Return of relative Decency in US politics

Decency even remotely possible for future campaigns ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 64.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Other... explain

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
Watch out with that....there are people here who will damn you to hell as an authoritarian for wanting to take away their freedom of speech to insult, demean and hate on others.

And well they should be. Free speech is just that.
Now that's interesting! A global village perceived as a threat. This idea definitely has religious foundations.

Most conservatives will seek the status quo and the preservation of its values usually defined by the christian faith. This is in fact what Iran did back in the 1970's. Throw out the secular Shah of Iran (Reza Pahlavi), replace him with Ayatollah Khomeini and preserve Islamic faith (Shiite).

Seems it's not about politics from now on... it's more a deep divide on social issues.
  • liberal values (secular)
  • pro choice
  • free trade
  • separation of church and state

  • conservative values (mostly christian)... intelligent design ?
  • pro life
  • protectionist
  • church over state
Doesn't look good for decency ;(
Either you scratch out Christian from the conservative side, or you add it to both.

Because Republicans surely DO NOT have the exclusives on Christianity, they've lost that years ago.

Besides, there's just as many Christian Democrats, if not more, than Republican ones.
Not after the liberals showed their true colors after Trump won...

We always thought they were pathetic creatures , but we didn't know that they were this over the edge.

Trump has forced the left into the open, now the American people can see what scheming lying scumbags they are, and what the prissy stuck up left really think about average blue collar Americans.
Not after the liberals showed their true colors after Trump won...

We always thought they were pathetic creatures , but we didn't know that they were this over the edge.

Agreed. Decency is not the problem.
Either you scratch out Christian from the conservative side, or you add it to both.
Because Republicans surely DO NOT have the exclusives on Christianity, they've lost that years ago.
Besides, there's just as many Christian Democrats, if not more, than Republican ones.

Christian Democrats are more tolerant ?.... go figure ;)
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.

When any standard is shattered via a paradigm shift there is no going back; only forward.

The GOP allowed a political novice that just so happens to possess just about every undesirable human trait to bastardize politics in America.
There is nothing whatsoever 'decent' about Trump; just the opposite. Trump is not only (among other attributes) abrasive, arrogant, and corrosive, he is possessed by the 'dark triad.'
ALL of these attributes are NOW acceptable to the political landscape in America.

Once you open Pandora's Box it's not like leaving everything in Vegas.

Donald Trump as High in the Dark Triad

Some serious s*** right there folks
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I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
how about the biggest one, thou shall not take money for promises?

or thou shall not receive dirt on a candidate:
or, thou shall not cheat in a primary?
or thou shall not receive questions ahead of debate?
or thou shall not say russia russia
or thou shall not spy on the opposition candidate?

how about those ones?
The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

40 years of right wing hate radio preaching that government can’t be trusted, liberals are commies out to destroy America, and the MSM is so biased that they cannot be believed has produced the idiocy which The Original Tree has bought into, hook, line and sinker.

There is no cure for stupid and the cure for this kind of extreme brainwashing is deprogramming. These idiots are so brainwashed they think truth isn’t truth.
The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

40 years of right wing hate radio preaching that government can’t be trusted, liberals are commies out to destroy America, and the MSM is so biased that they cannot be believed has produced the idiocy which The Original Tree has bought into, hook, line and sinker.

There is no cure for stupid and the cure for this kind of extreme brainwashing is deprogramming. These idiots are so brainwashed they think truth isn’t truth.
I hate being given the other side of a subject and let me decide who is lying and who isn't. you just want people to think like you. we get it, you love insane asylums.
The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

40 years of right wing hate radio preaching that government can’t be trusted, liberals are commies out to destroy America, and the MSM is so biased that they cannot be believed has produced the idiocy which The Original Tree has bought into, hook, line and sinker.

There is no cure for stupid and the cure for this kind of extreme brainwashing is deprogramming. These idiots are so brainwashed they think truth isn’t truth.
I hate being given the other side of a subject and let me decide who is lying and who isn't. you just want people to think like you. we get it, you love insane asylums.

No, I want people to think for themselves. I want them to fact check, and stop blindly accepting everything they’re told because it’s what they want to hear and they’re too lazy to do the leg work necessary to find out what’s really going on.

