older brothers were asked to quit their jobs, join the military and fight World War II and they did it without hesitation. My oldest brother carried shrapnell in his body from his wounds on Juno Beach during D-day, until the day he died. You're being asked to sit on your ass at home and you're not prepared to do that.

But shutting down the economy and preventing herd immunity does NOT aid the country.
The Lock Down saves no lives at all, but only slows down the infection rate, thus making it last longer and kill more people.
If instead we asked for volunteers, like we did in WWII, then we could deliberately infect the young and healthy with the strain of COVID that is not lethal, and have this all over in 2 weeks.
The least deaths comes from achieving 55% herd immunity as quickly as possible.
And by speeding it up, then the compromised have much less chance of accidental exposure.

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