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Right as usual Mr. Trump - NFL protesters should be canned

Man, this is the kind of POTUS we've needed in America.


Oh please. We needed a POTUS who spits in the face of the Constitution he swore to "preserve protect and defend"?

Too funny. Kaepernick and like-minded can express a childishly nonsensical opinion and be labeled patriotic by you people. Trump expresses an opinion agreed with by most Americans - as shown by the NFL's rapidly diminishing ratings - and is labeled as "spitting on the Constitution".

Again, what the hell is wrong with you people? That's not even logical behavior.

Maybe some people are thinking that Trump's starting to act like a dictator and this is their way of expressing that feeling. As long as their way of protest is non violent, ok by me.
People have grown bored watching a bunch of negroes with average IQs in the very low eighties smash into each other while being paid multi millions of dollars.
Generally, Latinos don't give a fuck about NFL football. They haven't come from colleges and universities where football is king.
Negroes generally can't afford to attend the NFL games.
NFL and it's long history of being a negro gangbanger sport will continue to decline.
Now these racist negro thugs who won't stand for the national anthem are putting the nail in the NFL coffin.
The negroes who have converted to Islam who are playing in the NFL are playing with a 'pig skin'.
How KOOL is that????
bripat9643, post: 18203068
ROFL! Typical leftwing argument: the situations aren't exactly identical so Obama gets a pass

There is no similarity beween Trump and Obama's positions on this issue.

Obama needs no pass. He is not similar to Trumo in anyway.

Should Trump be telling American businessmen to fire certain employees that he doesn't like.

That is the question you are afraid to abswer.
Obama stuck his nose into any issue that involved a black person. He supported BLM and other kinds of black thugs.
I am so tired of the only argument you folks can come up with is racism. The anti-American football players need put out of business and into another country. The constant scream of racism is in fact racism. Go away.

So now you're anti american for not standing for the anthem? Can you quote me a law that says one has to stand or place their hand over their heart if they are a civilian?
The NFL national anthem protests are a Dog Whistle for the Racist Democrats to have their violent riots and murder policemen.

How did you get to the argument that Democrats are part of the white nationalists movement that Trump is appealing to.
So-called "white nationalists" have nothing to do with this. That's just a smear, which is what leftwing thugs do when they are caught acting like colossal hypocrites. hypocrites.
Wonders why Foo doesn't start threads about ANIFTA trying to shut down free speech?

It's a mystery...:rolleyes:

Antifa is not the President of the United States.

Didn't you know that?

ANTIFA members who go beyond peaceful protests are criminals and should be severely prosecuted.

NFL players are peaceful protestors. I made that point clear.

Anything else?
What exactly are they protesting? Living in a country that gives them the freedom to make millions of dollars playing a freakin' game?

Country, Freedom, that is exactly what they are exercising here their rights.
I am so tired of the only argument you folks can come up with is racism. The anti-American football players need put out of business and into another country. The constant scream of racism is in fact racism. Go away.

So now you're anti american for not standing for the anthem? Can you quote me a law that says one has to stand or place their hand over their heart if they are a civilian?
You don't. And the rest of us don't have to pay good money to watch you snub your country.
Wonders why Foo doesn't start threads about ANIFTA trying to shut down free speech?

It's a mystery...:rolleyes:

Antifa is not the President of the United States.

Didn't you know that?

ANTIFA members who go beyond peaceful protests are criminals and should be severely prosecuted.

NFL players are peaceful protestors. I made that point clear.

Anything else?
What exactly are they protesting? Living in a country that gives them the freedom to make millions of dollars playing a freakin' game?

Country, Freedom, that is exactly what they are exercising here their rights.
And we are exercising our right to stay home so we don't have to watch this despicable behavior.
09/22/2017 11:12 pm ET
Fans Should Boycott NFL Games Over National Anthem Protests, Trump Says
The president said he wanted NFL owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field,” an implicit reference to Colin Kaepernick and others who have protested like him.

By Doha Madani

Fans Should Boycott NFL Games Over National Anthem Protests, Trump Says | HuffPost

Congress shall make no law ..... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

Trump should focus on the grievances instead if stoking the flames of racist haters across the nation.

Since Trump can't stop Rocketboy he is taking a stab at stopping Kaepernick from ever playing again.

I'm ordering my Kaepernick jersey today. Official NFL brand.

It's a good way to protest the white but orange goon president now.

I'd love to see all players hold up "just say no to 45" signs while standing during the national Anthem or sitting or kneeling.

They should have the flag printed on the cards as well. With a ❤️ next to it.

Love to see it. Gonna start watching the Redskins too whenever my beloved Cleveland Browns are not on.

Support the NFL. Don't let Trumo turn it into an all white sport.
You're an idiot. Threads like this expose just how devoid of critical thinking and logic you people are.

Were you asshats bigots when you boycotted chicfila?

