Rev. Wright Praises Magazine’s ‘No Nonsense Marxism’

:wtf: I went to the same Church for almost 20 years. It's a Baptist Church. I was very close with my pastor too, but I never let 'his' personal belief, or views change my own, or shape my own either. My pastor never had any 'hold' over my own thoughts, or my personal beliefs on many different issues and levels. I've been a supporter for gay righs since the 70's. I have always been an advocate womens rights... Pro-choice.

Why would you continue to attend a church that is so different from your personal beliefs?

Because I liked the Pastor and I still do. I also knew everyone there and I didn't disagree with him 100% on every single issue either. My Mother still goes to the same Church even though there is a different pastor there now. She too believes in a womans right of choice and she also believes in gay rights as well. Something the Church and Pastor don't believe in at all. She still considers herself to be a conservative-republican. So, you see, people can still go to Church and have a mind of their own at the same time. Why do you think Churches and pastors are made to brainwash people? :eusa_eh:

A baptist conservative that believes in gay marriage and abortion?? Yeah, right. :lol:
I don't believe Obama hates America at all, or any other race of people either. Inspite of what you and some others seem to have 'made' yourselves believe he's shown he is opened to all races. Not just blacks. Trying to keep playing the race card doesn't work and it never has.
I don't remember saying anything about Obama hating other races, or America. I guess you choose not to answer my very simple question.

If you don't agree with what's being preached, why continue to listen for over 20 years?

The day my pastor started preaching hate against races, or hate in general, is the same day he stops being my pastor!

Also, Obama very blatantly showed his own racial bias, over the Professor Gates fiasco.

How to be a paranoid right wing pea brain...

First...create a caricatures of a person...make him ALL evil, 24/7 evil...cardboard cutout depth...

THEN... use your tiny pea, your ingrained polarized thinking...and pee your pants in FEAR

:lol: Like the left wasn't guilty of the same thing with Bush. I guess some learned well over those 8 years, didn't they?
The "GOD DAMN AMERICA" Loons are currently running our country and that should terrify all common sense thinking Americans. Yikes!
:wtf: I went to the same Church for almost 20 years. It's a Baptist Church. I was very close with my pastor too, but I never let 'his' personal belief, or views change my own, or shape my own either. My pastor never had any 'hold' over my own thoughts, or my personal beliefs on many different issues and levels. I've been a supporter for gay righs since the 70's. I have always been an advocate womens rights... Pro-choice.
Why do people automatically 'believe' every Church, rev, or pastor brainwashes people into thinking the exact same way they do? Not everyone who goes to Church lives, breaths, or thinks the same way their rev or pastor does. Many folks actually have a mind of their own.

That means you did not pay attention or just didn't care because I know a lot of people who do stop attending their churches when the church says something they don't agree with. Your entire opinion is a complete lie in order to justify your approval of the president.
I don't remember saying anything about Obama hating other races, or America. I guess you choose not to answer my very simple question.

If you don't agree with what's being preached, why continue to listen for over 20 years?

The day my pastor started preaching hate against races, or hate in general, is the same day he stops being my pastor!

Also, Obama very blatantly showed his own racial bias, over the Professor Gates fiasco.

How to be a paranoid right wing pea brain...

First...create a caricatures of a person...make him ALL evil, 24/7 evil...cardboard cutout depth...

THEN... use your tiny pea, your ingrained polarized thinking...and pee your pants in FEAR
You are the definition of what is to be a liberal in todays American. I place a very simple question at your feet. Yet you'd rather call names and run and hide, than answer the very simple question that I pose to you.

To further call you out on your passive-aggressive incompetence. I'd be characterized as a moderate liberal. I'm not close to being a Conservative.

Liberals in todays America are much more comfortable bitching at Conservatives, than being in power and leading the way in this country. Secretly, you'd probably rather have Conservatives win various elections, because bitching on the sidelines is a lot more safe and comfortable. Liberals/Democrats are unable to have an accountable debate, without bringing it back to something negative Bush/Republicans have done in another area. The Democrats/Liberals in this country, have become a party of pussy elitists who can't lead. Get it together!

Of course you ask simple questions, you have a simple mind... human beings are complex creatures, yet you are willing to judge, discount and discard a 70 year old man's whole life on third party information and You tube snippets...a man of peace that has harmed no one and helped thousands of fellow citizens...

