Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

You aren't effective,

Well obviously YOU don't think I am effective since you and Screeching Turkey seem to be the only ones I am arguing with. Sheesh.

and PP makes no positive contribution to society.

In your opinion. There's a hell of a lot of people who disagree with you.

It's presence does not reduce the number of abortions, nor does it even reduce the numbers of deaths caused by abortion. And there's no way to prove this one way or the other, because they refuse to provide accurate numbers of abortions, abortion deaths, or anything else.

Hard to tell if they reduce the number of abortions or not. On the surface one would say they don't because they provide abortions. At the same time the contraception they provide may very well result in a dramatically decreased number of unwanted pregnancies that in turn result in a reduction of abortions. There's no way to run numbers on that so who knows. However, you would be hard pressed to make the argument that contraception does not reduce the rates of unwanted pregnancy, the spread of STD, etc. One could even argue that contraception has a positive effect on the cost of health care since the use of it reduces the need for medical procedures related to pregnancy and birth that must be treated even if the patient is indigent. I'd say that's a pretty positive contribution. Whether that offsets the negative contribution of abortion services is a matter of opinion as is whether abortion is even a negative contribution in the first place (and no I do not endorse abortion).

The government has the same say in what PP does as it has a say over any health industry. (though they provide only minimal oversight of the baby killing industry). The "government" is supposed to protect our rights..first and foremost, the right of LIFE....

Well I don't see that the government has any right to stick their fingers into health care either beyond some very basic issues (i.e. ensuring prescription drugs are safe). And if the sperm never fertilizes the egg there is no fucking life is there?
You know this whole thing can be illustrated very clearly in the difference between Confucius and Lao-Tsu. I will try to be brief but that will force over-simplicity. It will be enough to make my point.

Confucius, when you boil it right down to the basics, held the opinion that the world would work just perfectly if everyone acted logically, rationally, and did exactly what they were supposed to do exactly when they were supposed to do it. It was a very rigid life philosophy which showed no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who did not follow those principles.

Now Lao-Tsu, on the other hand, essentially said "you know Confucius, you're a real asshole. While you may be right in theory the problem is we live in an illogical, irrational world where people don't do exactly what they should do exactly when they should do it. Furthermore, trying to force people to do it results in rebellion and in the end people act appropriately even less frequently. Back here in reality people don't give a shit whether you think they should or should not do something. They are going to do it whether you like it or not."

So I hear ultra-conservative, religiously influenced people make the Confucian argument that essentially "we wouldn't have abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc if irresponsible people would simply stop fucking."

Well....that kind of thinking hasn't exactly worked wonders for Confucian societies because Lao-Tsu is correct. Confucius was an asshole and he endorsed a completely unrealistic model of society and the importance of his own values. Whether irresponsible people should or should not fuck is completely irrelevant when you finally accept that they are going to fuck no matter what you think.

So when I hear these religious, self-righteous, ultra-conservatives bitch about abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc you would think that they would be driving around shoveling rubbers out of the back of a truck. But like Lao-Tsu said....we live in an illogical, irrational world.
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You know this whole thing can be illustrated very clearly in the difference between Confucius and Lao-Tsu. I will try to be brief but that will force over-simplicity. It will be enough to make my point.

Confucius, when you boil it right down to the basics, held the opinion that the world would work just perfectly if everyone acted logically, rationally, and did exactly what they were supposed to do exactly when they were supposed to do it. It was a very rigid life philosophy which showed no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who did not follow those principles.

Now Lao-Tsu, on the other hand, essentially said "you know Confucius, you're a real asshole. While you may be right in theory the problem is we live in an illogical, irrational world where people don't do exactly what they should do exactly when they should do it. Furthermore, trying to force people to do it results in rebellion and in the end people act appropriately even less frequently. Back here in reality people don't give a shit whether you think they should or should not do something. They are going to do it whether you like it or not."

So I hear ultra-conservative, religiously influenced people make the Confucian argument that essentially "we wouldn't have abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc if irresponsible people would simply stop fucking."

Well....that kind of thinking hasn't exactly worked wonders for Confucian societies because Lao-Tsu is correct. Confucius was an asshole and he endorsed a completely unrealistic model of society and the importance of his own values. Whether irresponsible people should or should not fuck is completely irrelevant when you finally accept that they are going to fuck no matter what you think.

So when I hear these religious, self-righteous, ultra-conservatives bitch about abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc you would think that they would be driving around shoveling rubbers out of the back of a truck. But like Lao-Tsu said....we live in an illogical, irrational world.

