Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Right wingers don't need no steenkin proof. They are like pentacostals, they soeak it and it becomes so.
The DOJ is forming a Domestic Terrorist Unit. We will have a government not unlike the Chinese version when completed. They do not put up with the shit in the hood.
Where is the proof?
Where are the figures?
Are you denying that it happened? Really?

I bet you wish to ignore the fact that convicted felon and multi-billionaire George Soros is responsible for providing millions of dollars with the purpose of electing far-left Liberal District Attorneys in far-left cities. Sadly, it is working too.
Are you denying that it happened? Really?
You can't prove it?
Why not?
I bet you wish to ignore the fact that convicted felon and multi-billionaire George Soros is responsible for providing millions of dollars with the purpose of electing far-left Liberal District Attorneys in far-left cities. Sadly, it is working too.

Yes, I ignore statements like that too.
You make claims with no proof.
Markle wrote: Do you have the temerity to deny that Democrats pumped at least tens of millions of dollars into BLM? 22JAN12-POST#696​

NFBW wrote: Why would I deny that Democrats made financial contributions to Any 501(c)(3) organizations let alone Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, Inc.?
Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, Inc., the organization that operates the Black Lives Matter website, is a nonprofit. 20JUN16-BLM-Politifacr​
The Internal Revenue Service stipulates that 501(c)(3) organizations are "absolutely prohibited" from making contributions to political campaigns.​

If you hate Black People so much Markle that you believe black lives don’t matter why don’t you start your own 501(c)(3) organization - you can call it BLACK LIVES DONT MATTER. You can run nonstop videos of the Chauvin riots on your website along with the explanation that it was really Colin Kaepernick’s knee on some doped up black criminal’s neck and Kyle Rittenhouse was not available that day to maintain order with his really cool lookin’ AR15, because someone was raising a flag across the street or something like that - sky’s the limit ! - - -

You won’t get donations from Democrats but there are plenty of Trump voters out there willing to not buy ammo for a month to donate you a little cash, 22JAN12-POST#607
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You can't prove it?
Why not?

Yes, I ignore statements like that too.
You make claims with no proof.
Does it help you to live with yourself by pretending facts don't exist? How do you suppose we, anyone, can resolve problems of any sort if you don't acknowledge that they exist?
One was about an actual police murder.

One was about an imaginary stolen election.
Those who riot and loot are criminals. - Throw the book at them and lock them up.

Those who conspire to instigate political violence at or near a peaceful protest by either side should be treated as domestic terrorists - including Individuals within Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and Three Percenters who do it

That being said - The summer of Chauvin riots was about a police murder

Jan6 was about an imaginary stolen election

So when you ask yourself what sparked both riots - they both were sparked by white men in positions of authority / Donald Trump and Derek Chauvin
Does it help you to live with yourself by pretending facts don't exist? How do you suppose we, anyone, can resolve problems of any sort if you don't acknowledge that they exist?
You didn't state any facts.
Maybe if you stated some facts it would help.
Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020, Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 - ACLED

Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman, Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, October 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

Was this one of the peaceful ones?
That's not what the jury said. So shut the fuck up.
Did the jury say that because it was the right decision...or did they say that because they were afraid of the riots that would have happened if they didn't? That verdict was predetermined by a main stream media that made a piece of shit drug addict into a martyr. George Floyd died because he ingested a lethal amount of drugs. If he hadn't he'd be alive today.
93 percent of the protests were peaxeful. Most violence came from counter protesters not associated wih either group.
Yeah, it's unfortunate that the media didn't cover those 93%. Instead, they covered the parts that were violent and destructive.

As far as the claim that it was counter protests who did the destruction. There have been claims that some of the instigators may have been from far right groups, but your telling me that all those hours of video, with all the thousands of protesters we've been seeing, all of them were right wingers? Even most of them were right wingers? Do we have anything that shows where all of those people were all associated with right wing groups, and not with antifa and blm?
MarcATL wrote: Where is your evidence of "Democrat money" being behind the riots? 22JAN11-POST#579’

ThisIsMe wrote: So, a few minutes of searching on my phone turned up this: 22JAN11-POST#581

NFBW wrote: That 2015 report cites DEM donor money going to BLM. Donors support an expression of free speech Correll free speech that Black Lives Matter.
So where is your response to the question as asked? Where is your evidence of "Democrat money" being behind the riots?

