Right Wingers' on-and-off love or hatred of polls

Yes, we have all seen the hypocrisy (from both sides, mind you) about the validity or whims of what polls show.....and we have witness of late, that ANY poll that shows Trump sliding into never-ever seen low approval ratings, is seen by right wingers as just another example of "fake news"

What is often stated by these right wingers is that polls are invalid because they predicted a Hillary win....and that didn't turn out to be correct.

However, what right wingers FAIL to see is this:

Most (not all) polls right up to that first week of last November, predicted that the "opinion" of those polled favored Clinton......and on THAT, they were accurate because Hillary Clinton DID indeed win the popular vote.

What most polls could not predict is the esoteric American rule of our electoral college that, because of our founding fathers' wish to appease smaller states, our federal elections are NOT based on the rule of the wish of the majority.

Bottom line: The polls were mostly 'correct" on respondents' opinions but NOT on the rules prescribed by our electoral college methodology.
Trump won and the pollsters said his poll numbers where in the mid 30's the very day he won. Yeah you can take the polls and shove them. :badgrin:

Wrong. Trump's approval poll average on January 28th, the first poll average, was a 44 - 44 tie.

Stop polling butthurt Hillary voters, they don't really matter, obviously since Trump won without them. :eusa_dance: The left lost the election :laugh: to Trump :laugh::laugh: couldn't even win their own blue states of PA, MI, or WI :laugh::laugh::laugh: now they point fingers at all manner of crazy shit as to who/what's to blame for their meltdown :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Are you enjoying your Trumpcare yet?

I have a job and pay for my own healthcare halfwit.
RW loved the national poll last November, when we kicked the shit out of you libs and took back the White House :eusa_dance:

that "poll' kicked the shit out of you too,,,,,,but, you're too dumb to yet realize it........LOL

Stop huffing glue lib, we own the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS. The liberal butthurt has reached level 10 its funny. :laugh:

Funny how the GOP gets in power, but the conservative agenda never makes any meaningful gains. I guess swimming upstream isn't as easy as it looks from the riverbank.
I guess you can't fathom just how sorry many conservative politicians are, can you? Almost as sorry as a stinking dim.
RW loved the national poll last November, when we kicked the shit out of you libs and took back the White House :eusa_dance:

that "poll' kicked the shit out of you too,,,,,,but, you're too dumb to yet realize it........LOL

Stop huffing glue lib, we own the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS. The liberal butthurt has reached level 10 its funny. :laugh:

Funny how the GOP gets in power, but the conservative agenda never makes any meaningful gains. I guess swimming upstream isn't as easy as it looks from the riverbank.

LOL Trump has 4 years, its been 6 months go hide in your safe space until 2020.
Why do lefties continue to use the word "hatred"? Nobody hates polls but polls can be skewed and manipulated merely by polling selected demographics and you are a fool if you accept them just because you like the results . A couple of years ago some polling agency had John Kerry up by double digits in exit polls on election day. The way they did it was to poll young women who tended to vote democrat. It was fraudulent but technically legal.
The difference between Democrats and Republicans regarding POLLS is that the Democrats try to GOVERN by them. They also put way to much stock in them. (How's that 'landslide Hillary Victory' Poll working out? :p)
Funny how the GOP gets in power, but the conservative agenda never makes any meaningful gains. I guess swimming upstream isn't as easy as it looks from the riverbank
I guess taking the reigns of the courts back is not a meaningful gain? Dialing back the Obama mess is not meaningful? Sending the Clinton's to retirement is not meaningful? Border crossings cut in half is not meaningful? Cutting regulation by the hundreds means nothing? Turning on the economy for the first time in 8 years of Obama is not meaningful?
You need to pay better attention, while you all are looking in the black hole of a Russian conspiracy that does not exist Trump is methodically moving his agenda and erasing Obama's forever.
Your typical liberal gets up each morning and rushes to the interweb to see if there's any new Fake News polls that show Trump is unpopular, that's their life now poor libs :itsok:
Yes, we have all seen the hypocrisy (from both sides, mind you) about the validity or whims of what polls show.....and we have witness of late, that ANY poll that shows Trump sliding into never-ever seen low approval ratings, is seen by right wingers as just another example of "fake news"

What is often stated by these right wingers is that polls are invalid because they predicted a Hillary win....and that didn't turn out to be correct.

