Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

He'll "suggest" anything he thinks he can get away with. Heck, he even believes Kyle went hunting for black people to shoot that night and would keep claiming he shot black people if it hadn't become abundantly clear he did not.
So he wasnt unemployed at the time?
He bought the gun with an unemployment check. So either he was/is unemployed or he filed a false unemployment claim. Fact-checking claims about Wis. shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

So it appears your hero is a welfare queen.
Hmmm, where did I say he was a hero? Are you smoking something? I keep telling these people that those foil helmets they buy off the back page of their comic books don't actually grant mind-reading powers, but here we are again...

Oh, and you might want to be careful to not equate unemployment with welfare. Many a guy has lost his job and kept his family going with unemployment that he EARNED until he got another job. Welfare isn't earned, big difference. Why do you castigate people on unemployment that they EARNED and claim they're on welfare?
Hmmm, where did I say he was a hero? Are you smoking something? I keep telling these people that those foil helmets they buy off the back page of their comic books don't actually grant mind-reading powers, but here we are again...

Oh, and you might want to be careful to not equate unemployment with welfare. Many a guy has lost his job and kept his family going with unemployment that he EARNED until he got another job. Welfare isn't earned, big difference. Why do you castigate people on unemployment that they EARNED and claim they're on welfare?
I was simply repeating the mantra of the right regarding unemployment, whether right or wrong.
Rittenhouse was breaking curfew and carrying a rifle.

Gaige Grosskreutz was also breaking curfew and carrying an illegal firearm which he admitted, under oath, that he literally POINTED at Kyle BEFORE Kyle shot him. Kid diddler Rosenbaum was ALSO breaking curfew. As was Anthony Huber.
Gaige Grosskreutz was also breaking curfew and carrying an illegal firearm which he admitted, under oath, that he literally POINTED at Kyle BEFORE Kyle shot him. Kid diddler Rosenbaum was ALSO breaking curfew. As was Anthony Huber.
How many times a day do you think about "kid diddler"?
The kid was defending himself because he picked the fight.

You're an idiot. Or, more likely, you're deliberately distorting the truth. Or, MOST likely, you're deliberately distorting the truth AND an idiot. It's not necessarily your fault though, if you'll try staying away from CNN and MSNBC, then there's still time to redeem yourself.

The first man Kyle Rittenhouse fatally shot on August 25, 2020, had acted "hyper-aggressive" and threatened to kill Rittenhouse earlier that evening, a witness testified on Thursday.

Ryan Balch, one of the armed men patrolling the streets of downtown Kenosha along with Rittenhouse, told the court that 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum had appeared "aggravated" that evening and had been seen shouting "fuck you" to various protesters in the crowd.

"Every time I encountered Joseph Rosenbaum, he was hyper-aggressive and acting out in a violent manner," Balch testified. "He was always having to be restrained by someone."

Another witness, Richie McGinniss, testified Thursday that Rosenbaum had chased Rittenhouse into the parking lot of a car dealership and lunged for Rittenhouse's AR-15 rifle before the teenager opened fire.

Balch testified that the other member of his group had at one point prevented Rosenbaum from lighting something on fire. Rosenbaum then began shouting at Balch and Rittenhouse when Balch tried to calm him down, according to Balch.
(Ah, THIS must be the fight he 'picked' with the Kid Diddler, whom you are now sad is dead.)

"When I turned around, Rosenbaum was right there in front of my face, yelling and screaming," Balch said. "I said, 'Back up, chill, I don't know what your problem is.' He goes, 'I catch any of you guys alone tonight, I'm going to fucking kill you.'"
He certainly did pick a fight. He willingly entered that riot which was none of his business. There was no need for him to be there.

Completely absurd. Being where YOU think he shouldn't be means he 'picked a fight' with the Kid Diddler, whom you are now angry and sad is now dead. Your take is laughable.
The mother and sister of Kyle Rittenhouse are asking for money so they don't get evicted from their apartment. Supposedly Kyle won't help out.

"According to Faith Rittenhouse, her brother, who has been touring the country giving speeches with the support of Turning Point USA, has refused to help out his sibling and mother"

"With my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we've been left to navigate this journey on our own," while pointing out that medical issues have waylaid her from being able to keep a job"

One hell of a kid you raised, Ms. Rittenhouse.

He had no business being there.

Who then DID have 'business' being there? People like the Kid Diddler Rosenbaum, whom you are now angry and sad that he's dead? Did his rightful 'business' include the 'right' to burn things and cause destruction to the city? Mostly peacefully of course...
He was photographed all over the place helping injured people and trying to keep the peace. Funny how you ignore the rioters and absolve them of any responsibility.

If I live on a street, and a group of rioters try to set a fire to my neighbors property, should I not defend that property?

AND helping to clean up the damage done by the MOSTLY PEACEFUL protesters the day before...

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