Revenues are down down dow

Is that you Reagan/Trump fan?

Keep laughing dummy.
My point was made, fuckwad.
The only time you shitheads care about the national debt or the deficit is when a Republican is in the WH.
Otherwise, you just spend like drunken sailors or worse, much more than the Republicans ever would.

That’s really funny considering you clearly don’t give a fuck and just want to make this about me, not facts.
Lousy comeback.
But the fact is, you dicks don't give a shit about the debt unless somebody like Bush or Trump is in the WH.....and while Obama was president you felt he wasn't wasting a penny.
Now it matters to your ass, you hypocrite.

that is not fact, that’s bullshit.

My advocacy on deficits has been fairly consistent - run them up to stimulate economy in tough times, PAY THEM DOWN in good times.

It’s why I supported Stimulus and opposed indefinite extension of tax cuts in 2012 (as I recall Obama was the one in office. 2018 tax-cuts ON TOP of those tax-cuts is straight bonkers.

You on the other hand RIGHT HERE are not giving a fuck.
Obviously running up the debt isn't a good thing in any economy.
Thanks to Obama we're currently over $21 trillion in debt.
I work in the government, and while Obama was sending billions overseas to foreign banks, we couldn't even get our grass cut.
Right now we're trying to fix all of the shitty buildings that low-bid contractors built while Obama was president.
Instead of building up the military, Obama decimated it.
So Trump is having to totally rebuild our military and our space programs.
But this has happened in the past. Jimmy Carter gutted our military and so did Bill Clinton. It's what Democrats do.

21 Trillion debt because Obama?

You are an idiot. Want to confirm for yourself?
Try to list what he blew 21 Trillion on.
June revenue numbers are out and it ain't looking pretty for our fiscal situation.

Free lunch tax-cut theorists need to pay attention here.

Compared to same period in FY2017:

Oct 18 + $14B
Nov 18 + $8B
Dec 18 + $7B
Jan 18 + $17B

Feb 18 - $16B
March 18 - $6B
May 18 - $23B
June 18 - $32B

So without counting April when 2017 taxes were settled, instead of 11 billion average monthly revenue growth there is 19 billion shortfall.

Total effect is 30 billion monthly revenue reduction trend so far since tax-cuts went into effect. :smoke:

Monthly Treasury Statement

What tax cut?

He cut taxes and then raised tariffs.

That's like drying your hair with a hair dryer and then sticking it outside in the rain immediately afterwards.
June revenue numbers are out and it ain't looking pretty for our fiscal situation.

Free lunch tax-cut theorists need to pay attention here.

Compared to same period in FY2017:

Oct 18 + $14B
Nov 18 + $8B
Dec 18 + $7B
Jan 18 + $17B

Feb 18 - $16B
March 18 - $6B
May 18 - $23B
June 18 - $32B

So without counting April when 2017 taxes were settled, instead of 11 billion average monthly revenue growth there is 19 billion shortfall.

Total effect is 30 billion monthly revenue reduction trend so far since tax-cuts went into effect. :smoke:

Monthly Treasury Statement

What tax cut?

He cut taxes and then raised tariffs.

That's like drying your hair with a hair dryer and then sticking it outside in the rain immediately afterwards.

tariff revenues are a tiny fraction
Anyone else tired of the greedy drama queen?

And there you have it - from wearing tea bags on their heads to now calling national debt concerns "greedy"
F you and your bullshit concerns. You didn't give a fuck for years and now you are concerned? Bullshit. You are a lying hypocrite.

Stop pulling shit out of your ass - deficits have always been a concern in my posting and I dare you to quote me EVER saying otherwise.
Should have said the party you voted for. I could go through all the posts, but I will take your word for it.
I'm doing much better under Trump than I ever did under Obama.
That's what I look at, what affects me.
Carry on

Lol, because you got a few dollars from tax-cut last few months? :rolleyes:

Who do you think will be paying for the debts tax-cut you pocket today causes? Magic fairies?
Lol, has nothing to do with the tax cuts. I didn't even mention tax cuts.
I just need to look at my portfolio and smile.
Doing much better thanks to Trump.
Then you’re lying since the market increased some 200% under Obama after bottoming out from Bush’s Great Recession. Whereas it’s up only about 25% under Trump since he took office.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.
June revenue numbers are out and it ain't looking pretty for our fiscal situation.

