Rick Sanchez of CNN takes on Fox News

Polk demonstrated that the Fox ad is based on a misleading claim. The misleading claim is that the event was "missed" by Fox's competitors. I don't know if the US has any "truth in advertising" legislation but if it does then this would fall squarely under it.

Of course it could also be seen as pure puffery by Fox and not to be taken at all seriously. That appeals to me, I have to admit, it has shades of "when did you stop beating your wife?" about it. "How did...miss this story?" assumes they did miss it (they didn't).

So in effect it's just advertising bullshit.
naw, they missed it

But I saw the video reports :eek:

I was here the day it happened. I flipped between fox msnbc and cnn, fox covered the rally, cnn had a blip every now and then,
so then you admit that CNN did not "cover" the event then

No, according to my understanding of "covering" an event it means reporting on it. Since I saw the video reports and saw some of the feed here on tv it seems to me that the various news outlets covered the event. The original advertising claim by Fox was that the outlets "missed" the story. Now I suppose they can fall back on, "but by 'story' we meant.....". As I said, puffery and not to be taken seriously.
but they only "covered" peripherals, not the actual event

What were the peripherals? What was the actual event? I'd suggest, not being a journalist, that some basic issues might be as follows:

What was happening.
Why it was happening.

That's reporting, well for me it is. Discussion on the topic of the event isn't reporting or covering the story, it's opinion. If a news team turns up and reports on what's happening and why it's happening then that's reporting. If "covering" a story means reporting and also having discussions about the topic of the event then the word "covering" means more than "reporting". But then the ad doesn't address anything so specific, it simply makes a claim that the other outlets "missed" the story. What did they miss? Did they miss reporting on it? Plainly no, the evidence is there that they reported on it. Did they not provide talking heads opinionating on the topic of the event? I don't know. But the enemy of puffery is clarity so the ad produced by Fox avoided clarity.
Polk demonstrated that the Fox ad is based on a misleading claim. The misleading claim is that the event was "missed" by Fox's competitors. I don't know if the US has any "truth in advertising" legislation but if it does then this would fall squarely under it.

Of course it could also be seen as pure puffery by Fox and not to be taken at all seriously. That appeals to me, I have to admit, it has shades of "when did you stop beating your wife?" about it. "How did...miss this story?" assumes they did miss it (they didn't).

So in effect it's just advertising bullshit.

And How is CNN doing on those ACORN Tapes? History is in the making. Where's CNN?

No idea but then since the performance of CNN relative to the ACORN story isn't the topic of discussion I suppose I can be excused from referring to it on the grounds that it actually has no relevance to the topic being discussed here.

Indirectly it does if it is an example of a politically connected blackout or boycott. Maybe the Union is strong arming them, maybe they under reported on 9/12 because of the same kind of pressure. What if the stories are linked Politically.
No, according to my understanding of "covering" an event it means reporting on it. Since I saw the video reports and saw some of the feed here on tv it seems to me that the various news outlets covered the event. The original advertising claim by Fox was that the outlets "missed" the story. Now I suppose they can fall back on, "but by 'story' we meant.....". As I said, puffery and not to be taken seriously.
but they only "covered" peripherals, not the actual event

What were the peripherals? What was the actual event? I'd suggest, not being a journalist, that some basic issues might be as follows:

What was happening.
Why it was happening.

That's reporting, well for me it is. Discussion on the topic of the event isn't reporting or covering the story, it's opinion. If a news team turns up and reports on what's happening and why it's happening then that's reporting. If "covering" a story means reporting and also having discussions about the topic of the event then the word "covering" means more than "reporting". But then the ad doesn't address anything so specific, it simply makes a claim that the other outlets "missed" the story. What did they miss? Did they miss reporting on it? Plainly no, the evidence is there that they reported on it. Did they not provide talking heads opinionating on the topic of the event? I don't know. But the enemy of puffery is clarity so the ad produced by Fox avoided clarity.
all they showed in that sanchez clip was sideline stuff
not a bit of the "game"
they covered the cheerleaders, not the game
But I saw the video reports :eek:

