Revisiting Romney vs Obama: Why Romney and the GOP lost


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
President Obama and the Dems went out of their way to hand the GOP the election in 2012, and the right wing blew it anyway. Why? Many reasons. But one I'm sensitive to: The Real Message Behind Mitt Romney?s Anti-Police And Firefighters ?Gaffe? | Mediaite

Romney, the GOP and Tea Party took their attack to the front porch of a once-sacred part of society: Cops, firemen and teachers. As the article says, that would at one time be political suicide. Not anymore.....or so they thought. They thought it was safe to attack these evil government employees. Teachers? Well, they weren't as sympathetic a cause. But cops and firemen? The types of men and women who died on 9-11 as first responders, and who take on the role of protecting us inside our borders where the military, by law, cannot? That would be disaster. But why did they do it? The link explains it. To rich Republicans like Romney, the police are just servants there to do petty work, like check on seals near the kids pool on the beach, and to manage the hippie surfers. They find that work expendable.

But there are probably about 2,000,000 total cops and firemen in the country. Who have a spouse. And kids. And parents. And siblings. All in all....the attack probably cost the GOP 5,000,000 or so votes. Either by turning them, or pissing them off enough to not vote at all (like me).

The right wingers in Congress even passed a bill that would make the 9-11 surviving first know, cops and firemen, to be run through a terror watch list before they could collect any benefits: Jon Stewart 9-11 First Responders Bill | Terrorist Screening | Mediaite

Would the right wingers demand the same from, say, an Air Force member returning from a deployment, to be checked on a terror list before collecting military benefits?

God no. Not the military. Unlike the police and firemen.....the military "protects us".

And just like the cops and firemen, most of the military is right leaning, Republican. For now. Tens of thousands of cops/firemen have abandoned the GOP thanks to the party's attitude towards them the last 5 years.

Soon....the military members may get the same treatment. Afterall, a right winger's patriotism STOPS when it comes to his tax dollars being increased. And soon, the once-suicidal idea for a politician on the right wing to turn on the military may become ok. We never thought it would turn against cops/firemen either, but it did.

Just wait. It'll start here on this forum.
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.
When Republicans chose a candidate just slightly to the left of Obama it was over.

Those who didn't just stay home decided that if they were going to have a socialist they might as well at least score points for having shown they weren't racist.
Another thing is Obama ran on keeping Obamacare and won. Now the Repubs are threatening to blow up this great nation if they aren't able do what they failed to accomplish electorally. :(
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.

Continue to enjoy it as we ride the democrats all the way into the ground.

There is virtually NOTHING worse in government than one that is unified behind one party. The pathetic reality is that you do not realize this. Our government does not work when one dogmatic party takes over.
President Obama and the Dems went out of their way to hand the GOP the election in 2012, and the right wing blew it anyway. Why? Many reasons. But one I'm sensitive to: The Real Message Behind Mitt Romney?s Anti-Police And Firefighters ?Gaffe? | Mediaite

Romney, the GOP and Tea Party took their attack to the front porch of a once-sacred part of society: Cops, firemen and teachers. As the article says, that would at one time be political suicide. Not anymore.....or so they thought. They thought it was safe to attack these evil government employees. Teachers? Well, they weren't as sympathetic a cause. But cops and firemen? The types of men and women who died on 9-11 as first responders, and who take on the role of protecting us inside our borders where the military, by law, cannot? That would be disaster. But why did they do it? The link explains it. To rich Republicans like Romney, the police are just servants there to do petty work, like check on seals near the kids pool on the beach, and to manage the hippie surfers. They find that work expendable.

But there are probably about 2,000,000 total cops and firemen in the country. Who have a spouse. And kids. And parents. And siblings. All in all....the attack probably cost the GOP 5,000,000 or so votes. Either by turning them, or pissing them off enough to not vote at all (like me).

The right wingers in Congress even passed a bill that would make the 9-11 surviving first know, cops and firemen, to be run through a terror watch list before they could collect any benefits: Jon Stewart 9-11 First Responders Bill | Terrorist Screening | Mediaite

Would the right wingers demand the same from, say, an Air Force member returning from a deployment, to be checked on a terror list before collecting military benefits?

God no. Not the military. Unlike the police and firemen.....the military "protects us".

And just like the cops and firemen, most of the military is right leaning, Republican. For now. Tens of thousands of cops/firemen have abandoned the GOP thanks to the party's attitude towards them the last 5 years.

Soon....the military members may get the same treatment. Afterall, a right winger's patriotism STOPS when it comes to his tax dollars being increased. And soon, the once-suicidal idea for a politician on the right wing to turn on the military may become ok. We never thought it would turn against cops/firemen either, but it did.

Just wait. It'll start here on this forum.
The moral of the story is...The Republicans never gave a damn about the police, firemen nor teachers.

They just used them as political appendages.

I agree, it'll eventually happen to the's happening already in fact.

Excellent thread.

I'm so glad it's coming from a RWer.

You just made my day bucs...thanks!! :clap2: :thup:
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.

You're nuts. And you won't see me throwing any military "overboard"....I'm pretty proud of my sons service. And you think you know the "rightwing" don't. But we know you.
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.

good post because its true.
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.

Nobody believes your "the right wing hates cops" bullshit, it's a bad Starkey imitation
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.

Continue to enjoy it as we ride the democrats all the way into the ground.

There is virtually NOTHING worse in government than one that is unified behind one party. The pathetic reality is that you do not realize this. Our government does not work when one dogmatic party takes over.

Proclaim victory and hope it comes true eh?

Just like: People are scared of Palin, she'll be VP / No one likes ObamaCare he'll lose / Romney will win according to this poll that ignores every other poll etc etc etc

No matter how big you guys talk you still end up in the same place: Losing
Who cares.

And you just made my point for me. The right wing once cared about police officers almost as much as they love the military.

Not anymore. They threw them overboard with the firemen and teachers. All evil government employees, ya know? They'll toss the military overboard soon too, once they are desperate.

And that's why you assholes lost.

And I'm enjoying every damn second of it.

Nobody believes your "the right wing hates cops" bullshit, it's a bad Starkey imitation

No no, Romney lost because hes too awesome! Palin lost because she was so brilliant that people were unable to directly look at her like an eclipse! And GWB will go down as the best POTUS in history
Romney lost because he was a weak candidate who ran a bad campaign I know lots of people have a really tough time accepting that the simple answer is the correct one but in this case it really is.
When Republicans chose a candidate just slightly to the left of Obama it was over.

Those who didn't just stay home decided that if they were going to have a socialist they might as well at least score points for having shown they weren't racist.

And this is why 95% of America laughs at such nonsense.

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