Rick Sanchez of CNN takes on Fox News

What exactly am I lying about?

Didn't you know? Our entire existence is a lie. Rick Sanchez, Fox news, the collapse of the American republic at the hands of over-ambitious politicians piling more and more dependents onto increasingly angry taxpayers through entitlement programs, the propaganda that said politicians are attempting to spread (obviously it's worked on some of the posters here). That's all fake. You do not exist as an individual. The collective is the only thing that's real. Drink the Kool-aid and you will see the truth.

Actually, the only thing you're lying about is your implication, by asking the question, that you will get a coherent response. The Obamanation has taken the blue pill... they will only be woken up once their champion's true intentions become an inescapable truth. The propaganda and omissions of CNN and others can only delay this inevitability. Paperview just needs his drool cup changed. Nurse! :cuckoo:
What story are they fabricating? And please be specific.
Skeptic already posted a link.

For your viewing pleasure:

Rick Sanchez takes on Fox. See the video.

I saw the video and again I'm asking "what story are they fabricating? In my opinion CNN and the rest of the leftwing media didn't cover the story. Now they might have mentioned it and was sure to shed the protesters in the worst possible light, but that's not covering the story in a manner that's on par with journalistic standards.

They covered the story. Fox lied.
You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)

Fox said those other networks didn't cover it IN AN ADVERTISEMENT dumbass! Don't you get it? You're hero was responding to an ADVERTISEMENT. Yes, they lied in the sense that Snapple lies when they say that their product is made from "the best stuff on earth." But if Fox gets viewers from that ADVERTISEMENT, then they did a good job. If not, then they'll probably pull the ADVERTISEMENT. God, I think paperview needs his diaper changed too, something stinks in here.
You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)

Fox said those other networks didn't cover it IN AN ADVERTISEMENT dumbass! Don't you get it? You're hero was responding to an ADVERTISEMENT. Yes, they lied in the sense that Snapple lies when they say that their product is made from "the best stuff on earth." But if Fox gets viewers from that ADVERTISEMENT, then they did a good job. If not, then they'll probably pull the ADVERTISEMENT. God, I think paperview needs his diaper changed too, something stinks in here.
Apparently your head's not the only thing made of rubber, Stretch.
You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)

Fox said those other networks didn't cover it IN AN ADVERTISEMENT dumbass! Don't you get it? You're hero was responding to an ADVERTISEMENT. Yes, they lied in the sense that Snapple lies when they say that their product is made from "the best stuff on earth." But if Fox gets viewers from that ADVERTISEMENT, then they did a good job. If not, then they'll probably pull the ADVERTISEMENT. God, I think paperview needs his diaper changed too, something stinks in here.
It was a call-out, you asswipe. It wasn't like a Snapple ad.
They directly impugned the integrity of the networks they NAMED, specifically.

It's fucking funny as hell that you endorse a provable lie, by a right wing mouthpiece - in a promo ad - to bring Fox News viewers to them, to show them as "Fair and Balanced." Hilarious.

Good thing they didn't say Honest there too.

Fox News: We Lie So Boldly, We Even Advertise it!
As Sanchez ended that superb piece, I will respond likewise:



What exactly am I lying about?
I will concede you prefaced that with an "in your opinion," so I take it back - opinions can't be lies.

You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)

If you show evidence that Fox has lied I would certainly take it into consideration. But so far all I've seen is accusations. I guess the leftwing idiots figure if they said it enough it would magically become true.

You say they covered it, I say they exploited it, there's a big difference between the two.

I suppose it really depends on how you define "covering a story".

Why is it that you idiots think that deflecting an issue with another issue strengthens your argument? It actually weakens it, but showing that you cannot argue the issue based on it's own merits you have to go back in time to find a similar situation that you think supports your argument. Fact is Fox did cover the anti-war protest.

WASHINGTON — Convinced this is their moment, tens of thousands marched Saturday in an anti-war demonstration linking military families, ordinary people and an icon of the Vietnam protest movement in a spirited call to get out of Iraq.

FOXNews.com - Tens of Thousands Gather for Anti-War Protest in Washington - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Bush Gets Warm Welcome in Croatia Amid Anti-U.S. Protests - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Anti-War Protesters Want UC Berkeley Prof. Fired - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

FNC's Bennett Rea: Anti-War Protests - uReport
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You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)

Fox said those other networks didn't cover it IN AN ADVERTISEMENT dumbass! Don't you get it? You're hero was responding to an ADVERTISEMENT. Yes, they lied in the sense that Snapple lies when they say that their product is made from "the best stuff on earth." But if Fox gets viewers from that ADVERTISEMENT, then they did a good job. If not, then they'll probably pull the ADVERTISEMENT. God, I think paperview needs his diaper changed too, something stinks in here.
Apparently your head's not the only thing made of rubber, Stretch.