Free lunch tax-cut theorists need to pay attention here.

Compared to same period in FY2017:

Oct 18 + $14B
Nov 18 + $8B
Dec 18 + $7B
Jan 18 + $17B

Feb 18 - $16B
March 18 - $6B
May 18 - $23B
June 18 - $32B

So without counting April when 2017 taxes were settled, instead of 11 billion average monthly revenue growth there is 19 billion shortfall.

Total effect is 30 billion monthly revenue reduction trend so far since tax-cuts went into effect. :smoke:

Monthly Treasury Statement

What tax cut?

He cut taxes and then raised tariffs.

That's like drying your hair with a hair dryer and then sticking it outside in the rain immediately afterwards.

tariff revenues are a tiny fraction

Tiny? That is not how the markets reacted to them.

I think the main issue is the massive debt that neither party will ever address.
And there you have it - from wearing tea bags on their heads to now calling national debt concerns "greedy"
F you and your bullshit concerns. You didn't give a fuck for years and now you are concerned? Bullshit. You are a lying hypocrite.

Stop pulling shit out of your ass - deficits have always been a concern in my posting and I dare you to quote me EVER saying otherwise.
Should have said the party you voted for. I could go through all the posts, but I will take your word for it.
I'm doing much better under Trump than I ever did under Obama.
That's what I look at, what affects me.
Carry on

Lol, because you got a few dollars from tax-cut last few months? :rolleyes:

Who do you think will be paying for the debts tax-cut you pocket today causes? Magic fairies?
Lol, has nothing to do with the tax cuts. I didn't even mention tax cuts.
I just need to look at my portfolio and smile.
Doing much better thanks to Trump.
Then you’re lying since the market increased some 200% under Obama after bottoming out from Bush’s Great Recession. Whereas it’s up only about 25% under Trump since he took office.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.
Obama stifled businesses with his EO's regarding regulations, and the returns and anemic economy reflected that.
When Trump got in and removed those EO's, the economy strengthened and the returns reflected THAT.
So I am doing better, the dividends are increasing.
No lying, I am doing better.
Golfing Gator said:
The DOW is basically where it was on Jan 2, it has not sniffed a record in 6 months. And since the markets are stagnant most people's 401ks are not making much money.
Where Was It On Jan 2 2017 ??
401's Have Done Well

You Think A New Record
Needs To Be Posted Every Month To Be A Success ??

There's Due To Be A Retracement/Adjustment
But It Won't Go Back Or Below Were It Was Before
Will You Then Claim That's A Catastrophe
And Ignore It As It Climbs Back Up ??
That's What You're Doing Now

Things Are Markedly Better Now
And Better For You Too,
Whether You Feel Like Acknowledging It Or Not

Now Go Knock A Few Rounds With Pelosi If You Like

The dow was at 20 thousand something when trump took office.

The dow was 7 thousand something when Obama took office.

Obama increased the dow by around 13 thousand points while in office.

The man was handed the worst economy since 1933 when hoover handed the republican great depression over to Roosevelt.

Obama was handed 10% unemployment which he decreased down to 4.7%

That's a decrease of 5.3%

Obama handed trump a good economy.

When trump increases the dow over 13 thousand points. When he decreases unemployment by 5.3%, I'll be impressed.

So far trump has added around 4 thousand to the dow. He's decreased unemployment by 7 tenths of one percent. Not even a full percentage.

And you people think Obama did a bad job leaving a mess?

