Rightwing terrorists target the President


Mar 3, 2013
Not jesusland
Third Letter Sent to President Obama, Similar to NY Mayor Ricin Letters: Officials
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun group received threatening letters sent from Shreveport, La.

According to law enforcement sources, all three letters were postmarked May 20 in Shreveport, La. and sent without a return address or signature. Sources said the NYPD tried to pull fingerprints off the letter discovered at the city's mail sorting site, but nothing usable was found. Authorities also plan to check for any possible DNA.

It wasn't known if any viable forensic evidence was discovered on the letters sent to Washington or the White House. All three mailings read in part: "You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns. Anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face. The right to bear arms is my constitutional God given right and I will exercise that right till the day I die."

Third Letter Sent to President Obama, Similar to NY Mayor Ricin Letters: Officials | NBC New York
sounds like they still have the wrong guy

Hearing for Mississippi man in ricin letters case | NOLA.com

and this -
May 22, 2013 · (CNN)-- A 37-year-old man arrested Wednesday in Washington state as part of an investigation of ricin-laced letters threatened in one such letter to injure ...

Something tells me this is not a gun advocate... I could be wrong, but...

wonder if it's

Another Hollywierd moment...
Texas actress 'posted ricin letter to Obama'
7 June 2013 > An actress from Texas has been charged with threatening the president after allegedly posting ricin-laced letters to Barack Obama.
Shannon Richardson, 35, a pregnant mother of five, first accused her husband of sending the letters, but authorities say she sent them. Agents in protective suits searched her home in New Boston on Wednesday. She has had small roles in The Vampire Diaries and The Walking Dead, according to the film database IMDB.


Shannon Richardson and her husband were reportedly getting divorced

Lie-detector test

On Friday, Ms Richardson made a brief appearance in a courtroom in Texarkana, Texas, accused of sending a threatening communication to the president. The federal charge carries up to 10 years in prison, according to US attorney's office spokeswoman Davilyn Walston. Officials say Ms Richardson contacted the FBI on 30 May to implicate her estranged husband in the letters, which were also sent to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. But investigators found a number of inconsistencies in her story and she failed a lie-detector test, according to an FBI affidavit. During an interview with authorities on Thursday, Ms Richardson is said to have admitted posting the letters, knowing they contained ricin.

But she claimed her husband had typed them before making her post them, the affidavit states. Three letters were sent from Shreveport, Louisiana, on 20 May, without a return address. No charges have been filed against her husband, Nathaniel Richardson. His lawyer, John Delk, told the Associated Press news agency on Friday his client was innocent and pleased with his wife's arrest. Mr Delk said his client, a 33-year-old military mechanic at a Texarkana Army depot, was in the process of getting a divorce from his wife, whom he married in October 2011.

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