You must spread some around yadda yadda. Love this post, hilarious! :lol:
What I see are self-proclaimed logical, rational lefties who think they can scientifically "fix" any sort of behavior issue, without actually tackling the behavior itself. The thing is..they aren't logical or rational because they ignore the facts...the fact that birth control and sex education HAVE already been provided to the masses..the fact that abortion DOESN'T reduce the incidence of child abuse, hunger, or teen pregnancy. Yet they keep insisting it does..or it WILL...when obviously, it doesn't, and it never will. it has been 40 years now. It's not going to happen.
Rick Santorum. One of the best minds of the 17th century.

I think someone here should have a scarlet "A" embroidered on their raiment!
What I see are self-proclaimed logical, rational lefties who think they can scientifically "fix" any sort of behavior issue, without actually tackling the behavior itself. The thing is..they aren't logical or rational because they ignore the facts...the fact that birth control and sex education HAVE already been provided to the masses..the fact that abortion DOESN'T reduce the incidence of child abuse, hunger, or teen pregnancy. Yet they keep insisting it does..or it WILL...when obviously, it doesn't, and it never will. it has been 40 years now. It's not going to happen.

Nah, what you see is people who aren't Right Wing Whackjobs that use logic like "Contraception doesn't always work, therefore it shouldn't be used" and other heinous whackjobbery.
No one here claimed abortion reduces hunger and the other strawmen whackjobbery you've spewed.
We said that Rick Santorum's statement that "Contraception is license to enter a sexual realm that's just wrong" is extreme Right Wing whackjob nuttery. Lots of married couple have used contraception for years so they can enjoy a happy, healthy sex life, without popping out six kids like Rick the Dick.
So got it. You're owned on the actual topic of the thread and therefore need to project completely false bs that no one said to avoid the issue discussed. Okay dokey.
Actually, it is a favorite claim of the left that abortion will reduce hunger, child abuse, and murder. It's insane, but there you have it. And they have done it in this thread.

Let's talk strawmen...who said "contraception doesn't always work, therefore it shouldn't be used"?

Always look to accusations leveled by lying lefties to give you insight into what they are doing right at the moment they are leveling the accusations....
Actually, it is a favorite claim of the left that abortion will reduce hunger, child abuse, and murder. It's insane, but there you have it. And they have done it in this thread.

Let's talk strawmen...who said "contraception doesn't always work, therefore it shouldn't be used"?

Always look to accusations leveled by lying lefties to give you insight into what they are doing right at the moment they are leveling the accusations....

Oh you are absolutely right. You didn't say that exactly. In response to a (obviously happier!) poster who mentioned he and his girlfriend enjoy a healthy sex life thanks to contraception, what did you write? :lol:
Yeah that.
No, I wrote "that" in response to your retarded post.

You can tell he's happier than I am..how, exactly? You appear to be yet another progressive who thinks he can read minds. There are quite a few of you. I think it MIGHT have something to do with the lefty tendency to be drug addicted....
This is what we are becoming isn't it. This degnerate. Sex has no more meaning that an after dinner toast, or shaking hands. Naturally it follows that the pregnancies of such casual unions are as meaningless as the act that created them.

Santorum was only speaking a simple truth. Sexual union should not be reduced to simple pleasure and lose it's meaning and use of creating a special relationship between two people that creates a bond of trust not shared by anyone else.

While we SHOULD recognize the importance of these kinds of bonds. Just like we shouldn't burn down our neighbor's home, or steal the family silver. It should be something we already know. We should not have to be told.

Santorum brings up a very important point which is are we moving into a culture that places individual pleasure above all other human attributes. It was this kind of understanding that enabled Jeffrey Dahmer to kill and eat his victims. He was able to reject all forms of morality and was answerable only to himself and what felt good to him.

We're just now mving into this? Sorry, but it has always been that way and always will be.

And why does sex have to have meaning?
Nobody said it had to.

The point that he was making is that it's nice when it does, and we should teach that instead of teaching them that instant gratification is the only thing that matters.
No, I wrote "that" in response to your retarded post.

You can tell he's happier than I am..how, exactly? You appear to be yet another progressive who thinks he can read minds. There are quite a few of you. I think it MIGHT have something to do with the lefty tendency to be drug addicted....

LOL! You are one FUNNY whackjob!
Hmmm. Drug users on the Left. You mean like say Oxycontin???
The other poster just has a happy tenor to his post. Your posts? Do they seem happy or like an powerless angry little girl who keeps getting spanked in public?

