Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Hey idiot! To use that analogy correctly, it is YOU who are blaming the bomb.

Just how fucking stupid are you?

The retort went right over your half brain......and a fellow idiot actually gave you a "winner" which makes you BOTH morons........LOL
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.

Yes, folks like yourself always try to justify mass shootings by finding "solace" in trying to forgive the shooter through your extensive knowledge of lethal weapons.......Heck, following your "logic" the shooter could have "legally" bought himself a bazooka to realize an even greater body count..
Fully automatic weapons are HEAVILY controlled by the Federal Government. One must pay a huge tax and be subject to massive investigation, further they have to tell the Government where they store said weapon and when they move it. Remind us how that makes having a fully automatic weapon easy to have and use.

Further if it was a semi automatic rifle then ANY semiautomatic rifle would do not just those evil black "assault" ones but also those hunting rifles.
By the way, wingnuts. I own a handgun, just a simple Glock 9mm. I'm not against the ownership of guns and even if I were, it's a protected right under the 2nd.

I've thought about buying an AR-15 for the last couple of years, they look like fun and I can certainly understand why they and guns in general are popular.

However, in this debate about what should be legal or how we decide who should even own a gun, at least recognize that some guns do more damage to others. Last night/this morning a horrible new record for our country was achieved and the AR15 is the tool used to achieve it. That is fact, that is life.

I think the FBI needs to do a better job of vetting those that have had interactions with terrorism, regardless of it's origins, that's just common sense. We also need to be realistic about the guns chosen, used and how they attained them. That is also common sense. Chill out wingnuts.
AN ar15 is just a sporting rifle, just like any other...
I think people that are against the owning of ARs are racist...
It's by far my best seller of any sporting rifle, and you don't see any South Dakotans and being killed by any ARs, or any other sporting rifle for that matter... At $500 a pop - a great investment...

Why are you bringing race into this?
Is that the reason they are misunderstood... Because they are "black"??

You're in the weeds.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.
Killed 50 people with it....THAT is some assault weapon

And if he had used 6 shot revolvers..would they be assault revolvers....?

No, they would be revolvers.
Listening to the hildabeast speak is an assault on the senses....
By the way, wingnuts. I own a handgun, just a simple Glock 9mm. I'm not against the ownership of guns and even if I were, it's a protected right under the 2nd.

I've thought about buying an AR-15 for the last couple of years, they look like fun and I can certainly understand why they and guns in general are popular.

However, in this debate about what should be legal or how we decide who should even own a gun, at least recognize that some guns do more damage to others. Last night/this morning a horrible new record for our country was achieved and the AR15 is the tool used to achieve it. That is fact, that is life.

I think the FBI needs to do a better job of vetting those that have had interactions with terrorism, regardless of it's origins, that's just common sense. We also need to be realistic about the guns chosen, used and how they attained them. That is also common sense. Chill out wingnuts.
AN ar15 is just a sporting rifle, just like any other...
I think people that are against the owning of ARs are racist...
It's by far my best seller of any sporting rifle, and you don't see any South Dakotans and being killed by any ARs, or any other sporting rifle for that matter... At $500 a pop - a great investment...

Why are you bringing race into this?

View attachment 77883

Obviously it was an attempt to make a joke. Why is bringing race into it a punchline?
By the way, wingnuts. I own a handgun, just a simple Glock 9mm. I'm not against the ownership of guns and even if I were, it's a protected right under the 2nd.

But you have spent the majority of this thread agreeing with nat on banning assault weapons. So, it seems to me you only agree in part with the 2nd Amendment.

I think it's worth a conversation, sure.

So, let me ask you this question:

You own a firearm, yet you think it's okay to tell people they can't buy an assault rifle for self defense as opposed to handgun. How do you explain your reasoning?

1. Let's be clear, I'm not really sure what should be legal or not, I'm saying the gun used has a direct result in the carnage we are left with. Fair enough?

