RFK is the only candidate talking about Fauci's criminal enterprise

The important thing here is that partisan hacks like you get to write articles about him and tell us what Worm Brain thinks instead of giving him the opportunity to tell us himself in a Presidential debate, seeing as how impartial and tolerant you fascist leftists have been in the past.
Vee vill not allow zat Kennedy fellow to be heard! Nein!
The injections had nothing to do with controlling the virus. The injections didn't stop the spread or prevent disease. The virus eventually became weaker due to mutations. That's what happens with viruses.
Um, yeah, it just HAPPENED to go away right after everyone got vaccinated and Trump wasn't in there anymore encouraging bad behavior.
Vee vill not allow zat Kennedy fellow to be heard! Nein!
Why should we?

He's only on the ballot in nine states and is only polling at about 5% despite his famous name.

The only purpose of putting him on the stage it so make Trump look less crazy.
Vee vill not allow zat Kennedy fellow to be heard! Nein!

Vee must have zee papers!!

No papers? No debate.
Why should we?

He's only on the ballot in nine states and is only polling at about 5% despite his famous name.

The only purpose of putting him on the stage it so make Trump look less crazy.
Right, let the two parties continue to dominate the media and air waves so that no other voices are ever heard in order to gain support.

Good plan.
Right, let the two parties continue to dominate the media and air waves so that no other voices are ever heard in order to gain support.

Good plan.

Guy, I'm 62 years old.

In my time, I've seen rumblings from third party types, including George Wallace, John Anderson, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Pat Buchanan, Gary Johnson and Commie Jill Stein.

Third party people tend to be nuts.

Now, if you were serious about wanting a third party, the first thing you need to do is get rid of the electoral college. It cemented a two party system into place before the two parties ever existed.
Um, yeah, it just HAPPENED to go away right after everyone got vaccinated and Trump wasn't in there anymore encouraging bad behavior.

No, it just followed its natural progression and became weaker. Had nothing to do with an experimental injection. Spanish flu did the same thing but killed millions more.
No, it just followed its natural progression and became weaker. Had nothing to do with an experimental injection. Spanish flu did the same thing but killed millions more.
and where is your medical degree from?

The Spanish Flu actually had several outbreaks... it went away for a while and then came back stronger.
Sure they did.

Funny, I seem to remember that we got Covid under control when we vaccinated everyone... but hey, you live in your own fantasy world.
everyone? you sure? I didn't participate in this experiment
that injection doesn't stop you from getting nor spreading covid. do share this "control" you are claiming.
everyone? you sure? I didn't participate in this experiment
that injection doesn't stop you from getting nor spreading covid. do share this "control" you are claiming.
It reduces my chance of getting it therefor reduces my chance of spreading it.

But you keep believing the government wants to put a microchip in your ass or whatever.
It reduces my chance of getting it therefor reduces my chance of spreading it.

But you keep believing the government wants to put a microchip in your ass or whatever.

Many traditional vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ or virus into your body to trigger an immune response. However, mRNA vaccines are different. Instead, they teach your cells how to make a small, piece of the virus to trigger an immune response inside our bodies.

summary: it does not reduce your chance of getting it.

Many traditional vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ or virus into your body to trigger an immune response. However, mRNA vaccines are different. Instead, they teach your cells how to make a small, piece of the virus to trigger an immune response inside our bodies.

summary: it does not reduce your chance of getting it.
Except it did.

Thanks, President Biden.
it didn't
Thank Trump, he invented it

Nope, those were scientists.

All Trump did was fuck up the rollout so Biden had to start with a whole new batch while the first batch went bad on the shelves.
Nope, those were scientists.

All Trump did was fuck up the rollout so Biden had to start with a whole new batch while the first batch went bad on the shelves.
yeah, Biden mandated the vaccination. That is what Dictators do
Yep, Covid proved the Dims weren't happy just murdering babies, had to knock off healthy adults too.
COVID proved Dems were all about control. The same people who lost their shit over 50 people at a Church service yet had no problem with 10s of thousands at social justice protests.
Maybe Brainworm Bobby can tell us about how Covid was engineered to spare Jews.

Well, when I did 23 and Me I found out I have Ashkenazi Jews in my ancestry and I've never had COVID, so......

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