Ripe off...

Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost $85 million

"As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.

In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million – though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released..."

It's good to be the 'King'....
Being a shitty golfer costs a lot…
Context and nuance are absent with comparisons back to Reagan and dollar adjusted for inflation.

The Board is already aware that you don't like Obama.

Also you need to be aware that Congress is going to require Trump to pay for security of Trump Tower if Melania decides to live there.
Context and nuance are absent with comparisons back to Reagan and dollar adjusted for inflation.

The Board is already aware that you don't like Obama.

Also you need to be aware that Congress is going to require Trump to pay for security of Trump Tower if Melania decides to live there.

It doesn't matter if they think it's par for the course. It shouldn't be. No president should be spending a billion dollars of taxpayer money on vacations.
Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost $85 million

"As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.

In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million – though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released..."

It's good to be the 'King'....

So what?
Rocko, I agree. When Nixon was VP he got one paid trip to CA and back a year. It should be the same today.
Now if we could just get the Obama's to pay the American tax payers back at least about $82 million of that approx. $90 million...:p
“Presidents don’t get vacations — they just get a change of scenery,” Nancy Reagan once said in defense of her husband’s frequent trips to his ranch in Santa Barbara, Calif.

Go ahead, throw the ghost of Nancy Reagan under the bus. I dare you.
Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost $85 million

"As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.

In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million – though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released..."

It's good to be the 'King'....

Imagine all the lazy low-life's he could have helped by staying home and redirecting funds....Oh wait, what am I thinking, he can just steal more from hard working real Americans instead.
You continue to prove you're a simple minded bigot and partisan hack.

So criticizing Obama's fiscal irresponsibility and frivolous extravagance at tax payer expense makes me a 'biggot', huh...just like criticizing Obama FAILED Policy makes me a 'Racist'?! :p

Obama has hardly been frivolously extravagant in his White House spending, even if the liars on the right have continuously pretended that he spends ridiculously. There have been numerous false reports of costs of State visits.

The liars of the right have forgotten what the truth is.
You continue to prove you're a simple minded bigot and partisan hack.

So criticizing Obama's fiscal irresponsibility and frivolous extravagance at tax payer expense makes me a 'biggot', huh...just like criticizing Obama FAILED Policy makes me a 'Racist'?! :p

I don't know who or what made you into a bigot and racist, I certainly didn't nor do I care.

By the way, claiming Obama has been "fiscally irresponsible" may be the dumbest thing - or biggest lie - you've ever posted.
Cant answer his question can you?

I can see partisanship or hackery as an accusation but bigotry?

You're a flaming retard
Report: 8 years of Obama vacations cost $85 million

"As America’s first family enjoys its eighth and final vacation in Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ annual trip at $3.5 million or more.

In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million – though that is likely to climb to $90 million after additional records are released..."

It's good to be the 'King'....

Hey, Good Morning Easy!

Protecting Donald Trump costs New York City more than $1 million a day

Protecting Donald Trump costs New York City more than $1 million a day

Hmmm how much did it cost to protect obozo?

Kind of a false equivalence you made there, meat. Step it up, this is the majors.

No there is no "false equivalence" here, meat. Trump has set up shop in the middle of downtown Manhattan. Obama had offices in Washington which were already secure. He didn't have to cordon off and entire section of a major city and divert traffic away from his location.

Trump knew that it would be expected that he and his family move into the White House if he was elected President. Now he doesn't want to. So he's going to stick to New York taxpayers who didn't vote for him, by making them pay $1million per day to have him in New York.

Since this is a "personal decision", I think his protection should be paid for with "personal money", because the job comes with a very secure, well protected manion/office compound, which Trump and his family should be availing themselves of.
You continue to prove you're a simple minded bigot and partisan hack.

So criticizing Obama's fiscal irresponsibility and frivolous extravagance at tax payer expense makes me a 'biggot', huh...just like criticizing Obama FAILED Policy makes me a 'Racist'?! :p

I don't know who or what made you into a bigot and racist, I certainly didn't nor do I care.

