Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

I had sex with my girlfriend last night. And this morning. And this afternoon. In large part thanks to her birth control, not to mention the wine and chocolates, it was very special. We have no need to be procreative.

Rick Santorum thinks you've sinned.

You're going to have to live with that the rest of your life.

I had sex with my girlfriend last night. And this morning. And this afternoon. In large part thanks to her birth control, not to mention the wine and chocolates, it was very special. We have no need to be procreative.

Sometimes (quite often) birth control fails.

In which case, if you don't want a baby, you'll have to kill it.

Well now THERE's great logic!

There ya go folks. The ConservaRepub answer: SOMETIMES birth control fails. (apparently Kosher girl considers a 1% chance in five years to be "quite often").

Therefore just don't use it! The GOP or Conservative view is always right in every way, in every case on every issue! (see signature below)

Seriously, all the GOP has to do is keep defending this stupidity and they've guaranteed Obama's 2nd term.
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you're barking up the wrong tree as usual.....claiming Santorum's religion is the main reason for supporting a state's right to ban contraception....as you say ..."outside the President's authority"....[wtf i thot congress made law not the prez but that is another argument]

Oh come on....don't be such a fool. He based his argument on a moral code endorsed by his Catholic faith and his interpretation of acceptable sexual practices also endorsed by his Catholic faith. To suggest that his opinion is not based upon a religious perspective is flat out ridiculous.

Actually... whether or not Santorum's opinion is based upon his religious beliefs is irrelevant....

...and his religious beliefs are no basis for supression of his opinions in the public square....(not counting your personal disdain)

Santorum also has every reason to address these as "public policy issues"....because Federal Funding has been supporting Planned Parenthood since its inception....and Planned Parenthood is ALL ABOUT birth control...

A little history....Margaret Sanger was the leader of the Birth Control Movement starting around 1916 which eventually spawned Planned Parenthood in 1952.....Margaret Sanger was the first President of Planned Parenthood...which not only provided contraception but got into eugenics and abortion as well.....she died one year after the Griswold v Connecticut case...

Some things Planned Parenthood does...
---pro abortion (provides about 300,000 abortions per year)
---pro birth control
---pro abortifacients (morning after pills)
---opposes parental/spousal consent
---opposes laws to notify parents of impending abortion
---opposes laws to require ultrasounds before an abortion
---opposes a waiting period before the abortion
---opposes bans on late-term abortions
---opposes refusal laws allowing pharmacist to refuse selling of drugs against his beliefs
---opposes abtinence-only education in public schools

and let's not forget the shocking video of PP employees being complicit in aiding what they thought was an underage prostitution ring (but was really actors posing as a pimp and prostitute)

So there are plenty of reasons why Santorum as well as other politicians have good reason for addressing these "public policy issues" regarding birth control....

...in fact a year ago the House voted to end all funding for Planned Parenthood and that of course started the recent war drums pounding on the whole birth control issue....not to mention providing propaganda fodder for the upcoming election....:rolleyes:
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Freedom of speech is fine. But when someone is proposing to have government dictate to you what you can and can't do in the bedroom between consenting adults..it gives you pause to think. Especially if that person is running for the highest government office in the land.

but it doesnt give you reason to pause and think when someone who is IN the highest office in the land wants to tell a private company what they MUST sell if they want to remain in business?

This is HILARIOUS, reading these responses from the bleeding heart liberals, who don't want government in their BEDROOMS, but:

...don't mind government in their wallets
...don't mind government telling them what health care insurance they have to buy
...don't mind government telling them what they can and can't eat
...don't mind government indoctrinating their children in government schools
...don't mind government giving all females the "right" to kill unborn babies
...don't mind government borrowing trillions of dollars from foreign countries
...don't mind government deciding who lives and who dies when we get really old
Freedom of speech is fine. But when someone is proposing to have government dictate to you what you can and can't do in the bedroom between consenting adults..it gives you pause to think. Especially if that person is running for the highest government office in the land.

but it doesnt give you reason to pause and think when someone who is IN the highest office in the land wants to tell a private company what they MUST sell if they want to remain in business?