Your delusions are so messed up there are no words to describe it.
Could you state just what policies Obama implemented to turn the recession around?
Please be specific.
You seem to be pretty smart so this shouldn't be a problem
The same ones righties tout as Trump passed in November, 2016, when he won the election.
F you and your bullshit concerns. You didn't give a fuck for years and now you are concerned? Bullshit. You are a lying hypocrite.

Stop pulling shit out of your ass - deficits have always been a concern in my posting and I dare you to quote me EVER saying otherwise.
Should have said the party you voted for. I could go through all the posts, but I will take your word for it.
I'm doing much better under Trump than I ever did under Obama.
That's what I look at, what affects me.
Carry on

Lol, because you got a few dollars from tax-cut last few months? :rolleyes:

Who do you think will be paying for the debts tax-cut you pocket today causes? Magic fairies?
Lol, has nothing to do with the tax cuts. I didn't even mention tax cuts.
I just need to look at my portfolio and smile.
Doing much better thanks to Trump.
Then you’re lying since the market increased some 200% under Obama after bottoming out from Bush’s Great Recession. Whereas it’s up only about 25% under Trump since he took office.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.
Obama stifled businesses with his EO's regarding regulations, and the returns and anemic economy reflected that.
When Trump got in and removed those EO's, the economy strengthened and the returns reflected THAT.
So I am doing better, the dividends are increasing.
No lying, I am doing better.
And again, you're lying. You're actually trying to ignore the value of the stocks.

Under Obama:
  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%

Under Obama following the market bottoming out from the recession:
  • DJIA: UP 199%
  • NASDAQ: UP 286%
  • S&P500: UP 182%
Under Trump:
  • DJIA: UP 26%
  • NASDAQ: UP 41%
  • S&P500: UP 23%

Yahoo Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News
Golfing Gator said:
The DOW is basically where it was on Jan 2, it has not sniffed a record in 6 months. And since the markets are stagnant most people's 401ks are not making much money.
Where Was It On Jan 2 2017 ??
401's Have Done Well

You Think A New Record
Needs To Be Posted Every Month To Be A Success ??

There's Due To Be A Retracement/Adjustment
But It Won't Go Back Or Below Were It Was Before
Will You Then Claim That's A Catastrophe
And Ignore It As It Climbs Back Up ??
That's What You're Doing Now

Things Are Markedly Better Now
And Better For You Too,
Whether You Feel Like Acknowledging It Or Not

Now Go Knock A Few Rounds With Pelosi If You Like

The dow was at 20 thousand something when trump took office.

The dow was 7 thousand something when Obama took office.

Obama increased the dow by around 13 thousand points while in office.

The man was handed the worst economy since 1933 when hoover handed the republican great depression over to Roosevelt.

Obama was handed 10% unemployment which he decreased down to 4.7%

That's a decrease of 5.3%

Obama handed trump a good economy.

When trump increases the dow over 13 thousand points. When he decreases unemployment by 5.3%, I'll be impressed.

So far trump has added around 4 thousand to the dow. He's decreased unemployment by 7 tenths of one percent. Not even a full percentage.

And you people think Obama did a bad job leaving a mess?

Your delusions are so messed up there are no words to describe it.
Could you state just what policies Obama implemented to turn the recession around?
Please be specific.
You seem to be pretty smart so this shouldn't be a problem
The same ones righties tout as Trump passed in November, 2016, when he won the election.
And they were??????
Perception in the market took over a day or two after the election.
Trump canceled Obama's EO's and the market responded in kind.
Lowered the taxes for businesses which really helped small businesses.
Last edited:
Stop pulling shit out of your ass - deficits have always been a concern in my posting and I dare you to quote me EVER saying otherwise.
Should have said the party you voted for. I could go through all the posts, but I will take your word for it.
I'm doing much better under Trump than I ever did under Obama.
That's what I look at, what affects me.
Carry on

Lol, because you got a few dollars from tax-cut last few months? :rolleyes:

