Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

The autopsy said floyd died from what Chauvin did. I don't give a fuck about the fentanyl.
You don't care about the Fentanyl because you don't really care about justice. When someone has 11 ng ml in their system and 3 ng ml could be lethal then you have no case. George Floyd was dying of a drug overdose before they even tried to put him in the cruiser that day. He was complaining he couldn't breathe before they took him to the ground for resisting arrest. The TRUTH is that George Floyd would be alive today if he hadn't ingested the drugs that he did! But you don't give a fuck about the truth...do you, IM2? It doesn't fit your "racist" narrative!
No fuck you. People like you cause riots because you support the very things that cause them to happen. A mans life was taken, a burnt building can be rebuilt, businesses owners carry insurance, a life cannot be replaced.
Regardless of what happened that does not give anyone the right to destroy public or private property. By the way I was referring to the business owners as peasants because people like yourself seem to think it's okay to fuck with their lives. Also most small business owners can't afford enough insurance to make up for the loss.
You think your crazy bubble is much bigger than it is BooBoo. Hillbillys with rifles wouldn't stand a chance against our military.
You obviously don't understand asymmetric warfare and your assuming US troops would follow the orders calling on them to kill US citizens.
No fuck you. People like you cause riots because you support the very things that cause them to happen. A mans life was taken, a burnt building can be rebuilt, businesses owners carry insurance, a life cannot be replaced.
A junkie career criminal's life versus $2B in theft and property damage, a couple dozen deaths and hundreds of injuries.

Your priorities are fucked, racist.
How is attacking an unoccupied building an insurrection?
There was no power to seize.

No, it isn't.

No, it isn't.

Why are republicans trying to compare to two completely different instances, 6 months apart?

Which, they only started doing on January 7 2021.

Because you don't understand what an insurrection is, clearly. Why you are trying to play semantic games when you don't bother to learn the definition of the key term here is beyond me.

There was no power to seize on jan 6th either, at most they would have lynched a few politicians not taken control of the state. lol. Lynching Pelosi and Pence would not have changed the command structure of the military. If Pence had taken action that would have been a legal battle...Nothing close to an insurrection.

Here is the criminal charge under US code

Here is webster's definition

Basically anything that involves messing with any federal duties is an insurrection against the feds....Local cops local government. State cops state government....ETC

Like the word "terrorism", insurrection is so vague it's basically meaningless. They stopped calling it a coupe because it obviously wasn't a coupe. They settled on insurrection which fits but can be applied to literally any riot.
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Because you don't understand what an insurrection is, clearly. Why you are trying to play semantic games when you don't bother to learn the definition of the key term here is beyond me.
You clearly do not know WTF you're talking about.
There was no power to seize on jan 6th either, at most they would have lynched a few politicians not taken control of the state. lol. Lynching Pelosi and Pence would not have changed the command structure of the military. If Pence had taken action that would have been a legal battle...Nothing close to an insurrection.
"Most likely"?

Not taken control of the capitol building or the people inside?
That's what their intent was.

Not installing Trump as president?
You're delusional.
Here is the criminal charge under US code

Here is webster's definition

Basically anything that involves messing with any federal duties is an insurrection against the feds....Local cops local government. State cops state government....ETC
NO, it isn't, not even "basically".
That is obstruction of justice.
Like the word "terrorism", insurrection is so vague it's basically meaningless. They stopped calling it a coupe because it obviously wasn't a coupe. They settled on insurrection which fits but can be applied to literally any riot.
Wrong again.
You clearly do not know WTF you're talking about.

"Most likely"?

Not taken control of the capitol building or the people inside?
That's what their intent was.

Not installing Trump as president?
You're delusional.

NO, it isn't, not even "basically".
That is obstruction of justice.

Wrong again.

Do you think the capitol has some magical power?

Do you think if i or anyone manage to kill their way into the white house they're now in control of the state?

It was just a riot. One where the only person died was an unarmed rioter

Transfer of power doesn't even happen on J 6th they'd have had to hold that building for over a week

Fucking peasants, god damn.
Do you think the capitol has some magical power?
Just where the laws are made.
Do you think if i or anyone manage to kill their way into the white house they're now in control of the state?
If that was their plan, Trump and his cult had a plan, to seize power.
Just killing people would be just terrorism and of course murder.

It was just a riot. One where the only person died was an unarmed rioter
Yeah, a riot that targeted lawmakers.
Transfer of power doesn't even happen on J 6th they'd have had to hold that building for over a week
You're delusional.
Fucking peasants, god damn.
Fucking retarded Trumptards.

Just where the laws are made.

If that was their plan, Trump and his cult had a plan, to seize power.
Just killing people would be just terrorism and of course murder.

Yeah, a riot that targeted lawmakers.

You're delusional.

Fucking retarded Trumptards.

Keep it up honey. This is better than TV.
If anyone is going to get spat on by Dr. King, it would be you...
Sure thing, peewee.

Correll wrote: Wow. Sounds very serious when you put it like that. And your focus on the intent is interesting. - - - especially in light of how you dismissed the talk of voter fraud. 22JAN12-POST#643

NFBW wrote: I dismiss the talk of unproven election fraud. Is there a reason anyone should spend one second of time talking to anybody about unproven election? I’ll get further to the rest of your latest commentary, but first I need you to acknowledge that do not dismiss real prosecutable voter fraud from either side. Anyone who does it must be charged and do time and pay fines It is a serious crime. Is that clear? 22JAN12-POST#645

Then there is Pillow Guy:
"And you talk about evidence," Lindell added. "We have enough evidence to put everybody in prison for life, 300 and some million people. Mike Lindell says he has 'enough evidence' to put '300 million' Americans in jail for election fraud. - - - We have that all the way back to November and December.​

If Pillow Guy proves In a real court that I committed voter fraud I will handcuff myself to the front door at MAR A LAGA wearing a MAGA Hat and call the cops to come get me.

