Right Wingers' on-and-off love or hatred of polls

RW loved the national poll last November, when we kicked the shit out of you libs and took back the White House :eusa_dance:

that "poll' kicked the shit out of you too,,,,,,but, you're too dumb to yet realize it........LOL
When proven wrong, attack the intelligence of the person who proves you wrong. Polls suck. The media lies on all of them.
You didn't make an argument that polls suck..
Yes, we have all seen the hypocrisy (from both sides, mind you) about the validity or whims of what polls show.....and we have witness of late, that ANY poll that shows Trump sliding into never-ever seen low approval ratings, is seen by right wingers as just another example of "fake news"

What is often stated by these right wingers is that polls are invalid because they predicted a Hillary win....and that didn't turn out to be correct.

However, what right wingers FAIL to see is this:

Most (not all) polls right up to that first week of last November, predicted that the "opinion" of those polled favored Clinton......and on THAT, they were accurate because Hillary Clinton DID indeed win the popular vote.

What most polls could not predict is the esoteric American rule of our electoral college that, because of our founding fathers' wish to appease smaller states, our federal elections are NOT based on the rule of the wish of the majority.

Bottom line: The polls were mostly 'correct" on respondents' opinions but NOT on the rules prescribed by our electoral college methodology.
Trump won and the pollsters said his poll numbers where in the mid 30's the very day he won. Yeah you can take the polls and shove them. :badgrin:

Why do you Trumpsters keep posting ridiculous bullshit like that? Where the fuck did you pull "mid 30's" from? Your ass it seems.

National "pollster" average the week of election was Clinton +3, result was Clinton +2.

Far from wrong, this is nothing short of IMPRESSIVE accuracy.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
Trump won and the pollsters said his poll numbers where in the mid 30's the very day he won.


On November 7th, 2016

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads her Republican rival Donald Trump by 2.5 points, according to the Real Clear Politics average of most state and national polls. Clinton has 46.8 percent of voter support compared to Trump’s 44.3 percent.

Does 44.3% resemble the mid 30% for right wing morons?
THREE MILLION additional votes for Hillary.........(and how many for Gore?)

Voter fraud is a wonderful thing, isn't it...but, hey, are you still under the ignorant impression - like Hillary - that US Presidents are chosen by some insignificant 'Popularity Contest'?! ....poor delusional, ignorant snowflake. How's that going/


So every other election in America is nothing more than an insignificant popularity contest...


[right wing idiots are NOT entitled to call the orange clown's victory a "landslide"



Again, see someone about your obvious reading comprehension problem. I was MOCKING you about the snowflakes belief / prediction before the election that HILLARY would win in a 'landslide'.

AGAIN, how's that working out for you, snowflake? :p


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Being principled means being able to accept facts even when they aren't that pleasant.
So when are you snowflakes going to accept, as Schumer just declared, that Hillary got her ass handed to her, and it was no one's fault except HILLARY'S?!
RW loved the national poll last November, when we kicked the shit out of you libs and took back the White House :eusa_dance:

that "poll' kicked the shit out of you too,,,,,,but, you're too dumb to yet realize it........LOL
When proven wrong, attack the intelligence of the person who proves you wrong. Polls suck. The media lies on all of them.
You didn't make an argument that polls suck..
Why make it again? You haven't twisted and spun enough yet?
So when are you snowflakes going to accept, as Schumer just declared, that Hillary got her ass handed to her, and it was no one's fault except HILLARY'S?!

Moron....what does THAT have to do with the Russian investigation?
So when are you snowflakes going to accept, as Schumer just declared, that Hillary got her ass handed to her, and it was no one's fault except HILLARY'S?!

Moron....what does THAT have to do with the Russian investigation?

These people have this loony idea in their head that if they pin one thing on Hillary, then somehow that clears Trump of one thing totally unrelated. Then if they get her with another, that's another off Trump's card, etc.

It's some sort of weird zero sum game to them.
So when are you snowflakes going to accept, as Schumer just declared, that Hillary got her ass handed to her, and it was no one's fault except HILLARY'S?!

Moron....what does THAT have to do with the Russian investigation?

Can you imagine if Hillary had won, and Trump was history, if every time these RW'ers started accusing Hillary of some sort of wrongdoing,

that we would try to defend it by bringing up something Trump did, or allegedly did.

We'd look fucking retarded. Do the math.
Do the math? You don't want that done, because math is the only thing that doesn't lie.
So when are you snowflakes going to accept, as Schumer just declared, that Hillary got her ass handed to her, and it was no one's fault except HILLARY'S?!

Moron....what does THAT have to do with the Russian investigation?

These people have this loony idea in their head that if they pin one thing on Hillary, then somehow that clears Trump of one thing totally unrelated. Then if they get her with another, that's another off Trump's card, etc.

It's some sort of weird zero sum game to them.
So when are you snowflakes going to accept, as Schumer just declared, that Hillary got her ass handed to her, and it was no one's fault except HILLARY'S?!

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