Retarted Woman Attacked (video)


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Retards are a thugs favorite targets

[ame=]DISGUSTING VIDEO: Retarded Woman Brutally Attacked - YouTube[/ame]
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Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.


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Good heavens! Grown men physically attacking a defenseless lady who appears to have psychiatric issues.

These guys must have issues of their own, as a sane man will not strike a lady, especially one with special needs.

Hope they get locked up for a long time.
I think it is a good thing that tank posts this. THis gives us a idea about how fucked our society is and what needs to be discussed.

We have a lot of sick people walking our streets.

Tank don't show half the shit that goes on, cause he only wants us to see black crimes being committed, he hates showing whites committing crimes, unless it a gay....
That asshole at the end stated the mentally handicapped woman refused prosecution? That fucking lame assed state of California can't decide to prosecute criminals? They have to let the mentally handicapped victim decide? That's the stupidest fucking shit I've ever heard come out of a lame assed liberals mouth!
I think it is a good thing that tank posts this. THis gives us a idea about how fucked our society is and what needs to be discussed.

We have a lot of sick people walking our streets.

Tank don't show half the shit that goes on, cause he only wants us to see black crimes being committed, he hates showing whites committing crimes, unless it a gay....

Show us some white crimes like this. What is stopping you? Put your money where your mouth is.
I think it is a good thing that tank posts this. THis gives us a idea about how fucked our society is and what needs to be discussed.

We have a lot of sick people walking our streets.

Tank don't show half the shit that goes on, cause he only wants us to see black crimes being committed, he hates showing whites committing crimes, unless it a gay....
Maybe there should be some kind of censorship when reporting black crime, ya think?
Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.


The title of the thread said what this was all about, what did you expect?

I'm warning people, what are you doing?
Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.



Why did you look at it, then? Nobody forced you to watch it. And I've seen and heard way worse on this forum.
Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.


The title of the thread said what this was all about, what did you expect?

I'm warning people, what are you doing?

I'm doing plenty, thank you for asking. I do most of what I do to make the world a better place, by walking the walk, by ignoring the color of peoples skin as if there were no colors. I pick everyone up in my cab, no matter who they are. I judge people as much as humanly possible by the content of their character.

You know what, though? For me this isn't even an effort; I don't have to make a concerted effort to not be a racist. After many years of doing it, it kind of becomes automatic.
I must say though, that I am rewarded handsomely for my political neutrality.

A few years ago, I worked at Denny's. I was appalled by the fact that many servers would go up front to grab white people and leave the black people standing for very long periods of time. This did not set very well with me, so very often, my station was filled with the black people that none of the other servers wanted to take. I made a lot of regulars this way and the friends I made were very loyal and would only want me as their server.

People know when you aren't a racist prick; they can tell by looking into your eye.

Same thing with all people - they know who's a straight up guy and who's talking out the side of their neck.
I admirer your passion for this subject Mad_Cabbie

But the fact still remains that black customers leave poor tips and picking up blacks in a taxi has a greater chance of a crime.
Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.



Should we ignore things like this in the future? Is ignoring it what YOU do to make it better? Im perplexed by your response.
I admirer your passion for this subject Mad_Cabbie

But the fact still remains that black customers leave poor tips and picking up blacks in a taxi has a greater chance of a crime.

Poor tips are an occupational hazard - I know all about blacks and tipping, I was a server for twenty years.

Advice to blacks - If you crave a higher standing in society, tip regardless of your service - white people do.

Advice for servers - count your tips at the end of the night and treat everyone as if they just left you a $100.00 bill, that way, you will look at all customers as good tippers and it will reflect in a positive attitude and bigger tips!

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