So people who want to have sex without babies are "progressives" eh? Well THAT's a platform to run your candidate on! You'll get the vote of everyone except those who have a good sex life! :lol::lol::lol:

You're entertaining. I like you.

Hugs & Kisses, Your BFF
Thank you for that weirdly spastic post.

That of course (per usual) has nothing to do with anything.
You know this whole thing can be illustrated very clearly in the difference between Confucius and Lao-Tsu. I will try to be brief but that will force over-simplicity. It will be enough to make my point.

Confucius, when you boil it right down to the basics, held the opinion that the world would work just perfectly if everyone acted logically, rationally, and did exactly what they were supposed to do exactly when they were supposed to do it. It was a very rigid life philosophy which showed no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who did not follow those principles.

Now Lao-Tsu, on the other hand, essentially said "you know Confucius, you're a real asshole. While you may be right in theory the problem is we live in an illogical, irrational world where people don't do exactly what they should do exactly when they should do it. Furthermore, trying to force people to do it results in rebellion and in the end people act appropriately even less frequently. Back here in reality people don't give a shit whether you think they should or should not do something. They are going to do it whether you like it or not."

So I hear ultra-conservative, religiously influenced people make the Confucian argument that essentially "we wouldn't have abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc if irresponsible people would simply stop fucking."

Well....that kind of thinking hasn't exactly worked wonders for Confucian societies because Lao-Tsu is correct. Confucius was an asshole and he endorsed a completely unrealistic model of society and the importance of his own values. Whether irresponsible people should or should not fuck is completely irrelevant when you finally accept that they are going to fuck no matter what you think.

So when I hear these religious, self-righteous, ultra-conservatives bitch about abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc you would think that they would be driving around shoveling rubbers out of the back of a truck. But like Lao-Tsu said....we live in an illogical, irrational world.

You miss a very important element. The consequences of one's own actions. I really don't care what anyone else does, no matter how illogical or irrational. Let them do it. When they have undesirable consequences to these actions, they expect someone else to "help" them.

The level of intelligence in sewer rats is that once the rat colony has reached the limits of the available food supply, the rats stop having rat-babies. The colony might split with daring rat-adventurers taking off to found a new colony, or it might wait until one of two things happen. The rat population reduces itself so that it is again supported by the available food supply OR the food supply expands in some way. The rats do not demand food from other colonies so they can continue growing.

All you are saying is that the common sewer rat is way smarter than the average human being.
Thank you for that weirdly spastic post.

That of course (per usual) has nothing to do with anything.

LOL! Oh babygirl, I'm just having fun with you! It started with your um, "insightful" post as follows:

Quote: Originally Posted by Inthemiddle
I had sex with my girlfriend last night. And this morning. And this afternoon. In large part thanks to her birth control, not to mention the wine and chocolates, it was very special. We have no need to be procreative.

Quote: Originally Posted by koshergrl: Sometimes (quite often) birth control fails.
In which case, if you don't want a baby, you'll have to kill it.

Independntlogic: Well now THERE's great logic!

There ya go folks. The ConservaRepub answer: SOMETIMES birth control fails. (apparently Kosher girl considers a 1% chance in five years to be "quite often").

Therefore just don't use it! The GOP or Conservative view is always right in every way, in every case on every issue! (see signature below)

Seriously, all the GOP has to do is keep defending this stupidity and they've guaranteed Obama's 2nd term. "

That's seriously funny whackjobbery!
Hugs & Kisses, Your BFF
You know this whole thing can be illustrated very clearly in the difference between Confucius and Lao-Tsu. I will try to be brief but that will force over-simplicity. It will be enough to make my point.

Confucius, when you boil it right down to the basics, held the opinion that the world would work just perfectly if everyone acted logically, rationally, and did exactly what they were supposed to do exactly when they were supposed to do it. It was a very rigid life philosophy which showed no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who did not follow those principles.

Now Lao-Tsu, on the other hand, essentially said "you know Confucius, you're a real asshole. While you may be right in theory the problem is we live in an illogical, irrational world where people don't do exactly what they should do exactly when they should do it. Furthermore, trying to force people to do it results in rebellion and in the end people act appropriately even less frequently. Back here in reality people don't give a shit whether you think they should or should not do something. They are going to do it whether you like it or not."

So I hear ultra-conservative, religiously influenced people make the Confucian argument that essentially "we wouldn't have abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc if irresponsible people would simply stop fucking."

