U.S. Posts Largest-Ever Monthly Budget Deficit in February

Democrats and Republicans don't want to deal with the deficit, just point the finger. Administration by administration, it has been one disaster after another.

Let's take a fast look. Okay, more jobs are being done. It shows in the unemployment roles. Now, here is the truth.

Only those actively looking are counted on that role. The ones that just gave up and went home are no longer counted.

Yes, there are more jobs. But it's not necessarily being done by more people. We have had a slight decrease in full time employment but a huge increase in part time employment. Walmat used to have 60% full time and 40% part time workers. But right around 2010, they changed to 40 full time and 60 part time. How do I know this? I used to work for that sorry company. Today, the ratio for part time versus full time is even worse in Walmart and many are afraid for their jobs even if they are only working part time. Couples work there so that both of them can have an income equal to a full time job. The part time jobs are counted with the same levy that the full time jobs are on the Employment Listings you keep hearing about doing so well.

More people are working 2 part time jobs or sometimes 3 in a given household.

Those people are also slowly sinking. Even with the minimum wage increases, the cost of living outstrips the COL. Each year, they sink further into being poor. The Middle Class is all but gone.

In the 60s, we didn't count part time work against the employed listings. You had to have a full time job. Mostly, it was the man that worked and the women weren't counted. The reported employment rate was hovering right around 6 percent. Today, the employment rate is listed right around 5 percent give or take. This is for all men and women. Now, let's remove the part time jobs from the count. All of a sudden we are at about a 25% unemployment rate using the same way it used to be reported even with counting women in the figures. The Unemployment rate during the depression before the CCC and WPA was 24%. What is the difference? We, the Sheep are told we are doing better. The Government is lying out of it's ass to prevent panic. That's the only difference between a recession and a depression.

If you are doing better, good for you but the majority of the country is slowly slipping.

And don't bother screaming, "Cite, Cite, Cite" this has already been covered over and over. Each and every point. And that generates more "Jobs" but less taxable income. In otherwords, deficits grow.

Cable TV, Netflix, smart phones, Uber...all cost money and were not around in the 60s life is more expensive and to afford it some have to work more or go without. Cry me a river.

I don't use Cable TV or Netflix or Uber...... etc.. I watch TV over the air and refuse to pay the 90 bucks a month for Cable TV to get anything worth watching. You seem to believe that all of are living the life or Riley. I choose not to for the most part. I used to be considered Middle Class. Today, with the same percent of income, I am just above poverty. And I am doing better than over 50% of the population of the United States. I bring in about 32K a year income with deductions for Medicare and dental insurance. My Healthcare is the VA. I have two retirements coming in, SSI and Military Retirement. I have it pretty damned good actually. What I don't understand is how the normal person working for anything less than 22 bucks an hour can make it since they don't have the options available I have. 10 bucks an hour, slipping off into oblivion. 15 bucks an hour, I consider poverty wages. 22 bucks an hour I consider a living wage where you can afford the insurance and a nice place to live with good food on the table, nice clothes for your kids and actually have a small amount of disposable income.

I remember a time in my life when my Father took boiled potatoes to work for lunch so that the rest of the family could have the Pinto Beans for lunch. I know what it's like to be poor. You seem to not be able to experience empathy. Others don't seem to have that problem.

And others that do work are doing without even today. One out of every 5 children are living at or below poverty. Count the children the next time you walk down the street and guess which ones are living in poverty. But you don't have a clue. Those one out of 5 children are doing without necessary things every day and it's not their choice. And in many cases, it's not the Parents choice either. Try a little empathy for a change. It'll make you a better person.

Guy, I make 12x that for a family of four and we are not exactly flourishing. Life is expensive. On fixed income...well you’re my hero.

Never Forget
Only able to report what happened in Kansas, Brownback promoted the same tax cuts for corporations & business that Republicans have now put in place for the whole United States. result small towns now abandoned, hospitals closed, working & middle class struggle. Kansas Republicans realize the disaster & shut Brownback down.

That's been coming for quite some time. The Great Rightwing Economic Experiment failed miserably. Yet we keep doing it on a Federal Level. Will the last person to leave the United States of America please shut out the lights, that is, if the lights still work.
How long are you people going to keep parroting this lie?

Lets step back about 28 years and have a look see.Y'all fucked yourselves with greed
Democrats and Republicans don't want to deal with the deficit, just point the finger. Administration by administration, it has been one disaster after another.

Let's take a fast look. Okay, more jobs are being done. It shows in the unemployment roles. Now, here is the truth.

Only those actively looking are counted on that role. The ones that just gave up and went home are no longer counted.

Yes, there are more jobs. But it's not necessarily being done by more people. We have had a slight decrease in full time employment but a huge increase in part time employment. Walmat used to have 60% full time and 40% part time workers. But right around 2010, they changed to 40 full time and 60 part time. How do I know this? I used to work for that sorry company. Today, the ratio for part time versus full time is even worse in Walmart and many are afraid for their jobs even if they are only working part time. Couples work there so that both of them can have an income equal to a full time job. The part time jobs are counted with the same levy that the full time jobs are on the Employment Listings you keep hearing about doing so well.

