Rick Santorum and the Republican dichotomy of "government"


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.
I wonder when Ricky will finally come out of the closet?

The man protestest too much.

He's light in the loafers like most homophobes.
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.

You are the dumbass, idiot. He isn't saying states SHOULD do that. ONly that they ought to have the power to do so. It's called states rights. Sometimes called democracy. Democrats dont get that and would rather have judges dictate law rather than citizens voting on it. This is because Democrats inherently distrust people.
Nice to see anti Santorum threads popping up now that he's had a good showing. Shows the Left is just hyper partisan bullshit spinners.
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.

well, what's dubious is their claim that they want "small government"... they like big, sweeping, controlling government.... when it tells people what to do based on their religious beliefs...

but they looooooove small government when it comes to allowing this country to become a dickensian nightmare.
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.

It's one thing to believe in something so infantile, but to tell the American people this is just political suicide. There is no way Democrats are going to give him a look.
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.

well, what's dubious is their claim that they want "small government"... they like big, sweeping, controlling government.... when it tells people what to do based on their religious beliefs...

but they looooooove small government when it comes to allowing this country to become a dickensian nightmare.

Santorum doesn't believe the Constitution provides a "right to privacy". Tells you something about this "limited government" republican..don't it?
You mean he actually believes the Constitution and what it really says? How horrible!

Seriously, just because a law is stupid doesn't mean it's unconstitutional.
Rickey sure thinks a lot about other people's sex lives, doesn't he?

Most perverts do.
You mean he actually believes the Constitution and what it really says? How horrible!

Seriously, just because a law is stupid doesn't mean it's unconstitutional.

Do you believe its constitutional for the government, state, local and or federal, to tell you how to have sex and to tell you you can't use condoms and other forms of birth control?
You mean he actually believes the Constitution and what it really says? How horrible!

Seriously, just because a law is stupid doesn't mean it's unconstitutional.

Do you believe its constitutional for the government, state, local and or federal, to tell you how to have sex and to tell you you can't use condoms and other forms of birth control?

Jeez - every post from you lately has to do with "cock."

Gay much?

Christ, come out of the closet already...
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.

You are the dumbass, idiot. He isn't saying states SHOULD do that. ONly that they ought to have the power to do so. It's called states rights. Sometimes called democracy. Democrats dont get that and would rather have judges dictate law rather than citizens voting on it. This is because Democrats inherently distrust people.
Nice to see anti Santorum threads popping up now that he's had a good showing. Shows the Left is just hyper partisan bullshit spinners.

Santorum isn't going to do shit you biased Askhenazi, he's a fucking moron that would make it so that you would go to jail for not having sex the way he and other fundies see fit, if he and his ilk had their way they would institute Christian sharia.
I'm going to have to give the W on this (win) to Santorum in the realm of intellectual honesty.

Not that I agree with him.

But if he considers contraception - Murder (I know, it's extreme but bare with him) - then it's not outside of his conservative to have it banned because banning Murder serves to protect the Liberties of another (life).

Again, not that I agree with him, but it's disengenuous to act like his Conservatism and pushing this are mutually exclusive. Keep it real, gangsters.
You mean he actually believes the Constitution and what it really says? How horrible!

Seriously, just because a law is stupid doesn't mean it's unconstitutional.

Do you believe its constitutional for the government, state, local and or federal, to tell you how to have sex and to tell you you can't use condoms and other forms of birth control?

Yes. WHy wouldn't it be? WHat article in the COnstitution would prohibit state governments from doing that?
You mean he actually believes the Constitution and what it really says? How horrible!

Seriously, just because a law is stupid doesn't mean it's unconstitutional.

Do you believe its constitutional for the government, state, local and or federal, to tell you how to have sex and to tell you you can't use condoms and other forms of birth control?

Yes. WHy wouldn't it be? WHat article in the COnstitution would prohibit state governments from doing that?

I don't believe the Government has the right to tell me I can't wear a condom, gtfo.
I'll bet he'd love something like this.

You mean he actually believes the Constitution and what it really says? How horrible!

Seriously, just because a law is stupid doesn't mean it's unconstitutional.

Do you believe its constitutional for the government, state, local and or federal, to tell you how to have sex and to tell you you can't use condoms and other forms of birth control?

Yes. WHy wouldn't it be? WHat article in the COnstitution would prohibit state governments from doing that?

There is nothing in the Constitution that tells me where and how to stick my dick in something, the Constitution doesn't regulate my dick. If you're ok with it that's you both most Americans are not.
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.

well, what's dubious is their claim that they want "small government"... they like big, sweeping, controlling government.... when it tells people what to do based on their religious beliefs...

but they looooooove small government when it comes to allowing this country to become a dickensian nightmare.

Santorum doesn't believe the Constitution provides a "right to privacy". Tells you something about this "limited government" republican..don't it?

There is zero reference of the right to privacy in the Constitution...........dummy:D
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.
Wow guys sounds like he is endorsing being a -ock sucker.:lol:
Ricky is a perv as are, I suspect most of his supporters.

Their obsessive desire to tell other people who to fuck (or not) is creepy.
Rick Santorum: States Should Have Power To Ban Birth Control, Sodomy

This dumbass is too preoccupied with controlling what goes on in people's personal lives, will he stay the fuck out of people's bedrooms?

The Republican dichtomy about "government" is fucking dubious, to me government is government be it state or federal government, I want neither dictating to me what i can do in the bedroom and if women want to take birth control so as not to have unwanted pregnancies thats their choice regardless of whether I garee with it or not.

Why fucking make federal government look bad and state government look good when it comes to violating personal liberties? Dumbass Repugs.
Wow guys sounds like he is endorsing being a -ock sucker.:lol:


How gay,:gay: right???

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