Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

The DOJ has yet to move on this attempted coup. They will.....
I am certainly not an authority on planning and executing an insurrection or coup of the greatest country the world has ever seen would need one element missing from this riot.


How do you propose that they were to take over the government without a single gun?

Hey look, I understand your utter desperation. What we have in our country today is one massive clusterheck the likes of which the world has never seen. If I were you, I might want to divert attention from what is happening by any means possible too.

This was a well thought out plan to a point. It would allow them entry without culpability. If the capital police resisted in any strong manner in their minds they would be not held accountable for the use of weapons at that time. Whoever thought this up was a real snake, a real sick minded person. And of course because he made a single statement in his whole address of hate and anger and lies he thought that would allow him to deny a culpability for the entire situation which he orchestrated, micromanaged, and directed at the Capitol. Like I said I really sick of mind.
So tell me how this "well thought out plan" was supposed to work, Stann! They enter the Capitol building unarmed, make their way to the House Chamber where a dozen Capitol Police are waiting with drawn weapons and then....?

What happens then, Stann? Explain how this well thought out plan gets them past all those armed Police?
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What part of liar, cheat, con artist, devious, hateful, treacherous, dangerous and psychopathic don't you get. He's all of those things.
Trump was also so much better of a President than Joe Biden it's not even debatable, Stann. He understood Economics...having majored in it at the Wharton School. He understood what makes the Private Sector function. He gave the country some of the best Economic numbers we've seen in six decades.
Biden was the dumbest man in the Senate since Watergate. Name something and Joe always got it wrong. He just did. It was who he WAS! He's that same guy now...only he's senile.
She was armed with a backpack - could’ve been a bomb. And she and the cops believed she had thousands and thousands attacking with her. Stopping Being trampled by a mob as a weapon is a legitimate self defense if you have a gun
As you know, THIS is INSURRECTION! Please try not to forget.
It's not a crime, trump buses in people regularly to his rallies. He has to have these rallies continuously in order to reinforce all the lies he's told. Lies don't stand the test of time like truth does so he has to keep reinforcing it.
Trump was also so much better of a President than Joe Biden it's not even debatable, Stann. He understood Economics...having majored in it at the Wharton School. He understood what makes the Private Sector function. He gave the country some of the best Economic numbers we've seen in six decades.
Biden was the dumbest man in the Senate since Watergate. Name something and Joe always got it wrong. He just did. It was who he WAS! He's that same guy now...only he's senile.
Wrong again. There is only one reason you think trump is great. You want to return to Jim Crow.
As you know, THIS is INSURRECTION! Please try not to forget.
January 6 was an insurrection. For no reason.

The pictures you show are an uprising caused by the state murder of unarmed citizens. There is no equivalence to be made.
You are just another trump humper. Need not read your BS,
As you know, numerous studies have been done showing that the far-left is far less likely to read or even view opinions other than their own. The reasoning is simple, the far-left base all their opinions on FEELINGS. Conservatives, on the other hand, use facts and evaluate the results of policies.

Thus your reason for such a goofy answer. Thank you for proving my point.
Trump was also so much better of a President than Joe Biden it's not even debatable, Stann. He understood Economics...having majored in it at the Wharton School. He understood what makes the Private Sector function. He gave the country some of the best Economic numbers we've seen in six decades.
Biden was the dumbest man in the Senate since Watergate. Name something and Joe always got it wrong. He just did. It was who he WAS! He's that same guy now...only he's senile.
I believe trump is more senile than Biden is. It keeps repeating the same shit. Also trump is psychotic and a real danger to our nation, as he's already proven. Whatever good you give him credit for has all been erased because it was based on lies and his treachery.
As you know, numerous studies have been done showing that the far-left is far less likely to read or even view opinions other than their own. The reasoning is simple, the far-left base all their opinions on FEELINGS. Conservatives, on the other hand, use facts and evaluate the results of policies.

Thus your reason for such a goofy answer. Thank you for proving my point.
If that was even true, the far-right is even worse about it. They believe the biggest liar in history.
Left wing demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies need to realize they've been lied to all their lives, and perhaps try to THINK instead of feeeeeels, here's why...

As you know, numerous studies have been done showing that the far-left is far less likely to read or even view opinions other than their own. The reasoning is simple, the far-left base all their opinions on FEELINGS. Conservatives, on the other hand, use facts and evaluate the results of policies.

Thus your reason for such a goofy answer. Thank you for proving my point.
BS. Everything "conservatives" believe is based on feelings. Facts have shown that conservative policies are bad and that on every issue "conservatives" are on the wrong side. In fact. the lunacy has gotten so bad and complete, that real conservatives are complaining about how the term has been hijacked by extremists. And extremism is based on nothing but emotion.

And projection.

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