Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

It points a finger at all kinds of agencies and people that have been subverted, you're the one that doesn't want to 'go there'. Guess what, Trump isn't in office and they're all still there.
Chad Wolfe was head of DHS, illegally I might add, and a total Trump acolyte. Never issued any threat assessment.

In the end, it’s understandable that the government didn’t think Trump supporters would become widely violent. Their online rhetoric is always violent but they didnt really have any history of becoming violent.

Claiming the DHS should have foreseen widespread violence would be tacitly admitting that it wasn’t just a protest gone bad but a planned event.
I didn't post anything from Wikipedia. I posted from a government website which shows you don't know what the fuck you're yammering about.
A government website probably has less credibility than Wikipedia or you.
Yogananda D. Pittman, replaced Sund, who happened to also be in charge of intelligence for the capitol police and therefore completely failed at her job. Yet she was promoted to Chief when he stepped down, imagine that. Then she ends up as Chief of Police at University of California, Berkley, a very well paying job right next to Pelosi's district.
Is that what I am doing or is it that you being of low intelligence you really do not understand what you read and are way too dumb to ask for help.
No one would have ever issued any such order to start shooting protestors coming in through the windows. Nancy Pelosi didn’t have any such authority either, because the Capitol police are governed by a 3 person board.

To control and prevent the violence, they just needed more riot police, a lot more.

What exactly was your point?
I didn't post anything from Wikipedia. I posted from a government website which shows you don't know what the fuck you're yammering about.
Well how about that, even the broken clock is right twice a day.

I am sorry, I got you confused with the other FOUR lettered idiot posting. It can be hard to keep you dummies straight, you say so much stupid shit.
Chad Wolfe was head of DHS, illegally I might add, and a total Trump acolyte. Never issued any threat assessment.

In the end, it’s understandable that the government didn’t think Trump supporters would become widely violent. Their online rhetoric is always violent but they didnt really have any history of becoming violent.

Claiming the DHS should have foreseen widespread violence would be tacitly admitting that it wasn’t just a protest gone bad but a planned event.
The fact that 10,000 troops could have been there defeats any lame argument you have.
Chad Wolfe was head of DHS, illegally I might add, and a total Trump acolyte. Never issued any threat assessment.

In the end, it’s understandable that the government didn’t think Trump supporters would become widely violent. Their online rhetoric is always violent but they didnt really have any history of becoming violent.

Claiming the DHS should have foreseen widespread violence would be tacitly admitting that it wasn’t just a protest gone bad but a planned event.

So you change the subject, of course you do. The fact is that there was intelligence coming in with all kinds of reports of potential violence, yet the alphabet agencies sat on them and didn't share those threats with the chief of capitol police in the days prior to 1/6/21. You're so damn gullible.
Sunday said his requests were made to both Sergeant-at-Arms and the Pentagon, not Nancy Pelosi.

No he didn't say that, he said it went up the chain of command, who does the Sergeant at Arms report to?
Legislative Branch: FY2019 Appropriations


Such appropriation bills are drafted by the House Appropriations Subcommittee, a body the CPB reports to, not the Speaker of the House, you fucking imbecile.

You're making a complete ass of yourself. Please continue...
The fact that 10,000 troops could have been there defeats any lame argument you have.
There couldn’t. The DC national guard is less than half that number and no one thinks that was ever a realistic offer.

In the end, it shows that Trump knew that there was going to be violence and went ahead with everything anyway.
So you change the subject, of course you do. The fact is that there was intelligence coming in with all kinds of reports of potential violence, yet the alphabet agencies sat on them and didn't share those threats with the chief of capitol police in the days prior to 1/6/21. You're so damn gullible.
They didn’t think they were serious threats. It’s easy to see why they would make that assumption.
No, it's not 'made up', it's directly reported and documented by Steven Sund, Chief of Capitol Police on 1/6/21. You need to educate yourself, but we all know you won't since it skewers everything you believe to be 'true'.

Post it...
Is that what the standard operating procedure states? How about posting the documents that dictate how they do their job. Oh, sorry, you can not do that, they are classified.

If anything, you have just proven how inept Nancy Pelosi was at governing the security of the Capitol Building. All the power to write and review and improve the laws, rules, and regulations, yet she failied.

So it is your belief, during an emergency, the Chief of the Capitol police must go to the Capitol Police board, which he is part of, and ask for the National Guard. And during that emergency, the Capitol Police board must contact committees, which are not in session, and ask them if they can have emergency powers?

You brought it up, so which committees, obviously it is not one, so tell us how during an emergency this all works. If you dont know, just say so.

There are chains of command, Who does the Sergeant at Arms report to?

The government says you're full of shit.
I wonder why when he - not Trump - is on tape inciting protesters to go in to the Capitol?

Were there FBI operatives dressed as Trump supporters inside the capital on January 6?
We've established already they were the ones standing beside Bigfoot. The ones who implored the mob to come to DC. The ones who conspired with Eastman, Clark, and Chesebro to use the DoJ and fake electors to orchestrate a plot to have certified state results thrown out so Repub controlled state legislatures could change the outcome of the election. The FBI were the ones who sat in the WH dining room and did nothing about the riot for 180 minutes. They were the ones who were begged by staff to stop the rioters. They were the ones who initiated stop the steal. Yeah, that's the ticket.
I did not use the word authority for a reason. I know she doesnt, hence I never said she did.

Nice of you to construct an argument and attribute to me, then declaring I was wrong, when in fact it is your opinion, not my comment that you replied to.

I know you didn't, putz. That's why I added that last sentence. There's literally nothing Pelosi could make McConnell do.
So you change the subject, of course you do. The fact is that there was intelligence coming in with all kinds of reports of potential violence, yet the alphabet agencies sat on them and didn't share those threats with the chief of capitol police in the days prior to 1/6/21. You're so damn gullible.
Every post you folks write serves as an example of the concerted efforts to revise history in Trump's favor. So thanks for proving my point.
Says the person who knows the answer reveals truth


Wrong again, imbecile. Nancy could have been Wonder Woman. She still had no authority over McConnell or the Senate. Referring to her as "alpha" doesn't change that. What kind of moronic argument are you trying to make with that idiocy?

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