Rising Inequality Holding Back Economic Growth, Report Warns

oh brother. Blame Obama that is happening. his strapping another Government Entitlement on our backs sure as hell had to help. He's raised taxes on anything the moves, new regulations out the ass to raise monies to feed that MONSTER of a Government..

so put the blame right square in his lap

I wouldn't believe anything out of ABC news if it came notarized on their tongues. same for CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. all DNC propaganda sites. this is precisely what you hear from all of the Democrats so they can fearmonger you into voting for them

The OECD report tracked 34 nations. Do you have any comment about the other 33?; or is it all Obama's fault?
The rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is bad for America.

so why not end the liberal attack on the family and schools that renders so many Americans unfit to be middle class??
Liberals attacking schools? It's not liberals who want to see public schools turned into private school, school budgets cut, and teacher's unions abolished.
Liberals attacking schools? It's not liberals who want to see public schools turned into private school, school budgets cut, and teacher's unions abolished.

100% stupid and perfectly liberal as always. Our schools turn out the about the dumbest kids in the civilized world so the status quo (an expensive lib govt soviet monopoly) is 100% stupid and 100% liberal.

A liberal is a plain stupid brainwashed fool who can't understand basic reasoning. What other conclusion is possible??
Cherrry, that is political bulllshit. They want you to believe if they steal enough from those who have worked hard and have done well for themselves, and give it to the poor, then we will have equality and growth.
Stealing from the rich doesn't make the poor rich, it makes the rich poor.
Obama has been stealing from the rich ever since he got into office, and more people are on welfare in this country than ever before.
Iran will become rich by Obama stealing from rich Americans and the not so rich Americans. Poor has nothing to do with it except the rich are moving and taking the jobs they create with them, turning the middle class into the new welfare recipients.

What Obama and Hillary want to do is the opposite of growth. If you elect Hillary, India's middle class will benefit, not Americans. Welcome to the Global Initiative.

- How do you explain the difference between income inequality in the U.S. and elsewhere?

How do you know the income of the rich is not a result of stealing?

If it is, then why doesn't your ilk have them arrested?

- Most stealing isn't against the law. It's called capitalism.
Cherrry, that is political bulllshit. They want you to believe if they steal enough from those who have worked hard and have done well for themselves, and give it to the poor, then we will have equality and growth.
Stealing from the rich doesn't make the poor rich, it makes the rich poor.
Obama has been stealing from the rich ever since he got into office, and more people are on welfare in this country than ever before.
Iran will become rich by Obama stealing from rich Americans and the not so rich Americans. Poor has nothing to do with it except the rich are moving and taking the jobs they create with them, turning the middle class into the new welfare recipients.

What Obama and Hillary want to do is the opposite of growth. If you elect Hillary, India's middle class will benefit, not Americans. Welcome to the Global Initiative.

- How do you explain the difference between income inequality in the U.S. and elsewhere?

How do you know the income of the rich is not a result of stealing?

If it is, then why doesn't your ilk have them arrested?

- Most stealing isn't against the law. It's called capitalism.

Wrong. It's called taxation.
Liberals attacking schools? It's not liberals who want to see public schools turned into private school, school budgets cut, and teacher's unions abolished.

100% stupid and perfectly liberal as always. Our schools turn out the about the dumbest kids in the civilized world so the status quo (an expensive lib govt soviet monopoly) is 100% stupid and 100% liberal.

A liberal is a plain stupid brainwashed fool who can't understand basic reasoning. What other conclusion is possible??
Are liberals capable of rational thought?

"Inequality" is a nonsense word intended to foster jealousy and find "evil" where none (or very little) exists.

Inequality is a fact of life, and if you quantify inequality, you will generally find that it increases with time.

Consider academic inequality, as measured by theoretical comprehensive test scores. At the end of his high school education, a lazy, unintelligent person in 1970 achieved a score of, say, 100 in 1970, and the average score of the top 5% was, say 800.

Now, with computers, enhanced communications, new learning tools, the lazy slug at the bottom still scores 100, but the top 5% now scores 900! INEQUALITY HAS INCREASED! So what?

