Return of relative Decency in US politics

Decency even remotely possible for future campaigns ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 64.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Other... explain

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
I'd add a 12th commandment...

Thou shall not use 'TWITTER' as a judgmental and propaganda tool.

Sheesh ... 1984's big brother talking to his friggin base.
I don't see it. The Dems and GOP are way too far apart in their lines of thinking:

  • Military
  • Education
  • Social programs
  • Environment
  • Guns
  • Immigration
  • Economic strategy
There is not a middle ground whatsover. US needs a 3rd party, IMO. A Moderate Party. Until then the country will be very much divided.
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
I thought my Republican party had sunk to a new low by 2006, and so I stopped voting on the federal level.

Little did I realize the GOP still had a very, very, very, very long way to go before it hit bottom.

I'm still waiting to see how much lower they can go.

We are deep in a pseudocon version of the Jacobin Club territory now.
The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

Now that's interesting! A global village perceived as a threat. This idea definitely has religious foundations.

Most conservatives will seek the status quo and the preservation of its values usually defined by the christian faith. This is in fact what Iran did back in the 1970's. Throw out the secular Shah of Iran (Reza Pahlavi), replace him with Ayatollah Khomeini and preserve Islamic faith (Shiite).

Seems it's not about politics from now on... it's more a deep divide on social issues.
  • liberal values (secular)
  • pro choice
  • free trade
  • separation of church and state

  • conservative values (mostly christian)... intelligent design ?
  • pro life
  • protectionist
  • church over state
Doesn't look good for decency ;(

It's amazing how liberals are for free trade yet want burger flippers to make $15 an hour, how does that work?

You have some magical economic splaining to do ..
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
I guess Hillary and Mooch won't be running then.
The Leftist Marxist believe hatred, lies and violence, and even coups are what are necessary to fundamentally transform America in to a Socialist Nanny State. They are committed to Globalism, Open Borders, and a Gender Confused Society. They have No Standards and No Code of Ethics to Live by and they are committed to The Destruction of Individual Liberties and The Sovereign State.

Knowing this, that there are murderers, liars, slanderers, and traitors amongst us, there can NEVER be civility again, because The Left has no limits to the depths they will sink to to obtain power.

Now that's interesting! A global village perceived as a threat. This idea definitely has religious foundations.

Most conservatives will seek the status quo and the preservation of its values usually defined by the christian faith. This is in fact what Iran did back in the 1970's. Throw out the secular Shah of Iran (Reza Pahlavi), replace him with Ayatollah Khomeini and preserve Islamic faith (Shiite).

Seems it's not about politics from now on... it's more a deep divide on social issues.
  • liberal values (secular)
  • pro choice
  • free trade
  • separation of church and state

  • conservative values (mostly christian)... intelligent design ?
  • pro life
  • protectionist
  • church over state
Doesn't look good for decency ;(

It's amazing how liberals are for free trade yet want burger flippers to make $15 an hour, how does that work?

You have some magical economic splaining to do ..

The $15/hr only helps places like WalMart and Home Depot as it puts their smaller competitors out of business.
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.

I am sad to say, but there is a better chance of it snowing in hell than these rules ever being adhered to ever again.

We have gotten to a point where politicians engage in rhetoric so violent that it causes their supporters to try to assassinate opposing politicians and to call for the kidnapping, caging, and rape of women and children...

Sadly, I think things will only get worse.
Decency has made a remarkable comeback since that meat puppet faggot was flown out of DC.

Once they fumigated the WH and got rid of mooch's fleas and odor so the current First Lady could reside there we finally have people that do not embarrass us around the world.

It used to disgust me to no end to see a shaved wookie wearing "clothing" that some fruitcake made out of an old table cloth introduced as the FLOTUS. That fucking thing was utterly repulsive. Now we have a FLOTUS that is not only appealing to the eyes, but isn't a bitter anti-American regressive commie malcontent transvestite.

I thought my Republican party had sunk to a new low by 2006, and so I stopped voting on the federal level.
Little did I realize the GOP still had a very, very, very, very long way to go before it hit bottom.
I'm still waiting to see how much lower they can go.
We are deep in a pseudocon version of the Jacobin Club territory now.

I partly blame the corroding effect of infiltration of the GOP by religious and social issue (guided by churches... mostly christian) lobbies. (hint: it's a cancer).
Pence, Cruze, Huckabee... etc...
Getting the church out of the state should be priority one.... unless you want a theocracy ? (like Iran?)
First [albeit, little] step toward a return to some semblance of decency, is to repeal Citizen United.

Citizen United allowed to OPENLY bribe the spineless congress. You may bitch about unions contributing....but unions represent WORKERS, while large corporations represent only CEOs and their corrupt BOARS.
Decency has made a remarkable comeback since that meat puppet faggot was flown out of DC.

Once they fumigated the WH and got rid of mooch's fleas and odor so the current First Lady could reside there we finally have people that do not embarrass us around the world.

It used to disgust me to no end to see a shaved wookie wearing "clothing" that some fruitcake made out of an old table cloth introduced as the FLOTUS. That fucking thing was utterly repulsive. Now we have a FLOTUS that is not only appealing to the eyes, but isn't a bitter anti-American regressive commie malcontent transvestite.


When Obama is fitted for a dirt blanket, decency will have a chance again.
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.

After Putin and Trump sweep the democrat Party off the map in 18 and 20, yeah, maybe it's possible
First [albeit, little] step toward a return to some semblance of decency, is to repeal Citizen United.

Citizen United allowed to OPENLY bribe the spineless congress. You may bitch about unions contributing....but unions represent WORKERS, while large corporations represent only CEOs and their corrupt BOARS.

Unions have Union dollars ® they're better than US Dollars
What did Democrats do?

List their names and deeds.
He/she said "liberals"...I'm a democrat but not a liberal...and what would listing name and deeds do for you? would it prove the poster is right? would you admit that? guess is your request is just to waste someone else's time and then dismiss the results, as that is left wing SOP
My POTENTIAL response has no bearing on the poster provinding ACTUAL facts to backup their claptrap.

Try again hack.
I don't think the situation is likely to improve until we change the voting system.
Scalia and Ginsberg were each confirmed with over 90 Senate votes!

That died when Al Gore decided to hold the peaceful transition of Presidential power hostage to his "recount until I win" strategy

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