IMO, liberals stand little chance of power in today's uneducated America. They are too honest. The right has no sets of morals that cause them to contemplate or question their beliefs or actions...they only tell people what to FEAR and who to hate. and they have decided that the real enemy in America is liberals...

Ironic, America was founded on liberal tenets...

But there is never a human part of their equation...
I don't remember saying anything about Obama hating other races, or America. I guess you choose not to answer my very simple question.

If you don't agree with what's being preached, why continue to listen for over 20 years?

The day my pastor started preaching hate against races, or hate in general, is the same day he stops being my pastor!

Also, Obama very blatantly showed his own racial bias, over the Professor Gates fiasco.

How to be a paranoid right wing pea brain...

First...create a caricatures of a person...make him ALL evil, 24/7 evil...cardboard cutout depth...

THEN... use your tiny pea, your ingrained polarized thinking...and pee your pants in FEAR

:lol: Like the left wasn't guilty of the same thing with Bush. I guess some learned well over those 8 years, didn't they?

False, I am more than willing to explain to you WHY George Bush was probably our worse president, in depth if I was better at would have little to do with party affiliation years ago, but today's GOP has been taken over by authoritarian personalities. Bush is one, Cheney is definitely one, Rumsfeld is in the same boat as Cheney...these men are dangerous to a freedom, liberty and a free and open society...
The "GOD DAMN AMERICA" Loons are currently running our country and that should terrify all common sense thinking Americans. Yikes!

Ironic...Ron Paul said the SAME thing as Jeremiah Wright without colorful preacher rhetorical flourishes...

[ame=]YouTube - Terrorism: Ron Paul vs. Giuliani @ SC Debate[/ame]
:wtf: I went to the same Church for almost 20 years. It's a Baptist Church. I was very close with my pastor too, but I never let 'his' personal belief, or views change my own, or shape my own either. My pastor never had any 'hold' over my own thoughts, or my personal beliefs on many different issues and levels. I've been a supporter for gay righs since the 70's. I have always been an advocate womens rights... Pro-choice.
Why do people automatically 'believe' every Church, rev, or pastor brainwashes people into thinking the exact same way they do? Not everyone who goes to Church lives, breaths, or thinks the same way their rev or pastor does. Many folks actually have a mind of their own.

What drugs are you currently taking?
How to be a paranoid right wing pea brain...

First...create a caricatures of a person...make him ALL evil, 24/7 evil...cardboard cutout depth...

THEN... use your tiny pea, your ingrained polarized thinking...and pee your pants in FEAR

:lol: Like the left wasn't guilty of the same thing with Bush. I guess some learned well over those 8 years, didn't they?

False, I am more than willing to explain to you WHY George Bush was probably our worse president, in depth if I was better at would have little to do with party affiliation years ago, but today's GOP has been taken over by authoritarian personalities. Bush is one, Cheney is definitely one, Rumsfeld is in the same boat as Cheney...these men are dangerous to a freedom, liberty and a free and open society...

And Obama and the Dems in charge of Congress are not? As long as you believe that then you are a naive fool.
How to be a paranoid right wing pea brain...

First...create a caricatures of a person...make him ALL evil, 24/7 evil...cardboard cutout depth...

THEN... use your tiny pea, your ingrained polarized thinking...and pee your pants in FEAR
You are the definition of what is to be a liberal in todays American. I place a very simple question at your feet. Yet you'd rather call names and run and hide, than answer the very simple question that I pose to you.

To further call you out on your passive-aggressive incompetence. I'd be characterized as a moderate liberal. I'm not close to being a Conservative.

Liberals in todays America are much more comfortable bitching at Conservatives, than being in power and leading the way in this country. Secretly, you'd probably rather have Conservatives win various elections, because bitching on the sidelines is a lot more safe and comfortable. Liberals/Democrats are unable to have an accountable debate, without bringing it back to something negative Bush/Republicans have done in another area. The Democrats/Liberals in this country, have become a party of pussy elitists who can't lead. Get it together!

Of course you ask simple questions, you have a simple mind... human beings are complex creatures, yet you are willing to judge, discount and discard a 70 year old man's whole life on third party information and You tube snippets...a man of peace that has harmed no one and helped thousands of fellow citizens...

IMO, liberals stand little chance of power in today's uneducated America. They are too honest. The right has no sets of morals that cause them to contemplate or question their beliefs or actions...they only tell people what to FEAR and who to hate. and they have decided that the real enemy in America is liberals...

