Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

I agree. That's why his life needs to be ruined along with the life of his family... so the next mediocre guy stays home with his mediocrity.

There's a videotape where he brags about wanting to shoot a black man who was running out of a CVS. Yes, he wanted to kill someone. Too bad the jury never got to hear it.

Rosembaum was homeless and living on the street. Huber and Grosskreutz were out protesting shooting a black man in the back.

If those three stayed home, Weepy McFlopsweat would have probably shot someone else, and you'd have gotten the same result.

If someone else had attacked him for thwarting their vandalism attempt, yeah, he probably would have shot someone else.
Actually, he was from a neighboring community.

Like I said, from out of town.
Weepy McFlopsweat was from another state.
Hey, how is his lawsuit against the media going for calling him a murderer?

I have no idea.
So brutality from police against blacks is to be condemned but brutality from vigilantes against conservative whites is okay?

Fuck off, hypocrite.
Um, for all these people who were trying to stop Rittenhouse knew, he was an active shooter firing into the crowd.

If Grossekuertz had shot him dead, the usual gun-fondlers would be praising him as a "Good guy with a gun!"
If I know you at all (and I do), you will still be vilifying Rittenhouse sixteen years from now. In other words, his actions in 2020 will still be relevant to you in 2030.

You're a hypocrite.

16 years from now, Rittenhouse will be on a skid row somewhere, or in a trailer park, with a "where are they now" segment.

Rosenbaum went to jail for what he did. He then got time tacked on to his sentence because his mental illness didn't get better in prison. So he paid for what he did.

Rittenhouse needs to pay for what he did, as well.
Um, for all these people who were trying to stop Rittenhouse knew, he was an active shooter firing into the crowd.

Irrelevant. You want white police officers to be hung by their balls for (allegedly) doing the same thing these people did. But these guys get a pass because the victim was white and conservative to boot.
If Grossekuertz had shot him dead, the usual gun-fondlers would be praising him as a "Good guy with a gun!"
Once it became clear that Rittenhouse fired in self defense, that's doubtful. It would have been chalked up to a tragic misunderstanding of events.

But it's funny you bring up Grosskreutz shooting Rittenhouse considering that Rittenhouse has been roundly condemned for bringing a firearm when Grosskreutz brought his own firearm.
Why Rittenhouse? Nobody seemed to care that former, former president Hussein Obama's half brother was living in a shack in Africa on $20 a month.
We aren't talking some half-relative, on the other side of the world. We're talking someone who received a large settlement (in the millions) making more money on a speaking tour, abandoning his own mother.

From movie stars, to sports stars. When they came into their fortunes, the first thing they did was provide financial security to the people that raised them.

But not Kyle.
Oh, come on now, you were practically masturbatory when talking about how Smirky McBitchslap got some "go away" money from the WP and NBC.

I don't think I ever made one comment regarding those lawsuits. You're confusing me with someone else.
Funny, you aren't talking as big about how NBC could call him a murderer and it not be liable.
I'm not talking about it because, as I already said, I have no idea. I have no ide because I haven't followed it and I haven't followed it because I'm not interested.

13 celebrities who bought homes for their parents after making it big in Hollywood

Plenty of celebrities have made big purchases after getting their big break in Hollywood.

"I bought my mom a house when I was 23 years old," the actor said during a 2019 interview for BuzzFeed.

"I wasn't rich," he continued. "I had just enough to buy the house. I was rich for a second, and then I was poor, but my mom had a house."

But not Kyle.
Um, no. He lived in Antioch. He had no business being there with a gun during a riot where the police had declared a curfew.

Well, yeah, when Judge Senile excludes all evidence about what a racist little psycho he was...
The judge was correct.

It was strictly self defense. Hate to break it to you but even racists have the right to defend himself.

He was a part of the community.

The scum who were rioting were not protesting for some just cause.
16 years from now, Rittenhouse will be on a skid row somewhere, or in a trailer park, with a "where are they now" segment.

Your wishful-thinking speculations are irrelevant.

Christ, it's like debating a twelve year old.
Rosenbaum went to jail for what he did. He then got time tacked on to his sentence because his mental illness didn't get better in prison. So he paid for what he did.

And Rittenhouse was acquitted, so?
Rittenhouse needs to pay for what he did, as well.
If you mean he needs to be charged for his actions and put on trial, that already happened.

13 celebrities who bought homes for their parents after making it big in Hollywood

Plenty of celebrities have made big purchases after getting their big break in Hollywood.

"I bought my mom a house when I was 23 years old," the actor said during a 2019 interview for BuzzFeed.

"I wasn't rich," he continued. "I had just enough to buy the house. I was rich for a second, and then I was poor, but my mom had a house."

But not Kyle.

I could probably dig up another thirteen or more examples of celebrities who didn't buy their parents homes after making it big.

This is a moot point.
I could probably dig up another thirteen or more examples of celebrities who didn't buy their parents homes after making it big.

This is a moot point.
Wrong. those that didn't buy their mother a house, like Gweneth Paltrow, or Liza Minelli, was because their mother didn't need a house.
I don't know any stars that didn't help out the people that raised them, if those people were in financial trouble.

But not Kyle.
Irrelevant. You want white police officers to be hung by their balls for (allegedly) doing the same thing these people did. But these guys get a pass because the victim was white and conservative to boot.
Please point out where a cop was ever hung by their balls for trying to stop an active shooter.


I don't think I ever made one comment regarding those lawsuits. You're confusing me with someone else.
I don't think I am. Smirky was your pinup boy for a while.
I'm sure that's what his lawyers told him to say.

So the Proud Boys and the wanting to shoot the black guy at CVS, that's because he was so liberal?

Can you prove that's his voice on that video or are you just saying that because somebody claims it was him and you want to believe it?
Rittenhouse didn't know he'd molested children when he shot him.
He didn't shoot any children.

13 celebrities who bought homes for their parents after making it big in Hollywood

Plenty of celebrities have made big purchases after getting their big break in Hollywood.

"I bought my mom a house when I was 23 years old," the actor said during a 2019 interview for BuzzFeed.

"I wasn't rich," he continued. "I had just enough to buy the house. I was rich for a second, and then I was poor, but my mom had a house."

But not Kyle.
Why have you decided to put yourself in charge of spending other people's money?
He didn't shoot any children.

Why have you decided to put yourself in charge of spending other people's money?
People put the cheap bastard on a pedestal.

I'm just showing he only thinks about himself. Not even his own mother. Who is now heading toward welfare, and now YOUR MONEY will go to support her.

Is that what you want?
People put the cheap bastard on a pedestal.

I'm just showing he only thinks about himself. Not even his own mother.
Cheap moralizing. You're showing you know nothing. Show us the factual data demonstrating Rittehouuse has the financial means to support his family. Show us the deed to the house you bought for your mother.

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