Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

armadei wrote: 1/3rd of the entire goddamn country thinks the election was stolen 22JAN12-POST#667

NFBW wrote: Yes. And because they “think” an absurdity is true not at all based on a process of evidence focused thinking and reason there is nothing that can change what they think. Their world cannot be without a Trump - they saw seven million attend every Trump rally and ten or eleven commies show up for BIDEN. It’s impossible Biden won. So you want armadei the rest of us to kiss their white stupor asses, show we care about their beliefs cause if we don’t they go to their guns and start a real insurrection. Well how does it start when the stupid mass of MAGA humanity decides to start shooting at millions of people who they think stole an election from them? - - - It’s a serious question armadei So have YOU given the gun solution to an election outcome any thought? - - - Out of the 2/3rd in the enemy camp who does a Trump voter strategically shoot to get the real insurrection going? Is it a prominent Democrat or a Democrat gathering? Or is it just picking off random people that have certain characteristics that make them look like they are Democrats? In that case look up the right wing extremist gang the BOOGALOO BOIS because their goal is to spark a race war That’s what election fraud is really about - from Boogaloo Trump on down - white power 22JAN13-POST#741
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Lol, sure thing buddy. You clearly don't have the foggiest goddamn clue what would happen if even a small percentage of those people decided to foment an ACTUAL insurrection. No force on this earth would stop it. This is the real world, not fucking Call Of Duty.
Do it MFer, go down to the Capital, NOW, and do it!
armadei wrote: 1/3rd of the entire goddamn country thinks the election was stolen 22JAN12-POST#667

NFBW wrote: Yes. And because they “think” an absurdity is true not at all based on a process of evidence based thinking and reason there is nothing that can change what they think. Their world cannot be without a Trump - they saw seven million attend every Trump rally and ten or eleven commies show up for BIDEN. It’s impossible Biden won. So you want armadei the rest of us to kiss their white stupor asses, show we care about their beliefs cause if we don’t they go to their guns and start a real insurrection. Well how does it start when the stupid mass of MAGA humanity decides to start shooting at seven o o people who stole an election from them? - - - It’s a serious question armadei have YOU given the gun solution to an ejection outcome any thought? - - - Out of the 2/3rd in the enemy camp who does a Trump voter strategically shoot to get the real insurrection going? Is it a prominent Democrat or a Democrat gathering? Or is it just picking off random people that have certain characteristics that make them look like they are Democrats? In that case look up the right wing extremist gang the BOOGALOO BOIS their goal is to spark a race war That’s what election fraud is really about - from Boogaloo Trump on down - white power 22JAN13-POST#741
1/3 of the entire goddamn country are batshit crazy conspiracy theory nuts.
Somebody forgot to tell the left loons
The FBI found 'scant' evidence 6 months ago... But in between then and now we have an awful lot of witnesses showing that there was a plan to over throw the vote and whipping up the crowd into a frenzy was part of that....

It may have been a crap plan that didn't work but it was a plan... We also so know now that there was co ordination with some groups in the attack... Those attackers were organising and directing the mob (New York Times video)... If the proud boys can be connected back to trump campaign, that with Trump calls the election was a fraud and they should fight...
I would personally love to see Trumpers attempt an actual rebelion. Would make for good tv seiing the NG and army gun the traitors down like dogs. Let me get my popcorn first though.
Only a damned fool hopes for that kind of nonsense.
One video does not change the fact that over 2000 locations were documented and violence only occured in just over 200.
ONLY 200 violent riots? How desperate are you?

How many flights would you board if you knew seven flights out of every 100 would crash around the country?
I would personally love to see Trumpers attempt an actual rebelion. Would make for good tv seiing the NG and army gun the traitors down like dogs. Let me get my popcorn first though.

I wonder which right wing militia uniform they will choose when they move to the BOOGALOO war phase following the pissing and moaning phase of white grievances that I’ve lived through since the SIXTIES. - - - Will it be the Hawaiian shirts of the boogaloo street thugs or the khaki trousers and tiki torch theme of the most proud white Supremacists or the yellow and black PROUD BOY colors or made in China t-shirts of the Oath Keepers . . .buy online . . .

. . . . Or will they go for the New line of Ivanka branded White Nationalists Christian COMBAT FASHION and ACCESSSORIES that I believe ASH BABBIT was wearing when she bought her bullet for Q. Including the must have real MAGA Red combat helmet For 2022 with “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” emblazoned on the front in “the” DONALD’s own handwriting - only five easy payments of $99.99.
No, they don't.

