Rise in Hate Crimes After Election

dont forget the lgbt community

The same thing happening the UK after the brexit vote. When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things wins the first thing they do is distance themselves from their claims in order to go about the proper job of politics.

The problem is that the real scum, the nazis, neo nazis, racists and bigots see it as a validation of their hatred, they think society is somehow now on their side and so it's okay to go out in public to air and act on those views.
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I see the left is still committing crimes and blaming Trump supporters. This is the same kind of shit they admitted to doing at Trump rallies.
I see the left is still committing crimes and blaming Trump supporters. This is the same kind of shit they admitted to doing at Trump rallies.
These rabble rousers need disciplining. Firm disciplining.
When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation. He assumed you'd be smart enough to know the context of speach, however propaganda takes that out of context and shapes it anyway they want the dupes to repeat the sentiment as. Therefore the true racist are those in the DNC and liberal media outlets using races as if they believe them to be too inferior to notice the demonization of it's rival or that they are being used as pawns in a propaganda tactic scheme.
The bad thing is that the election is over and they still are shoveling these propaganda tactics while displacing their division onto the people too smart to buy into their propaganda.

Did you know the DNC was spam calling and instant messaging private numbers illegally using racism instead of policy issues as a selling point.
The haters should look in the mirror, everything they blame of the rival is actually them. It's as hypocritical as Religions claiming to be of peace or of a teacher as prince of peace yet cause thousands of wars, when a political party claims to be based on tolerance and yet is the most intolerant ones (as proven by a sociology study).
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These rabble rousers need disciplining. Firm disciplining.

They have mischief night for destructive bad eggs to let off steam, so they should have a Police equivalent and call it:
Frank Rizzo Night where the cops get to
use their battons and go all Nancy Kerrigan on those who don't obey curfew and gathering laws (like the old days).
The excuse about freedom of speach is
a lost argument with the open voice we have online and which is without disrupting others rights to not have rescue vehicles blocked or having to re-route passage to and from work or doing business. Nobody has a right to disrupt peoples business keeping customers away due to sore loser symdrom.
When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.
When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.
Simple simplton... "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race... Damned common core!
I see the left is still committing crimes and blaming Trump supporters. This is the same kind of shit they admitted to doing at Trump rallies.
And after Brexit, and after every Islamic terrorist act in Europe. Nobody buys this anymore, it's just part of their routine.
When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.
Simple simplton... "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race... Damned common core!

Pedantry doesn't make you right.
When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.

So you are admitting your issue is with things I already pointed out, word play by the media bias. He's not talking about people individually fleeing Mexico, he's directly talking about "the country"(Gov't) displacing their problematic elements by emptying over crowded prisons and dumping them as our problem. Or by allowing the drugs to go through because they have corrupt enforcement. His deportation comments were of drug dealers, criminals with
records who were not given citizenship, and then compassionate and fair processing for those who broke the law by coming here illegally and not through normal process by law that we are required if we go to any country ourselves. The news is still scaring Hispanics who claim to be scared that they will be deported even though they are legal that is how cruel liberals are scaring them and continuing the propaganda that I see you bought hook line and sinker.
Someone in the Liberal media or DNC needs to stand up and admit it was a hoax by those who are known liars, as a typical political tactic. Ha ha so funny & it's the reason why we are gonna need to clean up the swamp.
When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.

So you are admitting your issue is with things I already pointed out, word play by the media bias. He's not talking about people individually fleeing Mexico, he's directly talking about "the country"(Gov't) displacing their problematic elements by emptying over crowded prisons and dumping them as our problem. Or by allowing the drugs to go through because they have corrupt enforcement. His deportation comments were of drug dealers, criminals with
records who were not given citizenship, and then compassionate and fair processing for those who broke the law by coming here illegally and not through normal process by law that we are required if we go to any country ourselves. The news is still scaring Hispanics who claim to be scared that they will be deported even though they are legal that is how cruel liberals are scaring them and continuing the propaganda that I see you bought hook line and sinker.
Someone in the Liberal media or DNC needs to stand up and admit it was a hoax by those who are known liars, as a typical political tactic. Ha ha so funny & it's the reason why we are gonna need to clean up the swamp.

"we"? What's your role in it?
So many internet reports of Trump supporters being attacked by minorities. Also, protesters calling for violence and a deadly revolution.

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