Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

Sund did not request the national guard days before, he requested the national guard be on call and ready to respond quickly. The national guard didnt do so.
Sund disagrees with you
Sund did not request the national guard days before, he requested the national guard be on call and ready to respond quickly. The national guard didnt do so.
-The Capitol Police ESCORTED the buffalo guy INTO and OUT OF the SENATE CHAMBER
-The Capitol Police FIRED ON the crowd OUTSIDE
-HUNDREDS of FBI cosplayers dressed as MAGA incited violence INSIDE the BUILDING
-Nacy Pelosi DENIED Trump's request for the NG

It is crystal CLEAR that the riot was actually the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE that they planned for and WANTED!!!!!

Here is your peaceful protestors.

That is a flat out lie.
I should be more clear, maybe I’m misinterpreting who is requesting what from whom. Sund never submitted a request to the national guard. As for whether Sund made a request to the board, that’s disputed by the other people on the phone call.



You have no idea what you are talking about.
I don’t think you do. When Congress reconvened, they took up where they left off debating the objections.

The objection to Arizona electoral votes lost 6-93 in the Senate and 121-303 in the House at 10 PM and 11 PM on January 6th.

These are facts.
You really are incompetent or is it low IQ. Where is your quote from the page?

This is where it gets fun for me, I get to rub your face in your own link and show how wrong you really are.

We been discussing who the Chief of the Capitol police reports to, you claim it is not the leadership of the Legislative Branch of Government.

Let me quote your link and pose a question. The Capitol Police Board is made up of four members, which includes the Capitol Police Chief, hence you have been arguing that the Capitol Police chief reports to himself, and no one else.

The Capitol Police Board, reports to somebody. It falls under a branch of government, which branch is that, Lesh?
. Is overseen by the Capitol Police Board. Thank you
We did not see the FBI operatives inside the capital. We did not find out about them until much later. Of course, we still don’t know everything about them, since our employees at the FBI have told us it is none of our business.
You don’t know anything about them.

IF they were even there.
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In a statement provided to, Jane L. Campbell, president and CEO of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, said: “The Speaker of the House does not oversee security of the U.S. Capitol, the Capitol Police Board does, and the Speaker does not oversee the Board. The Board consists of three voting members: the Senate Sergeant at Arms, the House Sergeant at Arms, and the Architect of the Capitol; together with one non-voting member, the Chief of the Capitol Police.”

To put names to those titles, on Jan. 6, the Capitol Police chief was Steven Sund; the House sergeant at arms was Paul Irving; the Senate sergeant at arms was Michael Stenger; and the architect of the Capitol was Brett Blanton. Sund, Irving and Stenger all resigned in the wake of the riot.

So how does Pelosi fit into all of this?

“The Speaker is involved in the appointment of the House Sergeant at Arms, who must be confirmed by the House,” Campbell explained. “The Senate Sergeant at Arms is chosen by the Senate. The Speaker also sits on the commission that recommends an Architect of the Capitol to the U.S. President. However, it is the President who appoints the Architect, who must be confirmed by the Senate.”

During the Republican press conference on July 27, Rep. Rodney Davis noted that Irving, the House sergeant at arms, was “appointed by the speaker.” That’s true, but Irving initially came to the position in January 2012 after being nominated by then-House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican. Irving was unanimously approved by the House. He was retained by House votes five more times, including twice when Pelosi was speaker — on Jan. 3, 2019, and Jan. 3, 2021, three days before the riot.

Pelosi, of course, played no role in Stenger’s nomination or election as Senate sergeant at arms. Stenger was nominated by then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and approved by unanimous consent by the Senate on April 16, 2018.

Blanton, the architect of the Capitol, was appointed by then-President Donald Trump and was confirmed in the Republican-controlled Senate by voice vote on Dec. 19, 2019.

And none of those people have authority over the NG
I don’t think you do. When Congress reconvened, they took up where they left off debating the objections.

The objection to Arizona electoral votes lost 6-93 in the Senate and 121-303 in the House at 10 PM and 11 PM on January 6th.

These are facts.

They let people in. That’s a fact. They stood there, opened doors for them.

And we were told all had savaged the building and overcome police.

That’s why the narrative needs to be rewritten. The one the left put out is completely incorrect
The major problem you have is what happened at the barricades.
That is like saying, Donald Trump is not in charge of the National Guard, the Army is.

Try again, the two leaders of Congress, are in charge of the Security. The buck does not stop with the policemen, it goes higher.
It does go higher. To the Capitol Police Board
You don’t know anything about them.

IF they were even there.
Why don’t I know? Because those who salaries are paid by my tax dollars refused to tell me, or any other American. I take it that is something about which you are completely in curious? Maybe if the next time it is your candidate who is being set up, you won’t be so uninterested in the truth.
We've established already they were the ones standing beside Bigfoot. The ones who implored the mob to come to DC. The ones who conspired with Eastman, Clark, and Chesebro to use the DoJ and fake electors to orchestrate a plot to have certified state results thrown out so Repub controlled state legislatures could change the outcome of the election. The FBI were the ones who sat in the WH dining room and did nothing about the riot for 180 minutes. They were the ones who were begged by staff to stop the rioters. They were the ones who initiated stop the steal. Yeah, that's the ticket.
The world's dumbest conspiracy theory. ^^^
Why don’t I know? Because those who salaries are paid by my tax dollars refused to tell me, or any other American. I take it that is something about which you are completely in curious? Maybe if the next time it is your candidate who is being set up, you won’t be so uninterested in the truth.
Does the FBI tell you a lot about its investigations?
I don’t see anyone disputing it. The FBI screwed up. They didn’t see Trump supporters as the violent lawless thugs they truly are.
As distinct from the DNC thugs who burned, looted and vandalized every population center in the US?

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