However, what right wingers FAIL to see is this:

Most (not all) polls right up to that first week of last November, predicted that the "opinion" of those polled favored Clinton......and on THAT, they were accurate because Hillary Clinton DID indeed win the popular vote.

What most polls could not predict is the esoteric American rule of our electoral college that, because of our founding fathers' wish to appease smaller states, our federal elections are NOT based on the rule of the wish of the majority.

Bottom line: The polls were mostly 'correct" on respondents' opinions but NOT on the rules prescribed by our electoral college methodology.
Trump won and the pollsters said his poll numbers where in the mid 30's the very day he won. Yeah you can take the polls and shove them. :badgrin:

Wrong. Trump's approval poll average on January 28th, the first poll average, was a 44 - 44 tie.
And seeing how all polls are lies, it means nothing.
Yes, we have all seen the hypocrisy (from both sides, mind you) about the validity or whims of what polls show.....and we have witness of late, that ANY poll that shows Trump sliding into never-ever seen low approval ratings, is seen by right wingers as just another example of "fake news"

What is often stated by these right wingers is that polls are invalid because they predicted a Hillary win....and that didn't turn out to be correct.

However, what right wingers FAIL to see is this:

Most (not all) polls right up to that first week of last November, predicted that the "opinion" of those polled favored Clinton......and on THAT, they were accurate because Hillary Clinton DID indeed win the popular vote.

What most polls could not predict is the esoteric American rule of our electoral college that, because of our founding fathers' wish to appease smaller states, our federal elections are NOT based on the rule of the wish of the majority.

Bottom line: The polls were mostly 'correct" on respondents' opinions but NOT on the rules prescribed by our electoral college methodology.
Trump won and the pollsters said his poll numbers where in the mid 30's the very day he won. Yeah you can take the polls and shove them. :badgrin:

Wrong. Trump's approval poll average on January 28th, the first poll average, was a 44 - 44 tie.
And seeing how all polls are lies, it means nothing.

And when did you flip flop on that?

Trump leading
I always felt that way. I posted that to irritate people like you.
(How's that 'landslide Hillary Victory' Poll working out?

Actually, the polls were right on target.....But, don't be concerned about such concepts; right wingers aren't supposed to be deep thinkers....just emotional deplorables........LOL
Actually, the polls were right on target.....But, don't be concerned about such concepts;

'Right on Trarget'?!

How's that 'Hillary Landslide Win' coming along, snowflake?

THREE MILLION additional votes for Hillary.........(and how many for Gore?)

Voter fraud is a wonderful thing, isn't it...but, hey, are you still under the ignorant impression - like Hillary - that US Presidents are chosen by some insignificant 'Popularity Contest'?! ....poor delusional, ignorant snowflake. How's that going/

Voter fraud is a wonderful thing, isn't it...but, hey, are you still under the ignorant impression - like Hillary - that US Presidents are chosen by some insignificant 'Popularity Contest'?! ....poor delusional, ignorant snowflake. How's that going/

Oh, morons like you are "entitled" to say that Trump won the electoral college votes.......BUT, right wing idiots are NOT entitled to call the orange clown's victory a "landslide" when Clinton got 3 MILLION more popular votes....

Check with a grown up for clarification......LOL
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Yes, we have all seen the hypocrisy (from both sides, mind you) about the validity or whims of what polls show.....and we have witness of late, that ANY poll that shows Trump sliding into never-ever seen low approval ratings, is seen by right wingers as just another example of "fake news"

What is often stated by these right wingers is that polls are invalid because they predicted a Hillary win....and that didn't turn out to be correct.

However, what right wingers FAIL to see is this:

Most (not all) polls right up to that first week of last November, predicted that the "opinion" of those polled favored Clinton......and on THAT, they were accurate because Hillary Clinton DID indeed win the popular vote.

What most polls could not predict is the esoteric American rule of our electoral college that, because of our founding fathers' wish to appease smaller states, our federal elections are NOT based on the rule of the wish of the majority.

Bottom line: The polls were mostly 'correct" on respondents' opinions but NOT on the rules prescribed by our electoral college methodology.
Trump won and the pollsters said his poll numbers where in the mid 30's the very day he won. Yeah you can take the polls and shove them. :badgrin:
You made that up. Give us a list of polls that "said his poll numbers where in the mid 30's the very day he won."

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