Rick Sanchez of CNN takes on Fox News

Why doesn't anyone get this? Rick Sanchez was responding to a printed advertisement using CNN's airtime. Advertisements are meant to sell products, and Rick Sanchez takes 5 mins of airtime to "expose" Fox news for doing something that anyone who watches CNN already believes that they do. It makes Sanchez look impotent and CNN weak. All this patting him on the back crap just makes liberals look pathetic for patting a "news" anchor on the back for "reporting" on an advertisement that stretched the truth. CNN's coverage of the rally and the tour leading up to it was pathetic and was not in proportion to the number of Americans that attended. Also, if you look at the clips that Sanchez shows, CNN reporters seem to be reporting on the protesters only to discredit them. Pathetic. CNN should just hang it up. All they've got left are Jack Cafferty and Lou Dobbs and it seems like they're under-appreciating those two so much that Fox might just have to set up a new channel and steal the two of them. Rick Sanchez is going to have to go back to mall security where the only thing he'll be exposing is himself to underage girls. Sorry Rick Snatchez this is not news and you are not a news man.

Who is CNN? I'm confused? What do they sell again? I thought they were an advertising company... LOL
This would be the story CNN did not cover, the fact that this many people got together in our nation's capital to protest an administration's actions and there were no arrests, no violence and no trash left behind ( the inauguration attendees left 130 tons of trash including American flags all over the ground Historic trash, 130 tons of inaugural garbage hauled away // Current ).

These are some of the people that CNN's idiot, Ricki Sanchez, wasn't interested in reporting on...........


Awesome pics! I was there too and when I was leaving I noticed heaps of trash with signs sticking out of them where the garbage cans once were. Those were responsible, considerate and thoughtful citizens at that rally. I was most touched by these two black ladies standing on Pennsylvania Ave. telling everyone walking out of the rally that they understood that this has nothing to do with race. At the time I didn't really get it, but now that I've had more of a chance to think about it and see elected officials (former and current) accuse me and my countrymen of being racist, I see that people with the courage to speak out against 'victim-mongering' are going to be important in the coming battle for the first amendment.
My favorite sign.. "I don't belong to the party of NO I belong to the party of HELL NO.

Did anyone actually watch CNN on 9-12-09?

They definitely missed the story!

DC is filled with protesters fed up with government spending gone wild, government encroachment on the private sector, big government programs costing billions (perhaps trillions) of dollars, and the further erosions of our American freedoms and here is the story CNN reported that day.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlf_rUVGRNw]YouTube - CNN: There Is A "Dark Fringe" To These Tea Party Events[/ame]

Fox didn't lie or even exaggerate...CNN missed the story.
Zona come clean!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3pHqBgtJQ&feature=related]YouTube - Zelda Fairy Spring Theme (No Melody)[/ame]
Did anyone actually watch CNN on 9-12-09?

They definitely missed the story!

DC is filled with protesters fed up with government spending gone wild, government encroachment on the private sector, big government programs costing billions (perhaps trillions) of dollars, and the further erosions of our American freedoms and here is the story CNN reported that day.

YouTube - CNN: There Is A "Dark Fringe" To These Tea Party Events

Fox didn't lie or even exaggerate...CNN missed the story.

It may push some to shy away. That said, Peaceful Protest is no place for guns. I would ask those to have them to put them in a secure safe place, or kick back away from what is going on. Mad medicine, I'm Lifetime NRA and I fully support Self Defense, this just involves too many people, and that involves panic. That said, CNN Serves It's God well.
I'll bet the Chinese ppl who found the army firing on them during their peaceful protest felt differently, however.

I'd a lot rather stand next to a dude openly carrying than bump up against a concealed weapon any day.
Did anyone actually watch CNN on 9-12-09?

They definitely missed the story!

DC is filled with protesters fed up with government spending gone wild, government encroachment on the private sector, big government programs costing billions (perhaps trillions) of dollars, and the further erosions of our American freedoms and here is the story CNN reported that day.

YouTube - CNN: There Is A "Dark Fringe" To These Tea Party Events

Fox didn't lie or even exaggerate...CNN missed the story.

It may push some to shy away. That said, Peaceful Protest is no place for guns. I would ask those to have them to put them in a secure safe place, or kick back away from what is going on. Mad medicine, I'm Lifetime NRA and I fully support Self Defense, this just involves too many people, and that involves panic. That said, CNN Serves It's God well.

Ahh...but you miss the point...there were no guns at the DC protests...federal property.

It was all a red herring to cast the protesters in a poor light.
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Did anyone actually watch CNN on 9-12-09?

They definitely missed the story!

DC is filled with protesters fed up with government spending gone wild, government encroachment on the private sector, big government programs costing billions (perhaps trillions) of dollars, and the further erosions of our American freedoms and here is the story CNN reported that day.

YouTube - CNN: There Is A "Dark Fringe" To These Tea Party Events

Fox didn't lie or even exaggerate...CNN missed the story.

It may push some to shy away. That said, Peaceful Protest is no place for guns. I would ask those to have them to put them in a secure safe place, or kick back away from what is going on. Mad medicine, I'm Lifetime NRA and I fully support Self Defense, this just involves too many people, and that involves panic. That said, CNN Serves It's God well.

Ahh...but you miss the point...there were no guns at the DC protests...federal property.

It was all a red herring to cast the protesters it a poor light.
exactly, they didnt cover the event, they tried to create something other than what was really happening

the FNC AD was correct
I'll bet the Chinese ppl who found the army firing on them during their peaceful protest felt differently, however.

I'd a lot rather stand next to a dude openly carrying than bump up against a concealed weapon any day.

Guns do not work against tanks, and China Plays different anyway.
Did anyone actually watch CNN on 9-12-09?

They definitely missed the story!

DC is filled with protesters fed up with government spending gone wild, government encroachment on the private sector, big government programs costing billions (perhaps trillions) of dollars, and the further erosions of our American freedoms and here is the story CNN reported that day.

YouTube - CNN: There Is A "Dark Fringe" To These Tea Party Events

Fox didn't lie or even exaggerate...CNN missed the story.

Gee, no bias there, great find Missourian.
Did anyone actually watch CNN on 9-12-09?

They definitely missed the story!

DC is filled with protesters fed up with government spending gone wild, government encroachment on the private sector, big government programs costing billions (perhaps trillions) of dollars, and the further erosions of our American freedoms and here is the story CNN reported that day.

YouTube - CNN: There Is A "Dark Fringe" To These Tea Party Events

Fox didn't lie or even exaggerate...CNN missed the story.

It may push some to shy away. That said, Peaceful Protest is no place for guns. I would ask those to have them to put them in a secure safe place, or kick back away from what is going on. Mad medicine, I'm Lifetime NRA and I fully support Self Defense, this just involves too many people, and that involves panic. That said, CNN Serves It's God well.

Ahh...but you miss the point...there were no guns at the DC protests...federal property.

It was all a red herring to cast the protesters in a poor light.

I wondered about that, AK-47 was mentioned, describing a fully automatic weapon, Special Permit required, very rare. What about the D.C. gun laws, didn't that go more in our favor?

Anyway, Keep them safe and Secure Always.

So CNN Lied? Mis Reported, misrepresented, or did I miss something else?

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