Restrictions Are Slowing Coronavirus Infections, New Data Suggest


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Restrictions Are Slowing Coronavirus Infections, New Data Suggest
Donald G. McNeil Jr.
The New York TimesMarch 31, 2020, 8:31 AM EDT

Harsh measures, including stay-at-home orders and restaurant closures, are contributing to rapid drops in the numbers of fevers — a signal symptom of most coronavirus infections — recorded in states across the country, according to intriguing new data produced by a medical technology firm.

At least 248 million Americans in at least 29 states have been told to stay at home. It had seemed nearly impossible for public health officials to know how effective this measure and others have been in slowing the coronavirus.

But the new data offer evidence, in real time, that tight social-distancing restrictions may be working, potentially reducing hospital overcrowding and lowering death rates, experts said.

Good news, right?

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