They tried................to unoccupied buildings.

So, interrupting the votes for the transfer of power is enough.

"No special carve-out"?
According to...................YOU?

The building being occupied has nothing to do with whether or not it's an insurrection.
Nobody was trying to remove the government in Seattle.

More than 1 person died as a result of the insurrection.

Ashli Babbitt was shot trying to break into chambers that were barricaded and block by police.

That's not what an insurrection is, they weren't on january 6th either. Not 99% of them anyway.

1 person died, rest had health issues or suicide. Only the woman shot. Babit or however you spell it

I didn't say she didn't deserve to get shot. I just said only 1 person died and that person was unarmed. A good signal this was not an insurrection. Seattle had a self styled "warlord" lol

A cop no go zone is inherently an "insurrection" even without any death. Add in the prolonged nature of it and the results and Seattle had much more of an insurrection than a few hours on Jan 6th. Absurd to think otherwise.
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There was no insurrection by BLM. The 1-6 insurrection was done over an imaginary situation that never happened.

Having cop no go zones

Fire bombing court buildings and cop stations

Yes all those fit under "insurrection". Again i prefer riot or rebellion. But the BLM guys had a lot more plans for limiting state action than the Jan 6th people. They thought the "white hats" were going to do it for them. So they did not prepare to much of anything. On the West Coast they were very aware no one was giong to do it but them. So they did it. Very different views on their problems from the two groups.

Jan 6th rioters delusions protected them from acting much more extreme.

They were all waiting for "white hats" from the state to come out and help them.
Somebody forgot to tell the left loons
NFBW wrote: Question for OhPleaseJustQuit and SassyIrishLass How do the indicted Oathkreepers physically and logistically knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree to stop, delay, and hinder the Certification of the Electoral College vote from OUTSIDE of The Capitol Building and without putting their terrorist boots on the ground INSIDE the Capitol Bldg where Mike Pence was if it was not an attempt to overthrow the CONSTITUTIONALLY ELECTED INCOMING Government? The pure definition of insurrection. 22JAN13-POST#
Starting to get the Watergate mood where the walls began closing in on Tricky Dicky

Trump allies' fake Electoral College certificates offer fresh insights about plot to overturn Biden's victory​

By Zachary Cohen and Marshall Cohen, CNN
Updated 9:12 PM EST, Wed January 12, 2022

Forging election documents is a much worse crime than covering up a Burglary and dozens of Republican Trump duped fools signed them Yes I hereby sign this forged document knowing it is a crime to prive my never dying loyalty to Donald J Trump.
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So, if only one side shows up for a war, it's still a war?

The word you're looking for is "insurrection" not war lol

And yes any delaying/messing with federal process is inherently an insurrection. Which is why they keep calling Jan 6th one. You can also call stopping a mail man from doing his duties is an insurrection against the feds. lol

It's a very very low bar. Which is why it fits both. And why i believe riot is a much more appropriate term.

Having a cop no go zone is an obvious insurrection...Presumably they thought that applied to feds too. So it was against all layers of the state not just the feds. Much more than what happened on jan 6th. Where again they were waiting for others to have a true insurrection. They did not plan to do it themselves. Just a riot
The word you're looking for is "insurrection" not war lol
How is attacking an unoccupied building an insurrection?
There was no power to seize.
And yes any delaying/messing with federal process is inherently an insurrection. Which is why they keep calling Jan 6th one. You can also call stopping a mail man from doing his duties is an insurrection against the feds. lol
No, it isn't.

It's a very very low bar. Which is why it fits both. And why i believe riot is a much more appropriate term.

Having a cop no go zone is an obvious insurrection...Presumably they thought that applied to feds too. So it was against all layers of the state not just the feds. Much more than what happened on jan 6th. Where again they were waiting for others to have a true insurrection. They did not plan to do it themselves. Just a riot
No, it isn't.

Why are republicans trying to compare to two completely different instances, 6 months apart?

Which, they only started doing on January 7 2021.
You think your crazy bubble is much bigger than it is BooBoo. Hillbillys with rifles wouldn't stand a chance against our military.
how do your five million hillbillies armadei with rifles know who stole the election from them, in order to identify them if we all take our Biden bumper Stickers off our cars and look white like them? Why do you hillbillies defy your cult leader who told you to March peacefully?
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