Well....that kind of thinking hasn't exactly worked wonders for Confucian societies because Lao-Tsu is correct. Confucius was an asshole and he endorsed a completely unrealistic model of society and the importance of his own values. Whether irresponsible people should or should not fuck is completely irrelevant when you finally accept that they are going to fuck no matter what you think.

So when I hear these religious, self-righteous, ultra-conservatives bitch about abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc you would think that they would be driving around shoveling rubbers out of the back of a truck. But like Lao-Tsu said....we live in an illogical, irrational world.

if you can "hear" it.....now it's time to try to understand it......if you'd drop the religious antipathy you might realize something that is RATIONAL....

FACT: when society does NOT ENCOURAGE easy free irresponsible sex......there are less problems....less fatherless babies, less abortions, less broken homes, less poverty.....
if you can "hear" it.....now it's time to try to understand it......if you'd drop the religious antipathy you might realize something that is RATIONAL....

FACT: when society does NOT ENCOURAGE easy free irresponsible sex......there are less problems....less fatherless babies, less abortions, less broken homes, less poverty.....

FACT: People are going to fuck whether society encourages it or not.
What I see are self-proclaimed logical, rational lefties who think they can scientifically "fix" any sort of behavior issue, without actually tackling the behavior itself. The thing is..they aren't logical or rational because they ignore the facts...the fact that birth control and sex education HAVE already been provided to the masses..the fact that abortion DOESN'T reduce the incidence of child abuse, hunger, or teen pregnancy. Yet they keep insisting it does..or it WILL...when obviously, it doesn't, and it never will. it has been 40 years now. It's not going to happen.

I find it so amusing that the argument keeps changing....now it's child abuse and hunger. Jeez
You know this whole thing can be illustrated very clearly in the difference between Confucius and Lao-Tsu. I will try to be brief but that will force over-simplicity. It will be enough to make my point.

Confucius, when you boil it right down to the basics, held the opinion that the world would work just perfectly if everyone acted logically, rationally, and did exactly what they were supposed to do exactly when they were supposed to do it. It was a very rigid life philosophy which showed no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who did not follow those principles.

Now Lao-Tsu, on the other hand, essentially said "you know Confucius, you're a real asshole. While you may be right in theory the problem is we live in an illogical, irrational world where people don't do exactly what they should do exactly when they should do it. Furthermore, trying to force people to do it results in rebellion and in the end people act appropriately even less frequently. Back here in reality people don't give a shit whether you think they should or should not do something. They are going to do it whether you like it or not."

So I hear ultra-conservative, religiously influenced people make the Confucian argument that essentially "we wouldn't have abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc if irresponsible people would simply stop fucking."

Well....that kind of thinking hasn't exactly worked wonders for Confucian societies because Lao-Tsu is correct. Confucius was an asshole and he endorsed a completely unrealistic model of society and the importance of his own values. Whether irresponsible people should or should not fuck is completely irrelevant when you finally accept that they are going to fuck no matter what you think.

So when I hear these religious, self-righteous, ultra-conservatives bitch about abortion, disease, parentless children, drags on the costs of health care, etc you would think that they would be driving around shoveling rubbers out of the back of a truck. But like Lao-Tsu said....we live in an illogical, irrational world.

You miss a very important element. The consequences of one's own actions. I really don't care what anyone else does, no matter how illogical or irrational. Let them do it. When they have undesirable consequences to these actions, they expect someone else to "help" them.

The level of intelligence in sewer rats is that once the rat colony has reached the limits of the available food supply, the rats stop having rat-babies. The colony might split with daring rat-adventurers taking off to found a new colony, or it might wait until one of two things happen. The rat population reduces itself so that it is again supported by the available food supply OR the food supply expands in some way. The rats do not demand food from other colonies so they can continue growing.

All you are saying is that the common sewer rat is way smarter than the average human being.

No actually that's what YOU'RE saying. I said people are going to fuck whether Santorum (or you) likes it or not. BTW...regarding specifically those of a bigoted, extremist point of view (right or left) you just might find me in agreement with your last sentence.
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if you can "hear" it.....now it's time to try to understand it......if you'd drop the religious antipathy you might realize something that is RATIONAL....

FACT: when society does NOT ENCOURAGE easy free irresponsible sex......there are less problems....less fatherless babies, less abortions, less broken homes, less poverty.....

FACT: People are going to fuck whether society encourages it or not.

true story.

It's hilarious that, of all things, the right wing leaps onto the topic of birth control and how much sex people should or shouldn't have.

and, in the next breath freak the fuck out about how much the government tries to influence our lives.


I hope Rick Santorum wins the republican nomination. I really do.

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