Who do you think will be paying for the debts tax-cut you pocket today causes? Magic fairies?
Lol, has nothing to do with the tax cuts. I didn't even mention tax cuts.
I just need to look at my portfolio and smile.
Doing much better thanks to Trump.
Then you’re lying since the market increased some 200% under Obama after bottoming out from Bush’s Great Recession. Whereas it’s up only about 25% under Trump since he took office.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.
Obama stifled businesses with his EO's regarding regulations, and the returns and anemic economy reflected that.
When Trump got in and removed those EO's, the economy strengthened and the returns reflected THAT.
So I am doing better, the dividends are increasing.
No lying, I am doing better.
And again, you're lying. You're actually trying to ignore the value of the stocks.

Under Obama:
  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%

Under Obama following the market bottoming out from the recession:
  • DJIA: UP 199%
  • NASDAQ: UP 286%
  • S&P500: UP 182%
Under Trump:
  • DJIA: UP 26%
  • NASDAQ: UP 41%
  • S&P500: UP 23%

Yahoo Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News
And Trump is doing it without the help of the Federal Reserve.
I'm not saying that coming out of a recession wasn't helpful.
I will say that Obama slowed the recovery immensely.
The market was basically floundering the last 4 years of Obama's tenure
as his policies took it's grip on the economy.
Golfing Gator said:
The DOW is basically where it was on Jan 2, it has not sniffed a record in 6 months. And since the markets are stagnant most people's 401ks are not making much money.
Where Was It On Jan 2 2017 ??
401's Have Done Well

You Think A New Record
Needs To Be Posted Every Month To Be A Success ??

There's Due To Be A Retracement/Adjustment
But It Won't Go Back Or Below Were It Was Before
Will You Then Claim That's A Catastrophe
And Ignore It As It Climbs Back Up ??
That's What You're Doing Now

Things Are Markedly Better Now
And Better For You Too,
Whether You Feel Like Acknowledging It Or Not

Now Go Knock A Few Rounds With Pelosi If You Like

The dow was at 20 thousand something when trump took office.

The dow was 7 thousand something when Obama took office.

Obama increased the dow by around 13 thousand points while in office.

The man was handed the worst economy since 1933 when hoover handed the republican great depression over to Roosevelt.

Obama was handed 10% unemployment which he decreased down to 4.7%

That's a decrease of 5.3%

Obama handed trump a good economy.

When trump increases the dow over 13 thousand points. When he decreases unemployment by 5.3%, I'll be impressed.

So far trump has added around 4 thousand to the dow. He's decreased unemployment by 7 tenths of one percent. Not even a full percentage.

And you people think Obama did a bad job leaving a mess?

Your delusions are so messed up there are no words to describe it.
Could you state just what policies Obama implemented to turn the recession around?
Please be specific.
You seem to be pretty smart so this shouldn't be a problem
The same ones righties tout as Trump passed in November, 2016, when he won the election.
And they were??????
Perception in the took over a day or two after the election.
Trump canceled Obama's EO's and the market responded in kind.
Lowered the taxes for businesses which really helped small businesses.
Policies don't matter according to the right. That was my point. Rightards have been boasting about how the economy got better because of Trump even before he was sworn in and passed his first policy. I used to debate righties about Obama's policies but thanks to the stupidity of the right, now I can just point to their ignorance.
Should have said the party you voted for. I could go through all the posts, but I will take your word for it.
Lol, because you got a few dollars from tax-cut last few months? :rolleyes:

Who do you think will be paying for the debts tax-cut you pocket today causes? Magic fairies?
Lol, has nothing to do with the tax cuts. I didn't even mention tax cuts.
I just need to look at my portfolio and smile.
Doing much better thanks to Trump.
Then you’re lying since the market increased some 200% under Obama after bottoming out from Bush’s Great Recession. Whereas it’s up only about 25% under Trump since he took office.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.
Obama stifled businesses with his EO's regarding regulations, and the returns and anemic economy reflected that.
When Trump got in and removed those EO's, the economy strengthened and the returns reflected THAT.
So I am doing better, the dividends are increasing.
No lying, I am doing better.
And again, you're lying. You're actually trying to ignore the value of the stocks.