2. If I were against guns like the AR15...and who knows, I might end up in that camp. What about automatic weapons? They are illegal (mostly) yet I don't hear many gun advocates having a problem with that. My guess is it's because they are so unpopular that nobody wants to argue that case. I don't think the NRA even goes there, how come? People kill people, right?

3. Lot's of things are illegal that nobody bitches about Driving a vehicle without insurance...or drunk. That includes boats and snow mobiles. Freedom of movement probably has more of a direct implication in this country than the ownership of guns, nobody complains...or not much. Because we get it, we understand and it has been turned onto it's head because of politics.

Guns are a political. There are valid reasons on both sides. It's codified in our Constituion and through legal precedence we as citizens have the right to own them. Also through precedence, like every other right there are commons sense restrictions. You right now do not have the right to won any gun you want. Some can't own any guns and it's perfectly legal. You're a felon or you're legally declared unfit to own one.

Gun Control is not some un-American communist plot. Lot's of people have them, maybe some shouldn't and certainly, some should't own machine guns or worse.

We already have gun control...you are not allowed, by law to use a gun to commit murder or other crimes...if you do you will be arrested.

The other gun control laws are there simply to make it possible to attack normal, law abiding gun owners for Bureaucratic mistakes and for making mistakes on paperwork......

Do you think this killer would have stopped his planning because he had to get a license, register his guns or get a universal background check...since he already passed a background check to buy the guns and another one to become a security guard....

And in France....they have all the gun control you can mention....there are no gun stores or background checks because you can't own guns....., you can't guy hand guns or rifles, you can't buy AR-15s or even fully automatic rifles...they are all completely illegal....


And muslim terrorists on government terrorist watch lists got fully automatic rifles...and grenades and other explosives.....easily....in a country with 0, AR-15s and 0, fully automatic rifles....

What other gun control that France has do you want here....? That didn't stop muslim terrorists from murdering 140 people and injuring hundreds of others?
Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

What does that have to do with anything? A revolver can have as many as six rounds in it. If the shooter was an expert marksman, he could have killed six people with it. It doesn't matter what weapon he had, killing six people is just as bad as killing 50. Any loss of life is unacceptable.

A person with an AR-15 has the ability to kill 50 people, injure 53 more. A revolver, not so much.

France has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. How did that workout for them?

Are you talking about one night or their entire history?

Am I saying we should have the same gun laws as France?

Are you sure you aren't really the kid in your avatar?

France had two major terrorist incidents in two years. How many people died in those incidents?

Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.
Killed 50 people with it....THAT is some assault weapon

That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

If you are OK with mass shooting where a large number of people wind up dead, for the sake of holding on to your precious 2nd amendment....then you should shrug and not give a fuck about what happened in Orlando.....

It is YOU right wingers, who allow the sale of such weapons.....not me.
The O. P. has a choice to make....whether she will get her head out of her ass long enough to realize that something must be done about Murderous Muslim Terrorism, or leave it in, and continue to look like a damn fool.

First of all, you eternal moron.......my head and ass is that of an older white MALE........An whether you realize it or not (probably not) Muslims are here to stay and YOU and your ilk are helping to arm them with the kind of weapons to do maximum harm..........So if you need to show off your "manhood" by allowing the ease of buying lethal guns, you are also contributing to the "cause" of murderous Muslims.

The muslim killer could have used a bag full of revlovers instead of an AR-15 and achieved the same body count...why?

--350 people packed into a tight space

--the room was dark

--there were strobes probably going..

--the music was loud

-the people were intoxicated and some or many were high on drugs...

and this guy could have killed just as many people with a bag of revolvers you authoritarian hack....
Odds are high that in a room that packed one bullet could have struck and killed/injured more than one person.
By the way, wingnuts. I own a handgun, just a simple Glock 9mm. I'm not against the ownership of guns and even if I were, it's a protected right under the 2nd.

But you have spent the majority of this thread agreeing with nat on banning assault weapons. So, it seems to me you only agree in part with the 2nd Amendment.

I think it's worth a conversation, sure.

