Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

Which committees, and who sat on them on 1/6/21?


You're funny. I ask you to post proof of your claims -- you categorize that as me not knowing what I'm talking about.

If we apply YOUR own standards to you, that means by you asking me to prove my claims, means you don't know what you're talking about. :lol:

You do live up to your own standards, don'tcha?

Regardless of your double standards, unlike you, I can back up what I posts when asked...

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. This oversight affords the Department the support and opportunity to continually ensure that the USCP meets the safety and security needs of the Congress, the staff, and the many visitors who come to the United States Capitol each day.

Appropriations Committees
House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch
Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch

Authorizing Committees
Committee on House Administration
Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
Nancy was not Congress, you flaming idiot. :cuckoo:
The Member chosen as the Speaker is the presiding officer of the
House, charged with numerous duties and responsibilities by law and by
House rules as will be ex-emplified in this subchapter;(4)

[[Page 432]]

but he is not unlimited in the exercise of his various
powers.(5) In one sense, he represents the House as one body
of Congress.
For example, he signs all acts and joint resolutions for
the House.(6) In another sense he represents the House as a
single entity acting separately from any Senate action. For example, he
has a formal part in initiating contempt of House proceedings against
recalcitrant witnesses.(7) In still another sense he
represents all of the individual Members of the House.(8)
The Member elected Speaker also represents the membership in such
matters as accepting service of subpena in his official

You're funny. I ask you to post proof of your claims -- you categorize that as me not knowing what I'm talking about.

If we apply YOUR own standards to you, that means by you asking me to prove my claims, means you don't know what you're talking about. :lol:

You do live up to your own standards, don'tcha?

Regardless of your double standards, unlike you, I can back up what I posts when asked...

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. This oversight affords the Department the support and opportunity to continually ensure that the USCP meets the safety and security needs of the Congress, the staff, and the many visitors who come to the United States Capitol each day.
Appropriations Committees
House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch
Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch
Authorizing Committees
Committee on House Administration
Senate Committee on Rules and Administration

This is only one, you can read actual government docs as well, including the testimony of Steven Sund.

FBI, Homeland Security ignored 'massive amount' of intelligence before Jan. 6, Senate report says
So you're saying there was no intel about potential threats at the Capitol on 1/6/21?

I said no such thing. :icon_rolleyes:

You made a claim.

I challenged you to prove it.

You didn't. That indicates to me you're full of shit.
We've established already they were the ones standing beside Bigfoot. The ones who implored the mob to come to DC. The ones who conspired with Eastman, Clark, and Chesebro to use the DoJ and fake electors to orchestrate a plot to have certified state results thrown out so Repub controlled state legislatures could change the outcome of the election. The FBI were the ones who sat in the WH dining room and did nothing about the riot for 180 minutes. They were the ones who were begged by staff to stop the rioters. They were the ones who initiated stop the steal. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Until you can give a serious answer to that question, there is no reason to take you seriously in your crying about Trump “inciting” any riot.
What’s happening is that there is new evidence and testimony that splinters the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat narrative, but they won’t let go of it and will call those who simply observe the new evidence and Draw updated conclusions as trying to change something.

It’s on leftists to address the new evidence. They probably haven’t even watched the new videos, they don’t want to. They like the old narrative, they’ll take it to their graves.

  • This wasn’t a legitimate threat to the nation, there was no way they could succeed. The democrats are continuing to lie about that.
  • No congressman’s life was in danger (AOC lied)
  • The rioters in the Capitol were rather calm
  • police let many into the building, and now those who were waved in are getting decades in prison (that’s messed up)

It’s very different because of what we know now.

It is not really "new" evidence, many of us were talking about this evidence from the beginning.
There is some recently released video, Americans luv video, that back up the true story.
No one would have ever issued any such order to start shooting protestors coming in through the windows. Nancy Pelosi didn’t have any such authority either, because the Capitol police are governed by a 3 person board.

To control and prevent the violence, they just needed more riot police, a lot more.

What exactly was your point?
Protestors? I thought you said it was an insurrection? Hence I responded as if there was an insurrection.

The board is technically, 4 person, to include the Chief of Police.
I said no such thing. :icon_rolleyes:

You made a claim.

I challenged you to prove it.

You didn't. That indicates to me you're full of shit.

The claim I made was that none of the intel was shared with Steven Sund, Capitol Police Chief. I think you need to go read through testimony that was given by him, or are you calling him a liar?
Where did you get that notion? So since 'they' didn't think they were serious threats, 'they' just chose not to share any information with the Chief of Capitol Police? And you, being the idiot you are, believe that there aren't any protocols, policies, regulations, or any other form of rules that govern what information is shared among agencies, specifically to the one person who was in charge of security for the Capitol Building on 1/6/2021? You're a special kind of stupid. I suggest you buy Steven Sund's book and read it.
This was well investigated by Congress.

This report also indicates that the Capitol Police was certainly aware of threats but likewise didn’t really take them seriously.

Sund has plenty of responsibility for the failure, and I don’t doubt that his book points a lot of fingers elsewhere.
This was well investigated by Congress.

This report also indicates that the Capitol Police was certainly aware of threats but likewise didn’t really take them seriously.

Sund has plenty of responsibility for the failure, and I don’t doubt that his book points a lot of fingers elsewhere.

So you're calling him a liar and the testimony he gave lies?
You WISH, creep.
It's all on VIDEO
Your precious J/6 shitty commitie left all that out of their sham-wow infomercial.

There was no committee -
A legitimate committee would have disagreement, dissent.

See today where Republican House members and Democrat House members went at each other while Joey's bagman watched the proceedings.
elektra -- post #403

as one body of Congress

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.

Yes, the House is ONE body of Congress. There's another. That means Nancy was a member of Congress -- she was NOT Congress. You're trying, and failing, to give her powers she never had.

Why are you doing that?
Protestors? I thought you said it was an insurrection? Hence I responded as if there was an insurrection.

The board is technically, 4 person, to include the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police is on the board but does not have voting capacity and serves under the board.

The Capitol Police Board has a chairman but the chairman does not have any unilateral authority. Everything must be approved by the board.
elektra -- post #403

as one body of Congress

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.

Yes, the House is ONE body of Congress. There's another. That means Nancy was a member of Congress -- she was NOT Congress. You're trying, and failing, to give her powers she never had.

Why are you doing that?

So as Speaker of the House, she held no additional authority from any other house member?

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