Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

16 years from now, Rittenhouse will be on a skid row somewhere, or in a trailer park, with a "where are they now" segment.

Rosenbaum went to jail for what he did. He then got time tacked on to his sentence because his mental illness didn't get better in prison. So he paid for what he did.

Rittenhouse needs to pay for what he did, as well.
He did. He went through a trial where he was found "not guilty". You remember what that means, don't you? It means he's not guilty of murder after going through all the evidence of the incident and due deliberations by a jury of his peers. That means that any attempt to make him "pay" any more is just a personal vendetta on your part and nothing about justice. Since he's not a murderer, what do you want him to pay for, cleaning up graffiti, putting out a fire? The cad.

Face it, you don't care about justice, you just want revenge on a kid who got in the way of some rioters.
I'd say what a piece of shit Kyle is, but that was already established when he gunned down three people in the middle of the street.
Three different people threatened his life and he fired in self defense regardless of what you think of him. Had he “gunned down” even one of the three people - as you infer- he’d be in jail.
He did. He went through a trial where he was found "not guilty". You remember what that means, don't you? It means he's not guilty of murder after going through all the evidence of the incident and due deliberations by a jury of his peers. That means that any attempt to make him "pay" any more is just a personal vendetta on your part and nothing about justice. Since he's not a murderer, what do you want him to pay for, cleaning up graffiti, putting out a fire? The cad.

Face it, you don't care about justice, you just want revenge on a kid who got in the way of some rioters.
He cares more about revenge and keeps ignoring the fact that Rittenhouse’s life was threatened and that the prosecution brought out its best dogs and still could not get a guilty verdict.
Wrong. those that didn't buy their mother a house, like Gweneth Paltrow, or Liza Minelli, was because their mother didn't need a house.
I don't know any stars that didn't help out the people that raised them, if those people were in financial trouble.

But not Kyle.
To begin with, that these celebrities' parents needed a new home is entirely subjective. I'm betting they didn't need a new home before their child made it big. Secondly, it has no bearing on the events in Kenosha. In the end, Rittenhouse was attacked and defended himself. That will never change.

It's great that they did, I'm not trying to minimize what they did for their parents for the sake of advocating for Rittenhouse. But the truth is, you can't judge this case against other cases because we know almost nothing about this situation except a few remarks his sister posted on social media.
That's exactly the problem. You libs built up huge expectations about the Rittenhouse boy having his butthole taken by Gays in the penitentiary.

And now you are in a pissy mood because your fantasies about male on male assrapery aren't being fulfilled.
The fucker killed two unarmed people. He needs his ass kicked!
Please point out where a cop was ever hung by their balls for trying to stop an active shooter.


I don't think I am. Smirky was your pinup boy for a while.
I defended Sandmann many times but I never gave a shit about the lawsuits as I didn't think he would win and even if he did, I knew that you and other Sandmann haters would just continue to condemn him for something you made up anyway.
Um, no. He lived in Antioch. He had no business being there with a gun during a riot where the police had declared a curfew.

Well, yeah, when Judge Senile excludes all evidence about what a racist little psycho he was...

Let's accept for a moment your argument that Kyle was indeed a racist, how is that in ANY way relevant to an event where he shot 3 WHITE men?
He went there looking for black people to shoot. Unfortunately, Kenosha is about 70% white folks who were just as upset about police misconduct as everyone else.

So shooting a white ally was about as good as he was going to get. Or a random homeless person.

This is just delusional. If he was so EAGER to shoot someone, why didn't he just climb up the water tower and start randomly sniping people? Why did he WAIT until AFTER he was attacked to start pulling the trigger??
You have no evidence of that whatsoever. That's just your fantasy seeking validation that isn't there.

If he was hunting black people to shoot, it would have been fairly simple to hide in a dark location, pick out his target and fire away. He did not do that, so you're left repeating your fantasy ad nauseum as if it's relevant.

Geez, my apologies, that's twice now I've essentially asked the same question AFTER you.
We have him on tape saying he wanted to.

Oh, I'm sure he wanted to fulfill his power fantasy as well, and that wouldn't have done at all.

But let's not forget, this is a guy living high on the NRA hog while his mom is getting evicted.

Character speaks out.

We also have an eyewitness account spoken under oath that Rosenbaum stated that he wanted to get shot. And his actions that night provide further credibility to that statement. Yet you continue to completely ignore this reality and instead substitute this fantasy that Kyle was eager to murder black people. This astounding leap in logic is why people can't take you seriously.
Irrelevant. You want white police officers to be hung by their balls for (allegedly) doing the same thing these people did. But these guys get a pass because the victim was white and conservative to boot.

Once it became clear that Rittenhouse fired in self defense, that's doubtful. It would have been chalked up to a tragic misunderstanding of events.

But it's funny you bring up Grosskreutz shooting Rittenhouse considering that Rittenhouse has been roundly condemned for bringing a firearm when Grosskreutz brought his own firearm.

With an expired conceal carry permit. Kyle's possession of a firearm was MORE legal than Gaige's.
We also have an eyewitness account spoken under oath that Rosenbaum stated that he wanted to get shot. And his actions that night provide further credibility to that statement. Yet you continue to completely ignore this reality and instead substitute this fantasy that Kyle was eager to murder black people. This astounding leap in logic is why people can't take you seriously.
And even IF it was his fantasy to do so, he did NOT do it, and we don't incarcerate people for harboring fantasies, at least not yet.
Rittenhouse didn't know he'd molested children when he shot him.

Correct. But he DID know that Rosenbaum had already threatened him earlier that evening, was chasing him, throwing things at him, and per testimony, had attempted to reach for Kyle's gun. This is the proper context.
Three different people threatened his life and he fired in self defense regardless of what you think of him. Had he “gunned down” even one of the three people - as you infer- he’d be in jail.
I bet you think OJ was innocent, too.

We also have an eyewitness account spoken under oath that Rosenbaum stated that he wanted to get shot. And his actions that night provide further credibility to that statement. Yet you continue to completely ignore this reality and instead substitute this fantasy that Kyle was eager to murder black people. This astounding leap in logic is why people can't take you seriously.
Do you have a link that he wanted to get shot?

Didn't think so.

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