Rise in Hate Crimes After Election

When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.

So you are admitting your issue is with things I already pointed out, word play by the media bias. He's not talking about people individually fleeing Mexico, he's directly talking about "the country"(Gov't) displacing their problematic elements by emptying over crowded prisons and dumping them as our problem. Or by allowing the drugs to go through because they have corrupt enforcement. His deportation comments were of drug dealers, criminals with
records who were not given citizenship, and then compassionate and fair processing for those who broke the law by coming here illegally and not through normal process by law that we are required if we go to any country ourselves. The news is still scaring Hispanics who claim to be scared that they will be deported even though they are legal that is how cruel liberals are scaring them and continuing the propaganda that I see you bought hook line and sinker.
Someone in the Liberal media or DNC needs to stand up and admit it was a hoax by those who are known liars, as a typical political tactic. Ha ha so funny & it's the reason why we are gonna need to clean up the swamp.

"we"? What's your role in it?

Never mind my role in shaping the future or bringing order to this chaos.
My edited response never posted, I wanted to add something, so you get the point.
Remember when Cuba dumped their most violent criminals on the U.S. and it caused havoc in Miami with drugs, high crime and murder rates? The ones who suffered the most besides the elderly residents was the Cuban community who fleed to the US for assylum and had to endure this strain on their community. Well this is the context of what the Mexican Gov't is doing by dumping it's over crowded prisons and is nothing to do woth the other issue problem of others entering illegally.
The Hispanic communities of all nationalities and the poor communities in the inner cities are targets of these drug gangs and thus suffer the most, therefore they benefit the most from weeding out the source of these drugs and gangs, which you'll find are most times fresh bodies coming over undetected (illegally).
I've seen these communities first hand and the parents will be the first to tell you who is poisoning their kids, so context is everything.

When you hear politicians or yourself speak of Iran in blanket terms we all know you and they mean the regime and not the avg citizen.
When they say Korea we know they mean North Korea's regime not South nor the starving people. SUDDENLY THIS IS LOST when a rival uses a blanket term in speach assuming the media will be honest.
BUT NOOOO, there is no honesty in a propaganda broadcast politically tied to a status quo with everything to lose if they lose.
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When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.

A good percentage of criminals in our justice system are illegals from Mexico and other countries south of the border. It costs 40 to 60k a year per prisoner. California itself looks like a colony of Mexico in the big population centers, which is why hillary got such a huge percentage of the votes from California. We can't go on like this as a nation and survive as a first world country. Another reason the more sane members of America voted for Trump. It's not racism, it's common sense and survival.
dont forget the lgbt community

I call bullshit. Try harder libs...

You're a **** too. It's funny how people on the same side as Chicago cheats in an election, Hillary has aids and Global warming is a myth call bullshit when evidence is put before them. There are none as blind as those too fucking stupid to see.

You need to change your name to Girlchester...seriously.
dont forget the lgbt community

I call bullshit. Try harder libs...

You're a **** too. It's funny how people on the same side as Chicago cheats in an election, Hillary has aids and Global warming is a myth call bullshit when evidence is put before them. There are none as blind as those too fucking stupid to see.

You need to change your name to Girlchester...seriously.
I love seeing the anger, and desperation in his posts since the election. I love it!
When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things.

He never said those things in the way the Liberal media brainwashed you into insinuation

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In what way is that ambiguous?

Even the snide "I assume" drips with racial hatred. Liberal media my ass, the man used calculated racism.

Where is the "racism" part?
In the sustained pre-planned "protest" against Trump, we are witnessing the work of the Pope led Satanic pedophile Globalist clique.

The Globalist clique PLAINLY intends to overthrow/destroy/conquer the existing "sovereign" American government structure.

Due to decades of mental conditioning, the Globalist clique controls a significant faction of the American public, including the American "elites."

Sadly, for we with nostalgia for our vision of "sovereign" America, the Globalist will succeed.

The Beast must have his throne. The One World Government is the throne of the Beast.

So ..no nation can remain “sovereign.”

It’s ordained that all nations become provinces of the One World Government.

Thailand will be the one exception

Say it ain't so!!!

Muslim fakes being attacked by Trump supporter

There was a Muslim student at the University of Louisiana today who reported that she was assaulted by two white men, one of whom was wearing a white “Trump” hat.

This is how an initial report described what she said happened:

Around 11 a.m., a female UL-Lafayette student was walking down a residential street near campus when two white males jumped out of a gray four-door sedan and hit her with a metal object, knocking her to the ground, university police told the Advertiser. The men tore off the woman’s head wrap, took her wallet and hit her while she was down, police said. The woman reported one of the suspects was wearing a white hat that had “Trump” on it.

However, the AP reports tonight that the Lafayette Police Department has determined her account was fabricated. They released this statement:

During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males.

Muslim fakes being attacked by Trump supporter
Libtards don't skip a beat. Racial violence has gone up since obama was elected and a few days after being elected Trump gets the blame. That's why no one with a functioning minds takes the asshats seriously. Their protests are counterproductive and they are too dimwitted to see it.
There will always be changes and hate after any election because half of the nation will always be dissatisfied with its results...
The same thing happening the UK after the brexit vote. When a candidate who has said racially inflamatory things wins the first thing they do is distance themselves from their claims in order to go about the proper job of politics.

The problem is that the real scum, the nazis, neo nazis, racists and bigots see it as a validation of their hatred, they think society is somehow now on their side and so it's okay to go out in public to air and act on those views.

YOu need to be more skeptical of people telling you what you want to hear.

NOTHING in Trump's campaign was a validation of racism. That was a lie the left was saying to smear their enemies.
Say it ain't so!!!

Muslim fakes being attacked by Trump supporter

There was a Muslim student at the University of Louisiana today who reported that she was assaulted by two white men, one of whom was wearing a white “Trump” hat.

This is how an initial report described what she said happened:

Around 11 a.m., a female UL-Lafayette student was walking down a residential street near campus when two white males jumped out of a gray four-door sedan and hit her with a metal object, knocking her to the ground, university police told the Advertiser. The men tore off the woman’s head wrap, took her wallet and hit her while she was down, police said. The woman reported one of the suspects was wearing a white hat that had “Trump” on it.

However, the AP reports tonight that the Lafayette Police Department has determined her account was fabricated. They released this statement:

During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males.

Muslim fakes being attacked by Trump supporter
These lies will become epidemic. Democrats lie so much it's become part of their fabric. Democrat goons are out night after night destroying everything in their path and still complaining of racism.

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