Rick Sanchez of CNN takes on Fox News

no, you vastly over estimate your size

I do, huh? Well, let's see, who has FoxNews officially designated as "biased enemy types"?

Let's go over the list, shall we?

1) Muslims. Well that's a very large portion of the world's population right there.

2) Socialists, and any nation that has socialist institutions. That would include all of Europe, much of Asia, Canada, much of Latin America.

3) Illegal Immigration. Well, there goes Mexico and Central America

4) Liberals and Democrats. Well that's half the US...

What's left? Australia? Well, I guess Murdoch won't talk bad about them, I'm sure there are some Muslims and Socialists there though....

So, ok, sorry, it's American Conservatives and some of the population of Australia against the rest of the world.
and again, you show how fucking STUPID you are
i bet other liberals are glad to have YOU in their camp
no, you vastly over estimate your size

I do, huh? Well, let's see, who has FoxNews officially designated as "biased enemy types"?

Let's go over the list, shall we?

1) Muslims. Well that's a very large portion of the world's population right there.

2) Socialists, and any nation that has socialist institutions. That would include all of Europe, much of Asia, Canada, much of Latin America.

3) Illegal Immigration. Well, there goes Mexico and Central America

4) Liberals and Democrats. Well that's half the US...

What's left? Australia? Well, I guess Murdoch won't talk bad about them, I'm sure there are some Muslims and Socialists there though....

So, ok, sorry, it's American Conservatives and some of the population of Australia againsnt the rest of the world.

It's Us against the Unwashed Hordes eh? ... Okay. Do they All eat Old People?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Fox News drowns kittens and kicks puppies
Man, if I actually watched FOXNews regularly you might even be close to a point...

Alas, you continue to fail...

Hell, I bet you watch FNC more than I do....lol

You must be related to AutoZona... You're not the one who asked for a certain auto part, are you?

Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've heard this same line from the rightie types, and then inevitably the slip up at some point and quote some "Hannity" or Glenn Beck classic lines.

Let me ask you this, if None of the other networks covered "the story" at the Tea Party event except for FoxNews, and yet you know "the story" of the Tea Party event, than how did you hear said "story"? Hmmm?

Did you just pick it up by osmosis? Did you learn it from reading a bunch of right-wing extremist websites perhaps?

and again, you show how fucking STUPID you are
i bet other liberals are glad to have YOU in their camp

ROFL. They sure are. I get lots of props.

But that's probably because my side of arguments usually doesn't consist mostly of statements like:

and again, you show how fucking STUPID you are

Well, tell me then Dive...

What country, other than Australia, does FoxNews and it's fans LIKE?
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i highly DOUBT it

That's because you don't bother to engage in friendly conversation with anyone that doesn't agree with your point of view.

I, on the other hand, have been known to do just that with a number of people, some on this very board.
As usual, the Vast Left Wing Crappola machine has defected the thread 180 degrees.

Back here in reality CNN still missed the story and Rick Sanchez is still looking weak.
As usual, the Vast Left Wing Crappola machine has defected the thread 180 degrees.

Back here in reality CNN still missed the story and Rick Sanchez is still looking weak.
CNN and the rest might have had people there, but they didn't cover the true story
i do, huh? Well, let's see, who has foxnews officially designated as "biased enemy types"?

Let's go over the list, shall we?

1) muslims. Well that's a very large portion of the world's population right there.

2) socialists, and any nation that has socialist institutions. That would include all of europe, much of asia, canada, much of latin america.

3) illegal immigration. Well, there goes mexico and central america

4) liberals and democrats. Well that's half the us...

What's left? Australia? Well, i guess murdoch won't talk bad about them, i'm sure there are some muslims and socialists there though....

So, ok, sorry, it's american conservatives and some of the population of australia againsnt the rest of the world.

it's us against the unwashed hordes eh? ... Okay. Do they all eat old people?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
fox news drowns kittens and kicks puppies
How did CNN, MSNBC, etc. (all of the "liberal media" stations) miss the story about the tea party march on Washington?

Is it because the MSM is so liberal that they simply ignore such things, as Fox is implying?

Or is Fox News simply fabricating a story?

Listen to Rick and make up your own mind.

Rick Sanchez takes on Fox. See the video.

Is Rick Sanchez related to the Dirty Sanchez that AutoZona was looking to get his boyfriend?

Dr. house?

How did CNN, MSNBC, etc. (all of the "liberal media" stations) miss the story about the tea party march on Washington?

Is it because the MSM is so liberal that they simply ignore such things, as Fox is implying?

Or is Fox News simply fabricating a story?

Listen to Rick and make up your own mind.

Rick Sanchez takes on Fox. See the video.

Is Rick Sanchez related to the Dirty Sanchez that AutoZona was looking to get his boyfriend?

Dr. house?

Great show, isn't it AutoZona?

Season opener was awesome...

Hows the Sanchez guy working out for ya?

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