Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

It is rumored that obama exchanged sex with men for cocaine.

It is rumored that Katzdogz only projects on the President what she herself does.

No. It was a story told first by Larry Sinclair. He alleges that he was obama's gay lover.
Charleston Voice: Obama & His Ex-Gay Lovers (may be offensive) *videos*

Larry Sinclair held a meeting at the National Press Club to address his alleged gay relationship with Barack Obama, the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, and answer questions from the Press. Larry Sinclair stated to the press that he and Barack Obama had gay sex while Obama smoked crack, not once but twice. Once in a limo and the next day in a hotel room. Sinclair stated that the murdered Donald Young, Obama's churches gay choir master told him, by phone, he also had sex with Barack Obama, before Young was murdered.

I fully and freely admit that there have been times in the past when I had sex with men.
It is rumored that obama exchanged sex with men for cocaine.

What exactly constitutes a rumour? Is there some kind of official format by which a rumour actually has some sort of consideration for legitimacy?

"Some guy said?"

Does that count?

Not some guy, some identifiable guy with a name. Why it's a rumor is because the allegation was never proven one way or other. In the case of obama's gay lover, the rumor started when he called a press conference and made the announcement publicly.
Sorry bout that,

1. So Obama's wife has to live with this?
2. She is another wife taking it up the ass for the liberal team, just like Hillary does.
3. Its immoral.
4. History will be very unkind to them, they are so stupid as women.

what glaring difference.....? both are perverts trying to pervert something...

Again, it concerns me that you are unable to tell the difference.

lol you're not 'concerned' about that.....you're just trying to deflect my argument because it holds alot of truth....
both gays and pedophiles have a lot in common....their arguments are very similar....

both are people with sexual aberrations...
both are trying to pervert long-standing laws...marriage laws/age of consent laws....
both are attempting to use 'discrimination' as the basis of their argument....gender/age....
both ultimately harm children....this is what most people don't realize....gays take away a child's biological mother or father....pedophiles take away a child's innocence...

I really hate to reopen this stupid thread. But I saw this and it supports what many said about where gay marriage will lead:

Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah

Redfish, I promise that I will to your rescue if anyone attempts to make you marry a person of your own sex or try to use your chapel to do so.

Your civil and religious liberties are not infringed upon, while you would infringe on others.
I don't care about gay marriage. And I found this thread hilarious. I laughed and laughed.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

I agree. Conservatives that dive into far right wing social issues invariably alienate the majority of their voting base.
It is easy to understand why certain GOP politicians must crawl into bed with Bible Thumpers....Votes come from these people.
For the most art far right wing Christians are single issue people. Their first response to disappointment is "taking their ball and going home".
The main reason Romney lost is roughly 3 million people, most of whom identify as deeply religious could not bring themselves to vote for a Mormon. This stupidity and closed minded attitude got us another term of Dear Leader.
The "gay shit" or as most of us call it, equal rights for the GLBT community is a winner for the Democrats. The GOP would be well served to "let it go" of course but history has shown that they won't.

How the GOP can want this division based on legal behavior to stand but claim that others are divisive is is a source of bemusement for any observer.
what glaring difference.....? both are perverts trying to pervert something...

Again, it concerns me that you are unable to tell the difference.

lol you're not 'concerned' about that.....you're just trying to deflect my argument because it holds alot of truth....

both gays and pedophiles have a lot in common....their arguments are very similar....

both are people with sexual aberrations...
both are trying to pervert long-standing laws...marriage laws/age of consent laws....
both are attempting to use 'discrimination' as the basis of their argument....gender/age....
both ultimately harm children....this is what most people don't realize....gays take away a child's biological mother or father....pedophiles take away a child's innocence...

Again...it is pretty scary to see a person on here admit they cannot tell the difference between consenting adults and those who hurt children. I hope you are closely supervised when you are out in public.
It is rumored that obama exchanged sex with men for cocaine.

It is rumored that Katzdogz only projects on the President what she herself does.

No. It was a story told first by Larry Sinclair. He alleges that he was obama's gay lover.
Charleston Voice: Obama & His Ex-Gay Lovers (may be offensive) *videos*

Larry Sinclair held a meeting at the National Press Club to address his alleged gay relationship with Barack Obama, the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, and answer questions from the Press. Larry Sinclair stated to the press that he and Barack Obama had gay sex while Obama smoked crack, not once but twice. Once in a limo and the next day in a hotel room. Sinclair stated that the murdered Donald Young, Obama's churches gay choir master told him, by phone, he also had sex with Barack Obama, before Young was murdered.

I fully and freely admit that there have been times in the past when I had sex with men.

Did you bite their heads off afterwards?
The "gay shit" or as most of us call it, equal rights for the GLBT community is a winner for the Democrats. The GOP would be well served to "let it go" of course but history has shown that they won't.

How the GOP can want this division based on legal behavior to stand but claim that others are divisive is is a source of bemusement for any observer.

Every American citizen has equal rights. Are gay people denied their free speech? No. Are gay people denied their right to bear arms? No. Are gay people denied their freedom of religion? No.

I could go on and on, but this is more than enough to prove your post is a desperate attempt to garner support for a failed ideology.
Again, it concerns me that you are unable to tell the difference.

lol you're not 'concerned' about that.....you're just trying to deflect my argument because it holds alot of truth....

both gays and pedophiles have a lot in common....their arguments are very similar....

both are people with sexual aberrations...
both are trying to pervert long-standing laws...marriage laws/age of consent laws....
both are attempting to use 'discrimination' as the basis of their argument....gender/age....
both ultimately harm children....this is what most people don't realize....gays take away a child's biological mother or father....pedophiles take away a child's innocence...

Again...it is pretty scary to see a person on here admit they cannot tell the difference between consenting adults and those who hurt children. I hope you are closely supervised when you are out in public.

Again, it's pretty scary when a person (you) believes that just because two people are "consenting", that makes it ok.

A prostitute consents with their customer. Is that "ok" in your warped little mind?

A drug-dealer consents with their addicts. Is that "ok" in your warped little mind?

High School boys have consented to sex with their teachers. Is that "ok" in your warped little mind?

Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

In other words - fuck principle, it's time to bend over and prostitute yourself like the Dumbicrats do in order to win elections at all costs? The ends justify the means, just like the liberals who rape their their man-hating misandrist women at Occupy Wall Street movements?

Furthermore, if you believe that marriage is "a piece of fucking paper ultimately" then you are unquestionably one of the most ignorant people here on USMB. You clearly do not understand the issue (like Dumbocrats!). I just lost all respect for you [MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]. You're the John-Boehner-liberal-Republican who conservatives need to purge from the party. And believe me, we will.

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