This is HILARIOUS, reading these responses from the bleeding heart liberals, who don't want government in their BEDROOMS, but:

...don't mind government in their wallets
...don't mind government telling them what health care insurance they have to buy
...don't mind government telling them what they can and can't eat
...don't mind government indoctrinating their children in government schools
...don't mind government giving all females the "right" to kill unborn babies
...don't mind government borrowing trillions of dollars from foreign countries
...don't mind government deciding who lives and who dies when we get really old

libs don't mind the government being in their....


they just worry about their BEDROOMS.......:cuckoo:
Freedom of speech is fine. But when someone is proposing to have government dictate to you what you can and can't do in the bedroom between consenting adults..it gives you pause to think. Especially if that person is running for the highest government office in the land.

but it doesnt give you reason to pause and think when someone who is IN the highest office in the land wants to tell a private company what they MUST sell if they want to remain in business?

This is HILARIOUS, reading these responses from the bleeding heart liberals, who don't want government in their BEDROOMS, but:

...don't mind government in their wallets
...don't mind government telling them what health care insurance they have to buy
...don't mind government telling them what they can and can't eat
...don't mind government indoctrinating their children in government schools
...don't mind government giving all females the "right" to kill unborn babies
...don't mind government borrowing trillions of dollars from foreign countries
...don't mind government deciding who lives and who dies when we get really old

but it doesnt give you reason to pause and think when someone who is IN the highest office in the land wants to tell a private company what they MUST sell if they want to remain in business?

This is HILARIOUS, reading these responses from the bleeding heart liberals, who don't want government in their BEDROOMS, but:

...don't mind government in their wallets
Over-generalize much?
...don't mind government telling them what health care insurance they have to buy
I think ObamaCare SUCKS. But I don't agree with you on everything. Therefore I am a "Liberal". So basically you guys are going to get the votes of everyone you don't consider "Liberal" - which means an Obama win.
...don't mind government telling them what they can and can't eat
I do mind that and think it's complete bs. But of course since I don't agree with you on everything...
...don't mind government indoctrinating their children in government schools
Um yeah. Watch some Glenn Beck do we? (I miss him, actually).
...don't mind government giving all females the "right" to kill unborn babies
Are you talking about abortion or contraception? Because the whackjobs on the right seem to equate them nowadays.
...don't mind government borrowing trillions of dollars from foreign countries
I sure mind that. Oh hell, killin' your stereotype here...
...don't mind government deciding who lives and who dies when we get really old
The ONLY politician who has ever acted as a "death panal" and denied critical health care to those in need? Republican Governor Jan Brewer of AZ. You were saying?

libs don't mind the government being in their....


they just worry about their BEDROOMS.......:cuckoo:

This is the kind of generalizations that the Right Wing extremist are definitely driving votes to Obama with.
So other than "Liberals", you guys will get all the votes! Of course, Liberal means gays, minorities, lots of women, anyone not Christian, Moderates and Independents.

Good luck with that.
And if someone were to say "Obama likes chicken because most blacks like chicken" they would be called a bigot.

You're saying that because he's a Christian, you can "tell" what he really means, even though he hasn't said anything like it. You're a bigot. And a liar.

Well when he says contraception is an "important public policy issue" after railing against the use of contraception I think that's a pretty direct statement that a) he is against the use of contraception (even between married couples), and b) it's important that the government gets involved. I don't see how anyone can take away much that's different. Christ almighty.
Perhaps not ban contraceptives, but do you think his use of the phrase 'public policy issues' means he feels government involvement is called for? If that is what he's saying, and considering the views on contraception he put forth, it's not a stretch to say he'd like to see a ban. I'll agree he in no way said, "If elected president, I plan to push a ban" or anything of the sort. It was more of an insinuation, "I don't think people should use contraception. I think government should be involved in contraception issues.". It's fairly vague, but I think the problem I (and perhaps others) have is just that these comments, when taken together with some of the other things I've heard attributed to Santorum, leads me to question if a ban on contraceptives might not be what he would ultimately like to see.

I'll admit that my bias might be causing me to read more into the comments than I should.

I don't think you are reading into it at all. That's precisely how I interpreted it.
He's lying. What he wants is to stop people from having sex EXCEPT for the purpose of procreation. All you have to do is reas what he has said to know that's true.

We know he is against contraception and abortion. Then there's this -

Obama To Reporter Asking About Contraception Ruling: 'Come On Guys' (VIDEO)

Santorum wants abortion banned in all circumstances, even in cases of rape and incest; is opposed to all family planning programs; and believes that schools should be forbidden to teach students about contraception.