Not that I argue that there are other things besides my head that are made of rubber (tires, rubber balls, etc.) but what am I stretching? I admit that what the ADVERTISEMENT says is untrue, I am merely pointing out that it was an ADVERTISEMENT. Maybe Rick Sanchez should call out TCBY (The Country's Best Yogurt) for implying that all other yogurts in the US are inferior. Rick Sanchez is an imbecile and he and whoever is wiping his ass played right into Murdoch's hands. Thank you Rick Sanchez for profoundly discrediting CNN :clap2:
The funny thing is, because Fox says so, this should be a huge, front page, don't mention anything else type story. BECAUSE FOX SAID SO.


Enjoy the rep I sent you. Fantastic post sir.

It's not because Fox says so, it's a big story because it involves tax payer money funding a corrupt organization. Furthermore, our president has been inextricably involved with that organization for over a decade. This and many lesser stories were front page news when GWB was president, so what's changed? I'll tell you, because your answer will undoubtedly be total bullshit if in fact it even you even address the question. What's changed is that things have gotten so bad (partially because of GWB's administration) that people want to believe Obama's unrealistic promises so bad that they refuse to acknowledge that he (and his staff) are completely inept. However, more conservative lawmakers are more bound by the rules of polite decorum so they won't engage in the same kind of debasement of our public forums that liberals did so often in the interest of enraging their constituents during the reign of GWB. The one exception being Joe Wilson, who was right by the way and I think the president should be asked to publicly apologize for disrespecting the forum and his office by lying from his bully pulpit. Then congress should apologize to Joe Wilson for chastising him for being the only congressman with the courage to call him on it.

Name an organization that is not corrupt to some degree. Even the Red Cross is succeptable to greed and coruption.

Red Cross CEO Pulled Down $651,957 Salary - Bush Strafes New Orleans - Share The Wealth

Why don't you fucking traitorous neo con pieces of shit ever tell the truth?

Instead of all this straw man crap just come clean why you don't like acorn.

Well You Said it I Guess Everyone Goes on the List then, but Huggy.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Really Huggy, Everybody does it is No Excuse. It's not True Either. These are High Crimes and every day delayed is a day of cover up and Shredding. It is shameful, and it has touched Government at every level. It's Become The US Crime Family.
Fox's rating are soaring and it's probably due in part to the host of liberals tuning in.

No, its because they have a really dumb uneducated base and they love to have Fox think for them.

Fox viewers are lazy and believe all the tripe the fox lie station throws out. The righty's can have them.

In the big picture do you really think it matters? They get, what maybe 3 million viewers a night....ok, in the big picture, how does 3 million republicans who watch fox change anything come election time? it was proven last November, fox and their uneducated demographic did not change the results. The better man and better party won.

List the lies Fox has told.

A recent study of viewers’ politics conducted by Pew Research Center found that Fox has the most balanced audience at 39 percent conservative, 33 percent liberal and 22 percent independent.

As for CNN and MSNBC:

"The CNN audience was 18 percent conservative, 51 percent liberal and 23 percent independent, while MSNBC’s viewers were 18 percent conservative, 45 percent liberal and 27 independent."

A link please
It's not because Fox says so, it's a big story because it involves tax payer money funding a corrupt organization. Furthermore, our president has been inextricably involved with that organization for over a decade. This and many lesser stories were front page news when GWB was president, so what's changed? I'll tell you, because your answer will undoubtedly be total bullshit if in fact it even you even address the question. What's changed is that things have gotten so bad (partially because of GWB's administration) that people want to believe Obama's unrealistic promises so bad that they refuse to acknowledge that he (and his staff) are completely inept. However, more conservative lawmakers are more bound by the rules of polite decorum so they won't engage in the same kind of debasement of our public forums that liberals did so often in the interest of enraging their constituents during the reign of GWB. The one exception being Joe Wilson, who was right by the way and I think the president should be asked to publicly apologize for disrespecting the forum and his office by lying from his bully pulpit. Then congress should apologize to Joe Wilson for chastising him for being the only congressman with the courage to call him on it.

Name an organization that is not corrupt to some degree. Even the Red Cross is succeptable to greed and coruption.

Red Cross CEO Pulled Down $651,957 Salary - Bush Strafes New Orleans - Share The Wealth

Why don't you fucking traitorous neo con pieces of shit ever tell the truth?

Instead of all this straw man crap just come clean why you don't like acorn.

That's it, point to other bad behavior to justify bad behAvior.

You're a stupid fuck.
he didnt even point to "bad behavior" at least not in the nature of corruption
how does a CEO being paid equal corruption?
Skeptic already posted a link.

For your viewing pleasure:

Rick Sanchez takes on Fox. See the video.