You have not answered you have evidence of "Democrat money" being behind the riots? Are you going to answer that direct and specific question? 22JAN12-POST#589
Yes, I did. Antifa and blm being the largest components of those riots, you need to look at who's financially backing those groups.

Again, there is another part of my response also, that those riots were supported and encouraged by members of.congress.
The get your white supremacist buddies in check because they were the problem.

“The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

“Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan — have been reported at demonstrations around the country. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July; an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July; an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July; and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May.”
Sure, as I said, both sides have their faults. There have been car ramming, as you have pointed out, but I'm referring to the 2 years of coverage we have of violence, destruction, blocking freeways, chaz/chop.
MarcATL wrote: Where is your evidence of "Democrat money" being behind the riots? 22JAN11-POST#579’

ThisIsMe wrote: So, a few minutes of searching on my phone turned up this: 22JAN11-POST#581

NFBW wrote: That 2015 report cites DEM donor money going to BLM. Donors support an expression of free speech Correll free speech that Black Lives Matter.
So where is your response to the question as asked? Where is your evidence of "Democrat money" being behind the riots?

You have not answered you have evidence of "Democrat money" being behind the riots? Are you going to answer that direct and specific question? 22JAN12-POST#589
That's not evidence.
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If you're going to use words like "insurrection", and those definitions apply just as well to BLM "riots" as they do the jan 6 "riots" (my preferred nomenclature)

They were lighting federal buildings on fire, lol

There is no special carve out for the WH, capitol, or important federal functions (which by the way did not delay the transition of power, the actual transition happened about 10 days later as was always planned)

Rebellion would also be more accurate than insurrection.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

1 person died and it was an unarmed woman, lol

*looks at BLM riots and the mess they made in just Seattle alone*

Surprise federal buildings on the west coast aren't any less important than federal buildings in Washington from a legal perspective
Juicin wrote: If you're going to use words like "insurrection", and those definitions apply just as well to BLM "riots" as they do the jan 6 "riots" (my preferred nomenclature) - - - They were lighting federal buildings on fire, lol 22JAN12-POST#617.

NFBW wrote: Your imprecision of language Juicin reveals imprecision of thought, and that is due quite accurately to your failure to "observe the observable" when you use the worst depiction of let’s say the main riot in May 2020 which should ‘accurately’ be called the May30 RIOT or my preferred branding the Chauvin riot. - - - Why do you call it the “BLM Riot” when BLM (the organization and the slogan) had absolutely nothing to do with any of the anger and violence that was ignited in a spontaneous combustion when the video emerged of Derek Chauvin murdering a black man with his knee on his neck for ten minutes. - - - Why do you infer a racist tinged perception for the date specific May 30 riots when the Trump riot at the Capitol is labeled the “instigator neutral” and @Date Specific” Jan6 riot. Should we call Jan6 the White Power Riot because it turns out that is more precisely what it was. - - - An effort by the political party existentially to representing mostly white Christian voters to unconstitutionally overturn the election that was won by the party known for representing the nations race and religious diversity of its multicultural citizenry. Why not “White Power Riot for Jan6 Juicin ? 22JAN12-POST#619

A little thought for you all you:
Joan Didion would have tried to ask those questions, and to answer them. We should all lament that she will not wage that struggle, in full awareness that we might not have enjoyed the results.​
Didion understood, above all, that imprecision of language reveals imprecision of thought, and that the failure to "observe the observable" — her famous dictum for journalists — leads reporters and writers away from a genuine effort to tell the truth (however conditional and uncomfortable that may be) and into the self-flattering realms of fantasy, propaganda and myth.​
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The fact you claim 1-6 was mostly peaceful shows us who is posting propaganda.
I took a page from your useful idiot playbook and refer to all protests as "mostly peaceful".
Do try to keep up, kid.

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