As senator, Santorum voted against funding pregnancy prevention programs for teens and voted for the "family cap" and the "illegitimacy cap," which would have financially penalized low-income women for having children and penalized states for children born out of wedlock.

That leaves only two possibilities - no sex at all or sex only for procreation. And, he'll be peeking in your windows to make sure you follow his incredibly backward beliefs. This guy has some very real problems and they should not become the problems of the women in this country.

(Note that the above quote is about half way down, #4 of the slides.)
I can understand someone opposed to ALL abortions before I can those who make exceptions for rape & incest. How is the manner of conception relevant if life begins at conception?

Catholics (which is what Santorum is) believe that sperm is a potential life and therefore contraception should be banned because it interferes with the possibility of conception.
Actually... whether or not Santorum's opinion is based upon his religious beliefs is irrelevant....

...and his religious beliefs are no basis for supression of his opinions in the public square....(not counting your personal disdain)

I have said several times he is free to voice his opinion. And I am free to tell him a) shove your opinion up your ass, and b) Mr. Santorum, your statement that contraception is fair game in regards to government action is wrong and has been determined to be a violation of the constitution several times by the Supreme Court.

Santorum also has every reason to address these as "public policy issues"....because Federal Funding has been supporting Planned Parenthood since its inception....and Planned Parenthood is ALL ABOUT birth control...

Using taxpayer funds to pay for contraception is a completely different issue and not what Santorum is talking about in the quoted statement. I oppose using taxpayer funds to provide contraception. I guess you missed that point the first 15 times I said it and in the 5 different languages I said it in.

A little history....Margaret Sanger was the leader of the Birth Control Movement starting around 1916 which blah, blah, blah.....Some things Planned Parenthood does...

I know perfectly well about Sanger and I don't give a rats fuck about what Planned Parenthood does. This has NOTHING to do with Planned Parenthood. He is not talking about government funding of contraception. He's talking about using contraception at all....anywhere...even between married couples.
I had sex with my girlfriend last night. And this morning. And this afternoon. In large part thanks to her birth control, not to mention the wine and chocolates, it was very special. We have no need to be procreative.

Sometimes (quite often) birth control fails.

In which case, if you don't want a baby, you'll have to kill it.

When used correctly, most birth control medications are about 99.9% effective. Most failures are due to improper use. My girlfriend uses hers properly. :up:
A little history....Margaret Sanger was the leader of the Birth Control Movement starting around 1916 which eventually spawned Planned Parenthood in 1952.....Margaret Sanger was the first President of Planned Parenthood...which not only provided contraception but got into eugenics and abortion as well.....she died one year after the Griswold v Connecticut case...

Some things Planned Parenthood does...
---pro abortion (provides about 300,000 abortions per year)
---pro birth control
---pro abortifacients (morning after pills)
---opposes parental/spousal consent
---opposes laws to notify parents of impending abortion
---opposes laws to require ultrasounds before an abortion
---opposes a waiting period before the abortion
---opposes bans on late-term abortions
---opposes refusal laws allowing pharmacist to refuse selling of drugs against his beliefs
---opposes abtinence-only education in public schools

and let's not forget the shocking video of PP employees being complicit in aiding what they thought was an underage prostitution ring (but was really actors posing as a pimp and prostitute)

So there are plenty of reasons why Santorum as well as other politicians have good reason for addressing these "public policy issues" regarding birth control....

...in fact a year ago the House voted to end all funding for Planned Parenthood and that of course started the recent war drums pounding on the whole birth control issue....not to mention providing propaganda fodder for the upcoming election....:rolleyes:

I know perfectly well about Sanger and I don't give a rats fuck about what Planned Parenthood does. This has NOTHING to do with Planned Parenthood. He is not talking about government funding of contraception. He's talking about using contraception at all....anywhere...even between married couples.

What Santorum is talking about has EVERYTHING to do with Planned Parenthood which is definitely a "public policy issue"......but i see your game.....you just want to selectively (& incorrectly) bitch about his christians morals....why don't you just go and vote for BO....:eusa_hand:
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What Santorum is talking about has EVERYTHING to do with Planned Parenthood which is definitely a "public policy issue"......but i see your game.....you just want to selectively bitch about christians morals....why don't you just go and vote for BO....:eusa_hand:

Noooooo it's NOT what he was talking about. He was talking about contraception contributing to the "moral decay of society" not whether PP should be funded by the government. Jesus dude.