So, let me ask you this question:

You own a firearm, yet you think it's okay to tell people they can't buy an assault rifle for self defense as opposed to handgun. How do you explain your reasoning?

1. Let's be clear, I'm not really sure what should be legal or not, I'm saying the gun used has a direct result in the carnage we are left with. Fair enough?

2. If I were against guns like the AR15...and who knows, I might end up in that camp. What about automatic weapons? They are illegal (mostly) yet I don't hear many gun advocates having a problem with that. My guess is it's because they are so unpopular that nobody wants to argue that case. I don't think the NRA even goes there, how come? People kill people, right?

3. Lot's of things are illegal that nobody bitches about Driving a vehicle without insurance...or drunk. That includes boats and snow mobiles. Freedom of movement probably has more of a direct implication in this country than the ownership of guns, nobody complains...or not much. Because we get it, we understand and it has been turned onto it's head because of politics.

Guns are a political. There are valid reasons on both sides. It's codified in our Constituion and through legal precedence we as citizens have the right to own them. Also through precedence, like every other right there are commons sense restrictions. You right now do not have the right to won any gun you want. Some can't own any guns and it's perfectly legal. You're a felon or you're legally declared unfit to own one.

Gun Control is not some un-American communist plot. Lot's of people have them, maybe some shouldn't and certainly, some should't own machine guns or worse.

We already have gun control...you are not allowed, by law to use a gun to commit murder or other crimes...if you do you will be arrested.

The other gun control laws are there simply to make it possible to attack normal, law abiding gun owners for Bureaucratic mistakes and for making mistakes on paperwork......

Do you think this killer would have stopped his planning because he had to get a license, register his guns or get a universal background check...since he already passed a background check to buy the guns and another one to become a security guard....

And in France....they have all the gun control you can mention....there are no gun stores or background checks because you can't own guns....., you can't guy hand guns or rifles, you can't buy AR-15s or even fully automatic rifles...they are all completely illegal....


And muslim terrorists on government terrorist watch lists got fully automatic rifles...and grenades and other explosives.....easily....in a country with 0, AR-15s and 0, fully automatic rifles....

What other gun control that France has do you want here....? That didn't stop muslim terrorists from murdering 140 people and injuring hundreds of others?

I have no idea what this guy would have done to get a gun. He appears to have taken the most direct right which right now is to buy one legally like he did just days before this attack.

Why make it easy?
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

If you are OK with mass shooting where a large number of people wind up dead, for the sake of holding on to your precious 2nd amendment....then you should shrug and not give a fuck about what happened in Orlando.....

It is YOU right wingers, who allow the sale of such weapons.....not me.
We don't have a gun control problem idiot.
We have a muslim control problem.
We already have gun control...you are not allowed, by law to use a gun to commit murder or other crimes...if you do you will be arrested.

The other gun control laws are there simply to make it possible to attack normal, law abiding gun owners for Bureaucratic mistakes and for making mistakes on paperwork......

Do you think this killer would have stopped his planning because he had to get a license, register his guns or get a universal background check...since he already passed a background check to buy the guns and another one to become a security guard....

Well, let's look at that.

Two things we've found out about this guy.

1) He was saying a lot of pro-ISIS Jihadi shit on line.
2) His in-laws say he was physically abusive to his wife.

and we were able to find these things about him in one day.

The sad thing we always find out about these guys is that they are people who never should have gotten a gun who got one anyway.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

If you are OK with mass shooting where a large number of people wind up dead, for the sake of holding on to your precious 2nd amendment....then you should shrug and not give a fuck about what happened in Orlando.....

It is YOU right wingers, who allow the sale of such weapons.....not me.

No fuck head...we are okay with 320,000,000 Americans owning 357,000,000 guns who use them for self defense, competition, hunting and collecting who don't use them for any crime of any kind and in fact use them to stop violent criminal attack...according to the bill clinton Department of Justice Research.....1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack up to and including some mass shootings like this one.....
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