And I want the purveyors of hate speech, like Alex Jones, to be held accountable for the damage they’ve done. I think that his actions in both the Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory and the Sandy Hoax Conspiracy theory should have consequences. People were irrevocable harmed by his lies. Actions have consequences.
The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

Now that's interesting! A global village perceived as a threat. This idea definitely has religious foundations.

Most conservatives will seek the status quo and the preservation of its values usually defined by the christian faith. This is in fact what Iran did back in the 1970's.... ;(

A. Not true.

B. Equating US Christianity with Iranian Islamic Fascism is nothing but religious bigotry on your part.
40 years of right wing hate radio preaching that government can’t be trusted, liberals are commies out to destroy America, and the MSM is so biased that they cannot be believed has produced the idiocy which The Original Tree has bought into, hook, line and sinker.

it was the previous 25 years [in the 50's Americans trusted government] of left wing preaching and rioting that convinced Americans government can't be trusted and that Americans were racist misogynist xenophobic pigs that produced the idiocy you speak of

There is no cure for stupid and the cure for this kind of extreme brainwashing is deprogramming. These idiots are so brainwashed they think truth isn’t truth.
Sure there is a cure for stupid, it just does not exist in the public education system that seems to be the norm for the left, and since that [public school] is all you are allowed to believe in, it only seems as though there is no cure for stupid.
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The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

Now that's interesting! A global village perceived as a threat. This idea definitely has religious foundations.

Most conservatives will seek the status quo and the preservation of its values usually defined by the christian faith. This is in fact what Iran did back in the 1970's.... ;(

A. Not true.

B. Equating US Christianity with Iranian Islamic Fascism is nothing but religious bigotry on your part.
Let's not forget that it was The Uhited Kingdom, a Globalist Power at the time spanning several Continents that sought to Oppress the Colonists, Impose their values and laws upon them and deny them a voice in governance while at the same time robbing them of the fruits of their labors. It is from this Tyranny that we broke away from through a violent Revolution, as this was the only option our oppressors would allow us. Globalism is Always The Enemy of Freedom. It is always a threat, and always seeking more control and power over others.
The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

40 years of right wing hate radio preaching that government can’t be trusted, liberals are commies out to destroy America, and the MSM is so biased that they cannot be believed has produced the idiocy which The Original Tree has bought into, hook, line and sinker.

There is no cure for stupid and the cure for this kind of extreme brainwashing is deprogramming. These idiots are so brainwashed they think truth isn’t truth.
I hate being given the other side of a subject and let me decide who is lying and who isn't. you just want people to think like you. we get it, you love insane asylums.

No, I want people to think for themselves. I want them to fact check, and stop blindly accepting everything they’re told because it’s what they want to hear and they’re too lazy to do the leg work necessary to find out what’s really going on.

And I want the purveyors of hate speech, like Alex Jones, to be held accountable for the damage they’ve done. I think that his actions in both the Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory and the Sandy Hoax Conspiracy theory should have consequences. People were irrevocable harmed by his lies. Actions have consequences.
no you don't you banter daily about fox news and rush and all other conservative shows on tv and radio. you don't want the other side of the story. you want the same talking points from every MSM outlet. they do that, the stories are all the same, same headlines, same breaking title, it's fking amazing how you accept that shit. really, it's amazing. If you want people to truly think for themselves, they need to know all of the facts, not talking points.

It doesn't come purely from the MSM. It comes from conversations and debates on shows that bring in both sides of the subject matter. But MSM doesn't want to share the other side of the story. nope, hate it and if you violate that they talk over the person on the other side. Pathetic is what it is. give me the conservative shows who bring in the other side so we have a choice on what to believe.

BTW, there is still no evidence against trump. none, nadda.
40 years of right wing hate radio preaching that government can’t be trusted, liberals are commies out to destroy America, and the MSM is so biased that they cannot be believed has produced the idiocy which The Original Tree has bought into, hook, line and sinker.

it was the previous 25 years [in the 50's Americans trusted government] of left wing preaching and rioting that convinced Americans government can't be trusted and that Americans were racist misogynist xenophobic pigs that produced the idiocy you speak of

There is no cure for stupid and the cure for this kind of extreme brainwashing is deprogramming. These idiots are so brainwashed they think truth isn’t truth.
Sure there is a cure for stupid, it just does not exist in the public education system that seems to be the norm for the left, and since that [public school] is all you are allowed to believe in, it only seems as though there is no cure for stupid.
I'd say it was the assassination of JFK that changed reporting.

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