Under Obama:
  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%

Under Obama following the market bottoming out from the recession:
  • DJIA: UP 199%
  • NASDAQ: UP 286%
  • S&P500: UP 182%
Under Trump:
  • DJIA: UP 26%
  • NASDAQ: UP 41%
  • S&P500: UP 23%

Yahoo Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News
And Trump is doing it without the help of the Federal Reserve.
I'm not saying that coming out of a recession wasn't helpful.
I will say that Obama slowed the recovery immensely.
The market was basically floundering the last 4 years of Obama's tenure
as his policies took it's grip on the economy.
Great, so then show me were the rate of employment increased drastically under Trump -- or tacitly confess the economy continues to grow at the same rate it has been growing for about the last 8½ years now....

Where Was It On Jan 2 2017 ??
401's Have Done Well

You Think A New Record
Needs To Be Posted Every Month To Be A Success ??

There's Due To Be A Retracement/Adjustment
But It Won't Go Back Or Below Were It Was Before
Will You Then Claim That's A Catastrophe
And Ignore It As It Climbs Back Up ??
That's What You're Doing Now

Things Are Markedly Better Now
And Better For You Too,
Whether You Feel Like Acknowledging It Or Not

Now Go Knock A Few Rounds With Pelosi If You Like

The dow was at 20 thousand something when trump took office.

The dow was 7 thousand something when Obama took office.

Obama increased the dow by around 13 thousand points while in office.

The man was handed the worst economy since 1933 when hoover handed the republican great depression over to Roosevelt.

Obama was handed 10% unemployment which he decreased down to 4.7%

That's a decrease of 5.3%

Obama handed trump a good economy.

When trump increases the dow over 13 thousand points. When he decreases unemployment by 5.3%, I'll be impressed.

So far trump has added around 4 thousand to the dow. He's decreased unemployment by 7 tenths of one percent. Not even a full percentage.

And you people think Obama did a bad job leaving a mess?

Your delusions are so messed up there are no words to describe it.
Could you state just what policies Obama implemented to turn the recession around?
Please be specific.
You seem to be pretty smart so this shouldn't be a problem
The same ones righties tout as Trump passed in November, 2016, when he won the election.
And they were??????
Perception in the took over a day or two after the election.
Trump canceled Obama's EO's and the market responded in kind.
Lowered the taxes for businesses which really helped small businesses.
Policies don't matter according to the right. That was my point. Rightards have been boasting about how the economy got better because of Trump even before he was sworn in and passed his first policy. I used to debate righties about Obama's policies but thanks to the stupidity of the right, now I can just point to their ignorance.
uh-huh The market went up right after the election because??????????
Who cares who you debated, give me some policies that Obama implemented that helped the economy. Oh I know, "Cash for Clunkers".
Lol, has nothing to do with the tax cuts. I didn't even mention tax cuts.
I just need to look at my portfolio and smile.
Doing much better thanks to Trump.
Then you’re lying since the market increased some 200% under Obama after bottoming out from Bush’s Great Recession. Whereas it’s up only about 25% under Trump since he took office.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.
Obama stifled businesses with his EO's regarding regulations, and the returns and anemic economy reflected that.
When Trump got in and removed those EO's, the economy strengthened and the returns reflected THAT.
So I am doing better, the dividends are increasing.
No lying, I am doing better.
And again, you're lying. You're actually trying to ignore the value of the stocks.