I saw the video and again I'm asking "what story are they fabricating? In my opinion CNN and the rest of the leftwing media didn't cover the story. Now they might have mentioned it and was sure to shed the protesters in the worst possible light, but that's not covering the story in a manner that's on par with journalistic standards.

The Preamble to its Code of (journalistic) Ethics states:

...public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.

It's my opinion that CNN failed to cover the story consistent with these basic principles.
As Sanchez ended that superb piece, I will respond likewise:


no, that would be YOU
I saw the video and again I'm asking "what story are they fabricating? In my opinion CNN and the rest of the leftwing media didn't cover the story. Now they might have mentioned it and was sure to shed the protesters in the worst possible light, but that's not covering the story in a manner that's on par with journalistic standards.

The Preamble to its Code of (journalistic) Ethics states:

...public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.

It's my opinion that CNN failed to cover the story consistent with these basic principles.
As Sanchez ended that superb piece, I will respond likewise:



What exactly am I lying about?
nothing, she is one of the biggest liars i have ever known
As Sanchez ended that superb piece, I will respond likewise:



What exactly am I lying about?
I will concede you prefaced that with an "in your opinion," so I take it back - opinions can't be lies.

You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)
they didnt say they didnt cover it, asswipe, they said they MISSED IT
Skeptic already posted a link.

For your viewing pleasure:

Rick Sanchez takes on Fox. See the video.

I saw the video and again I'm asking "what story are they fabricating? In my opinion CNN and the rest of the leftwing media didn't cover the story. Now they might have mentioned it and was sure to shed the protesters in the worst possible light, but that's not covering the story in a manner that's on par with journalistic standards.

They covered the story. Fox lied.
NO, they didnt
they covered side issues to discredit the story
stop LYING
You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)

Fox said those other networks didn't cover it IN AN ADVERTISEMENT dumbass! Don't you get it? You're hero was responding to an ADVERTISEMENT. Yes, they lied in the sense that Snapple lies when they say that their product is made from "the best stuff on earth." But if Fox gets viewers from that ADVERTISEMENT, then they did a good job. If not, then they'll probably pull the ADVERTISEMENT. God, I think paperview needs his diaper changed too, something stinks in here.
It was a call-out, you asswipe. It wasn't like a Snapple ad.
They directly impugned the integrity of the networks they NAMED, specifically.

It's fucking funny as hell that you endorse a provable lie, by a right wing mouthpiece - in a promo ad - to bring Fox News viewers to them, to show them as "Fair and Balanced." Hilarious.

Good thing they didn't say Honest there too.

Fox News: We Lie So Boldly, We Even Advertise it!
CNN has no integrity to lose
No, its because they have a really dumb uneducated base and they love to have Fox think for them.

Fox viewers are lazy and believe all the tripe the fox lie station throws out. The righty's can have them.

In the big picture do you really think it matters? They get, what maybe 3 million viewers a night....ok, in the big picture, how does 3 million republicans who watch fox change anything come election time? it was proven last November, fox and their uneducated demographic did not change the results. The better man and better party won.

List the lies Fox has told.

A recent study of viewers’ politics conducted by Pew Research Center found that Fox has the most balanced audience at 39 percent conservative, 33 percent liberal and 22 percent independent.

As for CNN and MSNBC:

"The CNN audience was 18 percent conservative, 51 percent liberal and 23 percent independent, while MSNBC’s viewers were 18 percent conservative, 45 percent liberal and 27 independent."

A link please


You need to learn how to use it. Google is your friend.

But for your convenience here's a link...

Obama Era Good For Fox News | Politics.MyNC.com
What exactly am I lying about?
I will concede you prefaced that with an "in your opinion," so I take it back - opinions can't be lies.

You will, I am certain though, never concede that Fox News lied,
when they said that other networks didn't cover it.
They did. And did a fine job of it. Even better coverage than the anti-war protesters (which ironically your side bitched and moaned about and Fox gave scant coverage...)
they didnt say they didnt cover it, asswipe, they said they MISSED IT

Urgent News Report Just coming in off the wire: A Citrix GotoMeeting ADVERTISEMENT has informed me that I "can't live without it." Me and my "news team" are currently looking into what "it" (Citrix GotoMeeting) is exactly and we have an in-depth report in the works for next week. Don't miss it! We'll have the oh-so-dreamy Anderson Cooper and John King moving colorful little insubstantial icons around on that huge touch-sensitive flat panel monitor and at some point we'll have some hot bimbo interrupt with breaking news that Ford trucks have been likened to "Rocks" even though the materials which compose them are clearly plastic and metal. She will then cite unconfirmed reports that metal is actually made from elements extracted from ore, which is, by definition "Rock." Even this, she will say, would only make them partially like "Rocks". Furthermore, such a claim would not be unique among car makers, because all other cars are similarly constructed.

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