By the way, claiming Obama has been "fiscally irresponsible" may be the dumbest thing - or biggest lie - you've ever posted.
Cant answer his question can you?

I can see partisanship or hackery as an accusation but bigotry?

You're a flaming retard

Thanks so much for sharing. Like you he is a troll, and like you a partisan and a bigot. I admit I find you and he intolerable, but rarely do I call anyone a "flaming retard", though some I consider to be myopic to the extreme.
You continue to prove you're a simple minded bigot and partisan hack.

So criticizing Obama's fiscal irresponsibility and frivolous extravagance at tax payer expense makes me a 'biggot', huh...just like criticizing Obama FAILED Policy makes me a 'Racist'?! :p

I don't know who or what made you into a bigot and racist, I certainly didn't nor do I care.

By the way, claiming Obama has been "fiscally irresponsible" may be the dumbest thing - or biggest lie - you've ever posted.
Cant answer his question can you?

I can see partisanship or hackery as an accusation but bigotry?

You're a flaming retard

Thanks so much for sharing. Like you he is a troll, and like you a partisan and a bigot. I admit I find you and he intolerable, but rarely do I call anyone a "flaming retard", though some I consider to be myopic to the extreme.
And you consider my childish insult to be somehow worse than your character assassination?

You really are a moron. I think you might also be a racist. I've seen no evidence of it but much like you with your accusations of bigotry, who needs fucking evidence?
You continue to prove you're a simple minded bigot and partisan hack.

So criticizing Obama's fiscal irresponsibility and frivolous extravagance at tax payer expense makes me a 'biggot', huh...just like criticizing Obama FAILED Policy makes me a 'Racist'?! :p

I don't know who or what made you into a bigot and racist, I certainly didn't nor do I care.

By the way, claiming Obama has been "fiscally irresponsible" may be the dumbest thing - or biggest lie - you've ever posted.
Cant answer his question can you?

I can see partisanship or hackery as an accusation but bigotry?

You're a flaming retard

Thanks so much for sharing. Like you he is a troll, and like you a partisan and a bigot. I admit I find you and he intolerable, but rarely do I call anyone a "flaming retard", though some I consider to be myopic to the extreme.
And you consider my childish insult to be somehow worse than your character assassination?

You really are a moron. I think you might also be a racist. I've seen no evidence of it but much like you with your accusations of bigotry, who needs fucking evidence?

Do you deny being a partisan and a bigot?
Do you deny being a partisan and a bigot?
I am not a partisan, and I am not a bigot.

To be a 'partisan' I would have to be a member of a political party - I am not.

You got 'bigot' out of the same bag of liberal BS from which you pull other false accusations / names, like 'racist', to use against anyone who says anything negative about Barry's failed policies / actions.

Now go away, and take your false accusations, your name-calling, and your immature pestering with you.
The fact remains, it costs a lot to be a really shitty golfer…
So criticizing Obama's fiscal irresponsibility and frivolous extravagance at tax payer expense makes me a 'biggot', huh...just like criticizing Obama FAILED Policy makes me a 'Racist'?! :p

I don't know who or what made you into a bigot and racist, I certainly didn't nor do I care.

By the way, claiming Obama has been "fiscally irresponsible" may be the dumbest thing - or biggest lie - you've ever posted.
Cant answer his question can you?

I can see partisanship or hackery as an accusation but bigotry?

You're a flaming retard

Thanks so much for sharing. Like you he is a troll, and like you a partisan and a bigot. I admit I find you and he intolerable, but rarely do I call anyone a "flaming retard", though some I consider to be myopic to the extreme.
And you consider my childish insult to be somehow worse than your character assassination?

You really are a moron. I think you might also be a racist. I've seen no evidence of it but much like you with your accusations of bigotry, who needs fucking evidence?

Do you deny being a partisan and a bigot?
I am often a partisan. As to the other terms, they're all meaningless at this point. Yall throw them around so often they have no meaning. You're like the boy who cried wolf with the racism, bigotry & homophobia nonsense yall toss around.
In the end what you think is pretty much irrelevant.

Now get your safety blanket and come up with a new line of attack, libstain.

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