Under Obama:
  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%

Under Obama following the market bottoming out from the recession:
  • DJIA: UP 199%
  • NASDAQ: UP 286%
  • S&P500: UP 182%
Under Trump:
  • DJIA: UP 26%
  • NASDAQ: UP 41%
  • S&P500: UP 23%

Yahoo Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News
And Trump is doing it without the help of the Federal Reserve.
I'm not saying that coming out of a recession wasn't helpful.
I will say that Obama slowed the recovery immensely.
The market was basically floundering the last 4 years of Obama's tenure
as his policies took it's grip on the economy.
Great, so then show me were the rate of employment increased drastically under Trump -- or tacitly confess the economy continues to grow at the same rate it has been growing for about the last 8½ years now....

Don't want to talk about the Federal Reserve infusing trillions of dollars over obama's ENTIRE 8 YEARS IN OFFICE?
yawn this liberal bullshit sky is falling will not work.
It's because of their bullshit that Trump won. Now we have a working president with working people bringing home more money
See you at the election booths.
The dow was at 20 thousand something when trump took office.

The dow was 7 thousand something when Obama took office.

Obama increased the dow by around 13 thousand points while in office.

The man was handed the worst economy since 1933 when hoover handed the republican great depression over to Roosevelt.

Obama was handed 10% unemployment which he decreased down to 4.7%

That's a decrease of 5.3%

Obama handed trump a good economy.

When trump increases the dow over 13 thousand points. When he decreases unemployment by 5.3%, I'll be impressed.

So far trump has added around 4 thousand to the dow. He's decreased unemployment by 7 tenths of one percent. Not even a full percentage.

And you people think Obama did a bad job leaving a mess?

Your delusions are so messed up there are no words to describe it.
Could you state just what policies Obama implemented to turn the recession around?
Please be specific.
You seem to be pretty smart so this shouldn't be a problem
The same ones righties tout as Trump passed in November, 2016, when he won the election.
And they were??????
Perception in the took over a day or two after the election.
Trump canceled Obama's EO's and the market responded in kind.
Lowered the taxes for businesses which really helped small businesses.
Policies don't matter according to the right. That was my point. Rightards have been boasting about how the economy got better because of Trump even before he was sworn in and passed his first policy. I used to debate righties about Obama's policies but thanks to the stupidity of the right, now I can just point to their ignorance.
uh-huh The market went up right after the election because??????????
Who cares who you debated, give me some policies that Obama implemented that helped the economy. Oh I know, "Cash for Clunkers".
Because the market had been going up for the past 7 years and it continued to increase -- until Trump's tax cuts. That didn't start under Trump. As I pointed out, the Dow nearly tripled under Obama and the Nasdaq nearly quadrupled after bottoming out from Bush's Great Recession.
Then you’re lying since the market increased some 200% under Obama after bottoming out from Bush’s Great Recession. Whereas it’s up only about 25% under Trump since he took office.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing to say.
Obama stifled businesses with his EO's regarding regulations, and the returns and anemic economy reflected that.
When Trump got in and removed those EO's, the economy strengthened and the returns reflected THAT.
So I am doing better, the dividends are increasing.
No lying, I am doing better.
And again, you're lying. You're actually trying to ignore the value of the stocks.

Under Obama:
  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%

Under Obama following the market bottoming out from the recession:
  • DJIA: UP 199%
  • NASDAQ: UP 286%
  • S&P500: UP 182%
Under Trump:
  • DJIA: UP 26%
  • NASDAQ: UP 41%
  • S&P500: UP 23%

Yahoo Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News
And Trump is doing it without the help of the Federal Reserve.
I'm not saying that coming out of a recession wasn't helpful.
I will say that Obama slowed the recovery immensely.
The market was basically floundering the last 4 years of Obama's tenure
as his policies took it's grip on the economy.
Great, so then show me were the rate of employment increased drastically under Trump -- or tacitly confess the economy continues to grow at the same rate it has been growing for about the last 8½ years now....

Don't want to talk about the Federal Reserve infusing trillions of dollars over obama's ENTIRE 8 YEARS IN OFFICE?
Your tacit confession is acknowledged.
My point was made, fuckwad.
The only time you shitheads care about the national debt or the deficit is when a Republican is in the WH.
Otherwise, you just spend like drunken sailors or worse, much more than the Republicans ever would.

