RIP Toni Morrison...obama:"Toni Morrison was a national treasure"

“We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.” Holding all those touched by Toni Morrison in my heart today
from the press:
"toni Morrison, author of seminal works of literature on the black experience such as "Beloved" and the first African American woman to win a Nobel Prize, has died at the age of 88.

In 2012, Morrison was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by then-President Barack Obama. "I remember reading 'Song of Solomon' when I was a kid and not just trying to figure out how to write but also how to be and how to think," Obama said at the ceremony, referencing to Morrison's 1977 novel."
"One of the most important, most gifted Americans in the entire history of this nation has just passed from time into eternity. Toni Morrison has technically left us, in one sense, but the truth is that she will always be with us. Her courage, literary and otherwise, left us with a vibrant body of work that will never die. What a loss. Knowing she was alive, to tell our stories, was a gift that made us all comfortable. We must now take up her work, as best as we can." -obama
One of America's first and most overrated Affirmative Action authors.
A successful Black woman who rose from poverty to achieve greatness in literature and the arts and numerous awards yet she never stopped whining about "racism". How could you not like her?
People are free to disagree over whether Toni Morrison was a highly influential and seminal American writer or
the prose equivalent of Maya Angelou, an exceedingly over rated hack.
I.E. someone who is "great" because dimwitted media people all follow the leader and all say she is, because it's safe and self serving to go along with the mob.
Democrats think they're better than everyone because theyre progressive and not racist, Republicans think they're better because they're religious or traditionalist, Libertarians think they're better than both because we're the only people for "real liberty."
Like the deranged racist, Marxist Cornell West, Chloe "Toni Morrison" Wofford's entire worldview and "post-slavery" resulting mental and behavioral issues they and their brethren apparently have was based on the delusion that Whitey conspires to oppress them. Just really horrible content that unfortunately has been pushed by academia. Democrats are not "progressive," they are regressive. They insist on living in a fake past, a delusion that rationalizes why they are failures with inferiority complexes relatively speaking because it blames Whitey. But were it not for Whitey, the entire USA would look like Baltimore. Yet, because they do have inferiority complexes, they actually want to be superior to Whitey. Thus the fake awards, fake degrees, fake names, fake afro-centric history, etc.
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, Morrison said racism "keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being." She continued: "Somebody says you have no language and so you spend 20 years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Somebody says that you have no art so you dredge that up. Somebody says that you have no kingdoms and so you dredge that up. None of that is necessary. There will always be one more thing."
"Whether I'm being a good daughter, a good mother, a good wife, a good lover, a good teacher... The only thing I do for me is writing. That's really the real free place where I don't have to answer."
It sounds like she used the term "racism" to rationalize being a "prisoner of delusion" and found even fake Afro-centric revisionism an insufficient comfort.
Like the deranged racist, Marxist Cornell West, Chloe "Toni Morrison" Wofford's entire worldview and "post-slavery" resulting mental and behavioral issues they and their brethren apparently have was based on the delusion that Whitey conspires to oppress them. Just really horrible content that unfortunately has been pushed by academia. Democrats are not "progressive," they are regressive. They insist on living in a fake past, a delusion that rationalizes why they are failures with inferiority complexes relatively speaking because it blames Whitey. But were it not for Whitey, the entire USA would look like Baltimore. Yet, because they do have inferiority complexes, they actually want to be superior to Whitey. Thus the fake awards, fake degrees, fake names, fake afro-centric history, etc.
She lived in a world that wallowed in slavery, repression and the transgressions of past centuries in order to give her present life meaning.

But look at Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. where blacks kill other blacks with monotony and indifference as a regular fact of life.

I suppose it's somehow easier to deal with a society that devalues black life by blacks by constantly conjuring up the horrors of slavery and other long gone injustices.

Who was it who recently caught hell for telling blacks to deal with their problems
before anything else? My signature quote is validated every single day.
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Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison dies

In the passing of Toni Morrison, we lost one of our greatest voices and storytellers. Holding close those touched by her being and her gift. Her work gave us power, hope, and freedom. While our world shines a little less bright today, we know "something that is loved is never lost."
Song of Solomon was one of the best novels of the century.
I love(d) her writing style--loved loved loved it.
“She was a magician with language who understood the power of words. She used them to roil us, to wake us, to educate us and help us grapple with our deepest wounds and try to comprehend them." - @oprah on the passing of Toni Morrison. Boy, were we lucky to be alive to experience one of the greatest writers ever. Rest in power, Toni
“I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence.” - Toni Morrison

Let’s carry her message with us in this moment.
"If you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else." -Toni Morrison

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