Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

I've been thinking more about what Santorum was saying and pro-creation aspect of sexual relationship is "God like"!
When joined in sexual intercourse is pleasurable no doubt but ALL of us should be overwhelmed by the opportunity to be a part in "CREATION" of life!

I have created three lives and yep...it's awesome. Sorry if I don't want to create one every single time I want to slip my missus the high hard one.

Santorum is striking a cord among "thoughtful" intelligent people that are seeing what the response to the animalistic side of humanity has brought us and maybe he has struck a cord that is UPLIFTING!!

Actually I just think he's making an ass of himself and making it easier for us to identify the religious bigots.

Such as you. Bigoted against all those who dare to be religious, and who dare to encourage moral behavior.
What I see is that Santorum thinks it behooves us as adults to model good and moral behavior.


Sheesh you druggies are brain dead.

That's right! GOOD and MORAL behavior! Here here! And thank God we have Rick Santorum to define what that is for everyone else! Having sex without poppin' out babies? SHAME on you! That's a license to enter a realm of sexuality that "isn't right"!!! (Quote verbatim).

Hooray for Rick! Hey btw, what kind of music is okay to have in the background? Is rock okay or should it only be Bach's Brandenberg Concerto's (That #4 is a real turn on!)

Oh and by drug users, do you mean Rush?

Did someone propose that we approve background music? Or is the music thing just in your head...?

Anyway, now your mania has (hopefully) spent itself, back to the topic at hand...

Again, how DARE Santorum presume to state that moral behavior benefits people. What an EXTREMIST MONSTER!


Oh your whackjobbery is FUN! Okay let's discuss exactly that!

So Yes or No: It is immoral for a married couple to have sex without the intention of procreation?
Is it Immoral for them to use contraceptives?

(Prediction: Dodge the questions, change the subject, strawman etc... Whackjobs do not answer questions directly).
Uh, no, I don't think it's immoral.

Not that I care much...

Well there ya go. This is the problem that the people you are attacking in this thread, have with Santorum's comments.
We strongly disagee that "Contraception is dangerous to women and is a license to enter a realm of sexuality that is just wrong."
And what leftoids don't seem to grasp...morality is not subjective. Killing babies and fucking like bunnies outside of marriage isn't moral, not in most societies in the world.

The key word in your statement is "most"...meaning that in some societies those things are considered moral. Hence, morality is completely subjective. Something is only "wrong" when a person, group, or society decides that it is. I would agree that most societies feel killing babies is immoral....but of course, for the umpteenth time, we are not talking about murder or abortion. As far as sex outside marriage....boy are you in for a shock.

"When Gallup pollsters specifically asked if sex between an unmarried man and woman is morally acceptable or morally wrong, 53 percent of those surveyed said it is acceptable and 42 percent said it was wrong."


So at least according to Gallup's polling, sex without marriage is morally acceptable...therefore in our society...it is.
yes....foreshadowed by the "free love" 60s when "the pill" became widely available (thanks to Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood)....before that....the family-oriented 50s....

They had rubbers in the 50s genius and people used them. They simply didn't broadcast their sexual activities to the world. Contraception has been around since ancient civilization. The Egyptians for example used the peels from citrus fruits as diaphragms. Animal intestines were commonly used as condoms. This isn't some new thing that suddenly happened with Sanger, PP, and the flower children. Good Lord.
Such as you. Bigoted against all those who dare to be religious, and who dare to encourage moral behavior.

I have no problem with someone holding and living by a religious principle. Indeed, I encourage it. I am a very spiritual guy myself as you should realize by now, Kosher. But holding a religious belief is one thing...insisting that the rest of the world must conduct themselves according to your religious belief or mine is quite another.

If your personal belief is that rubbers are evil....don't use them...and I will champion your right not to use them according to your faith. But you have no right to tell someone with a different religious point of view that he can't use them, or that using them is wrong because your belief says so. He doesn't subscribe to your belief, therefore it has no bearing on his decision.
Such as you. Bigoted against all those who dare to be religious, and who dare to encourage moral behavior.

I have no problem with someone holding and living by a religious principle. Indeed, I encourage it. I am a very spiritual guy myself as you should realize by now, Kosher. But holding a religious belief is one thing...insisting that the rest of the world must conduct themselves according to your religious belief or mine is quite another.

If your personal belief is that rubbers are evil....don't use them...and I will champion your right not to use them according to your faith. But you have no right to tell someone with a different religious point of view that he can't use them, or that using them is wrong because your belief says so. He doesn't subscribe to your belief, therefore it has no bearing on his decision.

once again...


