Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

You must love constructing a house of cards and putting other people's names on it. We all know who Nancy Pelosi is, thee most powerful member of Congress

here, chew on this awhile

The speaker of the house is, one body of congress.

It will never be true no matter how many times you repeat this idiocy.

Answer this... what is the official title for this supposed leader of Congress...?
It will never be true no matter how many times you repeat this idiocy.

Answer this... what is the official title for this supposed leader of Congress...?
Leader of the House of Representatives
gee, I cant post when I have time? A break from work?

I get it, you are most likely validating your opinion with a quick google search vs trying to see if the Standard Operating Procedure is online. You obviously are not reading the law from a government website.

yes, you have crickets for a brain


You literally skipped answering that post.

And still no answer to my question.

Your non answer actually answers for you.
So not the Leader of Congress. Glad we finally cleared your idiocy up.
Yes, the leader of congress, Nancy Pelosi was the leader of congress, The leader of the house of representatives is the leader of congress in every respect.
We do not have to walk through an imaginary scenario, we have a real scenario.

But I will play along. Yes I am part of a mob, They rush a police officer (I dont like the name, cop). I see not one or two people fall dead, being shot by the police officer, I see a 7 people fall dead, in seconds. I am next, the Police Officer has reloaded, and I can see the gunshot fire has brought a full platoon of police to our location.

I would not proceed further, seeing 7 people die in seconds, with me to be the next. The crowd behind me, seeing me run away, certainly many would run away.

Than of course the police officer will take cover (not concealment) and proceed to kill 5 more, at which point the police platoon will have opened fire with shotguns and assault weapons.

Now it does sound like crickets, with the crowd dead and scattered.


Took you 3 seconds to move your goal posts from one officer to several officers.

Oh, and we do have a real answer to this. It came from Officer Fanone who said he made the conscious decision NOT to use his service weapon because that mob would have used it on him.

And since there were likely armed protesters, at least one seen with a gun, they would have shot you dead before you could reload.
Yes, the leader of congress, Nancy Pelosi was the leader of congress, The leader of the house of representatives is the leader of congress in every respect.

Nope, there is no such title as 'Leader of Congress.' You're just nuts.
Who is the third most powerful person in our government, leader of the House of Representatives. Which leader is more powerful, the leader of the Senate, or the Leader of the House, that would be the house.

Who represents all members of congress, Leader of the House

Who has all this power, who is congress, the literal face of congress, Leader of the House. Got any more useless points you cant win?


Are you drunk?

Took you 3 seconds to move your goal posts from one officer to several officers.

Oh, and we do have a real answer to this. It came from Officer Fanone who said he made the conscious decision NOT to use his service weapon because that mob would have used it on him.

And since there were likely armed protesters, at least one seen with a gun, they would have shot you dead before you could reload.
Officer Fanone nows his/her limitations, and as such should not be protecting our congress.

Are you drunk?
I posted this in response to one of your posts earlier, you ignored it
The Member chosen as the Speaker is the presiding officer of the
House, charged with numerous duties and responsibilities by law and by
House rules as will be ex-emplified in this subchapter;(4)

[[Page 432]]

but he is not unlimited in the exercise of his various
powers.(5) In one sense, he represents the House as one body
of Congress.
For example, he signs all acts and joint resolutions for
the House.(6) In another sense he represents the House as a
single entity acting separately from any Senate action. For example, he
has a formal part in initiating contempt of House proceedings against
recalcitrant witnesses.(7) In still another sense he
represents all of the individual Members of the House.(8)
The Member elected Speaker also represents the membership in such
matters as accepting service of subpena in his official
Yes, the leader of congress, Nancy Pelosi was the leader of congress, The leader of the house of representatives is the leader of congress in every respect.

Great, post a link saying the Speaker of the House is both the leader of the House AND the leader of Congress....

Ready? Go!
Great, post a link saying the Speaker of the House is both the leader of the House AND the leader of Congress....

Ready? Go!
links prove you are clueless and do not understand that google is propaganda
Officer Fanone nows his/her limitations, and as such should not be protecting our congress.

Nope. Officer Fanone was there and you weren't. He was able to assess the situation whereas you're incapable.
links prove you are clueless and do not understand that google is propaganda


Nah, you're inability to post one proves you're nuts.

"...took some sort of higher ground."

Ummm, here's the thing about "higher", about height itself.....well, mein freund, it's relative.

Meaning, if you perceive my poor avatar is on 'higher' ground......well, friend, you are convinced you inhabit the 'lower ground.'

If you perceive yourself as lower, well.....that's on you.
Not on my poor avatar.

We hope you will regain your confidence. Good luck.

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