Ironic, America was founded on liberal tenets...

But there is never a human part of their equation...
And I thought that the brainwashed Obama apologists were bad! Now we have a Rev Wright apologist. Which means that you're either a black person, or a white person who's overflowing with white guilt. Either way, you continue to sway from the facts, in a zombie like fashion!

Rev Wright is known for preaching hatred against white people, and his own country. You can't deny that! He distributed his hatred among his parishioners, one of whom was President Obama, for over 20 years.

If President Obama didn't harbor some of the same beliefs as Rev Wright, why did he continue following him for over 20 years?

The second my pastor starts preaching hatred against another race, his own country, or hatred for anything period, is the second he stops being my pastor!
You are the definition of what is to be a liberal in todays American. I place a very simple question at your feet. Yet you'd rather call names and run and hide, than answer the very simple question that I pose to you.

To further call you out on your passive-aggressive incompetence. I'd be characterized as a moderate liberal. I'm not close to being a Conservative.

Liberals in todays America are much more comfortable bitching at Conservatives, than being in power and leading the way in this country. Secretly, you'd probably rather have Conservatives win various elections, because bitching on the sidelines is a lot more safe and comfortable. Liberals/Democrats are unable to have an accountable debate, without bringing it back to something negative Bush/Republicans have done in another area. The Democrats/Liberals in this country, have become a party of pussy elitists who can't lead. Get it together!

Of course you ask simple questions, you have a simple mind... human beings are complex creatures, yet you are willing to judge, discount and discard a 70 year old man's whole life on third party information and You tube snippets...a man of peace that has harmed no one and helped thousands of fellow citizens...

IMO, liberals stand little chance of power in today's uneducated America. They are too honest. The right has no sets of morals that cause them to contemplate or question their beliefs or actions...they only tell people what to FEAR and who to hate. and they have decided that the real enemy in America is liberals...

Ironic, America was founded on liberal tenets...

But there is never a human part of their equation...
And I thought that the brainwashed Obama apologists were bad! Now we have a Rev Wright apologist. Which means that you're either a black person, or a white person who's overflowing with white guilt. Either way, you continue to sway from the facts, in a zombie like fashion!

Rev Wright is known for preaching hatred against white people, and his own country. You can't deny that! He distributed his hatred among his parishioners, one of whom was President Obama, for over 20 years.

If President Obama didn't harbor some of the same beliefs as Rev Wright, why did he continue following him for over 20 years?

The second my pastor starts preaching hatred against another race, his own country, or hatred for anything period, is the second he stops being my pastor!

You call yourself a moderate liberal. If that's true, then you should have an open mind...I see none of that from your keep condemning the man based on third party info, Fox "some people say" bluster and You Tube snippets heavily edited BY people that WANT ONLY to slander Wright for political gain...these political hacks don't want to know or care to know the whole person and they have no interest in finding anything good or descent about the you have difficulty understanding THAT premise? There is NO objectivity or balance offered...NONE

If you are a liberal, then you should believe every man that stands accused has the right to defend himself and speak on his own HIS own words...If you are fair and open minded, please watch this interview and consider the whole person...

BTW, I am not a black man and I carry no white guilt...

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS
How to be a paranoid right wing pea brain...

First...create a caricatures of a person...make him ALL evil, 24/7 evil...cardboard cutout depth...

THEN... use your tiny pea, your ingrained polarized thinking...and pee your pants in FEAR
You are the definition of what is to be a liberal in todays American. I place a very simple question at your feet. Yet you'd rather call names and run and hide, than answer the very simple question that I pose to you.

To further call you out on your passive-aggressive incompetence. I'd be characterized as a moderate liberal. I'm not close to being a Conservative.

Liberals in todays America are much more comfortable bitching at Conservatives, than being in power and leading the way in this country. Secretly, you'd probably rather have Conservatives win various elections, because bitching on the sidelines is a lot more safe and comfortable. Liberals/Democrats are unable to have an accountable debate, without bringing it back to something negative Bush/Republicans have done in another area. The Democrats/Liberals in this country, have become a party of pussy elitists who can't lead. Get it together!

Of course you ask simple questions, you have a simple mind... human beings are complex creatures, yet you are willing to judge, discount and discard a 70 year old man's whole life on third party information and You tube snippets...a man of peace that has harmed no one and helped thousands of fellow citizens...