Jeez. You people just can't see past your own paranoia...people can't talk without you freaks insisting they're trying to force you to do something. It's all part and parcel of you wanting to shut down free speech.
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yes....foreshadowed by the "free love" 60s when "the pill" became widely available (thanks to Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood)....before that....the family-oriented 50s....

They had rubbers in the 50s genius and people used them. They simply didn't broadcast their sexual activities to the world. Contraception has been around since ancient civilization. The Egyptians for example used the peels from citrus fruits as diaphragms. Animal intestines were commonly used as condoms. This isn't some new thing that suddenly happened with Sanger, PP, and the flower children. Good Lord.

you keep missing the point BluePhool......Planned Parenthood is a government-funded agency along with government educational programs that are enabling teenage sexual activity and not doing the job they should be doing.....and Santorum has every right to address these policy issues in his own style....you just get bent out of shape because it's a Christian-style approach and so your rationality flies out the window...like koshergrl says you can't see past your own paranoia....

as i've said before.....promoting promiscuity among the young affects our society in all kinds of terrible ways.....one important example is the diseases that have become rampant....teenagers lives are even at stake...

the fact that the explosion of disease coincides with promiscuity should not be lost on you.....that is, if you are rational....

Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters

Sexually transmitted diseases among teens has become a full blown epidemic a national emergency that's killing our kids. In this groundbreaking book Dr. Meeker uncovers the story of this serious epidemic and the pattern of political correctness and marketing hype that has caused this tidal wave of disease.

AT THIS VERY MOMENT AN EPIDEMIC is invading our teenage kids. The epidemic is the tidal wave of sexually transmitted diseases that, in some cases, have increased more than 500% in recent years. Right now, one out of every four sexually active teens is living with an STD!

Dr. Meg Meeker has lived on the front lines of this epidemic for more than twenty years. As a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine, Meeker now sees STDs affect one-third of her patients. In this groundbreaking book, she examines the threat of these diseases and the causes for their widespread advance among our teens.

But there is hope: in the middle of a battlefield surrounded by disease, depression (the newest STD), injury, and death, we must arm our kids with knowledge so they can make the right choices. Victory won't come from wearing condoms or "exploring" sexual freedom, but from wisdom, maturity, and self-control.

In this must-read book, Dr. Meg Meeker shows us how we can connect with our kids to help save them from this epidemic.

Amazon.com: Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters (9781596985131): Meg Meeker: Books
Such as you. Bigoted against all those who dare to be religious, and who dare to encourage moral behavior.

I have no problem with someone holding and living by a religious principle. Indeed, I encourage it. I am a very spiritual guy myself as you should realize by now, Kosher. But holding a religious belief is one thing...insisting that the rest of the world must conduct themselves according to your religious belief or mine is quite another.

If your personal belief is that rubbers are evil....don't use them...and I will champion your right not to use them according to your faith. But you have no right to tell someone with a different religious point of view that he can't use them, or that using them is wrong because your belief says so. He doesn't subscribe to your belief, therefore it has no bearing on his decision.

once again...


Jeez. You people just can't see past your own paranoia...people can't talk without you freaks insisting they're trying to force you to do something. It's all part and parcel of you wanting to shut down free speech.
Some have said that Santorum or anyone as he, will bring a Theocracy...what do they think the Federal Government is and secularism?
Such as you. Bigoted against all those who dare to be religious, and who dare to encourage moral behavior.

I have no problem with someone holding and living by a religious principle. Indeed, I encourage it. I am a very spiritual guy myself as you should realize by now, Kosher. But holding a religious belief is one thing...insisting that the rest of the world must conduct themselves according to your religious belief or mine is quite another.

If your personal belief is that rubbers are evil....don't use them...and I will champion your right not to use them according to your faith. But you have no right to tell someone with a different religious point of view that he can't use them, or that using them is wrong because your belief says so. He doesn't subscribe to your belief, therefore it has no bearing on his decision.

once again...


Jeez. You people just can't see past your own paranoia...people can't talk without you freaks insisting they're trying to force you to do something. It's all part and parcel of you wanting to shut down free speech.

Hmmm. You know that's a valid point. Kinda like when Jeremiah Wright was on the news 24 / 7 screaming G-D Danm America (of course, they were only claiming he was a radical Christian when they weren't claiming he was a Muslim). Obama didn't even say that himself and yet it seems to me the "The T", others and maybe even you commented on it from the Conservative side. This was an outrage. Definitely reason not to elect him! And they weren't even his words.
So in this case, these are Santorum's direct words. And guess what? The Conservatives ARE ALL talking about legislation that would effect contraception as part of their political platform.
So IMO it actually is a much more of a valid concern than your post implies.

Look pal.....if I want to have an orgy I will have one. It's no one's business but mine and those who participate. If you don't want to participate that's your business. But I will thank you not to dictate to me who and how I can fuck.