I was here the day it happened. I flipped between fox msnbc and cnn, fox covered the rally, cnn had a blip every now and then,

Fox devoted more on air time to the event?

they covered all five hours of it. start to finish. and the one in texas also. you gotta step back diuretic and ask yourself, what's in this for the libs? why the fuss about the tea parties? why the fuss about the numbers at the tea parties? wall to wall people on the mall yet the memo from the wh was to estimate 2 million let that leak and then spend a week or two saying it was all a lie by the right wing and ridiculing the numbers and the people who went, they stooped so low as to call the rally goers as racist. They gave almost no coverage and now make a stink about fox news pointing that out. Ask yourself why? Then go and ask yourself why they gave zero coverage to the ACORN story until the story broke on fox and the Census Bureau severed their relationship.. You should be seeing something by now!
Mayhap you need a lesson in history:

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I'm so sick of the pathetic whining lies of leftards. You're pissed off that the majority of ppl don't agree with your ideology, so now you're embracing dictatorship, and attempting to marginalize millions of Americans.

It's disgusting. And it will eventually bite you in the ass. Either when you're bitter old men and women, or sooner, if you continue to try to push your fucking tyrannical crap down our throats.
This may come as a shock, but the teabagger hordes weren't the only thing going on in the world.

yeah, way to dehumanize the tea party people

If they want to be treated like adults, they'll need to act like adults.

Nice lecture. Do you often lecture your Grand Ma and Grand Pa that way Polk? You want People to act Respectfully, and I agree with You in that.

Let's start with the term "Teabagger"

When CNN and MSNBC started pushing the term, the smirk on their faces suggested something more than merely reporting an event. They were trying to pin a label on a Political Movement They did not approve of or Respect. The term is deragatory

1. teabagger
multiple meanings. 1) one who carries large bags of packaged tea for shipment. 2) a man that squats on top of a womens face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as "teabagging" 3) one who has a job or talent that is low in social status 4) a person who is unaware that they have said or done something foolish, childlike, noobish, lame, or inconvenient. 5) also see "fagbag", "lamer", "noob"
Matt baseball, I can't believe he skipped our lan party to go to practice. Yeah, that kid is such a teabagger. Bottom line Anderson Cooper, separate bedroom fantasies from work. Polk, The term is not okay. Won't stop you from using it, however, won't respect you for using it.

2. teabagger 3821 up, 2058 down
A whining fool shouting loudly for liberty but not willing to pay the bill.
After most American workers saw more money in their paycheck due to the lower tax rate, the teabaggers at Fox News railed against high taxes, but did not discuss how much Jesus hated hypocrisy.
get this def on a mug
hypocrite mad sheep disease rectocranial inversion sufferer bloviator pretender

3. Teabagger
One who slaps another person in the face with their nad sack.

Urban Dictionary: teabagger
Why doesn't anyone get this? Rick Sanchez was responding to a printed advertisement using CNN's airtime. Advertisements are meant to sell products, and Rick Sanchez takes 5 mins of airtime to "expose" Fox news for doing something that anyone who watches CNN already believes that they do. It makes Sanchez look impotent and CNN weak. All this patting him on the back crap just makes liberals look pathetic for patting a "news" anchor on the back for "reporting" on an advertisement that stretched the truth. CNN's coverage of the rally and the tour leading up to it was pathetic and was not in proportion to the number of Americans that attended. Also, if you look at the clips that Sanchez shows, CNN reporters seem to be reporting on the protesters only to discredit them. Pathetic. CNN should just hang it up. All they've got left are Jack Cafferty and Lou Dobbs and it seems like they're under-appreciating those two so much that Fox might just have to set up a new channel and steal the two of them. Rick Sanchez is going to have to go back to mall security where the only thing he'll be exposing is himself to underage girls. Sorry Rick Snatchez this is not news and you are not a news man.

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