We hated Obama policies so we were racist.
We think a business should be able to refuse service so were homophobes.
We were against Hillary so we were sexist.
We don't like people trashing the National Anthem with disrespect so we've come full circle and are again racists.

You really are of low character and moral fiber. The lowest of the low. YOU can't express yourself or YOUR positions rationally so you lash out at everyone else who does.

Mind you I haven't stopped watching the NFL and I believe that the boycott makes those who are participating weak. They've let the disrespectful players win & influence their decision making process.
BUT I respect their right to do that without judging their morality or character.

YOU on the otherhand can't articulate an opposing position so you default to childish memes & positions.

You're pathetic

First of all, I'd like to state I don't care for the idea of NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem.
However, those who died defending our country, were also defending our Constitution. And the Constitution defends the NFL players right, to kneel during the anthem.
It's really sad, that we have a president, who is so clueless about the Constitution. Dotard Trump has shown how clueless about the specifics of the Constitution multiple times. Either that, or he could give a shit about the Constitution. It's either one or the other.
In either case, it's very, very, very,,,,,,,SAD!
Freewill, post: 18203129
I have defended Trump, he is right, the players are protesting in the wrong menu

You are not defending Trump. You are declaring him right. That's it. Is he helping to resolve real social injustice that exists in this country or exciting his white nationalist base whether or not they are NFL fans or not.

What good is Trump promoting here.
I am so tired of the only argument you folks can come up with is racism. The anti-American football players need put out of business and into another country. The constant scream of racism is in fact racism. Go away.

So now you're anti american for not standing for the anthem? Can you quote me a law that says one has to stand or place their hand over their heart if they are a civilian?
You don't. And the rest of us don't have to pay good money to watch you snub your country.

Why the fuck do you care if someone stands, sits, kneels or does cartwheels while the anthem is playing? Just who the fuck died and gave you some kind of authority? Bet yet you want your 2nd amendment rights honored. You pick and choose what amendments you're for and against. Go stick your head up your ass for the day.
nd we are exercising our right to stay home so we don't have to watch this despicable behavior.

Stay home racist. No one says you can't or shouldn't.

Why can't you defend Trump's insertion of the presidency into an employer, employee, fan issue that involves peaceful protests from predominantly black players?

Why do you run to issues where no one disagrees with you?

You have the right to peacefully protest and boycott all you want. Who cares.
Trump is right. Not only is he right, but fans are already boycotting the games. They were doing it before Trump said anything. This has nothing to do with the players' right to protest. No one is arresting them. They can protest all they want. There are consequences to their protest.
Wonders why Foo doesn't start threads about ANIFTA trying to shut down free speech?

It's a mystery...:rolleyes:

Antifa is not the President of the United States.

Didn't you know that?

ANTIFA members who go beyond peaceful protests are criminals and should be severely prosecuted.

NFL players are peaceful protestors. I made that point clear.

Anything else?
What exactly are they protesting? Living in a country that gives them the freedom to make millions of dollars playing a freakin' game?

Country, Freedom, that is exactly what they are exercising here their rights.
And we are exercising our right to stay home so we don't have to watch this despicable behavior.

Go right ahead and stay home, it's too expensive anyway. Don't watch on TV. No one cares.

BTW I stand for the anthem when it is played at local sporting events, but I don't want some goddamn do-gooder telling me I have to. That shit doesn't fly with me.
I am so tired of the only argument you folks can come up with is racism. The anti-American football players need put out of business and into another country. The constant scream of racism is in fact racism. Go away.

So now you're anti american for not standing for the anthem? Can you quote me a law that says one has to stand or place their hand over their heart if they are a civilian?
You don't. And the rest of us don't have to pay good money to watch you snub your country.

Why the fuck do you care if someone stands, sits, kneels or does cartwheels while the anthem is playing? Just who the fuck died and gave you some kind of authority? Bet yet you want your 2nd amendment rights honored. You pick and choose what amendments you're for and against. Go stick your head up your ass for the day.
I have the authority to have whatever opinion of your despicable behavior I like. The Constitution protects my 2nd Amendment rights. I support the entire Bill of Rights. However, that doesn't mean I have to approve of how some weasel like Kaepernick chooses to use his. If the NFL owners want to allow such behavior, they can suffer the consequences.

It sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it?
Do you really think serious football fans are so saturated in politics that they would refuse to go to the games about an issue like kneeling during the Anthem? Not the vast majority of people who fill those seats, no.
The exorbitant price for ticket, being early in the season, the individual teams' performance, and possibly a slow change in spectator sports same as there has been in watching movies at the theater. More comfortable and sometimes a much better view on a jumbo screen tv someplace where you can have a glass of beer that doesn't cost you more than a six pack at the 7-11. And don't forget the frisk at the door if you go to the stadium.
Just not sure this is as much about kneeling and politics as y'all think.

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