IMO, liberals stand little chance of power in today's uneducated America. They are too honest. The right has no sets of morals that cause them to contemplate or question their beliefs or actions...they only tell people what to FEAR and who to hate. and they have decided that the real enemy in America is liberals...

Ironic, America was founded on liberal tenets...

But there is never a human part of their equation...

Thats a really hard claim to make when most people are pretty moral in their own private lives.
:wtf: I went to the same Church for almost 20 years. It's a Baptist Church. I was very close with my pastor too, but I never let 'his' personal belief, or views change my own, or shape my own either. My pastor never had any 'hold' over my own thoughts, or my personal beliefs on many different issues and levels. I've been a supporter for gay righs since the 70's. I have always been an advocate womens rights... Pro-choice.
Why do people automatically 'believe' every Church, rev, or pastor brainwashes people into thinking the exact same way they do? Not everyone who goes to Church lives, breaths, or thinks the same way their rev or pastor does. Many folks actually have a mind of their own.

Ok, you are implying that your pastor was against women's rights, yet you supported him? What if he was advocating white supremacy? Would you have sat there? Silently? Would you have spoken up, addressing his prejudices? Would You have left and stayed silent? How long? Says more about you and Obama than us.
He has had this racist visit the Whitehouse!!! but says it's someone else how dumb does this guy think we are!!!
Editor's note: At the end off the clip Wright describes America as the "Land of the greed and home of the slave."

Is it your contention that America as a national body is not greedy and did not utilize human slavery?

If not, what's your point in mentioning this?

If so, are you familiar with our macroeconomic policy and the history of the Antebellum US?
Last edited:
YouTube - New Video: Rev. Wright Praises Magazines No Nonsense Marxism

"You dispel all the negative images we have been programmed to conjure up with just the mention of that word socialism or Marxism."

Editor's note: At the end off the clip Wright describes America as the "Land of the greed and home of the slave."

Connect the dots...

Oh yeah, I have connected the dots. Didn't Obama say Wright was his mentor?? Do you know now why this country is heading down the path to absolute socialism? You don't have to look far.

What I love is the hypocrisy- here these two are millionaires, living in luxurious surroundings, yet preaching to the rest of us, how we need to spread the wealth. Well, maybe we should, but let's start with rev Wright's wealth and President Obama's wealth.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Of course you ask simple questions, you have a simple mind... human beings are complex creatures, yet you are willing to judge, discount and discard a 70 year old man's whole life on third party information and You tube snippets...a man of peace that has harmed no one and helped thousands of fellow citizens...

IMO, liberals stand little chance of power in today's uneducated America. They are too honest. The right has no sets of morals that cause them to contemplate or question their beliefs or actions...they only tell people what to FEAR and who to hate. and they have decided that the real enemy in America is liberals...

Ironic, America was founded on liberal tenets...

But there is never a human part of their equation...
And I thought that the brainwashed Obama apologists were bad! Now we have a Rev Wright apologist. Which means that you're either a black person, or a white person who's overflowing with white guilt. Either way, you continue to sway from the facts, in a zombie like fashion!

Rev Wright is known for preaching hatred against white people, and his own country. You can't deny that! He distributed his hatred among his parishioners, one of whom was President Obama, for over 20 years.

If President Obama didn't harbor some of the same beliefs as Rev Wright, why did he continue following him for over 20 years?

The second my pastor starts preaching hatred against another race, his own country, or hatred for anything period, is the second he stops being my pastor!

You call yourself a moderate liberal. If that's true, then you should have an open mind...I see none of that from your keep condemning the man based on third party info, Fox "some people say" bluster and You Tube snippets heavily edited BY people that WANT ONLY to slander Wright for political gain...these political hacks don't want to know or care to know the whole person and they have no interest in finding anything good or descent about the you have difficulty understanding THAT premise? There is NO objectivity or balance offered...NONE

If you are a liberal, then you should believe every man that stands accused has the right to defend himself and speak on his own HIS own words...If you are fair and open minded, please watch this interview and consider the whole person...

BTW, I am not a black man and I carry no white guilt...

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

You do know that all he has said is on video and he has said all those things and never, not one time did he apologize to this nation for anything he said. He has stood behind those statements every step of the way. And he is your President's mentor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

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