And I see that simply because I disagree with the all powerful self-righteous ultra-conservatives on one fucking point I am now an Obama supporter apparently. Fucking typical.
What Santorum is talking about has EVERYTHING to do with Planned Parenthood which is definitely a "public policy issue"......but i see your game.....you just want to selectively bitch about christians morals....why don't you just go and vote for BO....:eusa_hand:

Noooooo it's NOT what he was talking about. He was talking about contraception contributing to the "moral decay of society" not whether PP should be funded by the government. Jesus dude.

And I see that simply because I disagree with the all powerful self-righteous ultra-conservatives on one fucking point I am now an Obama supporter apparently. Fucking typical.

Planned Parenthood IS "moral decay of society"...
This is the kind of generalizations that the Right Wing extremist are definitely driving votes to Obama with.
So other than "Liberals", you guys will get all the votes! Of course, Liberal means gays, minorities, lots of women, anyone not Christian, Moderates and Independents.

Good luck with that.
They think that if they nominate a preacher :eusa_angel: as thier candidate they'll win the General :cuckoo: :lol: Phil Gramm knew better than that:
“I ain't running for preacher,” Republican presidential candidate Phil Gramm snarled to religious right activists in 1995 when they urged him to run a campaign stressing moral themes.
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What Santorum is talking about has EVERYTHING to do with Planned Parenthood which is definitely a "public policy issue"......but i see your game.....you just want to selectively bitch about christians morals....why don't you just go and vote for BO....:eusa_hand:

Noooooo it's NOT what he was talking about. He was talking about contraception contributing to the "moral decay of society" not whether PP should be funded by the government. Jesus dude.

And I see that simply because I disagree with the all powerful self-righteous ultra-conservatives on one fucking point I am now an Obama supporter apparently. Fucking typical.

Planned Parenthood IS "moral decay of society"...

If they are not funded by the government (yes I know they currently are), and are breaking no laws, then it's none of the governments fucking business what they do. Now if Santorum makes the argument that the government has a right to determine whether PP can distribute contraception because the government is funding them, he may have a point. But 1) that's not what he is arguing (he is stating opposition to anyone using contraception in any form), and 2) if he wants to pull government funding of PP (which I support) then he removes any right whatsoever for the government to say what PP does.

As far as PP being the "moral decay of society", that's YOUR opinion. Many others will argue that it contributes positively to society. Your insistence that "your way is the right way" is one example of why the left so effectively attacks the right with accusations of bigotry.
This is the kind of generalizations that the Right Wing extremist are definitely driving votes to Obama with.
So other than "Liberals", you guys will get all the votes! Of course, Liberal means gays, minorities, lots of women, anyone not Christian, Moderates and Independents.

Good luck with that.
They think that if they nominate a preacher :eusa_angel: as thier candidate they'll win the General :cuckoo: :lol:

Obama would crush Santorum. It would be Sharon Angle all over again
Noooooo it's NOT what he was talking about. He was talking about contraception contributing to the "moral decay of society" not whether PP should be funded by the government. Jesus dude.

And I see that simply because I disagree with the all powerful self-righteous ultra-conservatives on one fucking point I am now an Obama supporter apparently. Fucking typical.

Planned Parenthood IS "moral decay of society"...

If they are not funded by the government (yes I know they currently are), and are breaking no laws, then it's none of the governments fucking business what they do. Now if Santorum makes the argument that the government has a right to determine whether PP can distribute contraception because the government is funding them, he may have a point. But 1) that's not what he is arguing (he is stating opposition to anyone using contraception in any form), and 2) if he wants to pull government funding of PP (which I support) then he removes any right whatsoever for the government to say what PP does.

As far as PP being the "moral decay of society", that's YOUR opinion. Many others will argue that it contributes positively to society. Your insistence that "your way is the right way" is one example of why the left so effectively attacks the right with accusations of bigotry.

You aren't effective, and PP makes no positive contribution to society. It's presence does not reduce the number of abortions, nor does it even reduce the numbers of deaths caused by abortion. And there's no way to prove this one way or the other, because they refuse to provide accurate numbers of abortions, abortion deaths, or anything else.

The government has the same say in what PP does as it has a say over any health industry. (though they provide only minimal oversight of the baby killing industry). The "government" is supposed to protect our rights..first and foremost, the right of LIFE....

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