More people are working 2 part time jobs or sometimes 3 in a given household.

Those people are also slowly sinking. Even with the minimum wage increases, the cost of living outstrips the COL. Each year, they sink further into being poor. The Middle Class is all but gone.

In the 60s, we didn't count part time work against the employed listings. You had to have a full time job. Mostly, it was the man that worked and the women weren't counted. The reported employment rate was hovering right around 6 percent. Today, the employment rate is listed right around 5 percent give or take. This is for all men and women. Now, let's remove the part time jobs from the count. All of a sudden we are at about a 25% unemployment rate using the same way it used to be reported even with counting women in the figures. The Unemployment rate during the depression before the CCC and WPA was 24%. What is the difference? We, the Sheep are told we are doing better. The Government is lying out of it's ass to prevent panic. That's the only difference between a recession and a depression.

If you are doing better, good for you but the majority of the country is slowly slipping.

And don't bother screaming, "Cite, Cite, Cite" this has already been covered over and over. Each and every point. And that generates more "Jobs" but less taxable income. In otherwords, deficits grow.

Cable TV, Netflix, smart phones, Uber...all cost money and were not around in the 60s life is more expensive and to afford it some have to work more or go without. Cry me a river.

I don't use Cable TV or Netflix or Uber...... etc.. I watch TV over the air and refuse to pay the 90 bucks a month for Cable TV to get anything worth watching. You seem to believe that all of are living the life or Riley. I choose not to for the most part. I used to be considered Middle Class. Today, with the same percent of income, I am just above poverty. And I am doing better than over 50% of the population of the United States. I bring in about 32K a year income with deductions for Medicare and dental insurance. My Healthcare is the VA. I have two retirements coming in, SSI and Military Retirement. I have it pretty damned good actually. What I don't understand is how the normal person working for anything less than 22 bucks an hour can make it since they don't have the options available I have. 10 bucks an hour, slipping off into oblivion. 15 bucks an hour, I consider poverty wages. 22 bucks an hour I consider a living wage where you can afford the insurance and a nice place to live with good food on the table, nice clothes for your kids and actually have a small amount of disposable income.

I remember a time in my life when my Father took boiled potatoes to work for lunch so that the rest of the family could have the Pinto Beans for lunch. I know what it's like to be poor. You seem to not be able to experience empathy. Others don't seem to have that problem.

And others that do work are doing without even today. One out of every 5 children are living at or below poverty. Count the children the next time you walk down the street and guess which ones are living in poverty. But you don't have a clue. Those one out of 5 children are doing without necessary things every day and it's not their choice. And in many cases, it's not the Parents choice either. Try a little empathy for a change. It'll make you a better person.

Guy, I make 12x that for a family of four and we are not exactly flourishing. Life is expensive. On fixed income...well you’re my hero.

Never Forget

Thank you for your Empathy. it does go a long ways. But I have it pretty good compared to others around me. And I have no idea how anyone can live on 1100 bucks a month like some do here. And since they are card carrying hard core Republicans, they won't use the food banks or most other community non government services. I do point out that they can get assistance in the utility bills and they really don't have any choice but to take that. But putting food on the table is a bit sparse. I do cookouts or take one of them to a nice place to eat once inawhile. There are a few that do the same. But not enough. And these folks have a lot of pride. Their incomes are well below poverty and they refuse what they call handouts. I don't know about you but it's damned frustrating living near these folks but hey, someone has to.

The fix is to get the Cost of Living under control and get the wages and benefits up to a livable level. If you raise the minimum wage and they raise the COL the same amount, the poor sap making just over the minimum wage is screwed big time. And that is how it always happens. The minimum wage worker actually lost because now he's in a higher tax bracket and the slightly above minimum wage worker is not paying more to stay alive. You just created a larger poverty class. And the Rich just got Richer while everyone else, including you, just got poorer.

This is fixable. Everything is fixable. But how do we fix it? And it needs fixing.
The budget deficit keeps getting bigger and bigger as tax revenues continue to fall.

The USA is in a bad place if a recession hits because the government's capability to use fiscal policy to defend against a recession will be severely impaired by the huge budget deficits.

The government debt keeps accumulating and it won't be long before the interest payments are so high the debt is self-sustaining with positive feedback causing acceleration of debt accumulation.

Trump has trashed world trade with his trade war which could have further negative consequences.

Republicans only care about the debt when the Democrats are in charge.
Can hypocrite angry lefties ever get their heads straight? Trump ain't your freaking enemy, the gaggle of socialist democrats campaigning to change society and stack the Constitution with socialist Justices are the enemy of the United States as we know it.
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Can hypocrite angry lefties ever get their heads straight? Trump ain't your freaking enemy, the gaggle of socialist democrats are the enemy of the United States as we know it.

Sounds to me like you are my enemy.
Reducing the tax burden while growing the debt only pushes the problem down the road so that our kids and grandkids will have more of a tax burden to deal with our greed.
It's not The State's money in the first place, Gomer.

Cut the fucking spending and abolish programs.

You are right, it is not. But they keep spending and spending and spending because nobody will vote them out of office

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