Ripe off...

Bush took 1,020 days of vacation. That's more than any President since Hoover.

So fuck off, hypocritical tards.
You continue to prove you're a simple minded bigot and partisan hack.

So criticizing Obama's fiscal irresponsibility and frivolous extravagance at tax payer expense makes me a 'biggot', huh...just like criticizing Obama FAILED Policy makes me a 'Racist'?! :p

I don't know who or what made you into a bigot and racist, I certainly didn't nor do I care.

By the way, claiming Obama has been "fiscally irresponsible" may be the dumbest thing - or biggest lie - you've ever posted.
“Like every other human being, presidents need time to refresh or replenish,” said Ken Duberstein, who served as President Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff in his second term.


Yet criticism of presidential vacations is not new and may have started with John Adams, who frequently traveled from the capital to his Massachusetts home.

Read more here: Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost $85 million

And he probably has no clue as to how much we spent on security for Reagan's ranch, where he spent a year of his presidency.

A blast from the past

The fact remains, it costs a lot to be a really shitty golfer…

It's a shame you people are too stupid to be embarrassed, otherwise,

when the Trump golfing gets going...
How many on this board bitched about Bush vacations? Did they then bitch about Obama's? Likewise how many complained about Obama golfing? Will they do the same for Trump?

For the record I don't believe I ever complained about the vacations except for the fact that Obama & family once flew separate to Hawaii which resulted in redundant costs which is of course a waste of money.
Stressful jobs require a release but that release should not be abused
The fact remains, it costs a lot to be a really shitty golfer…

It's a shame you people are too stupid to be embarrassed, otherwise,

when the Trump golfing gets going...

It's not just the fact that Barry golfed a lot, it is his record-setting level of hypocrisy involved.

Barry ridiculed Bush for golfing while US troops were in harm's way. In response, Bush stopped playing golf and never played again while in office.

Just as soon as Barry got into the WH the SOB began golfing. Despite condemning Bush for playing golf while US troops were in combat, Barry is currently playing golf in Hawaii after just recently sending more combat troops into harm's way...again!

Hell, almost NOTHING has kept Barry off the golf Course:

'Obama admits playing a round of golf right after address on ISIS beheading of journalist James Foley'

"US President Barack Obama admitted he should have expected to be criticized for hitting the links on the same day that he addressed the beheading of American journalist James Foley and spoke with his family."

Yeah, he should have expected it...dumbass!

What a despicable, hypocritical POS!
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Tiger Woods says Barry is a really shitty golfer… Fact
“Like every other human being, presidents need time to refresh or replenish,” said Ken Duberstein, who served as President Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff in his second term.

1. I have already pointed out Obama's hypocrisy

2. Obama has set the record for most rounds of golf played by a President.

President Obama plays 300th round of golf as president


3. “Like every other human being, presidents need time to refresh or replenish,” ...$90 MILLION is a f*ing LOT of 'replinishing'.
Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost $85 million

"As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.

In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million – though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released..."

It's good to be the 'King'....
JudicialWatch FAKE NEWS!!!!!
CNN........FAKE NEWS!!!!

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