That’s really funny considering you clearly don’t give a fuck and just want to make this about me, not facts.
Lousy comeback.
But the fact is, you dicks don't give a shit about the debt unless somebody like Bush or Trump is in the WH.....and while Obama was president you felt he wasn't wasting a penny.
Now it matters to your ass, you hypocrite.

that is not fact, that’s bullshit.

My advocacy on deficits has been fairly consistent - run them up to stimulate economy in tough times, PAY THEM DOWN in good times.

It’s why I supported Stimulus and opposed indefinite extension of tax cuts in 2012 (as I recall Obama was the one in office. 2018 tax-cuts ON TOP of those tax-cuts is straight bonkers.

You on the other hand RIGHT HERE are not giving a fuck.
Obviously running up the debt isn't a good thing in any economy.
Thanks to Obama we're currently over $21 trillion in debt.
I work in the government, and while Obama was sending billions overseas to foreign banks, we couldn't even get our grass cut.
Right now we're trying to fix all of the shitty buildings that low-bid contractors built while Obama was president.
Instead of building up the military, Obama decimated it.
So Trump is having to totally rebuild our military and our space programs.
But this has happened in the past. Jimmy Carter gutted our military and so did Bill Clinton. It's what Democrats do.

21 Trillion debt because Obama?

You are an idiot. Want to confirm for yourself?
Try to list what he blew 21 Trillion on.
Maybe you need to take a fucking course on reading comprehension.
I said thanks to Obama we're currently over $21 trillion in debt.

Now re-read that and tell me what you think that means.
Here's what I meant. We are currently over $21 trillion in debt.
When Obama became president we were only $10 trillion in debt.

Trump can't spend dick....because Congress won't let him.
Now who do you think got us close to $20 trillion in debt, and had us on a pace to hit $24 trillion by 2020?
Barack H. Obama.
That’s really funny considering you clearly don’t give a fuck and just want to make this about me, not facts.
Lousy comeback.
But the fact is, you dicks don't give a shit about the debt unless somebody like Bush or Trump is in the WH.....and while Obama was president you felt he wasn't wasting a penny.
Now it matters to your ass, you hypocrite.

that is not fact, that’s bullshit.

My advocacy on deficits has been fairly consistent - run them up to stimulate economy in tough times, PAY THEM DOWN in good times.

It’s why I supported Stimulus and opposed indefinite extension of tax cuts in 2012 (as I recall Obama was the one in office. 2018 tax-cuts ON TOP of those tax-cuts is straight bonkers.

You on the other hand RIGHT HERE are not giving a fuck.
Obviously running up the debt isn't a good thing in any economy.
Thanks to Obama we're currently over $21 trillion in debt.
I work in the government, and while Obama was sending billions overseas to foreign banks, we couldn't even get our grass cut.
Right now we're trying to fix all of the shitty buildings that low-bid contractors built while Obama was president.
Instead of building up the military, Obama decimated it.
So Trump is having to totally rebuild our military and our space programs.
But this has happened in the past. Jimmy Carter gutted our military and so did Bill Clinton. It's what Democrats do.

21 Trillion debt because Obama?

You are an idiot. Want to confirm for yourself?
Try to list what he blew 21 Trillion on.
Maybe you need to take a fucking course on reading comprehension.
I said thanks to Obama we're currently over $21 trillion in debt.

Now re-read that and tell me what you think that means.
Here's what I meant. We are currently over $21 trillion in debt.
When Obama became president we were only $10 trillion in debt.

Trump can't spend dick....because Congress won't let him.
Now who do you think got us close to $20 trillion in debt, and had us on a pace to hit $24 trillion by 2020?
Barack H. Obama.
Then blame Bush since he was the one who handed Obama a trillion dollar deficit with an economy in freefall with millions losing their jobs and their homes -- which was the biggest cause of our debt skyrocketing.

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