YOu said that there was "no evidence of significant voter fraud".

That is not you saying that it was "unproven", that is you saying that it was not "proven" to be "significant", which in context looks like you mean, "enough to flip the election".

And the people behind that fraud then, would have the same evul intent that got your panties in such a wad, in your post about Trump.

But, strangely, you don't seem to have ANY emotional response when it is your side doing it.

Why is that?
how do your five million hillbillies armadei with rifles know who stole the election from them, in order to identify them if we all take our Biden bumper Stickers off our cars and look white like them? Why do you hillbillies defy your cult leader who told you to March peacefully?
Not my hillbillies. The simple answer is at that point one throw away line about being peaceful didn't matter. He had spent a long time riling the crazies up and convincing them that the election was stolen from them. Proud Boys, Oath keepers, and who knows how many other groups knew what they were going to do before they got there, and they knew the frantic crowd would follow them. Those arrested claimed their president told them to do it. They were going to storm the capitol no matter what he said in his speech.
Because you don't understand what an insurrection is, clearly. Why you are trying to play semantic games when you don't bother to learn the definition of the key term here is beyond me.

There was no power to seize on jan 6th either, at most they would have lynched a few politicians not taken control of the state. lol. Lynching Pelosi and Pence would not have changed the command structure of the military. If Pence had taken action that would have been a legal battle...Nothing close to an insurrection.

Here is the criminal charge under US code

Here is webster's definition

Basically anything that involves messing with any federal duties is an insurrection against the feds....Local cops local government. State cops state government....ETC

Like the word "terrorism", insurrection is so vague it's basically meaningless. They stopped calling it a coupe because it obviously wasn't a coupe. They settled on insurrection which fits but can be applied to literally any riot.

They stopped calling it a coupe because it obviously wasn't a coupe.


Coupes are cool!
Correll wrote: I believe you said something like, there was "no evidence of significant fraud", Implying that you accepted that there was some fraud, but interestingly, the INTENT of the fraudsters, would have been the same as you characterize Trump's intent, ie to "deprive the citizens of their CONSTITUTTIONAL RIGHT TO HAVE THEIR VOTES COUNT". 22JAN12-POST#643

NFBW wrote: YES, the intent of each individual election fraudster is the same as Trump's fraudulent Big Lie intent to overturn his defeat after December 14 when all fifty states certified their results therefore safe-harboring their electors- - - However DJT’s plot called for literally not counting votes from seven states that went to Biden. - - - TRUMP’s intent is a crime whether or not it changed the outcome of the election. That is why all proven election fraud should be prosecuted under the full extent of the law. That prosecution must
include DJT pressuring VP Pence to invoke lawless powers to unilaterally reject the certifed results from seven states. 22JAN12-POST#647

Each individual fraudster could not, by themselves, steal an election. YOur statement implies that their had to be coordination.

Yet, you seem utterly incurious about who would do that...and your panties are strangely NOT in a bunch...

Mmmm, I wonder, who would benefit from such a crime....

Yeah, like holding two blocks in Seattle was a threat to the Republic. Thanks for the belly laugh.
It was a deliberate rebellion against all levels of American government authority. It was also tolerated, unlike the riot that had no impact on the actual government and was over quickly.
YOu said that there was "no evidence of significant voter fraud".

That is not you saying that it was "unproven", that is you saying that it was not "proven" to be "significant", which in context looks like you mean, "enough to flip the election".

And the people behind that fraud then, would have the same evul intent that got your panties in such a wad, in your post about Trump.

But, strangely, you don't seem to have ANY emotional response when it is your side doing it.

Why is that?
Isn't it fun catching them out in what they think are cleverly worded lies?
We were fighting them on their ground. The U.S. Military knows the ground here. The air force would take out militia compounds and not one of you right wingers has the air capacity to match. I would be like shooting fish in a barrell and ground troops would not be necessary. One or 2 good strike will make them quit.

Nobody has to pay attention to nutjobs who have been shown that what they believe did not happen and if they daared to rise up in the manner you're talking about they will get cancelled.

Once again - If your premise were true Afghanistan would have been a done deal in 30 days. We were there for 20 years and lost.

Morons like you cannot grasp the fact that giant war machines are utterly goddamn useless against an organized insurgency. What, you think these millions of rebels are all going to be militia-men standing in the middle of a cornfield in Nebraska waiting for you to take them out? They would be people from all walks of life disbursed through the entire nation. One might be your neighbor. You want the military to drop a bomb on the house next door, genius?

Air superiority does nothing to stop lone wolves, guerrilla tactics, and acts of sabotage. It doesn't stop double agents and bad faith actors who are already within the system feeding information to the "enemy" and misdirecting government resources. Moreover, you're assuming that the entire military would just blindly obey orders to bomb their own countrymen. What happens when the crew of a Naval destroyer or submarine receives an order to take out a "rebel stronghold" in a residential neighborhood or downtown metro, says "absolutely fucking not" and instead fires their arsenal at Washington DC from 30 miles off the coast? You think this kind of shit wouldn't happen?

Every insurgent that you DID manage to kill would just generate more combatants: Their brothers, their sons, their wives, etc - resulting in a perpetual wave of chaos and bloodshed. Infrastructure would be destroyed, the supply chain would fall apart, and society would completely collapse.

Hence, I repeat: This is the real world, not Call Of Duty. You can't just blow up a few "rebels" and call it a day. So if 10s of millions of your countrymen believe their voices are not being heard you better do your god-damndest to assuage them. Keep ignoring & demonizing them and you'll be begging for the days of a 1/6 style "insurrection".

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