Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

My advice to Republicans:

If you have a disagreement with a fellow Republican, air your differences in PRIVATE, away from the intrusive media microphones. Abide by Reagan's 11th Commandment about not hurting/harming a fellow Republican.

If your false pride and total lack of self-respect and gigantic ego don't allow you to use your questionable brains, stay out of the political lime light and run for office at another time, if and when your uselessness is more appreciated.

If you want to commit political suicide, bleat about abortion and gay marriage, but if you want to get elected, hold your views in dignified silence and enforce them by changing the laws AFTER you are elected, because sure as Hell you can not do anything unless you are.

And tell your potential voters that a Mormon or a Tea Partier is still better than a Socialist/Democrat and DON'T stay home out of spite on Election Day.

Clearly the GOP elites are listening to idiots like you, and they are about to break up their party by alienating their own base, lol, like a bunch of power mongering fools, killing the Golden Goose.

And I rotflmao!
Our voters elected Obama, who is likely bi-sexual, so most don't care, or are just ignorant.

Where did that come from - I know it's off topic but I would really love to hear your rationalization for the Bisexual Obama comment.
My advice to Republicans:

If you have a disagreement with a fellow Republican, air your differences in PRIVATE, away from the intrusive media microphones. Abide by Reagan's 11th Commandment about not hurting/harming a fellow Republican.

If your false pride and total lack of self-respect and gigantic ego don't allow you to use your questionable brains, stay out of the political lime light and run for office at another time, if and when your uselessness is more appreciated.

If you want to commit political suicide, bleat about abortion and gay marriage, but if you want to get elected, hold your views in dignified silence and enforce them by changing the laws AFTER you are elected, because sure as Hell you can not do anything unless you are.

And tell your potential voters that a Mormon or a Tea Partier is still better than a Socialist/Democrat and DON'T stay home out of spite on Election Day.

In essence your advice to republicans is to be dishonest about their positions, attempt to stifle open debate and dialogue, and realize political success through deception.

Good plan.

Although the notion of stifling open debate and dialogue might be attractive to many on the right, eventually those positions will be known, particularly when republicans begin enacting measures that are clearly un-Constitutional, and seek only to deny citizens their civil liberties.
My advice to Republicans:

If you have a disagreement with a fellow Republican, air your differences in PRIVATE, away from the intrusive media microphones. Abide by Reagan's 11th Commandment about not hurting/harming a fellow Republican.

If your false pride and total lack of self-respect and gigantic ego don't allow you to use your questionable brains, stay out of the political lime light and run for office at another time, if and when your uselessness is more appreciated.

If you want to commit political suicide, bleat about abortion and gay marriage, but if you want to get elected, hold your views in dignified silence and enforce them by changing the laws AFTER you are elected, because sure as Hell you can not do anything unless you are.

And tell your potential voters that a Mormon or a Tea Partier is still better than a Socialist/Democrat and DON'T stay home out of spite on Election Day.

In essence your advice to republicans is to be dishonest about their positions, attempt to stifle open debate and dialogue, and realize political success through deception.

Good plan.

Although the notion of stifling open debate and dialogue might be attractive to many on the right, eventually those positions will be known, particularly when republicans begin enacting measures that are clearly un-Constitutional, and seek only to deny citizens their civil liberties.

To NEOCONS on the right, please get that straight.
I've never heard a gay person say that it aught to be illegal to say you don't like them.

Nor have I.

There are some bakers and photographers that would disagree with you.

What would happen if a nonconsenting baker agreed to make the same sex wedding cake exactly as specified and told the couple what perverts he thought they were? Maybe even put on a show and went full on Westboro for a half hour or so, but agreed to make the cake. Would the gay couple have a right to complain?

You need to learn the difference between words and actions. Denying someone public accommodation is an action (illegal in some states). Speech is protected. You can say you don't like us all you want, you just can't do anything about it. :lol:
My advice to Republicans:

If you have a disagreement with a fellow Republican, air your differences in PRIVATE, away from the intrusive media microphones. Abide by Reagan's 11th Commandment about not hurting/harming a fellow Republican.

If your false pride and total lack of self-respect and gigantic ego don't allow you to use your questionable brains, stay out of the political lime light and run for office at another time, if and when your uselessness is more appreciated.

If you want to commit political suicide, bleat about abortion and gay marriage, but if you want to get elected, hold your views in dignified silence and enforce them by changing the laws AFTER you are elected, because sure as Hell you can not do anything unless you are.

And tell your potential voters that a Mormon or a Tea Partier is still better than a Socialist/Democrat and DON'T stay home out of spite on Election Day.

In essence your advice to republicans is to be dishonest about their positions, attempt to stifle open debate and dialogue, and realize political success through deception.

Good plan.

Although the notion of stifling open debate and dialogue might be attractive to many on the right, eventually those positions will be known, particularly when republicans begin enacting measures that are clearly un-Constitutional, and seek only to deny citizens their civil liberties.

Sounds a lot like the far left!
Nor have I.

There are some bakers and photographers that would disagree with you.

What would happen if a nonconsenting baker agreed to make the same sex wedding cake exactly as specified and told the couple what perverts he thought they were? Maybe even put on a show and went full on Westboro for a half hour or so, but agreed to make the cake. Would the gay couple have a right to complain?

You need to learn the difference between words and actions. Denying someone public accommodation is an action (illegal in some states). Speech is protected. You can say you don't like us all you want, you just can't do anything about it. :lol:

Of course you can. I did it! It was a slam dunk, no case. I never even raised religion as an issue. I flat refused and there was nothing that could be done about my refusal. I could do it because I did not offer my services to the general public. All the baker has to do is stop offering wedding cakes as a service available to the general public. Now public access laws protect him.

To take away the freedom of the service provider, the law has to be changed to mandate that ALL bakers must bake wedding cakes. ALL photographers have to be wedding photographers. I doubt if the law is ready to go that far.
Our voters elected Obama, who is likely bi-sexual, so most don't care, or are just ignorant.

Where did that come from - I know it's off topic but I would really love to hear your rationalization for the Bisexual Obama comment.

birddog belongs to that generation of males who believe that calling another male a "fag" or whatever is somehow demeaning to the individual, when in fact it merely reflects the lack of maturity by the name caller.
Our voters elected Obama, who is likely bi-sexual, so most don't care, or are just ignorant.

Where did that come from - I know it's off topic but I would really love to hear your rationalization for the Bisexual Obama comment.

Rightwing blogs and websites, then it bounces around inside the echo chamber.
No it is not. Not even close. It is frightening to note that you cannot see the GLARING difference.

I would be afraid to take you out in public.....it's like you see no difference between two consenting people shaking hands and coming up to a child and hitting them. Scary!:eek:

what glaring difference.....? both are perverts trying to pervert something...

Again, it concerns me that you are unable to tell the difference.

lol you're not 'concerned' about that.....you're just trying to deflect my argument because it holds alot of truth....

both gays and pedophiles have a lot in common....their arguments are very similar....

both are people with sexual aberrations...
both are trying to pervert long-standing laws...marriage laws/age of consent laws....
both are attempting to use 'discrimination' as the basis of their argument....gender/age....
both ultimately harm children....this is what most people don't realize....gays take away a child's biological mother or father....pedophiles take away a child's innocence...

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