Ritenhouse Closing Arguments

Rebuttal? Wait a minute, I thought the defense always has the last word in closing arguments, WTF?
In some states, the prosecutor goes first in opening and last in summation. In some jurisdictions, by contrast, summations go prosecution first, then defense then a prosecution rebuttal.

the thinking is always that the one with the burden gets the last word.
most likely they knew it was a losing bet from the get go and wanted to get a mistrial and blame it on the judge and not themselves,,
but in so doing, they put themselves up for disbarment because of their actions.

the judge has already said he's gotten a ton of threats in this case and many were dumb enough to identify themselves.

anyone threatening a judge and/or jury needs minimum jail time and not a few days. it needs to hurt. these attempts to get around our legal system needs to be dealt with HARSHLY, or it will get worse.
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a friend told me the judge is going to put the prosecution under oath and compel testimony from them in their own trial.

wouldn't THAT be a blow to the gonads.
In some states, the prosecutor goes first in opening and last in summation. In some jurisdictions, by contrast, summations go prosecution first, then defense then a prosecution rebuttal.

the thinking is always that the one with the burden gets the last word.
But that's not what yer theory holds.You are saying a Prosecution gets the
first and last word.In most or many cases.Like with Rittenhouse.
a friend told me the judge is going to put the prosecution under oath and compel testimony from them in their own trial.

wouldn't THAT be a blow to the gonads.
To " compel " is normally only used in Exorcisms. Which do happen but
rarely made public.
Until and unless Tom Hanks sticks his 2 cents in.
Hanks the Preferred Liberal. Liberals should not be within a country mile
of a proper Exorcism.Did I say that right.
But that's not what yer theory holds.You are saying a Prosecution gets the
first and last word.In most or many cases.Like with Rittenhouse.
If you give the first opening, you’ve gotten the first word. If you sum up last, you’ve gotten the last word.

in summation alone, places like Wisconsin go one step further. On summation, the one with the burden gets the first crack at it. And after the prosecution summation, the defense goes. And then the prosecutor still gets the last word.

either way, the one with the burden goes first and then last. As I correctly said.
And they might be easily intimidated too. Justice is this country is taking a turn for the worse IMHO, or so it seems. Vote guilty or it's your ass. Or maybe your family's.
Yeah, and if they find that out, then they should hunt down everyone of these verbal assaulting bribing terrorist, and lock their aces up without bail until their trial. Law and order must resume in these areas, and in all areas. Allowing the justice system to be intimidated, and bullied is extremely unacceptable.
Watching the closing arguments with video of the riot. One thing I hadn't anticipated is seeing how these BLMers are all organized and how they incite others to violence. Interesting. This was obviously planned out. I hope Kyle is exonerated and the Wisconsin governor gets recalled for lack of law enforcement.
He called out the National Guard because we all know they're planning an anti-government INSURRECTION
If you give the first opening, you’ve gotten the first word. If you sum up last, you’ve gotten the last word.

in summation alone, places like Wisconsin go one step further. On summation, the one with the burden gets the first crack at it. And after the prosecution summation, the defense goes. And then the prosecutor still gets the last word.

either way, the one with the burden goes first and then last. As I correctly said.
Does not seem at all correct.But almost crooked.I mean,if the theory of
2 bites from the apple holds any water.
I think inn order to be fair and above board there should be a way to
toss a coin to decide which sides goes first and which side goes last.
By that I mean,which side has the option if winning the coin toss.
I'm a stickler for Fairness.
BTW the Prosecution couldn't have been more wrong { grammar anyone }
when making the case that a person who is armed cannot pick a fight with
an unarmed person and think they are in the right.
That Defies the rationale behind the notion of Self-defense.
However that is precisely what Happened in Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman.
Zimmerman was armed and got into a fight {struggle } with Martin over
his pistol which he carried on his holster.
Zimmerman had every right to Shoot Trayvon Martin.Because Martin was
actually NOT just walking home with his skittles and Iced tea.He was hanging around
the gated Community and eyeballing Zimmerman who was on duty as a
Community Watch captain when Martin circled Zimmermans vehicle and then
ran off.Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to see where Martin ran off to.
Before long Martin appeared { He was hiding in the shrubs waiting for Zimmerman }
and snuck up behind Zimmerman and said a few words and then cold-cocked him
to the ground.They wrestled on the ground as Martin was trying to gain possession
of Zimmermans Pistol.Martin had No Right whatsoever in claiming self-defense in the
event he never died.Because he Initiated the fight.So an Unarmed person can be
guilty of Murder even though he was not the one armed.
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The prosecutors in Kenosha are gratified that even if they are now seen as lowlife cheaters, inept and dishonest, likely to lose every single count and then face the prospect of sanctions for their misbehaviors, at least they got the jury to stay out over night 2 night!

It would be a “moral victory” for those prosecutors — if they had any morality.
a friend told me the judge is going to put the prosecution under oath and compel testimony from them in their own trial.

wouldn't THAT be a blow to the gonads.
The judge is going to have a hearing on this regardless of the outcome of the trial. This is severe prosecutorial misconduct...and likely from pressure from the Governor and Mayor.
The prosecutors in Kenosha are gratified that even if they are now seen as lowlife cheaters, inept and dishonest, likely to lose every single count and then face the prospect of sanctions for their misbehaviors, at least they got the jury to stay out over night 2 night!

It would be a “moral victory” for those prosecutors — if they had any morality.
A " moral victory " for those who do not value morality.?
Which is actually where We as a Country Stand right this minute.
We now Live in a Country where the Left is taking root and attempting to
take over every aspect of our life,especially our Bill Of Rights.However there's
a huge Problem ... Mission Controlo.
Our Country was Founded on Truth and the American Way.
Plus ... - In God We Trust -. Not in We Trust in the Democrat Party.
Ta hell with everything else.
The Underlining theme being Obvious and Rank and never Mentioned.
The Left in America Does Not Value Truth.
America cannot last long with that as guiding method.
I know people who have LE family in Kenosha....The unreported news is that there were over $400,000 worth of gift cards confiscated from arrested rioters.

They were a paid out-of-state rent-a-mob.

Yes. The number of RICO violations by the DNC's street thugs is longer than a Mafia family's.
Can anyone tell me the logic in the defense asking for a mistrial without prejudice? to me, it looks like the prosecution are on the ropes and should lose - why allow them to re-run after re-grouping and not making the same idiotic, basic mistakes they've made from the start in this case?

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