Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

You don't get to tell us what options are available to us.

Your inability to think outside of your narrow world view is your problem, not ours.
They are used for self-defense all the time, douche bag. They also make excellent weapons for shooting varmints like coyotes.

All the time? Examples?

here you go......on video no less......AR-15 used by 15 year old for self defense.....so we have a 1 to 1 on attack and defense for AR-15s....

1 to 1? That kid didn't need a AR-15 for a defense. 50 dead/50 injured to one burglary stopped. And the kid could have used any gun for defense.

Here you go asshole...now we have 5 stories....AR-15s for self defense......moron.......and the mass shooter could have used any gun too....asswipe.

No, not any gun would kill 50 and injure 50 you moron. 5 stories of burglaries stopped? We are talking 50 dead and 50 injured by one maniac. Nobody should have a mass killing gun.

It appears you are mentally retarded. You can't seem to understand that he's not posting every instance where an AR-15 was used for self-defense.
Do you see what these douche bags are doing? They've changes the subject from Obama's incompetence on the immigration and terrorism issues to gun control.

There's no immigration issue here. This guy was BORN HERE.

As for terrorism, not sure how he could prevent one guy from going nuts when nuts have a God Given right to buy machine guns.

But gun control- um, yeah, I think we should ask how this guy could have gotten THAT kind of weapon.
You're obviously suffering from brain damage. His parents weren't born here. They are imported Muslims. These bloodthirsty savages don't assimilate. That's why importing them is shear insanity.
These guns are too dangerous just like machine guns. Time to do away with them like we did machine guns.

Yeah....then you can build your gas chambers you totalitarian asshole....

50 dead and 50 wounded and you are still scared of Hitler. Grow up moron.

No moron....we don't have to be afraid of the next hitler.....we didn't give up our guns like Europe did.........we are just fine.....

And so are all the countries with few guns moron.
You don't get to tell us what options are available to us.

Your inability to think outside of your narrow world view is your problem, not ours.

After that post, don't forget to flush and wash your hands.
All the time? Examples?

here you go......on video no less......AR-15 used by 15 year old for self defense.....so we have a 1 to 1 on attack and defense for AR-15s....

1 to 1? That kid didn't need a AR-15 for a defense. 50 dead/50 injured to one burglary stopped. And the kid could have used any gun for defense.

Here you go asshole...now we have 5 stories....AR-15s for self defense......moron.......and the mass shooter could have used any gun too....asswipe.

No, not any gun would kill 50 and injure 50 you moron. 5 stories of burglaries stopped? We are talking 50 dead and 50 injured by one maniac. Nobody should have a mass killing gun.

It appears you are mentally retarded. You can't seem to understand that he's not posting every instance where an AR-15 was used for self-defense.

I understand that every instance so far a different gun could have been used.
They don't need to rationalize it......you assholes would have crucified her if she had been wrong and come forward.

Can you please cite a case when someone was "Crucified" for wrongly accusing a Muslim American of being a terrorist?

I think you have no idea what it's like to be a Muslim American these days. It kind of sucks.
here you go......on video no less......AR-15 used by 15 year old for self defense.....so we have a 1 to 1 on attack and defense for AR-15s....

Here we go. 2AGuy flooding the thread with his 'Guns R Good" posts.

Here's the thing. From now on, every time Wayne LaPeirre talks, we can conflate him with ISIS.

WHy do you want ISIS to be able to kill Americans?
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

If you are OK with mass shooting where a large number of people wind up dead, for the sake of holding on to your precious 2nd amendment....then you should shrug and not give a fuck about what happened in Orlando.....

It is YOU right wingers, who allow the sale of such weapons.....not me.
RETARD, terrorists get weapons no matter the law. As proven OVER and OVER all over the world. Our southern board is a sieve any group can smuggle weapons into this country with ease.
You aholes keep saying more guns is that answer as these things keep getting worse. Florida has been listening to you. They have tons of guns and pro gun laws. Yet 50 dead and 50 wounded by just 1 maniac.
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.

Yes, folks like yourself always try to justify mass shootings by finding "solace" in trying to forgive the shooter through your extensive knowledge of lethal weapons.......Heck, following your "logic" the shooter could have "legally" bought himself a bazooka to realize an even greater body count..

What's a bazooka, in more than 20 years in the military, I've never seen one. BTW this crazy, as you call him, passed multiple background checks to be an armed security guard. Why don't you just admit he was an ISIS sleeper, a radical muslim, taking advantage of our freedoms. You want to ban something, ban muslims, their religion is antithetical to the American system and they have no interest in adopting our values.
So you want to get rid of the 1st Amendment?

Well dumbass I guess you don't comprehend that we can stop muslims from immigrating because they are a danger to our national security, congress has every right to do that and it has nothing to do with the first amendment. Non citizens living elsewhere have no Constitutional rights. Non citizens who live here can be deported if they refuse to denounce their practices that conflict with US law, like honor killings, killing gays and the destruction of infidels/Jews.
RETARD, terrorists get weapons no matter the law. As proven OVER and OVER all over the world. Our southern board is a sieve any group can smuggle weapons into this country with ease.

Great point.........Why have a terrorist smuggle guns through our southern board [sic] when all he has to do is get on the internet, or attend a local gun show......You sound like a very CONSIDERATE person toward would-be terrorists.....
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