Consider economic inequality. The people at the bottom have a generally worthless education, no skills, aren't willing to work very hard, or alternatively, have run into insurmountable obstacles. Their level of wealth will remain about the same over time. The have no assets, minimal income, and are probably relying on government handouts of one kind of another. And these handouts generally remain about the same in current-year dollar value. But the people at the top are able to take advantage of new technology, new global work and investment opportunities, new income generating possibilities, and enhanced educational experiences. OF COURSE their incomes and assets are going to be increasing at a higher rate than mere inflation. And as a result, INCOME INEQUALITY increases. It is normal. It is natural. It is unavoidable.

The only things Government can do about "income inequality" are to create educational and economic opportunities for those at the bottom. School choice, opening up entrepreneurial opportunities, college academic scholarships. Liberal approaches (mainly these days a higher MW) create more dependency and actually hurt those at the bottom. Hell, at $15/hr no HS dropout will ever get a decent job! You can get a college grad for that money.

The very idea the "income inequality" impedes economic growth is ridiculous. People with super incomes don't necessarily spend all of it. Big discovery! Sometimes they put it into the Bank or into money markets! Outrageous.

And keep in mind that confiscating money from high earners to give it to non-earners is absolutely prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. Not that you Liberals give a shit about that.
Are liberals capable of rational thought?

"Inequality" is a nonsense word intended to foster jealousy and find "evil" where none (or very little) exists.

Inequality is a fact of life, and if you quantify inequality, you will generally find that it increases with time.

Consider academic inequality, as measured by theoretical comprehensive test scores. At the end of his high school education, a lazy, unintelligent person in 1970 achieved a score of, say, 100 in 1970, and the average score of the top 5% was, say 800.

Now, with computers, enhanced communications, new learning tools, the lazy slug at the bottom still scores 100, but the top 5% now scores 900! INEQUALITY HAS INCREASED! So what?

Consider economic inequality. The people at the bottom have a generally worthless education, no skills, aren't willing to work very hard, or alternatively, have run into insurmountable obstacles. Their level of wealth will remain about the same over time. The have no assets, minimal income, and are probably relying on government handouts of one kind of another. And these handouts generally remain about the same in current-year dollar value. But the people at the top are able to take advantage of new technology, new global work and investment opportunities, new income generating possibilities, and enhanced educational experiences. OF COURSE their incomes and assets are going to be increasing at a higher rate than mere inflation. And as a result, INCOME INEQUALITY increases. It is normal. It is natural. It is unavoidable.

The only things Government can do about "income inequality" are to create educational and economic opportunities for those at the bottom. School choice, opening up entrepreneurial opportunities, college academic scholarships. Liberal approaches (mainly these days a higher MW) create more dependency and actually hurt those at the bottom. Hell, at $15/hr no HS dropout will ever get a decent job! You can get a college grad for that money.

The very idea the "income inequality" impedes economic growth is ridiculous. People with super incomes don't necessarily spend all of it. Big discovery! Sometimes they put it into the Bank or into money markets! Outrageous.

And keep in mind that confiscating money from high earners to give it to non-earners is absolutely prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. Not that you Liberals give a shit about that.
The problem with your argument is that you make the assumption that those at the bottom are there because they choose to be or they face insurmountable problems therefore the situation is hopeless and nothing should be done and thus we accept the increasing crime and poverty.

The situation is far from hopeless. There are many thousands of examples of women and minorities given a chance at a better education and better employment do become successful, provide a better environment for their kids and a better education. If we do nothing, they will subsist on public support and bring more children into the world to do the same thing.
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. There are many thousands of examples of women and minorities given a chance at a better education and better employment do become successful, provide a better environment for their kids and a better education. If we do nothing, they will subsist on public support and bring more children into the world to do the same thing.

dear, there are millions of examples of women and minorities being crippled by idiotic addictive liberal programs. China just demonstrated how to end poverty. They switched to Republican capitalism and instantly ended 40% of the world's poverty. A liberal is essentially a lowlife Nazi who would rather see people starve than admit to the failure of his prescriptions.

As a liberal do you have the IQ to understand that?
This whole stupid income inequality lie is based on a false premise. That premise is that wealth is finite. Left wing nutters actually believe that if someone is wealthy, it prevents you from being wealthy. They are stupid enough to think that there is only so much wealth so if someone has a lot then they can't ever get it. It's an excuse for their failures. Blame someone else, that's what left wing nutters and parasites do.