This is the argument of rapists you know. Don't tell me who to fuck. Women who don't want to fuck don't want me to have a good time. This is the natural and normal extension of sexual freedom. You don't really have that freedom if someone says no, do you?


This is the most obscene argument I have ever seen on a message board. To equate consensual sex with rape if over the top.

Look pal.....if I want to have an orgy I will have one. It's no one's business but mine and those who participate. If you don't want to participate that's your business. But I will thank you not to dictate to me who and how I can fuck.

This is the argument of rapists you know. Don't tell me who to fuck. Women who don't want to fuck don't want me to have a good time. This is the natural and normal extension of sexual freedom. You don't really have that freedom if someone says no, do you?

This is the most obscene argument I have ever seen on a message board. To equate consensual sex with rape if over the top.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Talk about um, well, not sure that any word other than stupid would apply here. I guess this needs to be spelled out for you. I tihink anyone reading the post about the orgy would have been able to figure out all participants would be consensual adults. That's called an "orgy". What you're describing is called "gang-rape". Talk about twisting the meaning of a thread to it's most absurd possibility.

Personally, I have absolutely no interest in orgies or whatever but my wife and I have a wonderful sex life and don't want to pop out 9 kids just because some clown in a sweater vest claims that is entering a realm of sexuality that is "just wrong".
If your personal belief is that rubbers are evil....don't use them...and I will champion your right not to use them according to your faith. But you have no right to tell someone with a different religious point of view that he can't use them, or that using them is wrong because your belief says so. He doesn't subscribe to your belief, therefore it has no bearing on his decision.

That’s the problem, in order to validate her beliefs, all must agree, there can be no dissent. Dissent undermines the legitimacy of the religious dogma. Consequently, ‘non-believers’ must be subject to ridicule and scorn, compelled to abide religious dicta, or be subject to punitive measures. It’s consistent with the authoritarianism found in Christianity in particular and conservatism in general.

The mix of ‘conservative’ and ‘Christian’ is highly toxic to individual liberty and the rule of law.
Opus Dei Santorum is an idiot.

98% of Catholic women use birth control.

The remaining 2% want to start a softball team.
yes....foreshadowed by the "free love" 60s when "the pill" became widely available (thanks to Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood)....before that....the family-oriented 50s....

They had rubbers in the 50s genius and people used them. They simply didn't broadcast their sexual activities to the world. Contraception has been around since ancient civilization. The Egyptians for example used the peels from citrus fruits as diaphragms. Animal intestines were commonly used as condoms. This isn't some new thing that suddenly happened with Sanger, PP, and the flower children. Good Lord.

you keep missing the point BluePhool......Planned Parenthood is a government-funded agency along with government educational programs that are enabling teenage sexual activity and not doing the job they should be doing.....and Santorum has every right to address these policy issues in his own style....you just get bent out of shape because it's a Christian-style approach and so your rationality flies out the window...like koshergrl says you can't see past your own paranoia....

as i've said before.....promoting promiscuity among the young affects our society in all kinds of terrible ways.....one important example is the diseases that have become rampant....teenagers lives are even at stake...

the fact that the explosion of disease coincides with promiscuity should not be lost on you.....that is, if you are rational....

Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters

Sexually transmitted diseases among teens has become a full blown epidemic a national emergency that's killing our kids. In this groundbreaking book Dr. Meeker uncovers the story of this serious epidemic and the pattern of political correctness and marketing hype that has caused this tidal wave of disease.

AT THIS VERY MOMENT AN EPIDEMIC is invading our teenage kids. The epidemic is the tidal wave of sexually transmitted diseases that, in some cases, have increased more than 500% in recent years. Right now, one out of every four sexually active teens is living with an STD!

Dr. Meg Meeker has lived on the front lines of this epidemic for more than twenty years. As a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine, Meeker now sees STDs affect one-third of her patients. In this groundbreaking book, she examines the threat of these diseases and the causes for their widespread advance among our teens.

But there is hope: in the middle of a battlefield surrounded by disease, depression (the newest STD), injury, and death, we must arm our kids with knowledge so they can make the right choices. Victory won't come from wearing condoms or "exploring" sexual freedom, but from wisdom, maturity, and self-control.

In this must-read book, Dr. Meg Meeker shows us how we can connect with our kids to help save them from this epidemic.

Amazon.com: Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters (9781596985131): Meg Meeker: Books
Teen pregnancy is down dramatically.
Meg sounds like a really unbiased "professional".
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Couldn't "Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'" be combined with the "Over-regulated America " and "Why we want stimulus now and worry about deficits later" threads?
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Pretty much sums it up.


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