How does that relate to income inequality? Well it allows them to blame the rich for the problem. That way they don't have to look in the mirror to see who's responsible for their lack of wealth. The reason the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer is....

...now pay attention here because this is important....

...because the rich keep doing what made them rich and the poor keep doing what made them poor.

Add to that obama's failure in economic policy and the decades long effort by the left to make poverty a permanent fixture, and there you have it; income inequality.

No charge for the education.
You're welcome.
Add to that Obama's failure in economic policy and the decades long effort by the left to make poverty a permanent fixture, and there you have it; income inequality.

Exactly, Obama's failure: lIberal taxes, unions, and deficits offshored about 30 million jobs and then 20 million illegals took the remaining jobs!!

Gee I wonder why income inequality is rising???
The Progs are right about consumers and the economy, we need to take from the government and let the money stay with the consumers just like Reagan did
SOLUTION: Elect pro-America minded representatives to serve in government,.

you mean Republicans -right?? since liberals were the ones who spied for Stalin and shipped 30 million jobs offoshore with liberal taxes, unions, and deficits. Then, invited 20 million illegals in to take the remaining jobs and bid down wages. And then, destroyed the family and schools rendering many Americans not fit to work.

isn't thinking fun??

- Thinking fun? You ought to try it sometime.

Show me the evidence of 30 million jobs being shipped elsewhere, and why they were shipped.

Evidence. Not preening and self-stroking.

Lets try the loss of the textile, steel, tool, toy, electronics, furniture, appliances, automotive parts, farm equipment, and housewares industries to start with. Then lets try the off-shore out-sourcing of millions of jobs. Then lets walk down Main Street America and take a look at the closed plants and factories, the old steel mill ghost towns, the old ghost buildings that once ran 24/7 producing textiles, and then lets walk through retail stores and count the "Made In U.S.A." labels on products.

And then, after all of that, lets look at our trade deficit, the lost skills that were once handed down from generation to generation, and the unemployed that are surviving off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks. Lets think about our present jobs market that's mainly comprised of low-wage, part-time, and temporary jobs. Lets look at the college grads flipping burgers and living with parents.

Where did our jobs go? Our jobs went to cheap foreign labor markets. Our textiles are now made with child labor working in sweat shops 18 hours a day. If you really want to find out where our jobs went, go spend a day at any of our ports and count the number of containers from foreign countries. Take a look inside those containers and see how many products you find that were once made in America with American labor.

Where did our jobs go? FYI - It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see where American jobs went. Hey, guess what, they're still going to cheap foreign labor markets as we speak. Check the corporations that off-shore out-source call center jobs, customer service jobs, and medical billing jobs among others to cheap foreign labor markets every single day of the week.

. Hey, guess what, they're still going to cheap foreign labor markets as we speak.

imagine the pure deadly Democratic ignorance in competing against cheaper foreign labor buy saddling our saintly businesses with liberal taxes unions and deficits? Its insane.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Dear Sonny Clark person,

Let's assume for a moment that everything you say is (more or less) correct, and certainly there is a lot of truth to it.

Please provide the Democrats' program to "bring back the American middle-class."

There may be such a plan, but all I hear is people whining about the Good Times of the Past and saying something has to be done about it. With the corollary of course that Republicans don't give a shit and Democrats do. Especially HRC.

Where's the beef? What is your prescription?
Dear Sonny Clark person,

Let's assume for a moment that everything you say is (more or less) correct, and certainly there is a lot of truth to it.

Please provide the Democrats' program to "bring back the American middle-class."

There may be such a plan, but all I hear is people whining about the Good Times of the Past and saying something has to be done about it. With the corollary of course that Republicans don't give a shit and Democrats do. Especially HRC.

Where's the beef? What is your prescription?
To get those job back, you would have to pay semi-skilled workers at or near minimum wage. That's not going happen and those jobs just aren't coming back.

If we make the American worker more productive by providing better education and investing in our infrastructure, transportation, communications, and technology we will create new and better jobs The key is productivity.

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